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CT01A0Reiko:  %001?%001:  Hey.I walked into the classroom to find everyone eating lunch.I never thought about it much before, but she's really
beautiful.I can understand why Makoto fawns over her like he does...........And Reiko is in love with me?Reiko:  %001, what's wrong?%001:  Huh? Nothing...nevermind.Reiko:  ???I shouldn't stare at her.If you look close, she's really a pretty woman. Kind of a
sleeping beauty type...Back during recruitment week, Kiyomi had been talking
about love a lot.And she did spend a year looking for me...Kiyomi:  %001? Is there anything wrong?%001:  Oh, nothing.Kiyomi:  ???I shouldn't stare. It's rude.She's really cute, if you look at her in the right way.I thought I was like an older brother...But I was wrong.Mio:  %001, is anything wrong?%001:  No, nothing. Sorry...Mio:  ???I shouldn't stare. It's rude.Kiyomi:  Why are you here? You don't have to help out today.%001:  Oh, I didn't want to stay at home by myself... Is
there anything I can do?Kiyomi:  Well...Meimi:  Will you help rearrange the tables? I'll tell you
where everything should go.Seia:  Isn't that your job, Meimi?Meimi:  .........It's okay. I'll help too.%001:  Okay, let's get started!Meimi:  Thanks! I'll get the diagram that shows where
everything is supposed to go.%001:  Okay.%001:  So where's Makoto?Mio:  He said he had to practice his survival activities
and left.%001:  Oh.%001:  So what is your class going to do, Reiko?Reiko:  Some kind of play, put on in the gym.%001:  That's interesting. What role are you playing?Reiko:  I'm just one of the set builders. I won't be in
the play itself.%001:  That's a shame. I wanted to see you play a princess
or something.Reiko:  .......Huh?%001:  What is your class going to do, Mio?Mio:  We're turning the pool into a fish pond.%001:  Interesting. What are you doing, exactly?Mio:  I'm not sure. I'm not the one organizing it.%001:  Oh. I'll go see it tomorrow. Want to go together?Mio:  Really?%001:  Sure. It'll be fun.%001:  So, Kiyomi, how is our coffee shop coming along?Kiyomi:  What do you mean, how is it coming along?%001:  Will a lot of people come by to have coffee?Kiyomi:  ....Yes, I think so.Meimi:  Of course they will!  I'm the waitress!%001:  That's right. If Kiyomi organizes it and Meimi is
the waitress, we'll make a lot of money.Kiyomi:  ......%001?Meimi......%001?%001:  And then...*grrrrrrowl*%001:  Huh? Oh, I forgot to eat breakfast this morning.Reiko:  You're disorganized, as usual.Kiyomi:  %001, do you want some of my lunch?%001:  Thanks, Mio. That'd be nice of you.Mio:  ........Um, okay.%001:  Thanks.Kiyomi:  Um, %001, would you like half of mine, too?%001:  Thanks, Kiyomi. Would you put it over there?Kiyomi:  Here you go.Reiko:  Would you like this bread, %001?%001:  Thanks, if you don't mind.Reiko:  .....Um, okay.Meimi:  %001, let's move the tables now.%001:  Sorry, can you wait a minute? I'm eating now.Meimi:  .....You men!%001:  When I'm done eating, I'll do the work of three
men. Just wait a few minutes.Meimi:  .....Okay.<................................  
CT01A0Meimi:  We sure got that done in a hurry.Kiyomi:  That's because %001 was doing all the work.%001:  Who me? I didn't do anything. Well, see you all
tomorrow!Kiyomi:  Goodbye.Meimi:  See you tomorrow.<.................Meimi:  What was up with %001?Seia:  It's all the Lord's will...Meimi:  That's what you always say, Seia.CS820.OVLSomething's different with me today...I'm seeing everyone in a different way than ever before.That's all because of Kyoko-sensei. I have to thank her