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$(АМЦа░╝╞*.48<@()D  O{  U  e  k  t  APOLOGIZELOOKBE NICE TO HERKISSMASSAGEENTERMIOD  жхнO{|▒U  √@e  Ы.~sk  укб     t  j

;AE_144Mio:  ....Th-......Ah!Mio:  YAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!%001:  ......!!Mio:  .....I can't...... I can't believe you did that...Seeing Mio's tears flow freely, I finally realized what I
had done.%001:  .......Mio, I....Blood was flowing from Mio's pussy, creating a large stain
on the sheets beneath her.Drowning in my own selfish passion, I had hurt Mio terribly.%001:  .....Mio, I'm sorry!%001:  I'm....I'm such a stupid fool!Mio:  ....*sob*.....%001:  I'm sorry. It really hurt, didn't it?Mio:  Yes...%001:  I'm sorry...really...Mio:  ......I don't want to do this if you're not going
to be gentle with me.%001:  .........................Mio:  Next time...be gentle, okay?%001:  ....Alright.%001:  I'm sorry, Mio.%001:  I'll never do anything like that again. I promise.Mio:  %001....Mio embraced me, her naked body pressing against mine.Mio:  I love you, %001!  I love you!She's still sobbing.I'd better be gentle with her.My cock has slipped out of Mio.She'll probably be okay the second time......I'm not very good with words...I don't want to fuck
it up.%001:  .....I love you, Mio. I want to be with you forever.Mio:  I do too, %001.e6чA tear was running slowly down her soft cheek.%001:  I'm sorry. That hurt a lot, I'll bet.Mio:  ...................I kissed her tear away.I kissed her lips softly.Mio:  .......I like your kisses. They're gentle.I kissed her ear, putting my tongue in.Mio:  Ahhhhh....Her shoulders trembling, Mio moaned, her breath hot
against my body.I kissed her on the neck, leaving a mark.Mio:  Oh, %001...Mio's breath increased in speed and shallowness.My kisses move down, stopping at her breasts.Mio:  %001, that's so good...Like a baby, I suckle her.f6ч%001:  .....So breasts are supposed to ge bigger if
someone rubs them?Mio:  I don't know...%001:  I'll massage them for you.With both hands, I started to rub Mio's breasts.Mio:  Ahhhh.....!Mio:  %001, do you like women with large breasts?%001:  Yours will get bigger, trust me.Mio:  So you do think they're small?%001:  No, I... But what about tennis? If your breasts
were too big, you couldn't play well.Mio:  ....Yes, but...%001:  Size isn't important at all. I like these because
they're yours.While massaging her breasts with my hands, I played
with her nipples.Mio:  Ahh....Mio's abdomen arched up towards me.g6чMio's not ready yet.I don't want to hurt her again.%001:  Mio, this time I'm going to be careful not to hurt
you, alright?Mio:  Okay.Mio closes her eyes tightly.%001:  I'm coming in now...Mio:  ...Ah!My blood-stained cock slid into Mio once again.Mio:  .......That hurts...!As I pushed in, Mio's pussy tried to refuse me entry.%001:  Mio, try to relax your muscles...Mio:  .....It...It hurts.....She loosened the tenseness in her muscles, allowing my
crimson cock to push all the way into her center.%001:  It's done, Mio. The hard part is finished.Mio:  %001.....Mio was crying, again...%001:  Mio....I love you...Mio:  I've done it. I've joined with %001... We're one, now.Mio:  ......I'll be alright. Please do what you want now.%001:  But...Mio:  Please, I want to make you feel good.%001:  Alright. Thank you, Mio.I begin moving my body slowly at first, then start thrusting
in and out of her slit.Mio:  ......Ahn....ahnnnn!There is pain in Mio's cries, but something sweeter, too.
Seeing her under me, all around me, made me more and
more excited.%001:  Mio!  .....Mio!Mio:  %001.....I.....I feel so strange!Mio:  Ahhhhn......Ahhhhhhhn!Mio:  ..............Oh my God!%001:  ...Kku!!Mio cried out once more, than was silent.%001:  Mio?%001:  Mio! Are you alright? What happened?Mio:  ....%001..........I love you......%001:  So this is what happens when a woman comes.Mio loved me, and felt good to be with me. This love had
boiled up inside her.Mio drifted off to sleep, a satisfied expression on her
face. I hugged her to me and closed my eyes myself.With Mio's small body in my arms, I went to sleep
myself...!  efg