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<Kiyomi:  Wait, this is impossible. There's no way
something that large is going to fit inside me!%001:  It's alright. I'll be careful not to hurt you.Kiyomi:  No, it's impossible. I'll die!%001:  Please, trust me. Have I ever broken a promise I
made do you?Before she can answer, I kiss her, entering her mouth
with my tongue.%001:  ..........Okay?Kiyomi:  ...........Alright....%001:  Okay, I'm coming in, Kiyomi.
;AE_155Kiyomi:  ...............!!My cock sank slowly into Kiyomi's folds.%001:  ..........Does it hurt?Kiyomi shook her head, but the expression on her face
told me the truth.Kiyomi:  .....No....it's alright...Out of the corner of her eyes, then, I saw her tears.%001:  Kiyomi.....I love you!Kiyomi:  %001.....I love you, too....!Slowly, I increase my movements. Kiyomi's voice gets
louder, desperate.Kiyomi:  .......What's happening?  I....feel so strange...%001:  Kiyomi....!Kiyomi:  ...........Ahhh!............Ahhhhhh!.Kiyomi:  .......................................Mmmm...!!Kiyomi:  ..........................Ahhhhh, %001!%001:  ..................I can't hold it.....!!Kiyomi arched her back up towards me one final time, just
as my vision went white.Then I came, filling Kiyomi's pussy in a creamy rush.%001:  Kiyomi...Kiyomi:  %001, did I just...come?%001:  Yes.Kiyomi:  ........%001......Kiyomi:  ....It was so...good...I held Kiyomi to me.I loved her more than I had thought possible.I loved her, and wanted to make her feel good, forever.We lay like that a long time, finally sleeping, waking
later to love each other some more....!