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..........................December, when the cold air turns your breath white.
<AE_003Kyoko:  Okay, we have to decide when to have the Christmas
Party today! Kyoko:  It's all up to to you students, so I hope you do
a good job!There were over fifty suggestions for things to do at the
Christmas Party.Unfortunately, there was no budget to do anything, so we
do the best we could by ourselves.I had been nominated again.%001:  *sigh*
CT14A0Makoto:  It's not good manners to sigh like that.
Kiyomi:  .....Um, %001?%001:  Yeah, I guess. I'm just wondering what to do, that's
all.Makoto:  ................
Kiyomi:  ......%001?      
CT03A0Reiko:  %001!
Mio:  %001!Reiko/Mio:  Let's eat lunch!%001/Makoto:  ...........They're back.Reiko:  What's wrong with the two of you?%001:  Are you coming to our class's Christmas Party,
Reiko?Reiko:  Of course!Reiko:  I'm really looking forward to it.e6┐
%001:  Are you coming to the Christmas Party, Mio?Mio:  Yes, of course!Mio:  It'll be fun.f6┐
I explained our problem to the girls.Reiko:  Really? That's rough.Makoto:  It sure is!Kiyomi:  Excuse me...%001:  I don't know how to organize a Christmas party.Kiyomi:  Could I say something?Reiko:  Why don't you have Kiyomi help you?%001:  .................Now that's a good idea.    
CT02A0%001:  Kiyomi, will you give us some advice?Kiyomi:  That's what I've been trying to say for the past
few minutes. You wouldn't listen to me.%001:  ...............%001:  I'm sorry!Kiyomi:  It's alright.%001:  So, what should we do?Kiyomi:  Well, first you should organize all the various
ideas you get.Kiyomi:  I'll write everything down and we'll talk about
it again tomorrow.%001:  Ah, thanks.Kiyomi:  Just leave it up to me.

CT07W   <
CT07A0Seia:  I'd like to help, too.%001:  You would?Seia:  I am the class representative, after all.Kiyomi:  That's right. Please help us.%001:  .........................Mio:  What's wrong, %001?%001:  Oh, nothing.I'm just surprised to see Seia helping out with a
party...Seia:  We should combine the Christmas Party with Ruri's
farewell party. It'll be the biggest party we've ever had.Suddenly, the room got very quiet.Oh, that's right. I almost forgot.Ruri was going to go live with her mother soon.Ruri:  .......................I looked at her, and to my surprise she was looking out the
window with a bored expression on her face, just like she
did when she first transferred to our school..............But that's not right.%001:  Ruri!   
CT05A0Ruri:  .........Yes?%001:  Do you have any requests for the Christmas Party?
We're going to combine your farewell party with it.Ruri:  ......No.%001:  Oh.Ruri:  .........Well, bye.      
CT08A0Meimi:  She's just the same as always.%001:  But she's come a long way. She talks to me a lot,
now.Meimi:  ............I guess.Kiyomi:  Seia, let's go over there and talk this over, shall
we?Seia:  Okay.   
CT03A0Makoto:  You should let Kiyomi and Seia handle the party.%001:  .......Hmm, I guess.ddef
CT07A0Kiyomi:  %001!%001:  Mm?Seia:  We've got some ideas we'd like you to look at. Are you
busy right now?%001:  You girls work fast! Show me...<