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<I'm at the tennis courts.   
CT12A0Kyoko:  Oh, it's %001.%001:  K- Kyoko-sensei!%001:  Um, where's Mio?Kyoko:  Mio! %001's here to get his chocolate and your
confession of true love!%001:  ....S- Sensei....Kyoko:  Okay, I know when I'm not wanted.geeefffggйй2йвAs Kyoko-sensei left, Mio came running up.        
CT03RA0Mio:  %001!%001:  Mio.....Her face is bright red.She's looking at me like she's about to cry. Mio:  %001, I...I, um...Mio:  I, um...She hands me a cutely-decorated package.Mio:  P- Please eat this!%001:  Mio, is this Valentine's Day chocolate?Mio:  Yes!%001:  ....You didn't have to.Mio:  Oh, I wanted to! I mean, well, what I mean is....Mio:  ......I love you.%001:  Thank you, Mio. I'm really happy.Mio:  .....%001...!!%001:  Mio, will you do something for me?Mio:  Do something for you?%001:  I want you to wait for my answer. I'll give it to
you in one month, on White Day.   
CT03I   ;
CT03IA0Mio:  ....Why?%001:  I'm really happy to hear how you feel. But there
are other girls who feel the same way.Mio:  .......!!%001:  I'm ashamed to say it, but I'm not sure yet...who
I really love...%001:  I'm really happy that you told me you loved me. I'll
hold that in my heart forever.%001:  I'm sorry for being so indecisive. But please wait
one month!Mio:  %001......Mio:  ..........................Mio:  ..................Mio:  .............Mio:  ......Mio:  %001, I....Mio:  I'll wait for you.%001:  Thank you, Mio.Mio:  I'll wait for your answer.
<Mio runs off.  efg
 <....Now I've heard what everyone has to tell me.Now...I've got to make up my mind which one I really love.I owe that to all of them.CSC01_.OVL%001:  Reiko's waiting for me.I head for the pool.CSB05_A.OVLI've already talked to Reiko.%001:  Kiyomi's waiting for me.I head for the baseball field.CSB05_B.OVLI already talked to Kiyomi.%001:  Oh, Kyoko-sensei, I've got a favor to ask of you...Kyoko:  What is it?I took out the chocolate Aki gave me for Makoto.%001:  Aki gave this to me, and asked me to give it to
Makoto.Kyoko:  Oh, did she decide she doesn't love you?%001:  I got some, too.%001:  Will you give this to him for me? I'm sure he'd be
happy.Kyoko:  Well, I guess I can do that.As Kyoko runs off towards the school building, Mio runs
up to me.     
CT03RA0Mio:  %001!%001:  Mio....