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<.....................................Ouch!The area above my my right eye is puffed up like a rock,
and pulsating with pain..........Owww!She's looking at me with worry written on her face.She seems sober now.It's kind of hard to tell with her, since her facial
expressions are all the same.If she's drunk now, she won't remember anything tomorrow.She's not wearing her yutaka cotton kimono...Kyoko-sensei is unusually serious.It's the same expression she had when Ruri disappeared
at summer camp.It's a room in the hotel.Ruri and I are alone here.I can imagine what I must look like.%001:  ................Wah!I didn't think I looked that bad.There's a huge purple lump above my right eye.Now I remember. They caught me peeking at them, and threw
rocks at me.What's this world come to, when you can't do someone evil
without getting caught?I don't like looking at my face...%001:  That looks terrible.Ruri:  ....The swelling's gone down quite a bit.%001:  .....You mean it was worse before?Ruri:  ........Yes.%001:  What happened to me?Ruri:  What?%001:  .....Well, what I mean is....%001:  What happened to my eye?Ruri:  ................Ruri brought me a mirror.%001:  You were taking care of me? Thank you.Ruri:  ............%001:  .....We haven't talked alone like this since after
the Christmas Party.Ruri:  .........That's right.%001:  .....What happened?Kyoko:  Ruri disappeared. She left this.%001:  What? I took the letter from Kyoko-sensei and read it.'I'm going home. I'm sorry for everything.
                                       Ruri Shiromizu'%001:  But it's nighttime already!%001:  What if she gets lost going back into town?Kyoko:  There's nothing to worry about there. I called 
the station and they said that a woman fitting Ruri's
description just got on a train.Kyoko:  I'm sure she'll go home first, then head for her
mother's.%001:  I've got to catch up with her!Kyoko:  And if you do, what then?%001:  ...........Say goodbye..........Kyoko:  Do you know why she ran away like that?%001:  Because I peeked at the women in the bath?Kyoko:  Because she loves you.%001:  ...........!!Kyoko:  If you're prepared to return her feelings, then
you should go after her.Kyoko:  But if you're going to continue to do things
halfway like you've done, then don't bother. You'll
only hurt her.Kyoko:  What are you going to do?%001:  Is everyone angry at me?Ruri:  ..................%001:  What am I saying? Of course they are.Ruri:  ....If you knew it was wrong, why did you do it?%001:  ...................%001:  .........I just wanted to look.Ruri:  ...............You did?%001:  Yes.Ruri:  ................Ruri:  They're not angry anymore.Ruri:  Makoto's watching television in the lobby.(So he got away...)Ruri:  He was calling someone on the phone a while ago.%001:  Calling someone?Ruri:  He was asking what the next battle plans were,
or something like that.He's a strange one, that Makoto.Ruri:  You two are very close.Ruri:  Kiyomi and Reiko and Mio were trying to decide
who should take care of you.%001:  How?Ruri:  By playing cards.Ruri:  .......I thought I'd take care of you until they
make up their minds.  
Ruri:  I'm sure she'll be here soon.   Ruri:  ......Are you worried about her?Ruri:  Kiyomi and Reiko and Mio were trying to decide
who should take care of you.%001:  How?Ruri:  By playing cards.Ruri:  .......I thought I'd take care of you until
they make up their minds.     
Ruri:  I'm sure she'll be here soon.
Ruri:  ......Are you worried about her?Ruri:  Kiyomi and Reiko and Mio were trying to decide
who should take care of you.%001:  How?Ruri:  By playing cards.Ruri:  .......I thought I'd take care of you until they
make up their minds.  
Ruri:  I'm sure she'll be here soon.Ruri:  ......Are you worried about her?%001:  I'm sure sure you're angry, too. I'm sorry. That
wasn't such a good idea after all.Ruri:  .........It doesn't matter anymore. You've paid
enough.%001:  I have. Who threw the rock that hit me? It had to be
Aki. She's got the control for such a long throw.Ruri:  ...............%001:  .......I'm really glad you came along with us,
though.Ruri:  .............You are?%001:  When you said you couldn't go on the telephone, I
guess I gave up. What did Kyoko-sensei say to get you to
come?Ruri:  ...That before I change schools again, I should make
some memories with all of you.%001:  ......I see.%001:  .......Do you really have to return to your mother?Ruri:  ..............Ruri:  There's nowone else for me to go home to except
her.%001:  .....I guess we're not good enough...Ruri:  ...............?%001:  I mean, class 1-A...everyone here tonight...can't
we become your 'place to go home to'?Ruri:  ........................%001:  .....I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that.     
CT05I     ;
CT05IA0Ruri:  .........I'm sorry.%001:  What?Ruri:  .......I threw it...%001:  .....Threw what?Ruri:  ......The rock.%001:  .....The rock?Ruri:  ............The rock that hit you.%001:  Oh. I see.Ruri:  I'm sorry...!%001:  No, I don't care about that. I deserved it, really.
You don't have anything to apologize to me for.*KNOCK KNOCK*Reiko:  %001, are you awake?%001:  Reiko?*KACHA*  
"CT01A0Reiko, Kiyomi and Mio enter the room.Mio:  Ruri?Kiyomi:  Ruri, I didn't know you were in here.

CT05C     <
CT05A0Ruri:  ..............Ruri:  Well, I guess he'll be in good hands now.With that, Ruri went to leave the room.
<Reiko:  Wait, Ruri? Would you like to play cards with
us?Ruri:  .........................Ruri left the room...............................
CT12KA0Kyoko:  How are you doing?%001:  I'll live.Kyoko:  Well, you got what you deserved, doing what you did.%001:  Yes, hahaha...

CT06Y   <
CT06A0Aki:  Oh, your face is so swolen!Aki:  Hey, where'd they go?Reiko:  If you're looking for Makoto, he's watching TV in
the lobby.Aki:  No, I'm talking about the woman, Ruri Shiromizu.Mio:  Isn't she in her room?Kyoko:  She came to get her bag, then left. She's not
here?Kiyomi:  She must be in the bath again. We were 
interrupted before...%001:  .....I'm sorry! I don't know what got into me...Aki:  Well, I can understand you wanting to see a beautiful
woman like me naked, but...Aki:  You've still got to pay for what you did.%001:  ..........I do?Kyoko:  How about straight shots of tequilla?Aki:  No! Since he saw us all naked, we've got to think
up a punishment that fits the crime.%001:  W- What do you want me to do?Aki:  You're going to streak for us!Kyoko:  Oh, that's a nice idea, Aki!%001:  .............Are you serious?Kyoko:  You won't get away this time, %001! Everyone, get
him!%001:  ..............No!................................<   
CT12DA0%001:  ........I can't believe they did that to me.Kyoko:  %001?%001:  No, please! No more, I beg you!Kyoko:  Listen to what I have to say, %001. It's important.%001:  .....Sensei?Ruri:  Aki almost drowned in the bath. Kyoko-sensei is
taking care of her.%001:  I see......I seem to recall Ruri kissing Aki before that all
happened...%001:  Don't you remember it?Ruri:  Remember what?%001:  ......Oh, nevermind.I forgot, when she drinks, she loses her memory.
Ruri:  Kyoko-sensei is taking care of her.
Ruri:  I'm sure she'll be alright soon.Ruri:  She's taking care of Aki.Ruri:  Are you worried about her?%001:  ......Not really.......What happened to me?..............................Now I remember! I was peeking into the women's
bath, and...I'll never forget that scene as long as I live...Ouch!The area above my my right eye is puffed up like a rock,
and pulsating with pain...............Why?Where am I?..........................I'm in my room in the inn...........Where the hell is Makoto?%001:  Ouch...!???:  Are you awake?%001:  ....Wah!I jumped at the sudden voice. A wet towel fell from my eyes,
CT05A0Ruri:  ...............%001:  ......Ruri...?Has she been taking care of me?%001:  I don't know! I don't know what I should do!Kyoko:  Calm down, %001!Kyoko:  Can you look her in the face and say, 'I love
you' to her?%001:  .....I...........I think so, but...!Kyoko:  Sympathy won't do anything for her, if that's all
you're feeling.%001:  I....

CT02I   <
CT02IA0Kiyomi:  What's the matter?%001:  Kiyomi, I...Kyoko:  %001, if you're not sure of yourself, you
shouldn't run after her.Kyoko:  Sympathy is only going to hurt her more.%001:  I.......%001:  I can't just let her go like that.Kiyomi:  .........!%001:  Ever since I met Ruri, I've known...she was the
one.Kyoko:  Then go after her! Hurry!%001:  Kiyomi, apologize to the others for me!Kiyomi:  Wait, %001! I love you!%001:  ......Forgive me, Kiyomi!;CSE_E_1.OVL%001:  ................Kyoko:  That's alright, too.Kyoko:  If you love someone other than Ruri, it'd be unfair
for you to chase after her.%001:  If I went after her, I think I'd only hurt her.Kyoko:  Then stay here. That's your answer, and there's
no reason to be ashamed of yourself.Kyoko:  As her teacher, though, I will go after her.
Makoto, will you go to the station with me?Makoto:  Roger, Commander!Kyoko:  Okay, I'll see you back at home, %001.%001:  ...Alright.And that was how Ruri Shiromizu left our lives forever.;CSB01.OVL