
Subversion Repositories NedoOS


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Shoko:  ........Mm......
<AE_173%001:  ......Wahh!!Suddenly Shoko put my cock into her mouth.A fresh, wet feeling assulted my senses, causing me to
moan.She's got my cock in her mouth.Shoko:  ......Mmm....mmmm.....Bobbing her forward and back, she's sliding my cock in
and out of her mouth vigorously.She's really good at this.Shoko:  Mmmm.......mmmmm....%001:  ...That's good.Suddenly she sucks, hard enough for her face to contract
inwards.Shoko:  ........Mmmm...%001:  Ghhh!Taking me out of her mouth, she starts licking up and
down my shaft with her tongue.%001:  Ku....!%001:  .....Sh- Shoko....Shoko:  .......Mmmm.....mmmm......Shoko:  ......Shu-kun...I want to make love now.%001:  Yes, it's time.CSE_D_4.OVL