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Reiko:  ............
;AE_131%001:  ............Reiko:  ..........................%001:  ............................Mmm...Reiko:  .............Mmm....%001:  ...................!!Reiko:  ...................................%001:  ...................Mmmm!!%001:  *gasp*!!%001:  ....*pant*.....*pant*......Reiko:  %001, what's the matter?%001:  I can see why you're on the swim team! You can
really hold your breath a long time!Reiko:  .......You broke the mood.%001:  Sorry.I kissed her again, this time invading her mouth with my
tongue.Reiko:  ........??%001:  ...................................Reiko:  ..................Mmm!%001:  .............................Reiko:  ......................!.Reiko:  %001, where did you learn to kiss like that?Don't ask me, I don't want to think about that right now!%001:  This is the first time I've kissed someone......Of course, I didn't really kiss Kyoko-sensei... More
like, I was being kissed by her.Reiko:  Really?%001:  .....................I began to rub Reiko's abundant chest through her clothes.Reiko:  W- Wait a minute... Don't you think it's too
early for that?%001:  If you want me to stop, I will.Reiko:  .........................%001:  I love you, Reiko... So I'd never do anything that
you didn't like.%001:  Let me know what you want to do. I'll leave it
up to you.Reiko:  You're cheating.Reiko:  It's not right....to make the girl choose like this.%001:  ...............Reiko:  ........I can't say it! I'm too embarrassed!%001:  ......Don't worry, Reiko...Reiko:  ........Reiko nodded, her face red with embarrassment.CSE_A_2.OVL