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AB_01_2Ah, New Year's Day in Japan.New Year's Day is the most important of Japanese holidays.
We go to shinto shrines and pray for good luck in the new
year, and spend time with our family.Most Japanese do what I am doing now, which is sit at the
kotatsu (a short table with a heater under it), watch TV,
and eat mikan oranges.Mikans are small oranges that come into season in Japan in
the winter. They go with winter as much as Santa Claus does
in America.%001:  I hate the TV shows they put on on New Year's
<I had my feet in the kotatsu. I felt toasty. 
CT09A0Nobuyuki:  Do you mind of I change the channel? There's
a show called The Great Beauty Contest in Space.%001:  .....Sure.

CT10    <
CT10A0Hidemi:  Shu-chan? Shall I peel some mikan for you?%001:  I can peel them myself!Dad has changed the channel to The Great Beauty Contest
in Space.As expected, there were a lot of beautiful women. One
was floating in zero gravity.There goes one in a spacesuit. Somehow the effect is lost.Nobuyuki:  What the heck is this show?%001:  I know. Look at that one woman. She's wearing a
spacesuit. You can't see her tits or anything.Nobuyuki:  What did you say, %001?%001:  ...Mm? I just said...Nobuyuki:  I see. So you've finally gotten interested in
women, have you?%001:  .............Well, of course.I'm not enjoying this stupid show.f6K    This sucks.I can't believe I don't have anything more interesting 
to do than stay home with my parents.Seia and Meimi said they were going skiing.Ruri's going...somewhere.h6K      *Yawn!!*Ah, I do love New Year's Day..*stretch*Ah, it's New Year's Day.Ahhhh.....New Year's Day.e6K        I guess I'll have a mikan.I reach for a mikan from on top of the table.Hidemi:  Are you sure you don't want me to peel it for you,
%001?%001:  I told you, I can do it myself...I think I hurt Mom's feeling just now.I think of Kiyomi, who doesn't have a mother like me.I'm a terrible son....Hidemi:  Okay, Shu-chan, say 'Ah...'Hmm... Maybe I'll give my mother to Kiyomi's family.g6K    I don't want to hurt her feelings, so I won't bother.  efgh
 Nobuyuki:  Oh, I just remembered, %001.%001:  What?Nobuyuki:  There are these wonderful hot springs that I
was going to go to, and...%001:  WHAT?!%001:  You're going to go to some hot springs, aren't you?
And leave me?Nobuyuki:  I'm not done talking! Shut up and listen!Nobuyuki:  I was supposed to go with the town friendship
society, but the trip got cancelled.Nobuyuki:  We rented the entire Japanese ryokan inn for two
days, but now it's all going to go to waste...Nobuyuki:  The rooms are already paid for, so the only
thing you left is the train fare. Why don't you invite
the women who were here yesterday?%001:  Dad! I love you!I hugged my father.%001:  Thank you, Dad!Nobuyuki:  Ha ha, well, I hope you enjoy yourself.%001:  I've got to call everyone!I ran up the stairs to my own room...................................................Nobuyuki:  Okay... The plan is working.Hidemi:  I want to go to the hot springs...CSA05.OVL