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9Ik &2  ,2  LOOKTALKMEIMI&2№UЛ▐&,2q╝uxЇ\╠У├╜        М

AB_04_3%001:  Wow, it's really cold.   
CT08A0Meimi:  Of course. It is Christmas Eve.%001:  You're right.It's just Meimi, the same Meimi who I see at school every
day.............I think.She seems normal. But something's strange about her.She's waving her arms in the air as she walks.She's really cute when she smiles.She's pressing herself up against me as she walks.What's up with her?Meimi is...........crying!(Meimi...... I didn't know you felt that way.)Meimi:  It's been a long time, hasn't it?%001:  What has?Meimi:  ....Since we walked together like this.%001:  .................Really?Meimi:  ...............Meimi:  D- Do you remember the seaside school?%001:  Yeah, I remember it.Meimi:  We were alone, then, too.%001:  That's right.Meimi:  ...................Meimi:  ....Also, back when you were practicing for the
sports festival, you used to walk me home sometimes. Remember?%001:  ........Yes, I do.Meimi:  .........................Meimi:  ........................%001:  .........................(One of us has to say something!)Meimi:  Look!%001:  It's snowing.  
CT08K   ;
CT08KA0Meimi:  %001, look! Snow!%001:  We'll have a white Christmas tomorrow.Meimi:  Oh no!%001:  ........It stopped snowing already.  
CT08I   ;
CT08IA0Meimi:  .........Darn.Meimi:  .......................%001:  .......................(It got quiet again.)Meimi:  %001?%001:  .............Mm?Meimi:  *sob*%001:  Meimi? What's the matter?Meimi:  .......................%001:  What's wrong. Did you hurt yourself?Meimi:  ........I just wanted...%001:  What?Meimi:   It would have been so romantic, with the snow falling
all around us...%001:  .........Meimi?      %001:  Meimi, what's wrong? You've been acting strangely
all day.Meimi:  ....................     
CT08K   ;
CT08KA0Just kidding!%001:  What?Meimi:  I was teasing you. I mean, come on, %001. You've
got...Meimi:  You've got...someone else, right? Some other person
besides me?
%001:  ......Meimi, what are you...?Meimi:  I just... 
CT08I   ;
CT08IA0 I just...Meimi:  I can't do it anymore. I can't! I can't go on like
this!Meimi:  %001...........I love you! I love you!%001:  .............Meimi:  ..........I'm sorry!!
<%001:  .....................Hey, wait!%001:  ........I got you!    
CT08IA0Meimi:  *sob*%001:  ..........Meimi, I...%001:  Meimi, listen to me.Meimi:  *sob*%001:  Forgive me...%001:  I had no idea you felt that way about me.Meimi:  .......*sob*..... You didn't?%001:  Now that I think about it, you were always there
for me, always supporting me.%001:  And I...%001:  Meimi, I want you keep on being there for me, at my
side. I love you, too, Meimi.Meimi:  ........!!
Meimi:  Do you want...me?%001:  .....Yes. You're the only one I want.Meimi:  ...........%001!
;AE_101Meimi's eyes, still full of tears, slowly close.I move my face towards hers.I press my mouth against her sakura-colored lips.Meimi:  %001......I'm so happy!%001:  ..........Meimi, so am I.Meimi:  %001, please, kiss me again. I want to make
sure I'm not dreaming this.%001:  Alright.I take Meimi into my arms and kiss her softly again.CSE_H_1.OVL