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AB_02_2%001:  Well, everything is finally cleaned up.  
CT12A0Kyoko:  Thanks, everyone.%001:  But you're the one who made most of the mess, Sensei!
This is your house right? You should be more careful.Kyoko:  Oh, I thought I was an old lady? I shouldn't be
doing hard work like that.%001:  .....................After that...Kyoko-sensei and Meimi ganged up on the rest of us and made
us help clean up Kyoko's house.It was late, and everyone needed to get home.Anyway, after that, all the women left. Leaving me alone..........Well, what I mean is, leaving me and Kyoko-
sensei...alone.She's sitting on the sofa, watching me clean up..................I wish she'd help me.She looks very serious all of the sudden.%001:  Okay, well, I guess I'll be going on home now, too.Kyoko:  You're going home?%001:  Yes. Is that alright?Kyoko:  The trains have all stopped for the night, %001.%001:  ...........................Are you kidding?Kyoko:  Yes, the last one departed a few minutes ago.%001:  ...................Why didn't you tell me?Kyoko:  I didn't want you to leave without helping clean
up.%001:  .................................Kyoko:  You'd better stay here tonight. I just got off the
phone with your parents. I told them where you'd be tonight.%001:  ..................Kyoko:  We're going to drink all the way until morning,
%001!%001:  .......................We are? Kyoko:  ...................No, we're not.%001:  ......Huh?Kyoko:  .....Instead, there's something I want to ask you
tonight. It has nothing to do with drinking.%001:  ...............................%001:  Sensei, are you okay?!Kyoko:  Why do you ask?%001:  I mean, you said 'that has nothing to do with
drinking.' That's not like you.Kyoko:  I don't drink that much, you know!%001:  .............Really?Kyoko:  ..................................Kyoko:  Let's change the subject.%001:  ..........Yes ma'am.%001:  So, what did you want to talk with me about?Kyoko:  .................................%001:  .................................Kyoko:  .................................%001:  .................................Kyoko:  .................................%001:  ......................Um, Sensei?Kyoko:  I want to ask you...which of those women you're in
love with.%001:  .............Mm?Kyoko:  Don't play dumb with me.Kyoko:  Is it Reiko? Kiyomi? Mio?Kyoko:  They're all wonderful women.Kyoko:  And they all love you, %001.%001:  ..........!!Kyoko:  Don't pretend that you haven't noticed. You know
it, don't you? Deep down inside you.%001:  ...........................Yeah, I guess.%001:  I knew that they treat me differently from Makoto,
certainly.%001:  But love? I don't know...Kyoko:  Didn't you ever consider the possibility?%001:  ..................Sometimes.%001:  But why me?Kyoko:  I'm not sure. You'd have to ask them to know for
sure. Do you want to ask them?%001:  ..................................    Kyoko:  %001, you're a very good man, very kind and
honest. But you have to know how to use that kindness.%001:  How to use it?Kyoko:  ........Yes.
Kyoko:  Happiness is more than being able to do what you
want all the time.Kyoko:  So when you do what others want, you're not
really being nice to them. Do you understand what I'm saying?%001:  .........Not really.Kyoko:  For example, remember Reiko's birthday party?Kyoko:  She worked really hard to make it fun for everyone,
right? Even though it was her own party.%001:  .......Yes.Kyoko:  But she's human, just like anyone else. I'm sure she
wanted everyone else to care more.Kyoko:  But instead, she organized everything herself. All
for you. Why do you think that was?%001:  ............................Kyoko:  Because she loves you. Because she wanted to see
you happy at the party.Kyoko:  Your happiness was more important to her than her
own.%001:  ...........................................Kyoko:  That's what it is to be in love with someone.%001:  But Kyoko-sensei...I...Kyoko:  ...I think I know what you want to say to me. But it
can't go on like this indefinitely. It's not the way the
world works.Kyoko:  The balance can't be maintained forever.%001:  ..................You're right.
Kyoko:  You don't have to resolve it immediately. But it
should be done as quickly as possible. That's what it is to
be really kind to someone.%001:  .....................Kyoko-sensei.Kyoko:  The ones you don't choose will be hurt, of course.
But the depth of their pain is all up to you.Kyoko:  If you are truly kind, you'll look into your
heart and choose the one you really love, then firmly
deal with the others.%001:  ........You're right.%001:  But I...I don't know how to do it. Logically, I think
I know. But I'm not sure of myself.Kyoko:  ...........................................Kyoko:  I see. Then I'll teach you. I'll teach you about
pleasure...and about women.CS815.OVLI've never heard of a professor who gave beer to her
students, then forced them to clean their room.Oh, it's not like it's anything new.Kyoko-sensei is so serious all of the sudden.She wants me to tell her who I'm in love with?How could I do that when I don't even know myself.