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FPXh$(,@  2  9  LOOKTHINKDANCERURI,@ц2  [9  ч▄╝D
CT05A0....There she is.%001:  Hey, Ruri!Ruri:  .................................Yes?%001:  I was just wondering... I don't know how to dance
at all, and I was wondering if you'd show me how.Ruri:  ....I can't dance.%001:  Oh, I see.Ruri:  ..........Why do you ask me?%001:  Mm? Hmmmmm...%001:  Hmmmmmm.....Ruri:  Nevermind.%001:  Oh. Sorry.Ruri:  Why apologize to me?%001:  Why? Well, because I said something stupid.Ruri:  ........You didn't do anything wrong.%001:  I didn't? Okay.%001:  ......Ruri, do you...hate being with me?Ruri:  ..........No.%001:  Well, then, let's dance.Ruri:  What? But I...%001:  It'll be okay. I don't know how to dance, either!Ruri:  .................B-Without waiting for Ruri's answer, I pulled her by her
narrow arm out onto the field.I don't know why I did it that way. I just got the feeling
I should.............................................
;AE_037Ruri:  Why are we dancing away from the others like this?%001:  People who don't know how to dance should
stay out of everyone else's way.Ruri:  I'm sorry.%001:  No, it's not you I'm worried about. It's me...Ruri:  Oh.She's smiling.She's really smiling. I'm not hallucinating it.She looks like she's dreaming on her feet.*CRUNCH*%001:  Ouch!Ruri:  I'm sorry!........Having your foot stepped on isn't a fun experience.Maybe she's smiling because I'm such a bad dancer.Or maybe...Ruri:  .........What?%001:  Oh, nothing. Nevermind.Now that I think of it, I did force her to come out here
with me.Am I doing her a disservice?........Well, she doesn't seem to be angry.Neither of us knows the correct way to dance.We're just copying the other people around us.Left...Right...Left...*CRUNCH*%001:  Ouch!*CRASH*Ruri stepped on my foot again, causing me to fall down.Ruri:  I'm sorry... Are you okay?Ruri:  %001, why don't you ask someone who knows how to
dance to come out here with you?%001:  Do you not want to be here with me?Ruri:  ..........No, that's not it.%001:  Then don't worry about it. We'll just be two
people who don't know what they're doing.Right...Left...Back...*TRIP*%001:  Wah!*CRASH*This time her foot tripped me, bringing me down again.Ruri:  I'm sorry...Ruri extends her hand out to me to help me up.%001:  I'm okay.I take her hand and pull myself up.Her wrists are so narrow. I could break them in two if I
tried.Her skin is so white... She's really very pretty.Ruri:  .........%001:  Oh! I'm sorry!Seeing her red face, I hurriedly pulled my hand away..............Is she mad?Ruri:  Aren't you going to dance, %001?...........Good, I guess she's not mad.%001:  Yes, let's dance.*CRUNCH*%001:  Oh, I'm sorry!*CRUNCH*Ruri:  I'm sorry, I did it again......This isn't dancing. We're just taking turns stepping
on each other's feet.Everyone else seems to be so good at this.I wonder if they practiced before today.*BUMP*Ruri:  Ah...I wasn't paying attention, and bumped into Ruri.%001:  Watch it!Trying to keep her from falling again, I grabbed onto
Ruri and held on to her.Ruri:  ...........Thanks.Ruri's face turned red again.%001:  I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that...%001:  Oh, wait a minute! I think I've got it figured
out now!Ruri:  What?I looked at the other dancers around us again.Couples dancing together were only looking at each other,
not at other people.%001:  We keep falling because we're looking at the other
dancers, trying to do what they're doing.%001:  I'll try to only look at you, so you do the same.Ruri:  ..................!!%001:  If we do that, we'll be much better. Trust me,
okay?Ruri's cheeks were dyed deep red again...........Did I say anything?Ruri:  It's okay. Let's dance.We start dancing again, this time better than before.I can't see anyone else around us. The only thing I can
see is Ruri looking into my eyes.........She's smiling at me.Ruri:  %001...%001:  Yes?Ruri:  ............I think the dance is over.%001:  Eh?She was right. The music had stopped some time ago, and
people were going back into the school......Some couples, I could see, were going off together.%001:  Shall we go back?Ruri:  .............%001:  Ruri?Ruri:  ......Don't think that it was just because of the
moon.%001:  .............What?Ruri:  Good night.%001:  What, what do you mean?=With that, Ruri hurried towards the school.%001:  Don't think that it was just because of the moon...?%001:  What did she mean by that?I looked up at the moon, but it was just shining.....................................................ЬЦЦЦЦЦCS901.OVL