
Subversion Repositories NedoOS


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$,  HOLD HER  Ruri:  ............................Ruri:  I didn't want to hear those words from you.%001:  .......I see.
;AE_182Ruri:  I'd finally... I'd finally made up my mind to go
back to Mother... Now how can I go?%001:  ...........Ruri:  Please leave! Right now!Ruri:  I've got to go home to Mother! But I don't want to
leave you!Ruri:  I love you, %001... But I've got to go home to
;AE_183Ruri:  So....I want you to leave...%001:  ..................Without saying anything, I take Ruri into my arms. She
doesn't resist.%001:  ...........Ruri...Ruri:  Let go of me...%001:  Why?Ruri:  I don't want to hurt you...%001:  Ruri....%001:  .....If you don't want to hurt me, then don't run
away from me like this.Ruri:  ..............%001:  I don't care how far away you run. I'll always find
you again... Because I love you.Ruri:  .........%001:  Being hurt isn't anything to be afraid of.%001:  But losing you forever... That's something I could
never bear.Ruri:  ................%001:  If you really do love me...then don't run away
from me anymore!Ruri:  .................Ruri:  Can I.....Can I believe what you're saying?Ruri:  Will you really stay with me forever?%001:  If that's what you want.Ruri:  ............................Ruri:  Come in, %001. I'll take care of that blood.CSE_E_4.OVL