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┬:  g╤"<%001:  Wow, I really had to go bad.
<AE_031Aki:  ..................................%001:  Well, hi there, Aki.Aki:  ..................................Something seems wrong with her.Why is she so quiet all of the sudden?She's always so strong, so sure of herself.But now she looks like a scared little girl.%001:  What's the matter?Aki:  ..................................%001:  Do you need anything?Aki:  ..................................%001:  This isn't like you at all. What's the matter?Aki:  ..................................%001:  .......I have to say, I think I like the old Aki
better, violent nature and all.Aki:  .....................!!%001:  Can you tell me what the problem is? I'll keep it
a secret, I promise.Aki:  .................................Um...%001:  Yes?Aki:  Thank you..... for what you did for me.%001:  Are you talking about what happened at the sports
festival?Aki:  .....................Yes.%001:  Oh, that was nothing. I just told everyone what
really happened.Aki:  ...........That's not true! You took the blame for me!
Now everyone'll think badly of you!%001:  Aki...Did it look like everyone was blaming me for
anything?Aki:  ....................................I guess not.%001:  Then there's no problem.Aki:  Yes, but.....!!%001:  Let's do this...%001:  Next year, you be my partner again. We'll get in a
lot of practice, and rip everyone else to shreds.Aki:  ......%001.%001:  Okay? Then everyone will know the truth.Aki:  ...........Okay.%001:  So we have a date, right? For next year.I squeezed her shoulder and went back into Reiko's classroom.<...................................Aki:  .........%001...аааааCS825.OVLShe's been acting strangely for a while.It must be because of what happened at the sports
festival.Aki has a lot of pride. I'm sure she was shocked at
losing the way she did.Aki doesn't like to lose. That's a very good quality in
a woman.