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7?K &2  ,2  LOOKTALKMIO&2Р,2╜э"
CT03A0Mio:  %001....She's looking at me with doubt in her eyes.%001:  Mio.....I.....Mio:  ...Yes?
з%001:  ...I've got something to talk to you about!%001:  Will you come with me?Mio:  What could you want to talk to be about that can't
be taken care of right here?%001:  Um...you know...Valentine's Day...Mio:  ......................Mio:  ......Aki's not here. Look somewhere else.%001:  What?!Mio:  I heard all about it from Aki... What happened on
Christmas Eve and everything...%001:  !! 
CT03K   ;
CT03KA0Mio:  I'm sorry it had to end up this way. Please give
my best to Aki.
:Mio smiled one last time, then ran off.6y%001:  ...I've got something to talk to you about!%001:  Will you come with me?Mio:  What could you want to talk to be about that can't
be taken care of right here?%001:  Um...you know...Valentine's Day...Mio:  ......................Mio:  You don't have to break the bad news to me. I already
know.%001:  Mio...?Mio:  You like women with large breasts, after all...%001:  What?   
CT03I   ;
CT03IA0Mio:  ........I know there's someone you love more than me.Mio:  I hope you're..... I hope you're happy with her.
:Tears welling up in her eyes, Mio ran off.6y%001:  Mio, come back...!!I started to chase her, but a hand stopped me.        
CT12A0Kyoko:  I'm sorry it had to end this way, %001.%001:  K- Kyoko-sensei!  
CT12K   ;
CT12KA0Kyoko:  But don't worry. I've decided to have a 'Broken
Heart Party.' We're going to drink all night!%001:  No! Anything but that!<After a night of drowning my sorrows with Kyoko-sensei,
I was admitted to a hospital for treatment for acute
alcoholism.Kyoko:  Well, that's youth for you...%001:  ......This isn't what I wanted!