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G╡Г╦ГLs┐оrcQLxNЄL~+О(хLЕ>ЬLК      [Ї1>LС
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CT14A0Makoto:  ...And before the first toast, we'd like to
have tonight's guest of honor, %001, say something to
everyone.%001:  Huh? Me?       
CT12A0Kyoko:  Get up there!I stood up to the applause of everyone.It was really embarrassing. Kind of nice, but also
embarrassing.%001:  Um, well, I looked up one day, and suddenly I had
won the M.V.P. award at the sports festival.%001:  I guess anyone who was in that many events would win
CT02A0Kiyomi:  That's not true. You got it because you were the
#CT08A0Meimi:  I got almost the same number of points in the 
individual events...Makoto:  But you're not good at the team sports, because
you've got a terrible personality. You don't know how to
cooperate with others.*SMACK*Makoto:  ...That stings!%001:  Cooperation, huh? In my case, everyone else on the
other teams was keeping up with my pace, not the other way
CT07A0Seia:  I don't think that's right. I think it's because you
practiced so much with the others. The Lord helps those
who help themselves.    
CT01A0Reiko:  You did win the tennis doubles match with Mio.
But you didn't have time to practice with her.%001:  Mio was so good, she could have won by herself.
Isn't that right, Mio?  
CT03A0Mio:  No, it's not. You were a teriffic partner.        
CT12A0Kyoko:  Well, because he scored over 1000 points, the
dean said that %001's name will go down in the history
of this school.Kyoko:  I think you really caught his eye. He nicknamed
you 'Over The Thousand %001.'%001:  ...........Is that a good thing?Kyoko:  Anyway, let's get back to what we were doing. Here's
to %001! KAMPAI!All:  KAMPAI!We all touched our glasses together. The party had begun.Everyone's pretty drunk.They all drank quite a bit at the first party..............Of course, we're all college students so we're
supposed to be on good behaivoir.Especially drinking with our professor.Oh well. This is Japan.    
CT14A0Makoto:  Congratulations, %001.%001:  Thanks, Makoto.  
CT14A0Makoto:  I wish our class could have won first place,
CT06DA0Aki:  ...................Makoto:  Wah! Aki! Are you looking for a fight again?Aki:  .............   
CT14A0Makoto:  ...........What are you looking at?%001:  ..........Aki.Makoto:  What's wrong with her?%001:  ...............    
CT01A0Reiko:  %001, congratulations.%001:  Thanks, Reiko.    
CT01A0Reiko:  I'd never seen you put so much energy into
anything before. It was great to watch.%001:  .............Oh, it wasn't anything, really.Reiko:  Really? I thought it was.%001:  .....You did?      
CT01A0Reiko:  Do you want to eat this?It's good.%001:  What? Where?*gulp*%001:  ................ Mmm, it's good!Reiko:  I told you. 
CT02A0Kiyomi:  %001, congratulations on winning the M.V.P. award.%001:  Thanks, Kiyomi.      
CT02A0Kiyomi:  I knew you'd win it. I'm so happy.%001:  Oh, come on. 
CT02A0Kiyomi:  Would you like some of this?%001:  What? Where?*gulp*%001:  .................Mmm, it's good!Kiyomi:  I'm glad you liked it. I made this for you. 
CT02A0%001:  You did?Kiyomi:  Yes. I can't go on relying on Shinji forever,
you know.%001:  I see.  
CT02A0%001:  This one is really good, too. Did you make this, too?Kiyomi:  Oh.....Shinji made that.%001:  ......Oh.(I should have known that.)    
CT02A0%001:  What about this?Kiyomi:  Shinji made that, too.%001:  ...........Oh.(I guess the only one Kiyomi made was the first one I
ate.)I'll stop asking her about the food. I feel sorry for
CT03A0Mio:  Congratulations, %001!%001:  Thanks, Mio. 
CT03A0Mio:  I knew you'd be great out there. I really had fun
playing tennis with you.%001:  Me, too. 
CT03A0Mio:  Try some of this, will you?%001:  What? Where?*gulp*%001:  .................Delicious!Mio:  Really?%001:  Yes.Mio:  That makes me happy.    
CT03A0%001:  This is new, isn't it? Is this the first time you've
made this?Mio:  Yes. I bought a cookbook and tried some new things.Mio:  I wasn't sure if you'd like it.%001:  .........I like it.    
CT03A0Mio:  You actually remembered what I made before?%001:  Sure. Whenever we have a party, you always bring
something.Mio:  .........................%001:  Thanks for making it all the time.     
CT03A0Mio:  No, I like to cook.Mio:  Especially for you. You always eat what I bring.%001:  Well, of course. It's really good.Mio:  .................Thank you.Mio:  Here, have some more!%001:  Okay, thanks.%001:  Huh? Where's Seia?Meimi:  She's in the other room. Sensei wanted her to do
some something for her. Shall I call her?%001:  .......No, that's fine.Seia's not here. There's no reason to call her, either.       
#CT08A0Meimi:  %001, congratulations!%001:  Thanks, Meimi.    
#CT08A0Meimi:  You really were incredible, enduring a hard schedule
like that.%001:  ........It wasn't that hard.   
#CT08A0Meimi:  %001...%001:  Mm?Seia:  Meimi? Will you help me for a minute?Meimi:  ....................Um, I'll be back!%001:  Okay.
<Meimi went to help Seia.................What was she about to say to me a moment ago?%001:  Where's Aki?Aki:  ...................%001:  Why is she in the corner like that?%001:  .........Hey, Aki.Aki:  ......................%001:  What's wrong with her? I've never seen her like
this.If I talk to her, she'll just run away. There's no need
to force it. 
CT12A0Kyoko:  Congratulations! %001, you're the guest of honor, so
you have to drink more!%001:  I'm drinking!      
CT12A0Kyoko:  You have to drink more!Before I can say anything, Sensei has filled my glass with
some kind of black alcohol.%001:  Um, there was beer in this glass...Kyoko:  It's okay. What I just poured was black beer.%001:  .............But you can't mix beers like that!       
CT12A0Kyoko:  You haven't drunk much of your beer, %001.%001:  Yes, whenever I drink some a certain person just
fills it up again.Kyoko:  Who would do a think like that?She fills my glass again.
<%001:  She's not forcing me to drink like she usually
does...Kiyomi:  Did you see what she just poured into your
glass?%001:  What?Kiyomi:  It was 'roshu'. It's supposed to make men
sexually virile.%001:  ......Are you serious?Kiyomi:  Yes.%001:  .....................         
CT12A0Kyoko:  Drink! Drink!%001:  ........I am!  
CT11A0Shinji:  ......Excuse me?%001:  .................Yes?Oh, it's Shinji.Shinji:  Um, %001? I'd like to, um, say..... Congratulations.%001:  Ah, thanks.
CT11A0%001:  I'm glad you're here tonight.Shinji:  ......Why?%001:  Kiyomi always brings food for us, but you're the
one making it. Thanks for making such great food for us all
the time.Shinji:  .......It's nothing, really.
CT11KA0Shinji:  I really like to cook, and... And, well... I'm
really glad you like it.%001:  We all do.Shinji:  You do?!%001:  Yes. None of us can cook like you can. So it means a
lot to us that you care so much.Shinji:  .......Really?
CT11A0Shinji:  I'm glad I came. Thanks, %001...%001:  I'm glad you came, too.Shinji:  Thanks!        
CT12A0Kyoko:  ............Is this Kiyomi's little brother?Shinji:  ..........Y- Yes.Kyoko:  Well, boy, I'm your sister's homeroom professor.Shinji:  ...........It- it's nice to meet you!Kyoko:  You're so cute! And you're such a good cook. You'll
make someone a fine wife someday!       
CT11DA0Shinji:  I'm a boy!
CT11A0%001:  Don't worry about her, Shinji. This old lady's just
angry because she can't get married.      
CT12A0Kyoko:  ............%001-kuun, did you just say something?%001:  ........Me? No, I didn't say anything.Kyoko:  .......I think you did.%001:  Uh-oh.Kyoko:  ...................Shinji, can I give you a present?Shinji:  .....Yes?Kyoko: Oh, Seia? Bring it in!Seia:  ....................Coming!The moment Seia brought it out and spread it on the
table, I froze.%001:  Is that, is that...? Your high school uniform?Kyoko:  Good guess! It's a little old, but I thought it'd
look wonderful on Shinji. 
CT11IA0Shinji:  .................................Seia:  I thought so, too. Isn't that right, Meimi?Meimi:  Yeah, hahaha...%001:  ....Seia, you're drunk again, aren't you?Seia:  Well, we've brought it out. We have to have him
try it on, now!Shinji:  .........................<He's gone!*pater pater pater*Seia:  Don't let him get away!%001:  Hey, stop that! What are you idiots doing? Meimi!
Stop Seia!Meimi:  Alright! Come on, Seia! You're going to scar him for
life!Reiko:  Sensei, you've got to stop that!Kiyomi:  What shall we do?Mio:  Shinji, come this way! We'll protect you!*pater pater pater*%001:  Well, things haven't changed much around here.CS814.OVL