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LTjr$(,?  2  8  LOOKTALKTHINKROOMREIKO,?Х2E+▐∙щ)d        7
8  С
<So this is Reiko's house...*gulp*I'm feeling kind of nervous.I guess I need to breath deeply.In.....................And out.................................Okay, here goes nothing!*DING DONG!**kacha*The door opens just as I ring the bell. It's Reiko.  
CT01RA0Reiko:  %001?%001:  Yeah. You surprised me, opening the door like that.Reiko:  Really? Sorry. Anyway, come on in.%001:  Thanks.
CT01A0This is Reiko's room.It's clean. I can tell she prides herself in organizing
everything.You can see a person's personality by looking at her room.Reiko:  Hang on, and I'll get us something to drink.
<%001:  Oh, thanks.%001:  ......................
<Reiko:  Here you go. Is cola alright?%001:  Ah, sure. It's fine.Reiko:  What's the matter? You look nervous.%001:  It- It's nothing. Nevermind.Reiko:  Are you it's not me, making you nervous?%001:  No! It's nothing!Reiko:  Ha ha! I guess not.%001:  Haha...Reiko:  ...........%001:  ...........Reiko:  D- Did you have fun at the party today?%001:  Yes. But our class likes parties way too much.Reiko:  Now that you mention it, I'm not even in class 1-A,
but I'm drinking with you all the time.%001:  That's alright, it's the same for Aki and Mio.Reiko:  That's right.Reiko:  This has been a good year. I really enjoyed it.Reiko:  Remember the time we first met?%001:  Oh, yeah. I remember. A lot's happened since then.Reiko:  Like recruitment week...%001:  That was terrible.Reiko:  That's right.Reiko:  And then camping in Hokkaido.%001:  I remember that.Reiko:  Then the seaside school.%001:  Yeah. In the end, you were never able to teach me
how to swim.Reiko:  That's right. Even when a future Olympic gold
medalist gives you private lessons, you still can't learn
how to swim!%001:  Well, it's scary!Reiko:  And then there was my birthday, and the wonderful
present you gave me.%001:  No, it wasn't very good. I didn't have enough time
to make it right.Reiko:  No, it was wonderful! I was really happy.%001:  You were?Reiko:  Yes. It's like a treasure to me.%001:  Well, that's good. That makes me happy.Reiko:  And then there was the sports festival.%001:  But I was forced into that...Reiko:  But we all tried to get you to go out for less
events.%001:  Well...I'd promised everyone.Reiko:  That's right. And you never break a promise.Reiko:  That's really great.%001:  It's nothing, really. I just try to do what I say
I'll do.Reiko:  That's really wonderful, though, %001.%001:  I don't know about that...Reiko:  You don't know... I don't know, either.%001:  Don't know what?Reiko:  ....I don't know what I should do about college.%001:  What? But I thought you were going to Honmaguro
University?Reiko:  I was. But now I'm not sure.Reiko:  I've always wanted to go to the Olympics, Honmaguro
University has a great training program. But...%001:  But?Reiko:  I just don't know what to do?%001:  Why is that?Reiko:  ....................%001:  ....................One of us has to say something...!%001:  Oh, I just remembered!Reiko:  What?I handed Reiko her present, a brooch shaped like a fish.%001:  This is your Christmas present. I knew I could
make a good one if I had enough time.Reiko:  .......%001, you made this?%001:  Yes. I hope you like it.Reiko:  Thank you!Reiko looks happier than I've ever seen her. It's kind
of embarrassing...Reiko:  Thank you so much! I don't know what to say...
I...I look at her face, now blushing bright red.Time stops for us. Our eyes are locked.I'm aware of the sound of my own heart beating.Reiko's lifts her face up slightly and closes her eyes,
ready to kiss me.It was happening just like in a woman's romantic comic
book.*DOKI DOKI DOKI*Shut up, heart! You're too loud!*DOKI...DOKI...DOKI*I said you're too loud!I had to think of Reiko now.I put my hands on Reiko's shoulders. She doesn't pull
away.I brought my lips close to hers....................................???:  Reiko? Are you in there?%001:  !!Reiko:  !!We both jumped at the sudden voice.Reiko:  What do you want, Mom?Reiko's mother:  Oh, you are in there. I was just checking
to see where you were.With that, Reiko's mother goes back downstairs.What the hell?Suddenly I realize it's time to go.%001:  Well, I guess I'll be leaving.Reiko:  %001!Feeling incredibly embarrassed, I got my things together
and left Reiko's house..............*sigh*=nnnnnuCSA01.OVLSomething's not right about this.What's wrong with her?