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<I'm here.Mio drew me a map to her house, but she didn't put any
landmarks on it, so it was hard to figure it out.Now that I've been here once, it'll be easy to find
again.Is she waiting for me?*DING DONG*.....Now Mio will come out, and...*kacha*

CT03C   <
CT03A0Mio:  %001?%001:  Yo.Kiyomi:  Oh, come in! Please come in!%001:  Okay, thanks.
CT03RA0What's wrong? Her face is red.Am I intruding by coming over like this?This is Mio's room...The design is very simple, without much in the way of
decoration.It's really clean.Mio:  H- hang on, I'll get us some tea.%001:  Okay, thanks.Her hands are shaking.I wonder if she's alright.Mio:  Oh no!Mio:  I put too much tea in the pot. It'll be too strong.%001:  It's alright. Everyone makes mistakes.Mio:  There, now it's okay.%001:  Are you sure I'm not interrupting anything by coming
over like this?Mio:  No, it's fine!I guess there's nothing to do but believe her. I'm still
not convinced, though.%001:  Well, in that case...Mio:  Wah!!*CRACK*%001:  Woah!    
CT03I   ;
CT03IA0%001:  Mio, are you okay?Mio:  Darn, I broke the cup.%001:  That's okay, even monkeys fall out of trees...
You know, everyone makes mistakes.%001:  Let's clean it up, though.Mio:  Okay.%001:  Are you sure I can't help you with anything?Mio:  It's fine. You're a guest, so just sit down and
relax.%001:  Really?     
CT03K   ;
CT03KA0Mio:  Really!%001:  Okay...When someone says something three times, they mean it.But still, I decided to not take my eyes off of Mio.She's pouring the tea now.I should have been watching last time, to save her from
breaking the cup.Mio:  Here you are, %001.%001:  Thanks, Mio.Mio:  It's nothing, really. I'm usually imposing on you
at school, so I'm glad you're here, where I can do
something for you for a change.%001:  Huh? I think it's the other way around. I'm the 
one always imposing on you.Mio:  No, definitely not!%001:  ........Thanks. You're a nice person, Mio.Mio:  Thanks.*sip sip*%001:  This is good.%001:  Oh, I almost forgot. Here you go.Mio:  What's this?%001:  I made it myself. I hope you like it.Mio:  It's a pretty brooch! Thank you, %001!%001:  It's nothing, really.Mio:  It's beautiful! I'll treasure it all my life!Mio and I relaxed, then, talking about school.    
CT03A0Mio:  ....And then Aki said, 'I'll beat you next time,'
like she was so tough...%001:  Uh-huh.Mio:  And then she turned around and started to walk
away...but she stepped on a tennis ball and fell!%001:  That's just like her.Mio:  On the other hand, her game really has improved in
the past few months.%001:  Really? That's good. I'll have to watch her next
time.Mio:  Yes, I even enjoy playing with her these days. She's
a good rival...%001:  That's good. Everyone needs a rival.Mio:  Yeah...Mio:  %001...did you find something that was...fun for
you, like tennis is for me?%001:  What?Mio:  During the sports festival, you were in so many
different sporting events. I was just wondering if you
found one that you liked.%001:  Hmm. I think so.%001:  Trying hard and having you all cheer me on was
fun. I enjoyed that.Mio:  ..........%001...%001:  It's not like I'm dedicating myself to one thing
like you are to tennis. It's more vague than that.%001:  I just want to do my best for my friends.............................................I talked with Mio for a while longer.We talked about my youth, and about the school year.
I made her laugh with tales of various failures I've
had in my life.%001:  Oh, it's late.Mio:  .......Are you going home already?%001:  Yeah, I always like to go to bed early.Mio:  So you can wake up on time?%001:  No, I don't care about that.Mio:  .....Haha. That's why you were late to the opening
ceremony in April?%001:  That's right. Hey, how do you know about that?Mio:  I heard from everyone.Mio:  I'll walk you part of the way home.%001:  No, it's okay. It's late for you, too.Mio:  %001....%001:  Thanks anyway, though.Mio:  Well, I'll see you to the door at least.
<.....................Mio:  It's snowing!%001:  You're right.Mio:  It's pretty...%001:  Yes. Very romantic.Mio:  .....%001?%001:  Yes?Mio:  Um, th- thank you for coming over today.%001:  Shouldn't I say that to you?Mio:  %001....%001:  Take care. Don't catch a cold in this snow.Mio:  He's gone.Mio:  ......Please, %001, please...Mio:  .....Please choose me.=ВВВВВЙCSA01.OVLShe seems nervous today.I wonder why that is?