; cc2a.asm
; 7/18/82: Added Kirkland debugging feature: if kflg (110h) is non-zero,
; we assume it is the proper restart value to be inserted
; at the start of each expression that is the first on a line,
; to be followed by the line number.
; 12/30/85: Added new "modstk" module numbering/naming mechandsm as
; previously implemented in CC.
jp cc2 ;jump around data passed from call c,during autoload:
chainf: db 0 ;true if cc2 being auto-loaded by cc1 (103h)
chainf: db 1 ;always being auto-loaded if under MARC
optimf: db 1 ;true if value-fetch hack is OK to perform (104h)
cccadr: dw ram+100h ;address of base of run-time package (105h)
exaddr: ds 2 ;explicit external address, (if eflag is true) (107h)
eflag: db 0 ;default to no explicit external address (109h)
fnam: ds 2 ;pointer to filename for use in writing out crl file
;spsav: ds 2 ;saved CCP stack pointer under CP/M (10Ah)
ds 2 ;NU (constant addresses!!!)
curtop: ds 2 ;current top of memory (10Ch)
maxmd: db 0 ;maxmem done flag, under MARC
ccpok: db 1 ;CCP still intact flag, under CP/M (10Eh)
erasub: db 0 ;bit 0: true if erasing submit files on error (10Fh)
;bit 1: "werrs" true if writing RED file
ds 1 ;dummy byte under MARC
cdbflg: db 0 ;CDB flag (-k<n> option to CC1) (110h)
defsub: db 0 ;where to find submit files (CP/M only) (111h)
conpol: db 1 ;whether or not to poll console for interrupts (112h)
errbyt: dw errdum ;ZCPR3 error condition flag address (dummy default)
ds 4
oktort: db 0 ;extracted from ccpok b1 on startup
wboote: db 1 ;extracted from ccpok b2 on startup
zenvf: db 0 ;extracted from ccpok b3 on startup
errdum: ds 1 ;dummy zcpr3 error flag
cc2: ;ld hl,0 ;save current SP in HL
;add hl,sp
ld sp,0;stack ;set up new stack
call initstdio
lda defsub
inc a
sta subfile
lda chainf
or a
jp z,cc2a ;if not chaining, go initialize stuff
; UNPACK ccpok:
lda ccpok ;extract oktort from ccpok
ld b,a
and 1 ;b0
sta ccpok ;set ccpok flag
ld a,b
and 2 ;b1
sta oktort ;set ok to return to ccp flag
ld a,b
and 4 ;b2
sta wboote ;set do warm boot on exit flag
ld a,b
and 8 ;b3
sta zenvf ;set ZCPR3 flag
or a ;Z environment?
jp nz,cc20a ;if not, go do greeting
ld hl,errdum ;else set errbyt address to dummy
shld errbyt
cc20a: ld de,s00 ;print CR-LF if being chained to from cc1
call pstgco ;if chaining, print CR-LF before sign-on message
jp cc2b
cc2a: ;shld spsav ;save CCP stack pointer
ld hl,NEDOOSMEMTOP;lhld ram+6
shld curtop ;set up current top of memory below CCP
ld a,1
sta ccpok ;set CCP not bashed flag
cc2b: lhld errbyt
ld (hl),0 ;no error by default
ld de,s0 ;regular sign-on msg
call pstgco
call c2init ;do rest of initialization
cc2c: call dofun ;process a function
lhld cdp
call igshzz ;lde pointer to next function
shld cdp ;and save text pointer
ld a,(hl) ;get 1st char of next function
ld hl,entn ;bump entry count (function count)
inc (hl)
or a
jp nz,cc2c ;are we at EOF?
lhld codp ;yes.
dec hl
shld eofad ;set this for the "writf" routine
call errwrp ;wrap up error handling, exit if there were errors
ld hl,ascb+4 ;else do write out a CRL file...
ld (hl),'K' ;but first give a usage report
ld hl,NEDOOSMEMTOP;lhld bdosp ;this is as high as free memory can ever get
ld l,0
ex de,hl
lhld codp ;and this is as high as we got generating code
call cmh
add hl,de
ld a,h ;divide difference by 1K
and 3fh
ld l,a ;and print out result
ld h,0
dec hl
xor a
call prhcs ;print out their difference
ld de,stgtsp ;with some text
call pstg ;and...
call writf ;write out the CRL file
exit: QUIT ;lda wboote ;do warm boot on exit?
;or a
;jp nz,ram ;if so, go boot
;lda chainf ;did we chain?
;or a
;jp z,ram ;if not, do warm boot in case we're SID-ing
;lhld spsav ;get possibly saved CCP SP
;ld sp,hl
;lda ccpok ;CCP intact?
;or a
;ret nz ;return if so
;lda oktort ;ok to return DESPITE ccpok's value?
;or a
;ret nz ;if so, return
;jp ram ;else warm-boot
; Some standard routine addresses within C.CCC, all relative
; to the origin of C.Ccall c,(stored at cccadr at run time)
; These values will change anytime C.Ccall c,is reconfigured.
ldei: equ 04dh ;value-fetch routines
sdei: equ 05ch
lsei: equ 06bh
ssei: equ 077h
ldli: equ 083h
sdli: equ 090h
pzinh: equ 09dh ;flag conversion routines
pnzinh: equ pzinh+6
pcinh: equ pzinh+12
pncinh: equ pzinh+18
ppinh: equ pzinh+24
pminh: equ pzinh+30
pzind: equ pzinh+36
pnzind: equ pzinh+42
pcind: equ pzinh+48
pncind: equ pzinh+54
ppind: equ pzinh+60
pmind: equ pzinh+66
eqwel: equ 0e5h ;relational operator routines
blau: equ 0ebh
albu: equ blau+1
bgau: equ 0f2h
agbu: equ bgau+1
blas: equ 0f9h
albs: equ blas+1
bgas: equ 104h
agbs: equ bgas+1
smod: equ 10fh
usmod: equ 129h
smul: equ 13fh ;multaplicative operator routines
usmul: equ 16bh
usdiv: equ 189h
sdiv: equ 1cbh
sderbl: equ 1e4h ;shift operator routines
shlrbe: equ sderbl+1
sdelbl: equ 1f2h
shllbe: equ sdelbl+1
cmhl: equ 1fah ;2's complement routines
cmd: equ 202h
; Keyword codes
gotcd: equ 8dh ;goto
rencd: equ 8eh ;return
sizcd: equ 8fh ;sizeof
brkcd: equ 90h ;break
cntcd: equ 91h ;continue
ifcd: equ 92h ;if
elscd: equ 93h ;else
docd: equ 95h ;do
whlcd: equ 96h ;while
swtcd: equ 97h ;switch
lbrcd: equ 9bh ;{
rbrcd: equ 9ch ;}
mainc: equ 9dh ;main
pplus: equ 0b2h ;++
mmin: equ 0b3h ;--
arrow: equ 0b4h ;->
mincd: equ 0b5h ;-
mulcd: equ 0b6h ;*
divcd: equ 0b7h ;/
ancd: equ 0bbh ;&
letcd: equ 0beh ;=
notcd: equ 0bfh ;!
open: equ 0c2h ;(
close: equ 0c3h ;)
plus: equ 0c4h ;+
period: equ 0c5h ;.
semi: equ 0c6h ;";"
comma: equ 0c7h ;,
openb: equ 0c8h ;[
closb: equ 0c9h ;]
colon: equ 0cah ;:
circum: equ 0cbh ;~
qmark: equ 0c0h ;?
slcd: equ 0b0h ;<<
srcd: equ 0b1h ;>>
lecd: equ 0aeh ;<=
gecd: equ 0afh ;>=
eqcd: equ 0aah ;==
neqcd: equ 0abh ; <excl.pt.>=
modcd: equ 0b8h ;%
gtcd: equ 0b9h ;>
ltcd: equ 0bah ;<
xorcd: equ 0bch ;^
orcd: equ 0bdh ;|
andand: equ 0ach ;&&
oror: equ 0adh ;||
; Text strings:
s1: db 'Can''t open file+'
s2: db cr,lf,'Write error+'
s2a: db 'CRL Dir overflow: break up source file+'
s3: db 'Missing label+'
s4: db 'Missing semicolon+'
s4a: db 'Extra text after statement, before ";"+'
stgms: equ s4 ;a more mnemonic name for this error msg
s5: db 'Illegal statement+'
s6: db 'Can''t create CRL file+'
stg7: db 'Bad operator+'
stg8: db 'Lvalue required+'
stg8a: db '++ or -- operator needs Lvalue+'
stg8b: db 'Bad left operand in assignment expr.+'
stg9: db 'Mismatched parens+'
stg9a: db 'Mismatched brackets+'
stg10: db 'Bad expression+'
stg11: db 'Bad function name+'
stg13: db 'Bad arg to unary op+'
stg14: db 'Expecting ":"+'
stg15: db 'Bad subscript+'
stg16: db 'Bad array base+'
stg17: db 'Bad struct or union spec+'
stg17a: db 'Using undefined struct type+'
stg18: db 'Bad type in binary operation+'
stg19: db 'Bad struct or union member+'
stg20: db 'Bad member name+'
stg21: db 'Illegal indirection+'
stgie: db 'Internal error: garbage in file or bug in C+'
stgom: db 'Sorry, out of memory. Break it up!+'
stgeof: db 'Encountered EOF unexpectedly+'
stgbf: db 'Bad parameter list+'
stgeri: db cr,lf,'RED error output initiated+'
stgabo: db 'Compilation aborted by ^C+'
stgabo: db 'Compilation aborted+'
stgbbo: db 'Expecting binary op+'
stgeop: db 'Missing "("+'
stgecp: db 'Missing ")"+'
stgtsp: db 'to spare',cr,lf;cr
db lf
db 0
stgftb: db 'The function ',0
stgtb2: db ' is too complex; break it into smaller ones+'
stgmlb: db 'Missing "{" in function def''n+'
stgcsn: db 'Control Structure '
stgetc: db 'Nesting too deep+'
subfile: db 1,'$$$ SUB',0,0,0,0
s00: db cr,lf,0
patch: dw 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0ffffh ;patch space
patch2: dw 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0ffffh
patch3: dw 0,0,0,0,0,0,0ffffh
; Special codes
nlcd: equ 0f7h ;new-line (linefeed)
concd: equ 0f8h ;constant code (followed by 2 byte value)
varcd: equ 0f9h ;variable code (foll. by 2 byte disp into s.t.)
lblcd: equ 0fah ;label code (foll. by 2-byte label val)
labrc: equ 0fch ;label reference (foll. by 2-byte label code value)
strcd: equ 0fdh ;string code (foll. by 2-byte sting #)
swtbc: equ 0feh ;byte following `switch(expr)', preceding case table
litrl: equ 0f7h
endms: equ 38h
modbeg: equ 0f5h
modend: equ 0f6h
minit: lda optimf ;look at rst7 bit of optimization flag
and 40h
ret z ;if not set, don't fudge with macro table
ld hl,m16bz
shld mactz
shld mactz+2
ld hl,m18z
shld mactz+4
shld mactz+6
; Come here on an internal error (if ierror is called instead
; of jumped to, that makes it easier to find out where the
; internal error occurred)
ierror: ld de,stgie ;come here when things are REALLY skewered
; Print out error and abort compilation:
perrab: call perr
; The general abort entry point...abort submit processing
; and reboot.
errab: push hl
lhld errbyt
ld (hl),1 ;set zcpr3 error flag (or dummy under CP/M)
pop hl
lda werrs
or a
call nz,errwr2
ld a,7 ;ring a bell for errors having occurred
call outch
lda erasub ;bother to erase submit files?
or a
jp z,exit ;if not, all done
;ld c,sguser ;get current user
;ld e,0ffh
;push af ;save current user
;ld c,sguser ;select user 0
;ld e,0
;lda zenvf ;but only under ZSYSTMS!
;or a
;call nz,bdos
ld de,subfile ;erase pending submit files
call delf2
;pop af ;get original user
;ld e,a
;ld c,sguser ;select original user
;call bdos
jp exit ;all done
; Routine that expects a semicolon to be the next non-space
; character in the text. If it isn't, spew an error. If it
; is, pass over it:
psemi: call igsht
cp semi
jp nz,psmi2
inc hl
psmi2: push hl
lhld nlcnt ;get current line number
ex (sp),hl ;put in on stack, get text ptr in HL
call fsemi ;advance to semicolon
ex (sp),hl ;push text ptr onto stack, get old line no. in HL
ex de,hl ;put old line no. in DE
lhld nlcnt ;get current line no.
call cmpdh
pop hl ;get back current text ptr
ld de,s4
jp nz,psmi3 ;if no semicolon on current line, complain about
; missing semicolon
ld de,s4a ;else complain about superfluous characters
psmi3: call perr
inc hl ;advance text ptr past semicolon
; Routine to skip everything until a semicolon is found (used
; mainly in error-recovery following the detection of a really
; screwy, non-cleanly-recoverable error):
fsemi: ld a,(hl)
or a
jp z,igshe1 ;if EOF, bad error
cp semi
ret z
ld de,s5
cp lbrcd
jp z,perrab
cp rbrcd
jp z,perrab
cp nlcd
jp nz,fsemi3
push hl
lhld nlcnt
inc hl
shld nlcnt
pop hl
fsemi3: call cdtst
jp c,fsemi5
inc hl
inc hl
fsemi4: inc hl
jp fsemi
fsemi5: cp modbeg
jp nz,fsemi4
push de
ld de,13
add hl,de
pop de
jp fsemi
; Given HL->text, pass by any special codes and white space:
pascd: call igsht
call cdtst
ret c
inc hl
inc hl
inc hl
jp pascd
igcd: equ pascd
pascd2: call igshzz
or a
ret z
call cdtst
jp nc,pscd3
or a
pscd3: inc hl
inc hl
inc hl
or a
jp pascd2
cdtst: cp 0f8h
ret c
cp 0feh
; Ignore white space in text (but acknowledge newlines
; by bumping line count when they're encountered), and handle
; modbeg/modend:
igsht: call igshzz
or a
ret nz
lda prnflg ;file ends inside parens or brackets?
or a
jp z,igshe1
ld de,stg9 ;yes...if prnflag is 1, then use parens message
dec a
jp z,igsht0
ld de,stg9a ;else use brackets message
igsht0: lhld prnsav
shld nlcnt
jp perrab
igshe1: ld de,stgeof
igshe2: jp perrab
igshzz: ld a,(hl)
or a
ret z
cp nlcd
jp nz,igsh2
push hl ;bump newline count
lhld nlcnt
inc hl
shld nlcnt
pop hl
inc hl
jp igshzz
igsh2: cp lblcd
jp nz,igsh3
push de
inc hl
ld e,(hl)
inc hl
ld d,(hl)
inc hl
call entl
pop de
jp igshzz
igsh3: cp ' '
jp nz,igsh4
igsh3a: inc hl
jp igshzz
igsh4: cp modbeg ;module begin?
jp nz,igsh5
inc hl
call pushmn ;push module name on module stack
jp igshzz
igsh5: cp modend ;module end?
ret nz
call popmn ;pop module name
jp igsh3a
; Push module name at HL onto modstk, save current line number
; after it in the module stack, bump modstc, and reset nlcnt:
pushmn: ex de,hl ;put text ptr in DE
push hl ;save HL
ld hl,modstc
inc (hl)
lhld modstp
ld b,12
call ldrc
push de
ex de,hl
lhld nlcnt
ex de,hl
ld (hl),e
inc hl
ld (hl),d
inc hl
shld modstp
ld hl,0
shld nlcnt
pop de
pop hl
ex de,hl
; Pop modstk entry:
popmn: push hl
push de
lhld modstp
dec hl
ld d,(hl)
dec hl
ld e,(hl)
ex de,hl
shld nlcnt
ld hl,-12
add hl,de
shld modstp
ld hl,modstc
dec (hl)
pop de
pop hl
; lde B bytes from (DE) to (HL):
ldrc: push af
ldrc1: ld a,(de)
ld (hl),a
inc hl
inc de
dec b
jp nz,ldrc1
pop af
; Peek forward to next token, without actually processing any
; codes or changing status of the text pointer from the current value:
push hl ;save text pointer
push de
dec hl
peekn1: inc hl ;look at next char
peekn2: ld a,(hl) ;if null, done
or a
jp z,peekn4
cp nlcd ;ignore all whitespace and codes
jp z,peekn1
call cdtst
jp c,peekn3
inc hl
inc hl
jp peekn1
peekn3: cp ' '
jp z,peekn1
cp modend
jp z,peekn1
cp modbeg
jp nz,peekn4
ld de,13
add hl,de
jp peekn2
peekn4: pop de
pop hl
; Given that HL->open paren in text, find the matching
; close paren and pass by it (if no matching paren is ever
; found, announce an error ocurring on original line where
; the open paren was found):
mtchp: ld a,1
sta prnflg
push hl
lhld nlcnt
shld prnsav
pop hl
call mtchpz
push af
xor a
sta prnflg
pop af
mtchpz: inc hl
call igcd
cp close
jp nz,mtcp2
inc hl
mtcp2: cp open
jp nz,mtchpz
call mtchpz
dec hl
jp mtchpz
; Similar to mtchp, except for square brackets instead:
mtchb: ld a,2
sta prnflg
push hl
lhld nlcnt
shld prnsav
pop hl
call mtchbz
push af
xor a
sta prnflg
pop af
mtchbz: inc hl
call igcd
cp closb
jp nz,mtcbz2
inc hl
mtcbz2: cp openb
jp nz,mtchbz
call mtchbz
dec hl
jp mtchbz
; Convert ASCII character in A to upper case,
; but don't change value of parity bit!
mapuc: push bc
ld b,a
and 7fh
call mapuc2
ld c,a
ld a,b
and 80h
or c ;OR in original parity bit
pop bc
mapuc2: cp 61h
ret c
cp 7bh
ret nc
sub 32
; Return Cy set if (DE < HL)
cmpdh: ld a,d
cp h
ret nz
ld a,e
cp l
; Print error message, but use the line number saved at "savnlc" instead
; of the standard "nlcnt" count:
perrsv: push hl ;save current text pointer
lhld nlcnt ;save current line count
push hl
lhld savnlc ;get saved line count
shld nlcnt ;make it current just for this
call perr
pop hl ;now restore everything
shld nlcnt
pop hl
ret ;and return
; Report error by first printing out the current line number followed
; by a colon and a space, and then printing out the string pointed to
; by DE on entry:
perr: ld a,1
sta errf
lda prerrs ;print error msgs?
or a
ret z ;return if not
push hl
call pmodnc ;print module name, colon, space
lhld nlcnt
call prhcs
call pstg
pop hl
; Print out current module name, followed by a colon and space
pmodnc: call pmodnm
push af
ld a,':'
call outch
ld a,' '
call outch
pop af
; Print out current module name:
pmodnm: push hl
push de
lhld modstp
ld de,-14
add hl,de
ex de,hl
call pfnam2
pop de
pop hl
; Print out filename of fcb at DE:
pfnam2: push bc
ld a,(de) ;get disk code
or a
jp z,pfnm3 ;if file on currently logged disk, don't print
;disk designator.
; ld c,gdisk ;This section of code commented out to keep
; push de ;files on the currently logged drive from having
; call bdos ;a disk designator printed before their names.
; pop de ;uncomment the code to put this feature back
; inc a ;into action.
pfnm2: add a,'@' ;get A = 'A' for drive A, 'B' for B, etc.
call outch
ld a,':'
call outch
pfnm3: inc de
ld b,8
call pnseg
ld a,(de)
cp ' '
ld a,'.' ;print dot only if filename has extension
call nz,outch
ld b,3
call pnseg
pop bc
pnseg: ld a,(de)
cp ' '
call nz,outch
inc de
dec b
jp nz,pnseg
; Print out the null-terminated string pointed to by DE:
pstg: ld a,(de)
or a
ret z
cp '+'
jp nz,pstg2
ld a,cr
call outch
ld a,lf
jp outch
pstg2: call outch
inc de
jp pstg
; Output a string to console only:
pstgco: lda werrs
push af
xor a
sta werrs
call pstg
pop af
sta werrs
; Output a character of text to the console and/or PROGERRS.$$$ file:
outch: push de
push bc
push hl
push af
ld e,a ;lde char to be output to E register
lda werrs
or a ;if not writing errs to PROGERRS file,
jp z,outch3 ; go write to console
lda errsin
or a
jp nz,outch1 ;if RED buffer initialized, go handle I/O
;else initialize RED buffer:
inc a
sta errsin
push de
ld de,redfcb
lda fcb
ld (de),a
call delf2 ;delete previous PROGERRS.$$$
call create2 ;create new one
; call fopen2 ;open for output
ld hl,redbuf
shld redbp ;initialize redbuf sector pointer
ld de,stgeri ;"RED error output initiated"
call pstgco ;print text to console only
pop de
outch1: call redout ;write char to red output file
outch3: ;ld c,conout
;call bdos
ld a,e
pop af
pop hl
pop bc
pop de
; Write a character to RED output buffer, flushing if needed:
redout: lhld redbp ;get redbuf pointer
ld (hl),e ;store char
inc hl ;bump pointer
shld redbp ;save pointer
ld a,l ;past end of buffer?
cp (redbuf+128) and 0ffh
ret nz ;if not, return
redwrt: push de
ld de,redbuf ;set DMA address to redbuf for sector write
ld c,sdma
call bdos
ld de,redfcb
call writs2 ;write sector
ld de,tbuff ;set DMA address back for normal file i/o
ld c,sdma
call bdos
ld hl,redbuf
shld redbp
pop de
; Wrap up error handling, exit if there were errors:
errwrp: call errwr1
xor a
sta werrs
errwr1: lda errf ;were there any errors?
or a
ret z ;return if no errors
lda werrs ;RED output enabled?
or a
jp z,errab2 ;if not, we're all done.
errwr2: lda errsin
or a
ld hl,stgie ;if errf true but RED buf not initialized,
call z,perrab ; some kind of internal error
ld e,1ah ;ascii end-of-file
call redout
lhld redbp
ld a,l
cp redbuf and 0ffh ;has buffer just been flushed?
call nz,redwrt ;if not, write buffer one last time
ld de,redfcb
call fclose2 ;close RED output buffer
jp errab2
; Print a newline to the console:
crlf: push af
ld a,cr
call outch
ld a,lf
call outch
pop af
; Print out the value in HL in hex, followed by a colon
; and a space.
; Upon entry, A non-0: print no leading spaces
; A == 0: print leading spaces making total textual output 4 chars
prhcs: push hl
push de
push af
call prh ;convert HL to ascii at ascb
pop af
or a
ld hl,ascb
jp z,prhcs3 ;if printing leading spaces, go do it
dec hl
prhcs1: inc hl
ld a,(hl)
cp ' '
jp z,prhcs1 ;if all four digits, no leading spaces needed
prhcs3: ex de,hl ;put text ptr in DE
call pstg
pop de
pop hl
; Convert Hex value in HL to ASCII, at ASCB, followed by a colon
; and a space. A kludgey gas-pump algorithm is used, since
; no big numbers are ever printed (only line numbers):
prh: push de
call prh00
pop de
prh00: push hl
ld hl,' '
shld ascb
ld hl,' 0'
shld ascb+2
pop hl
inc hl
prh0: ld a,h
or l
ret z
dec hl
push hl
ld hl,ascb+3
prh1: ld a,(hl)
cp ' '
jp nz,prh2
ld a,'0'
prh2: inc a
cp '9'+1
jp z,prh4
prh3: ld (hl),a
pop hl
jp prh0
prh4: ld (hl),'0'
dec hl
jp prh1
ld de,fcb
fopen2: push de
ld c,openfil
call bdos
cp 255
pop de
jp z,op2
push hl ;clear nr field
ld hl,32
add hl,de
ld (hl),0
pop hl
ld c,m$open
call msys
sta marcfd
ret z
jp ferrab
op2: ld de,s1
call pstg
jp errab
fclose: ld de,fcb
push hl
ld c,closefil
call bdos
ld c,m$close
lda marcfd
call msys
jp nz,ferrab
pop hl
ld de,fcb
IF CPM ;write a sector under CP/M
writs2: push hl
ld c,wsequen
call bdos
pop hl
or a
ret z
ld c,m$write
lda marcfd
call msys
ret z
jp ferrab
ld de,s2
call pstg
jp errab
reads: push hl
ld de,fcb
ld c,rsequen
call bdos
pop hl
or a
ret z
lda marcfd
ld c,m$read
ld hl,tbuff
ld de,128
call msys
jp nz,ferrab
pop hl
ld a,e ;end of file?
or a
ret nz ;if not, return with Carry not set
scf ;else set Carry
ret ;and return
ld de,fcb
push de
push hl
ld hl,12
add hl,de
ld (hl),0
ld c,delete
call bdos
pop hl
pop de
create: ld de,fcb
push hl
push de
ld hl,12
add hl,de
ld (hl),0
ld c,makfil
call bdos
pop de
ld hl,32
add hl,de
ld (hl),0
pop hl
cp 255
ret nz
ld de,s6
call pstg
jp errab
; Write out the CRL file to disk:
writf: ld hl,fcb+9 ;make the extension "CRL"
ld (hl),'C'
inc hl
ld (hl),'R'
inc hl
ld (hl),'L'
call delfil ;delete old versions
call create ;create new output file
; call fopen ;open it under CP/M; under MARC, already open...
lhld codp
ex de,hl
lhld cdao
add hl,de
ex de,hl
lhld dirp
ld (hl),80h
inc hl
ld (hl),e
inc hl
ld (hl),d
ld hl,direc ;write out CRL directory
call copys ;(copy and write 4 sectors under CP/M)
call writs
call copys
call writs
call copys
call writs
call copys
call writs
ld de,512 ;just write it all out under MARC (yey)
call writs
lhld start ;now write out the code
writ2: call copys
push af
call writs
pop af
jp nc,writ2
call fclose
ld hl,fcb+10
ld (hl),'C' ;delete the CCI file, if it exists
inc hl
ld (hl),'I'
call cmh
ex de,hl
lhld eofad
add hl,de
inc hl ;HL is length of file to write out
ex de,hl
lhld start
call writs ;write out the CRL file in one shot (yey for MARC)
call fclose
lda chainf
or a ;only attempt to delete if not chained
call z,delfil ; to from CC1.
; Copy 128 bytes from mem at HL to tbuff:
; (Return C set on EOF)
IF CPM ;only need this under CP/M
copys: ld de,tbuff
ld b,80h
copy1: ld a,(hl)
ld (de),a
push de
ex de,hl
lhld eofad
ld a,h
cp d
jp nz,copy2
ld a,l
cp e
jp z,copy5
copy2: ex de,hl
pop de
inc hl
inc de
dec b
jp nz,copy1
xor a
copy5: pop de
copy5a: dec b
jp z,copy7
inc de
ld a,1ah
ld (de),a
jp copy5a
copy7: scf
IF MARC ;put this here so if the name overshoots, it'll
endnmp: ds 2 ;temporaries used in file renaming routine
dotflg: ds 1
nambuf: ds 40 ;just write into something we don't need...
; This routine sees if anything has been typed at the console,
; and if so, if it is a ^C then the compilation is aborted:
ckabrt: push hl
push de
push bc
push af
;lda conpol ;if not polling console, don't so it.
;or a
;jp z,noabrt
;ld c,intcon
;call bdos
;or a
;jp z,noabrt
;ld c,coninp
;call bdos
;cp 3
;jp nz,noabrt
;ld de,stgabo
;call pstg
;jp errab
;ld c,m$ichec
;call msys
noabrt: pop af
pop bc
pop de
pop hl
;link cc2b