
Subversion Repositories NedoOS


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#                                                                           #
# Set of scripts for converting of English translation of the nedoos.txt in #
# Markdown format to TXT, HTML or PDF/ConTeXt via pandoc.                   #
#                                                                           #
# Author: Martin 'BruXy' Bruchanov, bruchy at gmail dot com                 #
#                                                                           #
# Markdown: https://pandoc.org/MANUAL.html#pandocs-markdown                 #
# ConTeXt:  https://wiki.contextgarden.net/Main_Page                        #
#                                                                           #
# Notes: Original MD file is in UTF-8, but it is also exported to TXT       #
#        with given number of columns (TXT_WIDTH) in CP866.                 #
#                                                                           #
#        * pandoc and iconv are used for export to HTML, TXT, ConTeXt       #
#        * context is only necessary for PDF format, the document style     #
#          is defined in nedoos_en.ctex.                                    #
#                                                                           #

.PHONY: check_deps tex html pdf txt clean

# Input in Markdown
SRC = nedoos_en.md
DEPS = check_deps Makefile # dependenties

# Output formats
PDF = $(SRC:.md=.pdf)
HTML = $(SRC:.md=.html)
TXT = $(SRC:.md=.txt)
TEX_TEXT = $(SRC:.md=_text.ctex)

# ConTeXt style
TEX = $(SRC:.md=.ctex)

# Create all formats
all: $(PDF) $(HTML) $(TXT) $(DEPS)

# Create PDF
pdf: $(PDF) $(DEPS)

$(PDF): $(TEX) $(TEX_TEXT)
        context $(TEX)

# Convert MD text into ConTeXt
# This file is called from $(TEX) with style definition
tex: $(TEX_TEXT) $(PDF)

        pandoc --from markdown --to context -o $(TEX_TEXT) $(SRC)
        sed -i -e 's/ - /~-- /g' $(TEX_TEXT) # typography improvement

# Convert MD text to HTML
html: $(HTML)

$(HTML): $(SRC) $(DEPS)
        pandoc --from markdown --to html -o $(HTML) $(SRC)
        sed -i -e 's/ - /\ \– /g' $(HTML) # typography improvement

# Convert MD text to plain text
txt: $(TXT)

$(TXT): $(SRC) $(DEPS)
        pandoc --from markdown --columns=$(TXT_WIDTH) --to plain -o $(TXT) $(SRC)
        iconv --from UTF-8 --to CP866//TRANSLIT $(TXT) -o $(TXT)

# Check is prerequsities are installed
        @pandoc --version > /dev/null || \
        { echo "Install 'pandoc' first!" 1>&2; exit 1; } && echo "OK: 'pandoc' found."
        @context --version > /dev/null || \
        { echo "Install 'context' first!" 1>&2; exit 1; } && echo "OK: 'context' found."
        @iconv --version > /dev/null || \
        { echo "Install 'iconv' for file enconding conversions"; exit 1; } && \
        echo "OK: 'iconv' found."

# Clean repository
        rm -f $(TEX_TEXT) $(SRC:.md=.log) $(SRC:.md=.tuc)

        rm -f $(HTML) $(TXT) $(PDF) $(SRC:.md=.log) $(SRC:.md=.tuc)