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JT^h$(,?  2  8  LOOKTALKTHINKTHE GIRLS,?б╜2  шW8  ЖЬ
AB_22The culture festival...After nearly dying during the sports festival, this seems
really tame by comparison.Well, guess I'll take it easy today.........Wait a minute. I get the feeling I'm forgetting
CT01A0Reiko:  %001!Kiyomi:  %001!Mio:  %001!%001:  Hi, girls. Why were you waiting for me?Reiko:  Why? You didn't forget, did you?%001:  I promised to go around to all the classrooms with
you? When did I do that?Reiko:  I knew you'd forget.What's up with them today?Oh well, I guess I'll go along with them.Kiyomi:  %001, you won the M.V.P. award for the sports
festival.%001:  Yes.Mio:  So you're scheduled to go to different events
today as a special guest.%001:  ...............WHAT?%001:  I never agreed to that!Reiko:  The dean said it at the awards ceremony. Weren't
you listening?%001:  You're kidding, right? I've got places I want to
go today.Kiyomi:  We're serious.%001:  ........................Mio:  But we'll set everything up for you, make sure the
schedule's not too hard.Reiko:  That's right. Leave it all to us, alright?Kiyomi: Yes. Well, shall we be going, %001?%001:  Yeah, I guess...Reiko:  Kiyomi, what's the first event %001 is scheduled
to appear in?Kiyomi:  Let's see, It's a talk show starring him and the
dean, put on by one of the other classes.%001:  A talk show?Reiko:  It's nothing unusual at this school, %001.<........................................CS820_1.OVLDid anything happen?I feel I've been punished for doing well at the Sports Festival.But I feel sorry for them, too.