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 "(,ДОШак┤╛╠╓тю°.<J,-Naipx}  Taipx}  Z  LOOKTALKTHINKMAKOTOREIKOKIYOMIMIOMEIMINav▐NiNp┐NxчdN}ў<TawgTiа     C
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ъзZ  ┘ж;.........The next day, lunchtime.Reiko:  %001!
Mio:  Oh, %001!Reiko/Mio:  Please eat lunch with me!%001:  ........................Zzzzzzzz.....Reiko:  ........................
Mio:  ........................Makoto:  %001, wake up! Reiko and Mio are here!%001:  ....................
< What?      
#CT01A0Reiko:  Have you been sleeping during your morning class?

CT08W   <
CT08A0Meimi:  Yes, he was.%001:  ........................Huh?Meimi:  He's not awake yet. Hey, %001, wake up!*SMACK*%001:  Ouch! That hurts! 
CT03A0%001:  .................Ah, Reiko and Mio. Good morning.Reiko:  ............................
Mio:  ............................      
CT08A0Meimi:  ............................He's worried about me, although he won't show it.........I think. It's kind of hard to tell with him.He's in pain from Meimi's kick.e6щShe looks worried, although not as much as before.Well, my practice ends today, so she doesn't have to
worry anymore.She's looking at Makoto.I wonder what she's thinking.f6щShe's not here.I wonder where she is.She's looking at me with a worried expression on her face.Well, practice ends today, so she doesn't have to worry
anymore.She's looking at Makoto with a worried expression on her
face.It's his own fault... He should think before he opens his
mouth like that.h6щShe looks a little upset......Well, that's kind of understandable.She got angry and left.What was Makoto thinking?i6щ     
CT14A0Makoto:  Well, I'm glad the practice is finally over. I
don't know if you're a hero or a fool, though, for
letting yourself get roped into this.%001:  ...Makoto, are you trying to praise me or what?%001:  Makoto, are you alive?%001:  Guess not.j6щ 
#CT01A0Reiko:  ...Will you be alright?%001:  Ah, I'll be fine.Reiko:  ........I wonder.        
#CT01A0%001:  Well, in any event, the practice ends today. I'm
really glad it's over.Reiko:  That's true. You really worked hard, %001.%001:  No, not really...Reiko:  Don't be so honest. You were terrific.%001:  ...................Um, yeah, I guess.     
#CT01A0Reiko:  So you're going to take it easy today, right?
Since it is the last day of practice and all.%001:  Not really. I'm going to do the same practice as
before, pretty much.Reiko:  Why? Today's the last day. You should take it easy.%001:  .....I'll be okay.Reiko:  That's a shame. I wanted to buy you ice cream.%001:  ............Well, next time, then.       
#CT01A0Reiko:  Well, the sports festival is next week. Let's
do our best.%001:  Yep, I plan to.k6щ%001:  Where's Kiyomi?Makoto:  She left with Seia a while ago. I wonder where
they went.%001:  .............Hmmm.Kiyomi's not here.That's unusual. She usually eats lunch here.l6щ     
CT03A0Mio:  ......%001...%001:  I'll be fine, Mio. Today is the last day of practice,
so please stop worrying about me.Mio:  You're right.       
CT03A0Mio:  Are you going to go home late again today?%001:  Yeah, I've got a lot of practice to get through.Mio:  ........................             
CT03A0%001:  Next week is the real thing. Let's do our best
and have fun.Mio:  Okay!m6щ     
CT08A0Meimi:  %001, please say thank you to Kiyomi later.%001:  Why?Meimi:  She took notes for you in the classes you missed
because you were sleeping. Look in your notebook.

CT14W   <
CT14A0Makoto:  Weren't you one of the ones trying to wake him
up, Meimi?        
CT08D   ;
CT08DA0Meimi:  Me? No, I didn't do that. I just didn't want him
to sleep through lunch.Makoto:  Okay, okay.
CT08A0%001:  I caused you trouble by falling asleep like that. I'm
sorry, Meimi.Meimi:  ......No, it's nothing.

CT14W   <
CT14A0Makoto:  Your face is turning red, Meimi.Meimi:  !! No, it's not, I...Makoto:  You know what I think? I think Meimi is in love
CT08D   ;
CT08DA0Meimi:  Shut up, you!*SMACK*       
CT08DA0Makoto:  I'm sorry!!Meimi:  I'm not talking to you anymore. I'll go look for Seia
9Meimi left the classroom.%001:  ..........What the hell was that all about?Reiko:  .....................
She's not here. She just left, remember?n6щToday is the last day of practice.I'm kind of surprised I was able to make it this far. Everyone was so nice to worry about me. They're really great.Of course, I'm not done with what I have to do.Makoto can be such a geek sometims.I feel sorry for him.o6щ  omk
 ........School's over.CS804_1.OVL