; cc2d.asm:
; Utility routines for expression evaluator:
; Lookup the identifier pointed to by HL in the
; symbol table, and set the following values
; according to the symbol table entry:
; INDC1: indirection count
; TYP1: type
; STRSZ1: size of structure (if structure)
; DIMSZ1: array information (if array), else
; address of function (if function)
; FRML1: 1 if formal argument, else 0
; (DE): relative address (relative to BC or extad)
lookup: ld a,(hl)
cp varcd
call nz,ierror
inc hl
ld e,(hl)
inc hl
ld d,(hl)
inc hl
call lookp2
call igsht
lookp2: push bc
push hl
ex de,hl
add hl,hl
add hl,hl
add hl,hl
ld de,st
add hl,de
ld a,(hl)
push af ;flag using structure types as expressions
and 3
cp 2
ld de,stg10
call z,perr
pop af
and 87h
ld b,a
ld a,(hl)
push af
and 60h
or b
sta typ1
pop af
and 1
sta frml1
inc hl
ld a,(hl)
and 3
sta indc1
ld a,(hl)
and 3fh
ld a,1
jp z,lp3
dec a
lp3: sta vext
inc hl
ld e,(hl)
inc hl
ld d,(hl)
inc hl
push de
ld e,(hl)
inc hl
ld d,(hl)
inc hl
ex de,hl
shld strsz1
ex de,hl
ld e,(hl)
inc hl
ld d,(hl)
ex de,hl
shld dimsz1
pop de
lda frml1 ;formal?
or a
jp z,lp3a ;if not, displacement value is OK
lhld sfsiz ;else add sfsiz+4 to it
add hl,de ;HL = sfsiz + local_addr
ld de,4
add hl,de ;HL = sfsiz + local_addr + 4
ex de,hl ;put value back in DE
lp3a: ld hl,0
add hl,de
add hl,de
add hl,de
lda typ1
and 40h
jp z,lp4
shld dimsz1
lp4: pop hl
pop bc
; Push operator in A on operator stack:
oppsh: push hl
lhld opstp
inc hl
ld (hl),a
shld opstp
pop hl
; Pop off top entry in operator stack; Error
; if no operators on it:
oppop: push hl
lhld opstp
ld a,(hl)
cp 255
jp z,opop1
or a
jp nz,opop2
opop1: ld de,stg7
call perr
call fsemi
pop hl
opop2: dec hl
shld opstp
pop hl
; Pop off dummy op
oppops: push hl
lhld opstp
dec hl
shld opstp
pop hl
; Look at top of operator stack. Return Z set
; (Z true) if no operators on the stack:
tstops: push hl
lhld opstp
ld a,(hl)
or a
pop hl
ret z
cp 255
; Push information about operand 1 on the
; operand information stack:
pshn1: push hl
push af
lhld indc1
ex de,hl
lhld infsp ;the info-SP
ld (hl),e
inc hl
ld (hl),d
inc hl
ex de,hl
lhld strsz1
ex de,hl
ld (hl),e
inc hl
ld (hl),d
inc hl
ex de,hl
lhld dimsz1
ex de,hl
ld (hl),e
inc hl
ld (hl),d
inc hl
ex de,hl
lhld sval1
ex de,hl
ld (hl),e
inc hl
ld (hl),d
inc hl
ex de,hl
lhld svv1
ex de,hl
ld (hl),e
inc hl
ld (hl),d
inc hl
lda frml1
ld (hl),a
inc hl
shld infsp
call chkovn ;check for info table overflow
pop af
pop hl
; Push information about operand 2 on the
; operand information stack:
pshn2: push hl
push af
lhld indc2
ex de,hl
lhld infsp ;the info-SP
ld (hl),e
inc hl
ld (hl),d
inc hl
ex de,hl
lhld strsz2
ex de,hl
ld (hl),e
inc hl
ld (hl),d
inc hl
ex de,hl
lhld dimsz2
ex de,hl
ld (hl),e
inc hl
ld (hl),d
inc hl
ex de,hl
lhld sval2
ex de,hl
ld (hl),e
inc hl
ld (hl),d
inc hl
ex de,hl
lhld svv2
ex de,hl
ld (hl),e
inc hl
ld (hl),d
inc hl
lda frml2
ld (hl),a
inc hl
shld infsp
call chkovn ;check for info table overflow
pop af
pop hl
; Check for info-table overflow by seeing if the pointer
; has overlapped into the relocation table area:
chkovn: ld a,h
cp relt/255 ;if info pointer (hi) is less than the addr of the
ret c ;rel table (hi), then no overflow
jp nz,chkove ;if not same, then it has overflown
ld a,l ;if same, check low order byte
cp relt and 255
ret c ;if not less than rel table low byte, error
chkove: ld de,stgetc ;sub-expressions too deeply nested; complain and
jp perrab ;give up.
; Pop off operand information from the operand
; information stack; make it operand 1:
ppn1: push hl
push af
lhld infsp
dec hl
ld a,(hl)
sta frml1
dec hl
ld d,(hl)
dec hl
ld e,(hl)
dec hl
ex de,hl
shld svv1
ex de,hl
ld d,(hl)
dec hl
ld e,(hl)
dec hl
ex de,hl
shld sval1
ex de,hl
ld d,(hl)
dec hl
ld e,(hl)
dec hl
ex de,hl
shld dimsz1
ex de,hl
ld d,(hl)
dec hl
ld e,(hl)
dec hl
ex de,hl
shld strsz1
ex de,hl
ld d,(hl)
dec hl
ld e,(hl)
shld infsp
ex de,hl
shld indc1
pop af
pop hl
; Pop off information on operand 2:
ppn2: push hl
push af
lhld infsp
dec hl
ld a,(hl)
sta frml2
dec hl
ld d,(hl)
dec hl
ld e,(hl)
dec hl
ex de,hl
shld svv2
ex de,hl
ld d,(hl)
dec hl
ld e,(hl)
dec hl
ex de,hl
shld sval2
ex de,hl
ld d,(hl)
dec hl
ld e,(hl)
dec hl
ex de,hl
shld dimsz2
ex de,hl
ld d,(hl)
dec hl
ld e,(hl)
dec hl
ex de,hl
shld strsz2
ex de,hl
ld d,(hl)
dec hl
ld e,(hl)
shld infsp
ex de,hl
shld indc2
pop af
pop hl
; lde operand 1 info into operand 2:
mvn12: call pshn1
call ppn2
; lde operand 2 info info operand 1:
mvn21: call pshn2
call ppn1
; Analyze the expression characterized by the variables
; indc1,typ1,strsz1,dimsz1,frml1
; by setting the following variables accordingly:
; AADRF: true (non-zero) if an address;
; ASNOKF: true if it can be assigned to;
; AMATHF: true if it can have math done on it;
; ASIZE: if a pointer, size of the object pointed at;
; AVAR: true if a variable address (but not a pointer)
analyz: push hl ;save text pointer
call anal1 ;perform analysis
pop hl ;restore text pointer
anal1: ld hl,1 ;assume simple things at first.
shld asize ;size of 1 byte
shld subval ;initialize mulitplication accumulator
xor a
sta avar ;not a variable
inc a
sta amathf ;can do math
sta asnokf ;ok to assign to it
sta aadrf ;has an address
call tstar ;is it an array?
jp z,anal6
call tptr ;no. pointer?
jp z,anal6
call tsval ;no. simple constant value?
jp nz,anal3
xor a ;yes. can't assign to it...
sta asnokf
sta aadrf ;and it aint an address.
jp anal5a ;make size of it: 2
anal3: call tsstr ;is it a simple struct base?
jp nz,anal4 ;if so,
call anal8a ;set asize = size of one structure
anal3a: xor a ;can't assign or do math to it.
sta asnokf
sta amathf
anal4: call tptrf ;pointer to function?
ret z ;all set if so.
anal5: call tfun ;is it a function?
jp z,anal11 ;if so, set stuff appropriately.
ld a,1 ;else, must be a variable address.
sta avar
lda typ1
or a
ret z ;if char, return with asize = 1
anal5a: ld hl,asize
inc (hl) ;else bump asize to 2
anal6: call t2dim ;2-dimensional array?
jp nz,anal7
lhld dimsz1 ;yes. scale size of obj by 1st dim size
shld subval
anal7: lda typ1
and 20h ;pointer to function?
jp nz,anal7a
lda indc1 ;no.
cp 3 ;if pointer to pointer...
jp nc,anal7a
call tstar ;array of pointers?
jp nz,anal8
lda indc1
cp 2
jp nz,anal8
anal7a: ld hl,2 ;double object size
call mult
jp anal10
anal8: lda typ1 ;structure?
cp 6
jp nz,anal9
anal8a: lhld strsz1 ;yes. scale obj size by size of struct
call getsz ;look up size in symbol table
call mult ;multiply by old object size
jp anal10
anal9: or a ;character?
jp z,anal10
ld hl,2 ;no. must be 2-byte object.
call mult
anal10: lhld subval ;at last we have a final size.
shld asize ;(subval was just an accumulator for
call tstar ; the mult routine.)
ret nz ;if not array, all done.
lda frml1 ;if so, only allow it to be assigned to
or a ;if it isn't a formal parameter.
ret nz
anal11: xor a
sta asnokf ;woops, its formal. Disallow assignment
; Perform same analysis for 2nd operand, leaving
; 1st operand info intact:
anal2: call pshn1
call mvn21
call analyz
call ppn1
; Perform internal indirection on the object as characterized
; above. By "internal" I mean that no code is generated;
; rather, pointers become lvalues, 2-dim arrays become 1-dim
; arrays, etc. Error if object isn't SOME kind of object that
; can have indirection performed on it; i.e, a constant.
indir: push hl
call ind1
pop hl
ind1: call tstar ;array?
jp nz,ind3
call t2dim ;yes. 2-dim?
ld hl,0
jp nz,ind2
ld hl,0ff00h ;yes. change into 1-dim
ind2: shld dimsz1
ind3: call tptrf ;pointer to function?
jp nz,ind4
lda typ1 ;yes. make into an actual function
and 0dfh ;strip off ptr to func bit
or 40h ;turn on function bit
sta typ1 ;and store new type
xor a
sta simpf ;NOT a simple function instance!
ind4: call tfun ;is it a function?
jp z,ind5 ;if so, bad news.
call tptr ; a pointer?
jp nz,ind5
lda indc1 ;yes. de-bump indirection count by 1.
dec a
sta indc1
ind5: ld de,stg21 ;something is screwy in the state of
jp perr ;confusion. (?)
; Type Testing functions....each of the following routines
; tests for some particular property, and returns Z true if
; the property is true for the expression described by
; INDC1,TYP1,etc...
tstar: call tfun ;is expr an array?
jp z,invrt ;if function, then not array.
push hl ;look at dim size.
lhld dimsz1
ld a,h
or l
pop hl ; now Z set if NOT array
invrt: jp z,invrt2 ;invert Z flag.
xor a ; if wasn't zero,
ret ; set zero and return.
invrt2: xor a ;else reset zero by clearing
inc a ;and incrementing A.
; Test if expr is a 2 dimensional array
t2dim: call tstar ;array?
ret nz ;if not, certainly not a 2-dim array.
lda dimsz1+1 ;else look at high byte of dim size
cp 0ffh ;this is special code for 1-dim array
jp invrt ;if 1-dim, not 2-dim, and vice versa!
; Test if expr is a pointer to function (special case)
tptrf: call tstar ;an array?
jp z,invrt ;if so, not pointer to function
call tfun ;if function,
jp z,invrt ;not a pointer to one!
lda typ1 ;else look at the crucial bit
and 20h
jp invrt ;if set, then is a pointer to function
; Test if expr is any kind of pointer (including an array)
tptr: call tfun ;function?
jp z,invrt ;if so, not a pointer.
call tptrf ;pointer to function?
ret z ;if so, definitely a pointer
call tstar ;array?
ret z ;if so, implicitly a pointer.
lda indc1 ;else check indirection count
cp 2
ret c ;if <2, not pointer.
xor a ;else is a pointer.
; Same as above for operand 2:
tptr2: call pshn1
call mvn21
call tptr
call ppn1
; Test if expr is a simple pointer (not pointer-to-pointer)
tsptr: call tfun ;if function,
jp z,invrt ;not pointer.
call t2dim ;2-dim array?
jp z,invrt ;if so, not simple pointer
call tstar ;array?
ret z ;if so, simple pointer.
call tptrf ;pointer to function?
ret z ;if so, simple pointer.
lda indc1 ;check indirection count
cp 2 ;if == 2, simple pointer.
; Test if expr is simple value (not address):
tsval: call tstar ;if array,
jp z,invrt ;not value.
call tfun
jp z,invrt ;no functions allowed.
call tptr
jp z,invrt ;no pointer either.
call tsstr ;structure?
jp z,invrt ;if so, sorry.
lda indc1
or a ;true only if no indirection.
; Same as above for 2nd operand:
tsval2: call pshn1
call mvn21
call tsval
call ppn1
; Test if simple character value
tschr: call tsval ;if not simple value, not likely to
ret nz ;be simple char value!
lda typ1
or a
ret ;else is only if type is char.
; Same for 2nd operand
tschr2: call tsval2
ret nz
lda typ2
or a
; Test if expr is structure base
tsstr: call tstar
jp z,invrt ;if array, not structure.
lda typ1
cp 6
ret nz ;if not struct, no good.
lda indc1
cp 2
jp c,tstr1 ;pointer?
xor a ;yes. no good.
inc a
tstr1: xor a ;no pointer; ok.
; Test if expr is a function
tfun: lda typ1
and 40h ;look at function bit.
jp invrt ;if set, is a function.
; Test if expr is simple pointer to characters
tsptrc: call tsptr ;simple pointer?
ret nz ;if not, no good.
call tptrf ;pointer to function?
jp z,invrt ;if so, not pointer to char.
lda typ1
or a
ret ;true only if type == char.
; Test if simple lvalue (as opposed to array or pointer)
tslv: call tstar
jp z,invrt ;arrays no good
call tptrf
jp z,invrt ;neither are ptrs to funcs
lda indc1
dec a
ret nz ;no good if not lvalue
lda typ1
cp 6
jp invrt ;and no good if struct.
; Test if simple character lvalue
tsclv: call tslv
ret nz ;no good if not simple lvalue
lda typ1
or a
ret ;or if type not char
; The following routines "check" for some property, and
; spew an error message if the property is found to be
; lacking...
; Test to see if expr is a pointer or a value, and give
; "Bad use of unary op" error if not. Obviously, this
; routine is called from the unary operator processor.
ckaok: call tptr ;pointer?
ret z ;if so, OK
; This is the entry point for the check for "simple value only"
ckval: call tsval ;simple value?
ret z ;if so, OK
ld de,stg13
jp perr
; If A==2, it means that an lvalue was called for from an
; operator which cannot provide it. Bad news.
ckvok: cp 2
ret nz
ld de,stg8
call perr
; Give an error if both operands are not simple values.
ckval2: call tsval ;is 1st a value?
jp nz,ckv2e ;if not, trouble.
call pshn1 ;save info on 1st operand
call mvn21 ;give 1st operand 2nd operand's info
call tsval ;so we can call tsval.
call ppn1 ;restore 1st operand's info
ret z ;return if 2nd operand was value
ckv2e: ld de,stg18 ;woops.
jp perr
; Logical branch table handler routines:
ltabmp: push de ;bump ltab with new entry
push hl
lhld ltabp ;get logical table pointer in HL
ex de,hl ;put in DE
ld hl,ltabp-5 ;get pointer to end of logical table in HL
call cmpdh ;make sure pointer is well below end of table
jp c,ltbmp2 ;if so, no problem...
ld de,stgcsn ;control structure too deeply nested
jp perrab
call glbl
ex de,hl
ld (hl),e
inc hl
ld (hl),d
inc hl
ex de,hl
call glbl
ex de,hl
ld (hl),e
inc hl
ld (hl),d
inc hl
ld (hl),0
inc hl
shld ltabp
pop hl
pop de
; Define true label at current position in code, if used bit
; for that entry is set:
ltabtd: push hl
push de
lhld ltabp
dec hl
ld a,(hl)
and 1
jp z,ltbtd1
ltbtd0: dec hl
dec hl
dec hl
ld d,(hl)
dec hl
ld e,(hl)
call entl
ltbtd1: pop de
pop hl
; Force definition of true ltab entry:
fltbtd: push hl
push de
lhld ltabp
dec hl
jp ltbtd0
; Define false label entry if appropriate used bit is set:
ltabfd: push hl
push de
lhld ltabp
dec hl
ld a,(hl)
or a
jp p,ltbfd1
ltbfd0: dec hl
ld d,(hl)
dec hl
ld e,(hl)
call entl
ltbfd1: pop de
pop hl
; Force definition of false label entry:
fltbfd: push hl
push de
lhld ltabp
dec hl
jp ltbfd0
; Pop last entry off the ltab:
ltabpp: push hl
push de
lhld ltabp
ld de,-5
add hl,de
shld ltabp
pop de
pop hl
; Convert logical flag setting to value in DE:
cvtlvd: lda sval1
and 4
ret z ;ignore if no flag set
lda sval1 ;(just fixed:OK -lz)
and 20h ;if already have a value, put into DE if not
jp z,cvtvd1 ;already there. so, do we have a value?
lda sval1
and 0c0h ;yes. is it already in DE?
ret nz
call gexdehl ;no, put it there
lda sval1
or 40h
sta sval1 ;tell that it's in DE
cvtvd1: lda sbmap1 ;else get the flag setting
and 7
add a,6
cvtvd2: push de
ld e,a
ld d,0
push hl
ld hl,flagct
add hl,de
add hl,de
ld e,(hl)
inc hl
ld d,(hl)
call mcrog
pop hl
pop de
ld a,1
sta typ1
lda sval1
or 60h ;tell that we have a value in addition to
sta sval1 ;a flag setting.
; Convert logical flag setting to value in HL:
cvtlvh: lda sval1
and 4
ret z
lda sval1 ;do we already have a value in a reg?
and 20h
jp z,cvtlh1
lda sval1 ;yes. if in HL, leave it there
and 0c0h
ret z
call gexdehl ;else put into HL
lda sval1
and 3fh ;tell that result is in HL
sta sval1
cvtlh1: lda sbmap1
and 7
call cvtvd2
and 3fh
sta sval1
flagct: dw macf1,macf2,macf3,macf4,macf4a,macf4b
dw macf5,macf6,macf7,macf8,macf8a,macf8b
cjoptb: db 0cah,0c2h,0dah,0d2h,0f2h,0fah,0c3h
; Generate conditional jump-on-true:
gncjt: push hl
lhld ltabp
dec hl
ld a,(hl)
or 1
ld (hl),a
dec hl
dec hl
dec hl
ld d,(hl)
dec hl
ld e,(hl)
ex de,hl
shld sr0
lda sval1 ;constant?
and 1
jp z,gncjt2
lhld svv1 ;yes. do jump if true, else don't
ld a,h
or l
pop hl
ret z
gncjt1: ld a,6
jp gncjt3
gncjt2: lda sval1 ;flag setting?
and 4
pop hl
jp z,gncjt4
lda sbmap1 ;yes. find which one and do it.
and 7
gncjt3: push hl
ld e,a
ld d,0
ld hl,cjoptb
add hl,de
ld a,(hl)
call genb
ld de,mac36a
call mcrog
pop hl
gncjt4: lda sval1 ;lvalue?
and 2
jp nz,gncjt1 ;if so, always generate a jump
lda sval1 ;value in DE?
and 0c0h
jp nz,gncjt6 ;if so, go handle
ld de,mac33 ;do "ld a,h - or l - jp nz,sr0" if not char
call tschr
jp nz,gncjt5
ld de,mac7a ;if char, do "ld a,l - or a - jp nz,sr0"
gncjt5: call mcrog
gncjt6: ld de,mac33d
call tschr
jp nz,gncjt5
ld de,mac7ad
jp gncjt5
; Generate conditional jump-on-false:
gncjf: push hl
lhld ltabp
dec hl
ld a,(hl)
or 80h
ld (hl),a
dec hl
ld d,(hl)
dec hl
ld e,(hl)
ex de,hl
shld sr0
lda sval1 ;constant?
and 1
jp z,gncjf2
lhld svv1 ;yes. either jump or don't.
ld a,h
or l
pop hl
ret nz
gncjf1: ld a,6
jp gncjt3
gncjf2: lda sval1 ;not a constant. flag setting?
and 4
pop hl
jp z,gncjf4
lda sbmap1 ;yes. do appropriate cond'l jp
and 7
xor 1
jp gncjt3
gncjf4: lda sval1 ;not a flag or constant; must be value.
and 2
ret nz ;ignore if lvalue (can't be "false")
lda sval1 ;value in DE?
and 0c0h
jp nz,gncjf6 ;if so, go handle
ld de,mac0d ;do "ld a,h - or l - jp z,sr0" if not char
call tschr
jp nz,gncjf5
ld de,mac07 ;use "ld a,l - or a - jp z,sr0" if char
gncjf5: call mcrog
gncjf6: ld de,mac0dd
call tschr
jp nz,gncjf5
ld de,mac07d
jp gncjf5
; "Or" the current and last "false-label-used" bits:
ltabfo: push hl
lhld ltabp
dec hl
ld a,(hl)
and 80h
ltbfo1: dec hl
dec hl
dec hl
dec hl
dec hl
or (hl)
ld (hl),a
pop hl
; "Or" the current and last "true-label-used" bits:
ltabto: push hl
lhld ltabp
dec hl
ld a,(hl)
and 1
jp ltbfo1
; Routine to generate a forward jump and push the label value
; used on the stack before returning:
gfjp: ex (sp),hl ;put text pointer on stack, get HL = ret address
shld retadd ;save return address
push af
call glbl ;get a label
shld sr0
pop af
ex (sp),hl ;put it on stack, get text pointer back in HL
push af
ld de,mac36
call mcrog ;generate the jump
pop af
push hl ;save text pointer
lhld retadd ;get return address
ex (sp),hl ;put ret addr on stack, get HL=text pointer
ret ;and all done. Tricky, huh?
; Routine to pop label value off stack and define the label at the
; current code position:
plvdl: ex (sp),hl ;get return address in HL, put text pointer on stack
shld retadd ;save return address
pop hl ;get HL = text pointer
pop de ;get label value in DE
push hl ;put text pointer back on stack
push af
call entl ;enter the label value
pop af
lhld retadd ;get return addr back in HL
ex (sp),hl ;push ret address on stack, get HL = text ptr
ret ;all done.
; Routine to get a new symbolic label, define it at current position
; in code, and push it on the stack for later use:
glvdl: ex (sp),hl ;put text ptr on stack, get HL = ret addr
shld retadd ;save return address
push af
call glbl ;get a new label
ex de,hl ;put in DE
call entl ;define it here
ex de,hl ;put label value back in HL
pop af
ex (sp),hl ;push label on stack, get HL = text pointer
push hl ;push text pointer on stack
lhld retadd ;get return address
ex (sp),hl ;put ret addr on stack, get HL = text ptr
ret ;all done.
; Routine to pop a label value off the stack and generate a jump
; to it:
plvgj: ex (sp),hl ;get ret addr in HL, push text ptr on stack
shld retadd ;save return address
pop de ;get back text ptr in DE
pop hl ;get label value to generate jump to in HL
shld sr0
ex de,hl ;put text pointer back in HL
ld de,mac36
call mcrog ;generate the jump
push hl ;save text pointer on stack
lhld retadd ;get return address
ex (sp),hl ;put ret addr on stack, get text ptr back in HL
ret ;all done.
; Routine to flush info1 into HL; i.e, make sure that the object
; evaluated into info1 has a value generated in the HL register:
flshh1: push af
push bc
lda sval1
ld b,a
push hl
lhld svv1
shld sr0
pop hl
ld a,b ;constant of some kind?
and 3
jp z,fls1a
ld a,b ;yes. simple constant?
and 1
jp z,fls0
ld de,mac04 ;yes. do ld hl,sr0
call mcrog
fls00: xor a
sta sval1
jp fls1c
fls0: ld a,b ;relative lv const. local?
and 8
jp nz,fls0a
call genllv ;yes.
jp fls00
fls0a: ld de,mac6a ;no: external
call mcrog
push hl
lhld svv1
ex de,hl
call maddd
pop hl
jp fls00
fls1a: ld a,b ;flag setting?
and 4
jp z,fls1b
fls1v: call cvtlvh ;yes. turn it into a value in HL (if ;???
jp fls00
fls1b: ld a,b ;value in DE ?
and 0c0h
jp z,fls1c
call gexdehl ;yes. do 'ex de,hl'
jp fls00
fls1c: pop bc ;fine as it is.
pop af
; Flush info1 into DE:
flshd1: push af
push bc
lda sval1
ld b,a
push hl
lhld svv1
shld sr0
pop hl
ld a,b
and 3
jp z,flsd1a
ld a,b
and 1
jp z,flsd0
ld de,mac4a
call mcrog
jp flsd00
flsd0x: call gexdehl
flsd00: ld a,40h
sta sval1
jp flsd1c
flsd0: ld a,b
and 8
jp nz,flsd0a
call genllv
jp flsd0x
flsd0a: ld de,mac6a
call mcrog
push hl
lhld svv1
ex de,hl
call maddd
pop hl
jp flsd0x
flsd1a: ld a,b
and 4
jp z,flsd1b
flsd1v: call cvtlvd
jp flsd00
flsd1b: ld a,b
and 0c0h
jp z,flsd0x
flsd1c: pop bc
pop af
flshh2: call pshn1
call mvn21
call flshh1
call mvn12
call ppn1
flshd2: call pshn1
call mvn21
call flshd1
call mvn12
call ppn1
; Put info1 value into DE if currently in HL:
pn1ind: push bc
push af
lda sval1
ld b,a
and 4
jp nz,flsd1v
ld a,b
and 3
jp nz,flsd1c
jp flsd1b
; Put info1 value in HL if in DE:
pn1inh: push bc
push af
lda sval1
ld b,a
and 4
jp nz,fls1v
ld a,b
and 3
jp nz,flsd1c
jp fls1b
pn2ind: call pshn1
call mvn21
call pn1ind
call mvn12
call ppn1
; Push Optimization handlers:
rpshp: push hl
push af
push bc
lhld pshpp
ld a,(hl) ;get pushop flag at current level
and 8
ld b,a ;save masked off register designator bit in B
ld a,(hl) ;get back flag
inc hl
and 0a0h
jp z,rpsh1
ld a,20h
or b
rpsh1: pop bc
rpsh2: ld (hl),a
shld pshpp
pop af
pop hl
spshp: push hl
push af
lhld pshpp
ld a,(hl)
and 3fh
or 80h ;set push bit, but preserve pushed bits (b4)
call orincg ;set b3 if DE holds value that needs to be pushed
ld (hl),a ;set current level push-op flag to "set"
inc hl ;now set next level for subordinate routine
ld a,20h ;lower-level "set push-op"
call orincg ;or in the register designation
jp rpsh2 ;and go set in the pushop table.
orincg: push bc ;set b3 if sval1 indicates DE holds value
ld b,a
lda sval1
and 0c0h
ld a,b
pop bc
ret z
or 8
ppshp: push hl
push af
lhld pshpp
ld a,(hl)
dec hl
and 50h
jp z,ppsh2
ld a,(hl)
and 80h
jp z,ppsh1
ld a,(hl)
and 3fh
or 40h
jp rpsh2
ppsh1: ld a,(hl)
and 0c0h
or 10h
jp rpsh2
ppsh2: ld a,(hl)
and 7fh
ld (hl),a
shld pshpp
pop af
pop hl
tpshd: push hl
lhld pshpp
ld a,(hl)
pop hl
and 40h
jp invrt
genpsh: push bc
ld b,(hl)
cp 80h
ld a,40h
jp z,genp2
ld a,10h
genp2: ld (hl),a
ld a,b
and 08h
ld a,0e5h
jp z,genp3
ld a,0d5h
genp3: call genb
pop bc
; Special hacks to generate come super-common op codes:
gpushh: push af
ld a,0e5h
gpshh1: call genb
pop af
gpoph: push af
ld a,0e1h
jp gpshh1
gpushd: push af
ld a,0d5h
jp gpshh1
gpopd: push af
ld a,0d1h
jp gpshh1
gexdehl: push af
ld a,0ebh
jp gpshh1
tcnst1: lda sval1
and 3
jp invrt
tcnst2: lda sval2
and 3
jp invrt
; The actual macros:
IF I80
mcend: equ 38h ;end of macro: mcend
mcerp: equ 0cbh ;enter relocation parameter: mcerp
mcesr: equ 0efh ;enter symbolic reference: mcesr <srn>
mcsr0: equ 8h ;substitute value in sr0
mcsr1: equ 10h ; in sr1
mcsr2: equ 18h ; in sr2
mcsr3: equ 20h ; in sr3
mcsr4: equ 28h ; in sr4
mcsr5: equ 30h ; in sr5
mcdr0: equ 0c7h ;define label in sr0
mcdr1: equ 0cfh ; in sr1
mcdr2: equ 0d7h ; in sr2
mcdr3: equ 0dfh ; in sr3
mcdr4: equ 0e7h ; in sr4
;litrl: equ 0f7h
; The actual macros:
; New macro sequeces added for the 1.4 optimizer (especially the
; new alugen):
macih4: inc hl
macih3: inc hl
macih2: inc hl
macih1: inc hl
db mcend
macid4: inc de
macid3: inc de
macid2: inc de
macid1: inc de
db mcend
macdh4: dec hl
macdh3: dec hl
macdh2: dec hl
macdh1: dec hl
db mcend
macdd4: dec de
macdd3: dec de
macdd2: dec de
macdd1: dec de
db mcend
mache5: dec hl
mache4: dec hl
mache3: dec hl
mache2: dec hl
mache1: dec hl
mache0: ld a,h
or l
db mcend
macde5: dec de
macde4: dec de
macde3: dec de
macde2: dec de
macde1: dec de
macde0: ld a,d
or e
db mcend
mchen5: inc hl
mchen4: inc hl
mchen3: inc hl
mchen2: inc hl
mchen1: inc hl
ld a,h
or l
db mcend
mcden5: inc de
mcden4: inc de
mcden3: inc de
mcden2: inc de
mcden1: inc de
ld a,d
or e
db mcend
mcddd1: ex de,hl
add hl,hl
db mcend
mcddd2: ex de,hl
add hl,hl
add hl,hl
db mcend
mcddd3: ex de,hl
add hl,hl
add hl,hl
add hl,hl
db mcend
mcddd4: ex de,hl
add hl,hl
add hl,hl
add hl,hl
add hl,hl
db mcend
mcddd5: ex de,hl
mcddh5: add hl,hl
mcddh4: add hl,hl
mcddh3: add hl,hl
mcddh2: add hl,hl
mcddh1: add hl,hl
db mcend
mac0ca: add hl,de
db mcend
macsb1: db 11h,mcsr2,19h,mcend ;ld de,sr2-add hl,de
mcsb1a: db 11h,mcsr2,19h,7ch,0b5h,mcend ;ld de,sr2-add hl,de-ld a,h-or l
macsb2: db 21h,mcsr2,19h,mcend ;ld hl,sr2-add hl,de
mcsb1b: db 21h,mcsr2,19h,7ch,0b5h,mcend ;ld hl,sr2-add hl,de-ld a,h-or l
macsb3: db 0cdh ;call cmh-add hl,de
db litrl
dw cmhl
add hl,de
db mcend
macsb4: db 0cdh ;call cmd-add hl,de
db litrl
dw cmd
add hl,de
db mcend
macsb5: db 11h,mcsr4,19h,mcend ;ld de,sr4-add hl,de
macsb6: db 21h,mcsr4,19h,mcend ;ld hl,sr4-add hl,de
macsb7: db 11h,mcsr4 ;ld de,sr4
add hl,de
ld a,h
db mcend
macsb8: db 21h,mcsr4 ;ld hl,sr4
add hl,de
ld a,h
db mcend
macsb9: db 11h,mcsr2 ;ld de,sr2
add hl,de
ld a,h
db mcend
macsba: db 21h,mcsr2 ;ld hl,sr2
add hl,de
ld a,h
db mcend
macac1: xor a
ld (hl),a
inc hl
ld (hl),a
db mcend
macac3: db 11h,mcsr0 ;ld de,sr0
ld (hl),e
inc hl
ld (hl),d
db mcend
macac4: ld (hl),e
inc hl
ld (hl),0
db mcend
macac5: ld d,0
ld (hl),e
inc hl
ld (hl),d
db mcend
macacb: db 32h,mcsr0,mcend ;sta sr0
macacc: db 21h,mcsr1,22h,mcsr0,mcend ;ld hl,sr1-shld sr0
; Macros for function entry and exit:
;entry code for frame size non-zero OR formal parms
mfntry: push bc
db 21h,mcsr0 ;ld hl,sr0
add hl,sp
ld sp,hl
ld b,h
ld c,l
db mcend
;as above, but no ld sp,hl 'cause frame size is 0. This
; is just to set new BC value. entire system could
;use improvment, say to know to just dec bc twice for
;each parameter up until 2...
mfntr2: push bc
db 21h, mcsr0 ;ld hl,sr0
add hl,sp
ld b,h
ld c,l
db mcend
mfex1: db mcdr1 ;define exit label
db mcend
;exit code for frame size > 6
mfex2: ex de,hl
db 21h,mcsr0 ;sr1: ex de,hl - ld hl,sr0 -
add hl,sp
ld sp,hl
ex de,hl
mfex3: pop bc ;used in stret: routine for quick return (n);
mfex4: ret ;processing when not at end of function
db mcend
; Macros for ++ and -- operator processing:
m12: inc (hl)
ld l,(hl)
db mcend
m12a: inc (hl)
db mcend
m13: ld a,(hl)
inc (hl)
ld l,a
db mcend
m14: dec (hl)
ld l,(hl)
db mcend
m14a: dec (hl)
db mcend
m15: ld a,(hl)
dec (hl)
ld l,a
db mcend
m16b: ld e,(hl)
inc hl
ld d,(hl)
inc de
ld (hl),d
dec hl
ld (hl),e
db mcend
m16bz: rst 0x38;7 ;substitute for m16b if -z7 in effect
inc de
ld (hl),d
dec hl
ld (hl),e
db mcend
me16b: db 2ah,mcsr0 ;lhld sr0- inc hl- shld sr0
inc hl
db 22h,mcsr0
db mcend
m18: ld e,(hl)
inc hl
ld d,(hl)
dec de
ld (hl),d
dec hl
ld (hl),e
db mcend
m18z: rst 0x38;7
dec de
ld (hl),d
dec hl
ld (hl),e
db mcend
me18: db 2ah,mcsr0,2bh,22h,mcsr0,mcend ; lhld sr0- dec hl- shld sr0
m20: ld e,(hl)
inc hl
ld d,(hl)
db mcend
m20z: rst 0x38;7
db mcend
m21: push de
db mcend
me21: push hl
db mcend
m22: inc de
db mcend
me22: inc hl
db mcend
m23: dec de
db mcend
me23: dec hl
db mcend
m26: push hl
db 21h,mcsr0 ;ld hl,sr0
add hl,de
ex de,hl
pop hl
db mcend
me26: db 11h,mcsr1,19h,mcend ; ld de,sr1- add hl,de
m27: db 7bh,mcsr1,5fh,7ah,mcsr2,57h,mcend
; ld a,e-sr1-ld e,a-ld a,d-sr2-
; ld d,a (sr1 and sr2 will contain
; code sequences like `sub value')
me27: db 11h,mcsr2 ;ld de,sr2
add hl,de
db mcend
m28: ld (hl),d
dec hl
ld (hl),e
db mcend
m30: pop de
db mcend
me30: pop hl
db mcend
mnul: db mcend ; null (generates nothing)
macn: equ mnul ; an alias for `null'
; Misc. utility sequences:
mac6e: ld l,(hl)
db mcend
mac38: db 0c3h,0,0,mcend ; jp 0 (used to create the jump
; vector at start of functions)
mac40: db 2ah,mcsr0,mcend ; lhld sr0
mac40r: db 2ah,mcerp,mcsr0,mcend ; lhld sr0 (relocate the address)
mac41: db 21h,mcsr0,9,mcend ; ld hl,sr0-add hl,bc
mac42: ld (hl),e
inc hl
ld (hl),d
db mcend
mcn10: equ mache0
mcn11: ld a,l
or a
db mcend
mcn12: ld a,e
or a
db mcend
mcn13: ld a,h
or a
db mcend
mcn14: ld a,d
or a
db mcend
macrdl: ld a,d
db mcend
macrhl: ld a,h
db mcend
mac0d: ld a,h
or l
db 0cah,mcesr,mcsr0,mcend ; jp z,foo
mac33: ld a,h
or l
db 0c2h,mcesr,mcsr0,mcend ; jp nz,foo
mac07: ld a,l
or a
db 0cah,mcesr,mcsr0,mcend ; ld a,l-or a-jp z,sr0
mac0dc: equ mac07 ; another alias
mac7a: ld a,l
or a
db 0c2h,mcesr,mcsr0,mcend ; ld a,l-or a-jp nz,sr0
mac33c: equ mac7a ; gotta get that ole' USE FACTOR up there!
mac33d: ld a,d
or e
db 0c2h,mcesr,mcsr0,mcend ;jp nz,sr0
mac0dd: ld a,d
or e
db 0cah,mcesr,mcsr0,mcend ;jp z,sr0
mac7ad: ld a,e
or a
db 0c2h,mcesr,mcsr0,mcend ;jp nz,sr0
mac07d: ld a,e
or a
db 0cah,mcesr,mcsr0,mcend ;jp z,sr0
mac35: db mcsr0,0bdh,0c2h,mcesr,mcsr1,mcsr2
db 0bch,0cah,mcesr,mcsr3,mcdr1,mcend
; sr0-cp l-jp nz,bar-sr1-cp h-
; jp z,sr3-bar: ...
mac35d: db mcsr0,0bbh,0c2h,mcesr,mcsr1,mcsr2
db 0bah,0cah,mcesr,mcsr3,mcdr1,mcend
; sr0-cp e-jp nz,bar-sr1-cp d-
; jp z,sr3-bar: ...
mac35c: db mcsr0,0cah,mcesr,mcsr3,mcend
; sr0-jp z,sr3
mac71c: ld a,l
cp e
db mcend
mac36: db 0c3h,mcesr,mcsr0,mcend ; jp sr0
mac36a: db mcesr,mcsr0,mcend ; just "sr0", with a relocation parm
mac37: equ mac36 ; alias for mac36
maca0: ld a,(hl)
inc hl
ld h,(hl)
ld l,a
db mcend
mac04: db 21h,mcsr0,mcend ; ld hl,sr0
mac4a: db 11h,mcsr0,mcend ; ld de,sr0
mac6a: db 2ah ; lhld extbas
db litrl ; (gets base-of-external-data-area
dw extbas ; pointer into HL)
db mcend
mac09: db 22h,mcsr0,mcend ; shld sr0
; Macros for function call generation
mac08: db 0cdh,mcerp,mcsr3,mcend ; call sr3 (note the `cb'
; causes a reloc parameter to be generated)
;(Note: this is the code generated for
;function calls)
mac8a: db 21h,mcesr,mcsr2 ; ld hl,foo
push hl
db 21h,mcsr1 ; ld hl,sr1
add hl,sp
ld a,(hl)
inc hl
ld h,(hl)
ld l,a
jp (hl)
db mcdr2,mcend ; foo: ...
;(generated for calls to non-simple funcs)
mac8ar: ex de,hl
db 21h,mcsr0 ; ld hl,sr0
add hl,sp
ld sp,hl
ex de,hl
db mcend ;(cleans up stack on return from func call)
; More misc. stuff:
mac61: ld h,0
db mcend
mac62: ld d,0
db mcend
maca1: ld (hl),e
inc hl
ld (hl),d
db mcend
maca9: ld (hl),e
inc hl
xor a
ld (hl),a
db mcend
; Here are some macros to generate calls to routines
; within the C.CCC runtime utility package:
macf1: db 0cdh ;call pzinh
db litrl
dw pzinh
db mcend
macf2: db 0cdh ;call pnzinh
db litrl
dw pnzinh
db mcend
macf3: db 0cdh ;call pcinh
db litrl
dw pcinh
db mcend
macf4: db 0cdh ;call pncinh
db litrl
dw pncinh
db mcend
macf4a: db 0cdh ;call ppinh
db litrl
dw ppinh
db mcend
macf4b: db 0cdh ;call pminh
db litrl
dw pminh
db mcend
macf5: db 0cdh ;call pzind
db litrl
dw pzind
db mcend
macf6: db 0cdh ;call pnzind
db litrl
dw pnzind
db mcend
macf7: db 0cdh ;call pcind
db litrl
dw pcind
db mcend
macf8: db 0cdh ;call pncind
db litrl
dw pncind
db mcend
macf8a: db 0cdh ;call ppind
db litrl
dw ppind
db mcend
macf8b: db 0cdh ;call pmind
db litrl
dw pmind
db mcend
mac63u: db 0cdh ; call usmul
db litrl
dw usmul
db mcend
mac63s: db 0cdh ; call smul
db litrl
dw smul
db mcend
mcdiv5: ex de,hl
mac64u: db 0cdh ; call usdiv
db litrl
dw usdiv
db mcend
mcdiv7: ex de,hl
mac64s: db 0cdh ; call sdiv
db litrl
dw sdiv
db mcend
mcmod5: ex de,hl
mac79u: db 0cdh ; call usmod
db litrl
dw usmod
db mcend
mcmod7: ex de,hl
mac79s: db 0cdh ; call smod
db litrl
dw smod
db mcend
mac68: db 0cdh ; call albu (DE < HL unsigned?)
db litrl
dw albu
db mcend
mac69: db 0cdh ; call agbu (DE > HL unsigned?)
db litrl
dw agbu
db mcend
mac68s: db 0cdh ; call albs (DE <= HL signed?)
db litrl
dw albs
db mcend
mac69s: db 0cdh ; call agbs (DE > HL signed?)
db litrl
dw agbs
db mcend
mcbgau: db 0cdh
db litrl
dw bgau
db mcend
mcbgas: db 0cdh
db litrl
dw bgas
db mcend
mcblau: db 0cdh
db litrl
dw blau
db mcend
mcblas: db 0cdh
db litrl
dw blas
db mcend
mac71: db 0cdh ; tests equality of DE and HL
db litrl
dw eqwel
db mcend
maccom: db 0cdh ;2's complement HL
db litrl
dw cmhl
db mcend
maccmd: db 0cdh ;2's complement DE
db litrl
dw cmd
db mcend
macsad: equ mac0ca
macslh: db 0cdh,litrl ;shift HL left by E bits
dw shllbe
db mcend
macsld: db 0cdh,litrl ;shift DE left by L bits
dw sdelbl
db mcend
macsrh: db 0cdh,litrl ;shift HL right by E bits
dw shlrbe
db mcend
macsrd: db 0cdh,litrl ;shift DE right by L bits
dw sderbl
db mcend
mcssbh: db 0cdh,litrl ;subtract HL from DE, result in HL
dw cmhl ;call cmhl
add hl,de
db mcend
mcssbd: db 0cdh,litrl ;subract DE from HL, result in HL
dw cmd
add hl,de
db mcend
; bitwise operator macros:
mac73: ld a,h
and d
ld h,a
ld a,l
and e
ld l,a
db mcend
mac74: ld a,h
xor d
ld h,a
ld a,l
xor e
ld l,a
db mcend
mac75: ld a,h
or d
ld h,a
ld a,l
or e
ld l,a
db mcend
mac0a: db 11h,mcsr0,0cdh ; ld de,sr0-call usmul
db litrl ; (used for subscript calculation)
dw usmul
db mcend
mac0c: db 11h,mcsr0 ; ld de,sr0
add hl,de
db mcend
mac98a: db 21h,mcesr,mcsr0,mcend ;ld hl,foo (foo to be defined later on)
mac98: db 21h,mcesr,mcsr0 ;ld hl,foo
db 0c3h,mcesr,mcsr1 ;jp sr1
db mcdr0,mcend ; foo:
mac01: ld a,l
ld l,a
inc l
ld h,0ffh
db mcend
mac0e: db 0cdh
db litrl
dw cmhl
db mcend
macad1: db 0e5h,21h,mcsr0,0cdh ; push hl-ld hl,sr0-
db litrl ; call usmul
dw usmul ; (used to scale value in DE before
pop de
db mcend ; adding it to pointer in HL)
macd1a: ex de,hl
add hl,hl
ex de,hl
db mcend
macad2: db 0d5h,11h,mcsr0,0cdh ; push de-ld de,sr0-
db litrl ; call usmul
dw usmul ; (used to scale value in HL before
pop de
db mcend ; adding it to pointer in DE)
macad3: ex de,hl
db 21h,mcsr0,0cdh ; ex de,hl-ld hl,sr0-
db litrl ; call usdiv
dw usdiv ; (used to scale result after two
db mcend ; pointers are subtracted
macad4: xor a
ld a,h
ld h,a
ld a,l
ld l,a
db mcend
mac1a: ld a,l
ld l,a
ld h,0ffh
db mcend
mac1b: ld a,l
ld l,a
ld a,h
ld h,a
db mcend
mac05: db 21h,mcerp,mcsr0 ; ld hl,sr0
db mcend ; (creates a relocation parameter for
; the data field of the lxi)
mac65m: equ mcssbh ; HL <-- DE - HL
mac65b: equ macsrd ; >>
mac67: equ macsld ; <<
; **** END OF MACROS ****
;link cc2e