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<%001:  Well, today is the last day of practice. Guess I'd
better get moving.      
CT02IA0Kiyomi:  %001, are you going home late again today?%001:  Yeah. You guys can go on home without me.Kiyomi:  Yes, but...%001:  Don't worry, I'll be okay. Well, see you next week.Kiyomi:  But I...
CT05A0Ruri:  ........%001.%001:  Wah!!........Ruri, hello.Ruri:  .......................................She seems to want to talk to me about something.Ruri:  ...............She looks as depressed as ever.I wish she'd either get angry or happy. It's hard to
know what she's feeling.%001:  .....................What's wrong?Ruri:  ...........There's something I want to ask you.%001:  Ask me?%001:  What do you want to ask me?Ruri:  ....Why do you try so hard?%001:  What?Ruri:  Participating in all those sporting events. Are
you that concerned with making everyone else like you?%001:  .........................%001:  ....I guess that's basically right. I mean, no one
wants to be hated,right?Ruri:  ....................I see.%001:  But more than that... I made a promise, and I don't
want to break that promise.Ruri:  Promise?%001:  Yes. I'm not sure how it happened, but suddenly
I was promising to be in all those events.Ruri:  ...................%001:  .................Although that might not be it,
either. I think I really wanted to know that everyone was
rooting for me.Ruri:  Rooting for you?%001:  Yeah. Before I came to this school, no one had ever
said to me, 'Do your best. Go out there and win for us.'Ruri:  ..................................%001:  But now, everyone wants me to get out and do the
best I can. They're really supportive of me, and that
makes me feel good.Ruri:  ..................................%001:  So I want to try hard for them.Ruri:  ..................................%001:  .......If that means that I want everyone to like
me, well I guess there's nothing I can do about that.Ruri:  ..................................   
CT05K   ;
CT05KA0I see.Ruri:  Well, I've got to get to practice myself.%001:  Okay. See you later.Ruri:  ...........................Bye.
<%001:  ..................................%001:  What was that all about?%001:  ..................................Student A:  Hey, Yamagami! Are you coming or what?%001:  .................Ah, I'll be right there!ЦЦЦЦЦ<CS805.OVL%001:  No, that's not it. I just don't want to break the
promise I made to everyone else.Ruri:  Promise?%001:  Yes. I'm not sure how it happened, but suddenly I
was promising everyone to be in all those events.%001:  That's why.Ruri:  ...........%001:  I've never broken a promise before. I don't want
to start now.Ruri:  ......................I see.Ruri:  ........Well, I've got practice myself.%001:  Okay, see you later.Ruri:  Goodbye.
<%001:  ...........Wait! She's gone.%001:  What was that all about?%001:  ..................................%001:  Hmm, guess I'll be going, too.<ЯCS805.OVLWhat does she want to tell me?