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AB_28........................The next day.It was finally time for the last event of the Sports Festival,
the three legged race.    
CT14A0Makoto:  How do you feel for the last event?%001:  Just great.Makoto:  Think you can win?%001:  Maybe. I feel okay, if that's what you're asking.Makoto:  It's not you I'm worried about. It's Aki.Makoto:  If you don't win this one, our class loses the
CT06DA0Aki:  What were you saying about me?Makoto:  Wah! Where did you come from?Aki:  Are you stupid or something? I was right over there.
What were you saying about me?!Makoto:  I was just worried about whether you could
keep up or not. If you fall, it's all over.Aki:  What?!?!*SMACK*   
CT06DA0Makoto:  Ungh....Aki:  Geek. Who do you think you're talking to, anyway?%001:  Excuse me...?Aki:  Sorry, we don't have time to continue this
discussion. It's almost time for the race. Let's go.%001:  ...Whatever.;Starter:  On your marks...Set...GO!!
=AE_032%001:  *pant pant*
Aki:  *pant pant*%001:  Aki! I'm going to increase my speed! Are you okay?Aki:  Okay!%001:  *pant pant*
Aki:  *pant pant*Man:  *pant pant*
Woman:  *pant pant*That other team is ahead of us!%001:  Aki, how long does it take you to run the 100 meter?Aki:  Wha- ......What are you- ...at a time like this...?%001:  Just answer my question! I can do the 100 meter in
11.2 seconds. How about you?Aki:  ............17 seconds.....................%001:  Okay! Run as fast as you can! I'll match your speed.
Just run normally!Aki:  Okay!Aki:  *pant pant pant*
%001:  *pant pant pant*Man:  *pant pant pant*
Woman:  *pant pant pant*Damn! It's not working!%001:  Aki!Aki:  *pant pant pant pant*No good. She's concentrating on running and can't talk to me.What should I do?There's nothing else I can do...Man:  *pant pant pant*
Woman:  *pant pant pant*%001:  We're almost there!Man:  *pant pant pant*
Woman:  *pant pant pant*%001:  Damn, they're ahead of us again! Come on, Aki!Aki:  .......*pant*........*pant*............%001:  .....Damn!Goal!Aki:  .....*pant*.................*pant*........%001:  We were seven meters behind the other team.e67We've got to put on more speed!Slowly, I moved my legs faster and faster.Man:  *pant pant pant*
Woman:  *pant pant pant*........Just a little more...Aki:  .......*pant*..........*pant*.................I can't...!%001:  Come on, Aki! Just a little more!Aki:  .............*pant*..................*pant*......Aki's at her limit!Man:  *pant pant pant*
Woman:  *pant pant pant*%001:  Damn! Just a little bit more!Aki:  ..................*pant*..............%001:  .........................No!It's no use. If I go any faster, Aki's going to collapse.Goal!Aki:  ..................*pant*........
...................*pant*.....%001:  .....We were just a few inches behind the other
team. Damn.Aki:  ................f67;
CT14DA0Makoto:  ....................%001:  Hey, Makoto. How did we look?Makoto:  ..................I could see that everyone was really angry with us. Or rather,
they were angry with Aki, who had collapsed in the grass.%001:  ............................I'm sorry, everyone.Aki:  ...........................!!

CT14T   <
CT14A0Makoto:  %001?%001:  It was stupid of me to try to be in so many events.
If I had had time to practice with Aki...I'm sorry. Please
forgive me, everyone.I bowed my head in apology.Makoto:  ........I guess you're right. If we had won, we
wouldn't have to prepare for the culture festival.%001:  Makoto...   
#CT01A0Reiko:  It's okay. Second place is really good.%001:  ........Reiko...  
CT02A0Kiyomi:  Reiko's right. Second place is nothing to be
ashamed of.%001:  Kiyomi..........       
        CT03A0Mio:  That's right! %001 and Aki ran as hard as they
could.%001:  Mio....   
CT07A0Seia:  Well, the Sports Festival is now officially over!
...........It was a long battle, but a good one.%001:  .....Seia...      
CT08A0Meimi:  That's right........ Let's have a big party later.%001:  Meimi... 
CT12A0Kyoko:  That's right. Everyone was great!%001:  Seisei? When did you show up?Kyoko:  I've been here a while.Kyoko:  Everyone can go home now. I'm sure you're all
tired. Go home and get some sleep.Makoto:  Aren't we going to have a party?Kyoko:  Of course we will. The only thing scheduled for
tomorrow is the award ceremony, so there's plenty of time
in the afternoon for a party.Kyoko:  Okay? Are there any questions? No? Then I'll see you
all tomorrow.All:  Goodbye, Sensei.%001:  Well, guess I'll go home and sleep.Aki:  ...............................%001:  Mm? Is anything wrong, Aki?She just shook her head silently.%001:  Okay.Makoto:  Hey, %001! Let's go home!%001:  Okay, I'll be right there. Well, see you tomorrow,
Aki.Aki:  Yeah.Aki:  ...............................Aki:  %001...CS812.OVL