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CT01A0%001:  Um, Reiko?Reiko:  Yes?%001:  Um....well...Reiko:  .......I'm waiting.%001:  Would you teach me how to dance?Reiko:  ...............%001:  ...........Well, nevermind.Reiko:  No! No, I don't mind!%001:  Really?Reiko:  Sure, let's go!.......................................
;AE_036Reiko's teaching me how to dance.When I told her I didn't know how to dance, I was telling
the truth.I just never had the chance to learn.I always thought it was something you could pick up without
any special lessons, but I was wrong.Reiko's a patient teacher.It's kind of embarrassing... I don't know how to dance,
but I'm doing it anyway.But I think I'm getting the hang of this.She's teaching me how to dance.Reiko:  Hey! Pay attention!%001:  Sorry!She's a strict teacher.I'd better not stare at her.I can't look around. I've got to concentrate on dancing.%001:  I'm sorry, Reiko.Reiko:  What are you talking about? I don't care that you
were staring at me.Reiko:  Let's go on to the next step.%001:  Is this right?Reiko:  Yes, that's good!%001:  Thanks, Reiko...Reiko:  Isn't it a little early to be thanking me? I'm
not finished teaching you yet.%001:  Oh, you're right.I don't have time to think!If I don't concentrate on what I'm doing, I'll fall.Reiko:  No, that's wrong. Keep your feet apart. Okay,
one, two...%001:  Is this right?Reiko:  Yes, that's good. Oh, wait a minute!%001:  Oh, my right foot should be like this.Reiko:  Why did you say you couldn't dance a minute ago?%001:  I couldn't!Reiko:  .....I don't believe you.Reiko:  That's good. You're really not bad, you know.%001:  Really?Reiko:  Yes.%001:  Thanks...Reiko:  That's right...  Whoops!*CRASH*%001:  Ouch!Reiko:  Are you alright?%001:  I'm fine.Reiko:  That's good. But why...?%001:  What?Reiko:  I was just wondering why you fell.%001:  I'm not sure myself.Reiko:  You've gotten a lot better.%001:  Really? I don't know...Reiko:  You're fine. You've improved a lot...*SMASH*%001:  Ouch!Reiko:  You fell again. What's wrong?%001:  I didn't fall on purpose.Reiko:  You're great. Almost perfect.%001:  ........That's all thanks to you, Reiko.Reiko:  Eh.....??%001:  Thank you, Reiko, for teaching me.Reiko:  Oh, well, you're welcome.%001:  ..............Reiko......... Whoops!*BASH*Reiko:  Are you sure you're not doing that on purpose?%001:  I'm not, I swear!......................................Thanks to Reiko leading me, I was able to dance with
everyone else.Reiko is gentle as she guides me through the steps.%001:  Reiko?Reiko:  ............Good times like this end so quickly,
don't they?%001:  .......................Reiko:  Oh...I'm sorry, %001. I didn't mean to sound
depressed.%001:  Let's dance some more, Reiko. The bell hasn't
struck midnight yet.Reiko:  ......What?%001:  Beautiful lady, will you give me the pleasure of
dancing with me?Reiko:  ......Yes, yes I would, Prince %001.In the moonlight, we danced. Reiko's hair looked like
silver threads in the night sky.I'll never forget that moment.......................................................tnnnnn;CS901.OVL