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IUck (  .4B  WAITTALKAKI & MAKOTOKYOKO(      УU.4D ╣     J.B╘
AB_43_1.........Finally, the day for the hot springs trip arrived.%001:  Oh no! I overslept!    
CT01A0Mio:  %001, hurry up!There's Mio and Kiyomi and Reiko.Reiko:  You're ten minutes late.%001:  I'm sorry.Kiyomi:  Is anyone else going besides us?%001:  Makoto and Kyoko-sensei. Aki's coming, too.Mio:  Look, it's Aki and Makoto!Mio waved to Makoto and Aki. Aki waved back, but Makoto
was carrying too much stuff to wave.Kiyomi:  Kyoko-sensei's late...Reiko:  She must be buying sake again.Mio:  No! I don't ever want to drink again!Aki:  You'd better not. You'll just lose to me again.Mio:  ....I'll get you.Makoto:  Hmmm...
<Makoto had his binoculars out, and was standing on the
guardrail, looking around.Reiko:  You shouldn't stand up there, Makoto. It's
dangerous!Makoto:  I'm fine. I'm scouting for enemy units.Makoto:  There they are! The enemy division is closing
on vector four- FIVE!!Makoto:  I'm losing my balance!!Reiko:  Oh my God!%001:  Makoto!I reached out my hand to catch Makoto, but missed him.*CRASH*He fell off the guardrail, hitting his head against the
asphalt. He stood up, rubbing his forehead.%001:  Here, Makoto, at least your binoculars didn't get
damaged.Makoto:  ....Thanks, %001.Reiko:  I told you not to play up there! How old are you,
anyway?Kiyomi:  Makoto, you hit your head pretty hard. Are you
alright?Makoto:  Oh, I'm fine. The asphault is much softer than
Aki's head-kicks.Aki:  I'm so happy you feel that way!Makoto:  Back, devil-woman!Mio:  Look, it's Kyoko-sensei.      
CT12A0Kyoko:  I'm sorry I'm late!   
CT06A0Aki:  We're sorry we're late. It's all Makoto's fault.Makoto:  Sow! That's only because you made me carry all
your luggage!Aki:  But it's a man's responsibility to carry a lady's
baggage, don't you know that?Makoto:  This is Japan! We don't do things that way here!
And anyway, what's ladylike about you?    
CT06D   ;
CT06DA0Aki:  What did you say to me?Makoto:  If you want to see a lady, look at Reiko here.
She's more gentle and ladylike than you could ever be.Reiko:  Thank you, Makoto.Aki:  Why you...Makoto:  Wow, that was heavy!Makoto put the suitcases down hard.Aki:  Hey, watch it, Shimazaki! If anything's broken in
there, you're going to be responsible!Makoto:  If they're that important, why don't you carry
them yourself?Kiyomi:  They make a really nice couple, don't you think?Makoto:  Bleah! Don't make me imagine it!Aki:  That's right! I ran into him by accident on the way
here!Makoto:  So, who else is coming?Mio:  We're still waiting for Kyoko-sensei.Aki:  I'll bet she's going to drink a lot again.%001:  Everyone was waiting for you. Why are you so late?Kyoko:  I had to go get someone... 
CT05A0Ruri:  .......................%001:  Ruri? You came?Kyoko:  The ryokan is paid for, so one more won't be a problem,
will it?%001:  Not at all. We can get ten more people if we want.Kiyomi:  Well, shall we go to the Shinkansen tracks? The
train's about to leave without us.%001:  You're right!%001:  We only have two minutes! Everyone run!We all ran as fast as we could for the Shinkansen tracks.=CSA07.OVL