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CT07A0%001:  Hey, Seia!Seia:  Yes, what is it?%001:  I was wondering, can you dance?Seia:  No, not really. Why?%001:  Oh, I wanted someone to teach me how to dance.Seia:  Well, shall we go?%001:  But you just said you couldn't dance!Seia:  I'm sure the Lord will provide for us, somehow.%001:  ....Um, okay.....................................
;AE_040Seia's teaching me how to dance.When I told her I didn't know how to dance, I was telling
the truth.I just never had the chance to learn.I always thought it was something you could pick up
without any special lessons, but I was wrong.I'm a little worried about her, though.Seia:  .........Whoops!*CRASH*...She doesn't seem to know much more than me about dancing.I'm teaching her how to dance......I mean, she's teaching me.Seia:  Um, let's see, I think this is right...%001:  ........................I think I chose the wrong partner for this.......I'm too embarrassed to look.Seia:  I'm sorry, %001...%001:  No, it's okay.Seia:  I studied dancing when I was younger. But that was
a while ago.%001:  .......It'll be okay. We'll just be two people who
don't know how to dance.Seia:  ...Okay.Seia:  .....Right, left, right...%001:  ......If I talk to her, she'll probably fall down again.I might actually be better than her.Oh well, it's no big deal.Seia:  ........Right, left, right......
%001:  ......Right, left, right......Seia:  ........Right, right, right......
%001:  ......Right, left, right......*CRASH*%001:  Ouch! Are you okay, Seia?Seia:  I'm fine.Seia:  Let's try it again.Seia:  ........Right, left, right......
%001:  ......Right, left, right......Seia:  ........Right, right, right......
%001:  ......Right, left, right......*CRASH*%001:  It happened again. Are you okay?Seia:  I'm alright.Seia:  It'll be okay this time, %001. I know what I was
doing wrong.%001:  Okay. Well, let's try it again.Seia:  ........Right, right, right......
%001:  ......Right, left, right......Seia:  ........Right, right, right......
%001:  ......Right, left, right......Seia:  ........Left, right, right......
%001:  ......Right, left, left......*CRASH*%001:  Ouch! Are you alright?Seia:  Yes.%001:  .....We got farther that time!Seia:  Yes, we did.%001:  Let's try it again!Seia:  Okay!..................................Seia:  We did it!%001:  That's great.Seia:  ...........Hahaha...%001:  What's so funny?Seia:  Your face... It's so dirty from falling in the mud.%001:  You should see yourself!Seia:  ...........%001:  ...........Hahaha!Seia:  Don't laugh...Everyone's looking at us.........Hahaha!%001:  .......I can't help it...Hahahahahahahaha!%001:  ......................Seia:  ........................Just then, the silver moonlight reflected in Seia's eyes.
I had never seen such pure eyes.%001:  .......Seia.Seia:  .........Yes?%001:  Let's dance.Seia:  Okay.Putting aside what I couldn't put into words just yet, I
continued dancing.....I thought I was falling in love with Seia.I'll never forget Seia's solemn, solemn eyes that shone
in the light of the moon.....................................................оккккк;CS901.OVL