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@HPZ"&*  4  :  TAKE HERPEEKWAIT*  ╙4  Н:     m       .....Then, one day during Spring Vacation.I went to Mio's house.
CT03KA0%001:  Hello?Mio:  Hi, %001! Come on in.%001:  Where is everyone?Mio:  They're all away, at my grandparents'.%001:  You mean we're all alone here?  
CT03R   ;
CT03RA0Mio:  That's right.%001:  Wait! Don't worry, I didn't mean anything......%001:  Oh, I almost forgot. Here's your birthday present.
You're twenty years old now.      
CT03KA0Mio:  Thank you, %001!  Can I open it?%001:  Of course.Mio:  Oh! Tennis shoes!%001:  Your old shoes are so worn out, so I thought you'd
like these.%001:  Well, do you?Mio:  Yes, thank you... I'm so happy...Later that night.%001:  Ah, beef stew. It smells delicious.Mio:  Shinji taught me how to make it. Do you like it?%001:  Yes, it's really good!Mio:  Really?%001:  Yes, it is. You'll make a good wife someday.      
CT03R   ;
CT03RA0Mio:  .............Yours?%001:  ...........................How should I answer that?Should I laugh?...But if she's serious, and I laugh, I'll hurt her feelings...%001:  ........Um, well...Mio:  Don't look so serious, %001! I was only kidding!
Now eat before it gets cold.%001:  Alright........................%001:  That was delicious.%001:  Well, I guess I'll be off, then.   
CT03A0Mio:  %001...!%001:  Yes?Mio:  Will you do something for me?%001:  Of course. I'd do anything for my Mio.     
CT03I   ;
CT03IA0Mio:  .........Don't go home tonight.Mio:  Stay with me.... Stay with me, tonight.
%001:  ....................
;AE_141Without saying anything, I pulled Mio to me.Mio:  ....%001!I crushed Mio's bird-like body against me.She closed her eyes as a signal. Wihout hesitating, I kissed
her.Mio:  ..........Mmmmm....Finally she moved away from me slowly.Mio:  I'm going to take a bath. I'll be right back.%001:  Can I...take one with you?Mio:  ....No, please wait here.
<Mio heads for the bath......Did you forget what happened when you did that at the
hot springs?She asked you to wait. Don't you think that's a better idea?Waiting around is making me nervous, too.Damn!I started pacing like a caged tiger.Mio:  Sorry to keep you waiting...%001:  That was fast.Mio:  Yes, well...Mio:  Do...you want to take a bath, too?%001:  .......I'll do that.<In the shower, I washed my body thoroughly.My cock stayed hard the whole time I was washing myself.This is bad...I've got to calm down!Taking time before you do it is terrible for your nerves...
This is a lot different from when I was with Kyoko-
sensei.What do I do? I'm too nervous!........Shit....!...........................Mio:  %001?Mio:  .....%001, wake up!
<%001:  What?Mio:  %001, you're awake!When I woke up, I was lying in a futon. Mio was looking
at me with worry in her eyes.%001:  Did I......pass out?Mio:  ..........Yes.%001:  What?!Suddenly I sat up and looked under the blanked that
covered me.......As I suspected, I wasn't wearing anything down
there.%001:  ...........................%001:  ..........Mio, did you look at it?Mio:  I couldn't help it!%001:  That's not fair.Mio:  What?%001:  It's not fair that you got to see mine, but I
didn't get to see yours...!Mio:  ....................%001:  Show me, Mio. Show me yours.Mio:  ..............CSE_C_2.OVL