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Ruri was shaking.Ruri:  I'm cold. Please, hold me...make me warm...%001:  ........Alright.I kiss her lips.Ruri:  Mmm...Ruri make a sound like a kitten getting its head scratched.I kiss Ruri's face all over......Her nose, her cheeks, her forehead, then her mouth
again.I kiss her nipples lightly.Ruri:  Ah.....Ruri's body shivers all over, this time not from the cold.I suckle Ruri's breasts, making a sound.Ruri:  Ahhhhn.....Ruri closes her eyes, her face betraying her pleasure.e6HI softly rub her breasts.Her breasts are so soft....I've never felt anything like
them.Ruri:  .......Oh....Ruri lets out a slow, excited sigh.Moving from outside to in, I caress her thighs.Ruri:  .....That tickles.I touch her pussy to find it already moist and yearning
for me.%001:  You're really wet, Ruri...Ruri:  .....I can't help it...f6H%001:  Ruri, I'm coming in.Ruri just closed nodded to me.
;AE_186Slowly I slid inside her. Welcome heat flowed around me,
covering my cock.Ruri:  ....%001!%001:  Ruri.....I love you...I pushed in further, and then I was all the way in her.Ruri:  I'm joined... I'm joined with %001...%001:  Ruri...I love you...Stroking her hair gently, I started to move.Ruri:  Ahhhh....!Feeling her all around me, I increased my movements.My cock was fully erect, moving in and out of her faster
and faster.Ruri's breath began to get faster, shallow, as she pushed
against the headboard, matching my movements.Ruri:  I feel...I feel like my body's...melting...Ruri:  %001.... Oh, %001...%001:  Ruri...! Ruri...!Ruri: ....Ahhh......Ahhhhhhn.....%001!%001:  Ruri!Letting out one final desperate gasp, she fell back
against the bed.Myself spent, I allowed myself to come inside her, 
collapsing over her.;............................
;AB_20_1%001:  Huh?%001:  Where am I...?%001:  Oh, I remember now. I chased after Ruri, and found
her...%001:  Where is she?I looked around the room, but she wasn't here.%001:  Where did she go?%001:  Mm?I found a letter on the pillow next to me.I opened the letter. It was Ruri's writing...had to be.'I'm sorry for leaving without saying goodbye.But if you wake up, then I won't be able to do what I've
got to do.I'm going home to mother.Please don't be sad. I want you to know that you'll
always be in my heart.I know that we'll meet again, someday.I'll never forget you. I promise.                              Thank you.
                                  Ruri Shiromizu.'%001:  What?%001:  You can't mean this....can you?%001:  Ruri!=She was gone, gone far away from me, where I couldn't
reach her this time...................................Time passed. My misery didn't.And then, the season of the sakura came again.%001:  ........The sakura are in full bloom again.%001:  When I first met you, the sakura were in bloom...%001:  Ruri...Ruri:  Yes, they were.%001:  !!! ef
 She's ready for me. It's time.