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;.....After the party.About half of the students go home.Now it's time to give the present... Yes...I brought a Christmas present.........The only problem is, who should I give this to?nnxxВВЦЦаакк┤┤ЯЯ        
CT01A0%001:  Reiko...?Reiko:  What is it?%001:  Um, can I go by your house tonight? There's something
I want to give you.Reiko:  .....What?%001:  If you're busy, I'll understand. n24 Reiko:  No, I'm not busy. Please, come by.%001:  I'll be there about seven o'clock.Reiko:  Okay. I'll see you tonight.CS904_A.OVL     
CT02A0%001:  Um, Kiyomi?Kiyomi:  Yes?%001:  Can I go by your house tonight? I've got a present...Kiyomi:  You do?%001:  Are you busy? x24 ╛Kiyomi:  No, not at all.%001:  Okay, I'll see you at seven o'clock.Kiyomi:  Okay. I'll see you tonight.CS904_B.OVL   
CT03A0%001:  Um, Mio?Mio: Yes?%001:  I was wondering if I could go by your house tonight?%001:  I've got a present...Mio:  You do?%001:  Are you busy? В24 r
Mio:  No, you can come over.%001:  Okay, I'll see you at seven o'clock.Mio:  Okay. I'll be waiting.CS904_C.OVL       
CT05A0%001:  Ruri?Ruri:  .....What?%001:  I was wondering, can I come over to your house
tonight?%001:  There's something I want to give you.Ruri:  .......................%001:  I guess you're busy or something.2Я Ц24 Ruri:  ..................No, I'm not busy.%001:  Really?Ruri:  .....I don't care if you come over.%001:  Okay, I'll see you at seven o'clock.Ruri:  Do you know where I live?%001:  .......................Ruri:  .......................%001:  .......................Hahaha! No, I don't!Ruri:  You can walk home with me.%001:  Okay. Um, wait up, Ruri!CS904_E.OVL  
CT06A0%001:  Aki?Aki:  What?%001:  I was wondering, can I go over to your house tonight?%001:  I've got something to give you.Aki:  You do?%001:  Are you busy? а24 ПAki:  ....No, you can come over.%001:  Okay, I'll be there at seven o'clock.Aki:  Okay....Bye.CS904_F.OVL  
CT07A0%001:  Seia? к24 :Seia:  Ah, %001. I was just looking for you.%001:  You were?Seia:  Yes, I have to go to church after this.%001:  Church?Seia:  Yes, you know. %001, I was wondering if you would
come and help me.%001:  Okay. There's something I want to talk to you
about, too.Seia:  Well, shall we go?CS904_G.OVL    
CT08A0%001:  Meimi? ┤24 |Meimi:  Ah, %001. I was looking for you.%001:  For me?Meimi:  I left the Christmas present I got for you at
my house.Meimi:  Will you come home with me tonight?%001:  Okay.Meimi:  Well, let's go!%001:  Don't pull my arm like that!CS904_H.OVLReiko:  ....I'm sorry, you can't. I'm really busy today.%001:  .....I see.Reiko:  I wish I weren't busy, but I am.%001:  Okay, well, nevermind.
;e6ъKiyomi:  ......I'm sorry. We've got a family Christmas Party
tonight.%001:  ...........I see.Kiyomi:  I'm really sorry.%001:  Oh, it's okay. Nevermind.
;f6ъMio:  I'm sorry. I've got a party at my grandmother's house.%001:  .....I see.Mio:  I'm really sorry.%001:  Oh, it's okay. Nevermind.
;g6ъRuri:  ...................%001:  I guess you're busy. Well, nevermind.Ruri:  ...................
;h6ъAki:  I'm sorry, I'm busy tonight.%001:  ...........I see.Aki:  Ask me again later, okay?%001:  No, it's nothing, really. Don't worry about it.
;i6ъSeia:  What is it?%001:  I was wondering, can I go to your house tonight?
I want to give you something.Seia:  To me?%001:  .........What's wrong?Seia:  I'm sorry... I've got to help out at the Church tonight.%001:  .......I see.Seia:  I'm sorry.%001:  Oh, it's okay. Don't worry about it.
;j6ъMeimi:  Yes?%001:  I was wondering, can I go to your house tonight? I've
got something I want to give you.Meimi:  ....Eh?%001:  Are you busy tonight?Meimi:  I'm sorry! My father's coming home tonight, and
we're going to spend the evening as a family.%001:  ........I see.Meimi:  I'm sorry.%001:  No, it's okay. Don't worry about it.
;k6ъ  efghijk
 %001:  ............................%001:  .......Everyone's doing something tonight.%001:  ............................%001:  Hmm. I guess I'll just go home.%001:  Crap...<CSA01.OVL