; ccd.asm:
; preprocessor directive handler:
defstr: db '#defin', 'e'+80h
undfst: db '#unde','f'+80h
ifst: db '#i','f'+80h
ifdfst: db '#ifde','f'+80h
ifndst: db '#ifnde','f'+80h
endfst: db '#endi','f'+80h
elsest: db '#els','e'+80h
prepw: db 'Warning: Ignoring unknown preprocessor directive',cr,lf,0
stgppo: db 'String overflow; call BDS+'
stgmmp: db 'EOF found when expecting #endif+'
stgbds: db 'Bad parameter list syntax+'
stgbd1: db 'Missing parameter list+'
stgbd2: db 'Parameter mismatch+'
stgnwc: db 'Not in a conditional block+'
stgbce: db 'Conditional expr bad or beyond implemented subset+'
prep: ld hl,lblt ;set pointer to start of string space table
shld def2p
xor a
sta bcnstf ;supress errors on bad constants till later on...
ld hl,lblt+strsiz
shld stp
ld (hl),0
call initps ;initialize for pass through text
xor a ;initialize nested conditional control variables
sta nestl ;current conditional nesting level
sta didelse ;didn't see an #else yet in current macro
sta dstgf ;not in a string (for prlin)
inc a
sta active ;currently conditionally active
prep1: call nextch ;handle bookkeeping
jp nc,prep1a ;EOF?
lda nestl ;Yes. In a conditional block?
or a
ld hl,stgmmp
jp nz,perrab ;if so, go complain and abort
xor a
sta preflag ;not in preprocessor anymore
ret ;otherwise done with preprocessor
prep1a: lhld nlcnt ;save line count
shld nlcsav
cp cr ;line only a lone CR?
jp nz,prep1b ;if not, process the line
dec hl ;else debump line count
shld nlcsav
jp prep2a ;and go wrap up
prep1b: push de ;process #defined substitutions on current line,
lda active ;but only if active
or a
call nz,prlin
pop de
call igwsp
ld a,(de) ;a preprocessor directive?
cp '#'
jp nz,prep2 ;if not, don't bother with rest of this stuff
ld hl,endfst ;#endif?
call stcmp
jp z,pendif
ld hl,elsest ;#else?
call stcmp
jp z,pelse
ld hl,ifdfst ;#ifdef?
call stcmp
jp z,pifdef
ld hl,ifndst ;#ifndef?
call stcmp
jp z,pifndef
ld hl,ifst ;#if?
call stcmp
jp z,pif
lda active
or a ;if not active, don't do any more processing
jp z,prep2
ld hl,defstr ;#define?
call stcmp
jp z,pdef
ld hl,undfst ;#undef?
call stcmp
jp z,pundef
push de ;check for possible '#' on a line by itself; this
prpwlp: inc de ;should be ignored by turning the line into FF's:
ld a,(de)
cp 0ffh ;we'll allow this between # and NL
jp z,prpwlp
cp cr ;end of line?
jp z,prpwrn0
prpwrn: ld hl,prepw ;print this warning ONLY if
call pwarn
prpwrn0: pop de
jp prep2b
; Come here when current line is NOT a preprocessor directive:
prep2: lda active ;active?
or a
jp z,prep2b
prep2a: call nextch ;find CR or EOF
ret c
cp cr
inc de
jp nz,prep2a
jp prep2c
prep2b: call dellin ;delete line
prep2c: lhld nlcsav ;bump saved line count
inc hl
shld nlcnt
jp prep1 ;and go for more text
; Delete current line of text at DE, up to CR:
dellin: ld a,(de)
cp cr
jp nz,dell2
inc de
dell2: ld a,0ffh
ld (de),a
inc de
jp dellin
; Process #endif:
pendif: lda nestl ;if not in a conditional, complain
or a
jp nz,pendf2
pendf1: ld hl,stgnwc ;"Not within conditional block"
jp perrab
pendf2: dec a ;decrement nest level
sta nestl
pop af ;pop old activity state
sta active
pop af
sta didelse
jp prep2b
; Process #else:
pelse: lda nestl ;if not in a conditional block, error
or a
jp z,pendf1
lda didelse ;have we already done an #else this block?
or a
jp nz,pendf1 ;if so, error
pop af ;peek at last activity state
push af
or a
jp z,pelse2 ;last level active? If not, leave this one inactive
lda active ;yes. flip current state
or a
ld a,1 ;was active false?
jp z,pelse1 ;if so, make it true
xor a ;else was true: make it false
pelse1: sta active
pelse2: ld a,1 ;set didelse
sta didelse
jp prep2b
; Process #ifdef:
pifdef: push de ;save text pointer
lda active ;if not active, don't bother evaluating identifier
or a
jp z,doif
call defined ;test to see if identifier defined
jp doif ;go wrap up
; Process #ifndef:
pifndef: push de ;just like for #ifdef,
lda active
or a
jp z,doif
call defined
cpl ;execpt flip the logical result
jp doif
; Process #if:
pif: push de ;save text pointer
lda active
or a
jp z,doif ;if not active, don't bother evaluating line
ld hl,3
add hl,de
ex de,hl
call ifexp ;otherwise evaluate conditional expression
jp doif
; Evaluate conditional expression at DE, having BNF:
; ifexp := <ifexp2>
; (or) <ifexp2> && <ifexp>
; (or) <ifexp2> || <ifexp>
; ifexp2 := <constant>
; (or) <(ifexp)>
; (or) not<ifexp2> ("not" is an exclamation point)
ifexp: call ifexp1 ;evaluate expression
ld b,a ;save result in B
call gndch ;make sure there isn't anything after it
cp cr
ld a,b ;get back the result
ret z ;if CR, all done
ifexp0: ld hl,stgbce ;bad conditional expression
jp perrab
; Recursive entry point for conditional expression evaluator:
ifexp1: call ifexp2 ;evaluate subexpression
jp c,ifexp0 ;error if not legal expression
ld b,a ;put result in B
call igwsp ;check for operators
ld c,'&'
cp c
jp z,ifxp1a
ld c,'|'
cp c
jp z,ifxp1a
ld a,b ;no legal operators..return evaluated value.
ifxp1a: inc de ;check for second identical character
ld a,(de)
cp c
jp nz,ifexp0 ;if not, syntax error
push bc ;OK, save last result (B) and operator (C)
inc de ;evaluate next operand
call ifexp1
ld l,a ;put result in L
pop bc ;get back previous result and operator
ld a,c ;look at operator
cp '&' ;logical and?
ld a,b ;get previous result in A
jp nz,ifxp1b
and l ;if so, AND the two and return result
ifxp1b: or l ;else OR the two and return result
ifexp2: call igwsp ;skip leading whitespace
cp '(' ;parenthesized expression?
jp nz,ifxp2a
inc de ;yes. pass the opening paren
call ifexp1 ;evaluate inner expression
ld b,a
call igwsp ;check for closing paren
cp ')'
scf ;return Cy if not closed
ret nz
inc de ;otherwise pass the close paren
ld a,b ;get back result
ccf ;clear Cy
ret ;and return
ifxp2a: cp '!' ;negation operator?
jp nz,ifxp2b
inc de ;yes. evaluate operand
call ifexp2
ret c ;ignore if error
or a ;otherwise flip result
ld a,1
ret z ;return 1 if result was 0
dec a ;return 0 if result was 1
ifxp2b: call digt ;otherwise must be decimal constant
ret c ;return error if not
ifxp2c: ld a,(de) ;check a char of the constant
call digt ;digit?
jp nc,ifxp2 ;if so, go process
xor a ;else result is zero.
ifxp2: inc de ;bump ptr to next digit
or a ;was last digit zero?
jp z,ifxp2c ;if so, go loop
ifxp3: ld a,(de) ;otherwise find end of value
call digt
inc de
jp nc,ifxp3 ;keep looping till we find a non-digit
dec de ;all done
xor a ;return no Cy
inc a ;and a value of 1
; Come here after #if, #ifdef or #ifndef condition has been
; evaluated, with A = <condition>, either 0 or non-0:
doif: ld b,a ;save condition in B
lda nestl ;bump nesting level
inc a
sta nestl
pop de ;get back text pointer
lda didelse ;push current activity state
push af
lda active
push af
or a ;currently active
jp z,doif2 ;if not, remain inactive
ld a,b ;look at conditional test result
or a
jp z,doif2 ;if false, active = 0;
ld a,1 ;else active = 1.
doif2: sta active
xor a
sta didelse ;clear didelse for the new level
jp prep2b ;and go clean up
; Process #undef:
pundef: push de
call defined
pop de
jp c,prep2b ;if already not defined, ignore it
ld (hl),'*' ;otherwise place a strange char there to erase it
jp prep2b ;and go wrap up
; Process #define definition:
pdef: push de ;found #define line. Save text ptr for later deletion.
call defined ;re-defining an identifier?
jp c,pdef2
call prepa ;yes. go do that
jp pdef3
; Install the identifier at DE for the first time:
pdef2: lhld stp
call prepa ;install identifier
shld stp
ld (hl),0
; Collect up the substitution text in the string table:
pdef3: push af
call igwsp
pop af
or a ;parameterized?
jp nz,prargs ;if so, go handle elsewhere
call gndch ;a null definition?
cp cr
jp nz,pdef4a
ld a,0ffh ;if so, define as a whitespace (FF) byte
jp pdef4b
pdef4: call gndch ;else install simple text, till end of line
pdef4a: ld (bc),a
inc bc
cp cr
jp nz,pdef4
dec bc ;turn b7 high on last char of replacement text
dec bc
ld a,(bc)
or 80h
pdef4b: ld (bc),a
inc bc
ld h,b ;and replace text table pointer
ld l,c
pdef5: shld def2p ;make sure def2p hasn't collided with identifier table
ld de,lblt+strsiz
call cmphd ;return C if def2p < end of table2 (ie. no overflow)
jp c,pdef6 ;if no overflow, no problem
ld hl,stgppo ;preprocessor overflow: complain and abort
jp pstgab
pdef6: pop de
jp prep2b ;go delete line and finish up
; Process parameterized substitution text: replace arg keywords with
; special codes (80, 81, etc.) as it is stored in string table:
IF 0
stgflg: ds 1 ;in a string flag, for parameterized definitions
escflg: ds 1 ;escaped char in text string flag
prargs: ld h,b ;copy string table address into HL
ld l,c
and 7fh ;strip b7 off arg count
ld c,a ;put in C
inc c ;C = # of args + 1
prarg0: call gndch ;see if text at DE matches one of the formal args
call varch2
jp nc,prarg2
prarg1: ld (hl),a ;no match...just store it
inc hl
cp cr
jp nz,prarg0 ;and go for more
jp pdef5 ;when done, go wrap up.
prarg2: dec de ;go back to start of the identifier
push bc ;get set to search arg text table for match
push hl
ld b,80h
ld hl,deformt
prarg3: dec c ;done searching list?
jp z,prarg6
ld a,(hl) ;no. compare strings
inc hl
push hl
ld h,(hl)
ld l,a
push bc
call idcmp
jp nz,prarg5 ;match?
prarg4: inc de ;yes.
dec c ;replace arg with code number
jp nz,prarg4
pop bc
ld a,b ;get code number
pop hl
pop hl
pop bc
jp prarg1 ;and go store it
prarg5: pop bc ;no match. try next table entry
pop hl ;get table pointer
inc hl ;point to next arg string
inc b ;bump current code number
jp prarg3
prarg6: pop hl
pop bc ;no match. Copy identifier literally
ld a,(de)
prarg7: ld (hl),a
inc hl
inc de
ld a,(de)
call varch ;still part of identifier?
jp nc,prarg7 ;if so, keep on storing
jp prarg0 ;else go for next piece of text
; Install the identifier at DE in the defined constant id table. For
; parameterized defines, count up formal args and make sure the count
; gets into the table.
; On entry, HL points to the spot in the table where the id is to be
; inserted:
; Return A == argcount (b7 high if args present), BC --> text area
; where key text is to be stored.
prepa: push hl ;push id table pointer
lhld stp ;get id table free slot pointer
ex (sp),hl ;push on stack, get back id table pointer
shld stp ;make id pointer act as free slot pointer for now
call instt ;install identifier at DE
push hl ;save pointer to argcount byte
ld l,c ;put identifier length in HL
ld h,0
add hl,de ;now HL -> char after identifier in text
ld a,(hl) ;look at it
cp '(' ;parameterized define?
ld a,0
jp nz,prepa2 ;if not, install 0 in argcount byte position
call deform ;else go count up formal args, return A = # of args
jp nc,prepa1
ld hl,stgbds
jp perrab
prepa1: or 80h ;set b7 to indicate parameterized define
prepa2: ex (sp),hl ;push text pointer from HL, get HL = table pointer
ld (hl),a ;store argcount value in id table
inc hl ;bump table pointer to string addr area
push hl ;save str addr area ptr
lhld def2p ;get string table free area pointer
ld b,h ;lde to BC
ld c,l
pop hl ;get back str addr area ptr
ld (hl),c ;save string pointer in id table
inc hl
ld (hl),b
inc hl ;HL now points to next id slot
pop de ;get back text pointer
ex (sp),hl ;push text pointer, pop old id table free slot ptr
shld stp ;save id table free slot ptr
push de ;check for table overflow...we have one if
ex de,hl ;stp not less than coda
lhld coda
ex de,hl
push af ;save argcount value
call cmphd ;return C if stp < coda
jp nc,instt0 ;if stp >= coda, go complain and abort
pop af ;restore argcount value
pop de
pop hl
; Given HL -> formal arg list for parameterized define,
; 1. Put list of pointers to the args at deformt
; 2. put b7 high on last byte of each arg
; 3. return A = # of formal args (0 is legal), and HL -> after list
; If A == 0 on entry, allow only identifiers,
; If A <> 0, allow any type of objects
deform: ld b,a ;save strings_ok flag in B
xor a ;initialize extra line count
sta lcnt
ld c,0 ;init arg count
ex de,hl ;put text pointer in DE
ld hl,deformt ;init arg ptr list ptr
inc de ;pass '('
call igwsp ;ignore trash
cp ')' ;null list?
jp nz,defrm2
inc de ;yes. pass over ')'
ex de,hl ;put text ptr back in HL
ld a,c ;get arg count in A
defrm2: call igwsp ;ignore leading trash
cp cr ;newline character?
jp nz,defr2a ;if not, assume it's legal starting char
lda lcnt ;bump extra line count
inc a
sta lcnt
inc de ;go on to next char
jp defrm2 ;and go check for more extra newlines
defr2a: ld (hl),e ;add adress of next arg to list
inc hl
ld (hl),d
inc hl
ld a,b
or a ;if allowing identifiers only,
jp z,defrm4 ;then go do that
xor a ;clear paren nest level
sta parenc
defr3a: ld a,(de) ;else process generalized arg: get char of text
inc de ;bump text pointer
cp '"' ;quote?
jp nz,defr3d ;if not, go check for terminators
;process string arg:
defr3b: ld a,(de) ;look at next arg of string
inc de
cp '\' ;backslash?
jp nz,defr3c
inc de ;if so, pass over the next char
jp defr3b
defr3c: cp '"' ;closing quote?
jp nz,defr3b ;if not, keep looping till we find one
jp defr3a ;found closing quote. go for more of the arg
defr3d: dec de ;temporrily place txt ptr on current char
cp ',' ;comma?
jp nz,dfr3d1 ;if not, check for close paren
lda parenc ;in parens?
or a
jp z,defr4a ;if not, found end
jp dfr3d2 ;else inside parens, so ignore
dfr3d1: cp ')' ;close paren?
jp nz,dfr3d3 ;if not, go check for other special chars
lda parenc
or a
jp z,defr4a ;if already zilch, all done with this paren
dec a ;else debump paren count
sta parenc
dfr3d2: inc de ;else go on with term
jp defr3a
dfr3d3: inc de ;advance txt ptr back past current char
cp '''' ;single quote?
jp z,defr3e ;if so, go handle
cp '(' ;open paren?
jp nz,defr3a ;if not, go for next char
lda parenc ;bump paren count
inc a
sta parenc
jp defr3a ;and go for more text
defr3e: ld a,(de) ;process object in single quotes
inc de
cp '\'
jp nz,defr3f
inc de ;ignore char after backslash
jp defr3e
defr3f: cp '''' ;closing single quote?
jp nz,defr3e ;if not, keep scanning
jp defr3a ;else done with single quote object; go for more arg
defrm4: ld a,(de) ;get character at txt ptr
call varch2 ;legal 1st char of identifier?
ret c ;if not, error.
defr40: inc de ;find char after last char of identifier
ld a,(de)
call varch
jp nc,defr40
defr4a: dec de ;go back to last char of arg
ld a,(de) ;set b7
or 80h
ld (de),a
inc c ;bump arg count
inc de ;get next char
call igwsp
cp ',' ;comma?
jp nz,defrm5 ;if not, go check for ')'
inc de ;else pass comma and look for identifier
jp defrm2
defrm5: cp ')' ;now must be either close or an error
jp z,defrm1a
scf ;error. set Cy and return
; Test to see if identifier at DE has already been defined in a previous
; #define line. Return Cy clear if previously defined.
ld l,c ;look at the identifier.
ld h,0
add hl,de
ex de,hl
call igwsp
call findd ;is it already defined? set C if not.
lhld deftmp
ld a,0ffh ;also A = 0ffh if no carry,
ret nc
cpl ;A = 0 if carry
; Process all text substitutions on the line pointed to by DE:
prlin: push de ;save pointer to start of line for later retrieval
lda dstgf ;and save state of in-string flag
push af
or a ;in a string from previous line?
jp nz,prln0 ;if so, don't check for preprocessor directives
call igwsp ;ignore leading white space, checking for directives
ld hl,ifst ;line begin with #if?
call stcmp
jp z,prln1
ld a,(de) ;line start with #?
cp '#'
jp z,prl0a ;if so, don't preprocess.
jp prln0
prln1: inc de ;line starts with #if. Pass "#if"
inc de
inc de
call igwsp ;process rest of #if line.
prln0: dec de
prlin9: inc de
prlin0: ld a,(de) ;end of file?
or a
jp z,prl0a ;if so, end of line for sure.
cp cr ;end of line?
jp nz,prlin1
prl0a: pop af ;yes. all done. clean up stack (pushed dstgf)
pop de ;and pop text pointer to start of line
prlin1: lda dstgf ;in a string right now?
or a
ld a,(de)
jp z,prlinc
cp '"' ;yes. close quote?
jp z,prlinb ;if so, go flip "in string" state
cp '\' ;no. escape?
jp nz,prlin9 ;if not, just go to next char
inc de ;if so, skip next character
jp prlin9
prlinb: lda dstgf
sta dstgf
jp prlin9
prlinc: cp '"' ;not in a string. start of string quote?
jp z,prlinb ;if so, go flip "in string" state
cp '''' ;character constant?
jp nz,prlind
call chcnst1 ;yes. pass over it
jp prlin0
prlind: call varch2 ;identifier?
jp c,prlin9
prline: call subst ;yes. do substitutions
jp c,prlinf ;any done?
pop af ;yes. restore dstgf
sta dstgf
pop de ;and text pointer, then start processing line again.
jp prlin
prlinf: inc de ;pass over rest of identifier name
ld a,(de)
call varch
jp nc,prlinf
jp prlin0 ;and go for more stuff.
; Search for identifier pointed to by DE in the identifier
; table. Return Cy set if not found, else HL pointing to
; the arg count byte immediately following the name entry
; in the table:
findd: ld hl,lblt+strsiz ;start of identifier table
findd2: ld a,(hl)
or a
ret z
shld deftmp
call idcmp
jp nz,findd3
lhld deftmp
push bc
ld bc,8
add hl,bc
pop bc
findd3: ld bc,11
add hl,bc
jp findd2
; Ignore white space at DE:
igwsp: ld a,(de)
inc de
call twsp
jp z,igwsp
dec de
; Do all potential substitutions for the text at DE:
subst: call findd ;is identifier at DE a defined symbol?
ret c
ld b,(hl) ;put arg count in B
inc hl
ld a,(hl)
inc hl
ld h,(hl)
ld l,a
ld a,b ;parameterized?
or a
jp z,substs ;if so, go handle simple substitution
and 7fh ;otherwise put arg count in B
ld b,a
push de ;save ->old text
call pasvr ;param list?
call igwsp ;ignore white space between var and possible param list
cp '('
jp z,subst2
ld hl,stgbd1
jp perrab
subst2: push hl ;save ->new text
ex de,hl ;put text ptr in HL
push bc
call deform ;build list of param ptrs
ex de,hl ;put text ptr back in DE
jp nc,subst3
ld hl,stgbds
jp perrab
subst3: pop bc
cp b
jp z,subst4 ;correct # of args?
ld hl,stgbd2
call perrab
subst4: pop hl ;HL ->new text
push de ;save DE (->after old text)
ld de,txbuf ;now create new text image at txbuf
ld a,(hl) ;check for a null text image
cp cr
jp nz,subst5 ;if not null, handle normally
ld a,0ffh ;else place null FF byte in text area
ld (de),a
jp subst9a
subst5: ld a,(hl)
inc hl
cp cr
jp z,subst9
or a
jp m,subst6 ;if arg code, go substitute
ld (de),a ;otherwise just a char
inc de
jp subst5
subst6: and 7fh ;now substitute an arg for the code byte
add a
ld c,a
ld b,0
push hl
ld hl,deformt
add hl,bc
ld a,(hl)
inc hl
ld h,(hl)
ld l,a ;HL -> arg text represented by code byte
subst7: ld a,(hl)
and 7fh
ld (de),a
inc de
ld a,(hl)
inc hl
or a
jp p,subst7 ;keep copying till b7 is high on last char
pop hl
jp subst5
subst9: dec de ;turn on b7 of last char of text area
ld a,(de)
or 80h
ld (de),a
pop de ;all done...now just replace old text with new text
pop hl
push hl
call cmh
add hl,de
ld c,l
pop de
ld hl,txbuf
call substs
lda lcnt ;get extra line count
ld b,a ;save in B
cpl ;negate for "mvtxt"
inc a
call mvtxt
substa: ld a,b
or a
ret z
ld a,cr
ld (de),a
inc de
dec b
jp substa
; Substitute text at HL for identifier at DE, length of id at DE is in C:
substs: push hl ;save ->new text
push bc ;save id length
push hl ;push ->new text
call cmh ;HL = -(new text addr)
ex (sp),hl ;push -(new addr), get HL = new addr
subs2: ld a,(hl) ;compute length of new text
inc hl
or a
jp p,subs2
pop bc ;get -(new addr) in BC
add hl,bc ;HL = length
ex (sp),hl ;push lengh, HL = id length (in L)
ld h,0 ;HL = id length
call cmh ;HL = -(id length)
pop bc
push bc ;BC = new text length
add hl,bc ;HL = difference in lengths
ld a,l ;negate difference
inc a
call mvtxt ;shift text
pop bc
pop hl
inc bc
subs3: dec bc ;insert new text
ld a,b
or c
ret z
ld a,(hl)
cp 0FFh ;filler byte?
jp z,subs4
and 7fh
subs4: ld (de),a
inc de
inc hl
jp subs3
; Print out intermediate text if "-p" option given:
lda pflag ;return if intermediate text
or a ; printout not desired
ret z
lda werrs ;output to console only
push af
xor a
sta werrs
lhld coda
ex de,hl ;DE points to text
ld hl,0 ;HL holds line count
call initps ;initialize for pass through text
sta nlflag ;enable null line numbering
call crlf ; leading blank lines
call crlf
ploop: call gndch ;get next significant character
or a
jp nz,ploop1
ploopd: call crlf ;end of file.
pop af ;restore RED file output status
sta werrs
ret ;all done.
ploop1: cp cr
jp nz,ploop2
call ckabrt ;check for control-C on console
lda nlflag ;ok to number null lines?
or a
jp nz,ploop7 ;print empty line number on first null line in
ld a,1 ; a series of null lines, but not on rest of them.
sta nlflag
call number
jp ploop7
ploop2: cp modbeg ;start of module?
jp nz,ploop3
shld nlcnt ;save line count for pushmn to use
push de ;save ptr to filename
call pushmn ;process start of include file.
call crlf
call indnt ;indent for new module name
call indnt ; extra indentation lines name up with text
ex de,hl ;save current DE in HL
pop de ;get filename
call pfnam2 ;print out module name
ex de,hl ;put text ptr back in DE
ld a,':'
call outch
ld hl,0 ;clear new line count
jp ploop
ploop3: cp modend ;and of module?
jp nz,ploop4
call popmn ;process end-of-module by putting out
call crlf ;an extra cr-lf for readability.
lhld nlcnt ;restore line count from where popmn put it
jp ploop
ploop4: call number ;number the new line
ploop5: cp 255
jp z,ploop6 ;don't print filler bytes
call outch
ploop6: ld a,(de) ;put out the line
inc de
or a
jp z,ploopd
cp cr
jp nz,ploop5
xor a
sta nlflag ;enable numbering of next null line
ploop7: inc hl
jp ploop
; Get next char of text at DE, but if there's nothing but trash
; between it and the end of the line, just return the CR:
gndch: ld a,(de)
inc de
cp 255
jp z,gndch ;ignore FF's
call twsp ;is next char white space?
ret nz ;if not, must use it.
push af ;else if rest of the stuff on the line is trash
push de
call tnbcr ;is it?
jp z,gndch2
pop de ;no, there's more useful stuff.
pop af
gndch2: pop af ;no more useful stuff. return a CR
pop af
inc de ;and pass over the CR.
ld a,cr
; Return Z set if there's nothing but trash until the end of the line:
tnbcr: ld a,(de)
cp cr ;return?
ret z ;if so, NOT a garbage character
call twsp ;white space?
ret nz ;if not, not a garbage char
inc de
jp tnbcr ;else keep scanning line for cr or non-space.
; Number the current pitext line:
number: push af
call crlf
call indnt ;indent 2 spaces per module stacking
numb2: push hl
xor a ;all line numbers take 4 characters
call prhcs
pop hl
pop af
; Indent according to module stack count (2 spaces per module):
indnt: lda modstc ;get module nesting count
dec a ;print (A-1)*3 spaces
ld b,a
add a
add b
inc a
ld b,a
indnt1: dec b
ret z
ld a,' '
call outch
jp indnt1
; Perform constant substitutions, keyword encodings,
; and string constant encodings:
pass1: call initps ;initialize for pass
dec de
ps1a: inc de
ps1b: call nextch ;process current char, return Cy on EOF
ret c ;done if EOF
ps1ba: cp '"' ;string to be processed?
jp z,psstg
push de ;no. constant?
push bc
ld a,1 ;force error reporting on bad constant
sta bcnstf
call const
ld a,0
sta bcnstf ;turn bad constant reporting back off
ld a,c
pop bc
pop de
jp c,ps1c ;if not a constant, do potential keyword substitutions
sub 3 ;it was a constant. substitute a constant code
call mvtxt ; for the text of the constant.
ld a,concd ;key byte
ld (de),a
inc de
ld a,l ;low order byte of value
ld (de),a
inc de
ld a,h ;high order byte of value
ld (de),a
jp ps1a
; Try to match the keyword at DE (whose first char
; is in A, already converted to upper case) with an
; entry in the keyword table. Hashing is used on the
; bits 0-3 of the first character. If no match is found
; and the first character was NOT a legal identifier
; character, then a syntax error occurs; else it is
; assumed the string is an identifier and it is left
; alone.
ps1c: ld a,b
cp 05fh ;underscore?
jp z,ps1h ;if so, assume identifier
cp 'A' ;legal identifier char?
jp c,ps1c3
cp 'Z'+1
jp c,ps1c2
scf ;no. set carry for later.
jp ps1c3
ps1c2: xor a ;yes, legal ident. char.
ps1c3: push af ;now let's do some hashing...
ld a,b ;get 1st char of test string
and 1eh
push bc
ld c,a
ld b,0 ;BC = disp into hash table
ld hl,khasht ;HL = start of table
add hl,bc ;HL = address of sublist
ld a,(hl)
inc hl
ld h,(hl)
ld l,a ;HL -> sublist
pop bc
ps1d: ld a,(hl) ;done searching list?
cp 255
jp z,ps1g
and 7fh ;no. 1st char match?
cp b ;if not, don't bother comparing
jp nz,ps1f ; rest of string
push bc ;OK, compare rest of string!
call stcmp
ld a,c ;save length of strings
pop bc
jp nz,ps1f ;if no match, keep searching
ld c,a ;match...restore length into C
pop af ;clean up stack
ld a,(hl) ;get 1 byte code into text
ps1e: ld (de),a
inc de
dec c
jp z,ps1b
ld a,0ffh ;and fill out space with FF's
jp ps1e
ps1f: ld a,(hl) ;go to next table entry
inc hl
or a
jp p,ps1f
inc hl
jp ps1d
ps1g: pop af ;search failed. could it have
jp nc,ps1h ; been an identifier?
ld hl,stg99 ;no: must be syntax error.
call perr
jp ps1a
ps1h: ld a,(de) ;possible identifier; let it be
call varch
jp c,ps1b
inc de
jp ps1h
; process a string constant:
psstg: push de
psstg1: call glbl
ld a,l
cp 1ah
jp z,psstg1
ex de,hl
lhld eofad
ld (hl),e
inc hl
ld (hl),d
inc hl
shld stgcct
inc hl
pop de
push de
xor a
ld c,a
sta scc
psstg2: inc de
ld a,(de)
or a
jp z,pstger ;if EOF, REALLY missing quote.
cp '"'
jp z,psstg3
cp cr
jp z,pstger ;if CR in text, error.
cp newlin ;same for newlin
jp z,pstger
call stgelt
ld (hl),a
call ckov
inc hl
push hl
ld hl,scc
inc (hl)
pop hl
jp nz,psstg2
pstger: ld hl,stgmq
jp fatal
psstg3: shld eofad
ld (hl),1ah
lhld stgcct
lda scc
ld (hl),a ;set length byte for string
pop hl ;get start of string
push hl
call cmh
add hl,de
ld de,78
call cmphd ;is HL < 78?
jp nc,pstg3a ;if not, do big squish
ld a,l ;else do normal mvtxt
sub 2
pop de
call mvtxt
jp pstg3b
pstg3a: dec hl ;do big squish
dec hl ;now HL is # of bytes to squish
pop de
call bsqsh ;big squish routine
pstg3b: ld a,strcd
ld (de),a
inc de
lhld lbln
dec hl
ld a,l
ld (de),a
inc de
ld a,h
ld (de),a
inc de
ld b,0
lhld nlcnt
add hl,bc
shld nlcnt
inc c
psstg4: dec c
jp z,ps1b
ld a,negone
push bc
call mvtxt
pop bc
ld a,nlcd
ld (de),a
inc de
jp psstg4
bsqsh: push de
ld de,80
call cmphd ;is HL < 80?
jp c,bsqsh2
ld de,-79
add hl,de
pop de
call bsqsh ;bsqsh(HL-79);
ld hl,79
call bsqsh
bsqsh2: pop de
ld a,l
call mvtxt
; Get next string element, set carry if EOF encountered:
stgelt: cp '\'
ret nz
inc de
ld a,(de)
cp '"'
ret z
cp 0ffh
jp nz,stglt2
stglt0: inc de
ld a,(de)
cp 0ffh
jp z,stglt0
inc c
stglt1: inc de
ld a,(de)
cp 0ffh
jp z,stglt1
jp stgelt
stglt2: push hl
dec de
call chkesc
pop hl
dec de
; Check for escape sequence at text at DE:
chkesc: ld a,(de)
cp '\'
inc de
ret nz ;did we see a backslash?
ld a,(de) ;yes. save the next character for later retrieval
inc de ;and point to character after that
sta esctmp
call mapuc
cp 'N' ;check for special escape codes. \n?
jp nz,esc2
ld a,newlin
esc2: cp 'T' ;\t?
jp nz,esc3
ld a,ht ;if so, turn into tab
esc3: cp 'B' ;\b?
jp nz,esc4
ld a,bs ;if so, turn into backspace
esc4: cp 'R' ;\r?
jp nz,esc5
ld a,cr ;if so, turn into carriage return
esc5: cp 'F' ;\f?
jp nz,esc6
ld a,ff ;if so, turn into formfeed
esc6: cp '\' ;if \\, return \ character
ret z
cp 27h ;if \', return ' character
ret z
call odig2 ;otherwise check for octal digit
jp nc,esc7
lda bcnstf ;report constant errors?
or a
lda esctmp ;if not octal digit, use the character and ignore the
ret z ; backslash, unless we need to report an error...
esc6a: ld hl,stg8a ;bad octal constant error.
jp cnst2b
esc7: ld l,a ;OK, we have an octal digit. Put into L
ld a,(de) ;look at next character
call odig2 ;octal digit?
ld h,a ;save in H
ld a,l ;get first digit
jp c,esc8 ;if second character not octal digit, go finish up
ld a,h ;otherwise get second digit
inc de ;point to potential third digit
call shfto ;shift first digit to left
ld a,(de) ;look at potential third digit
call odig2 ;is it octal?
ld h,a ;save in H in case it is
ld a,l ;get total of first two digits
jp c,esc8 ;finish up if no third digit
ld a,h ;get third digit
inc de ;point to character after third digit (closing qoute?)
;and add third digit to the sum.
shfto: ld h,a ;this little routine adds the octal digit in H to
ld a,l ;the octal value in L, after multiplying the value
rlca ;in L by 8.
add h
ld l,a
esc8: push af ;we've seen an illegal octal digit. if bcnstf is
ld a,(de) ;true and the current character isn't a quote, then
cp '''' ;report an error. Else just return the value.
jp z,esc9 ;Do we see a quote?
lda bcnstf ;no...
or a
jp z,esc9 ;is bcnstf true?
pop af ;yes, so report error
jp esc6a
esc9: pop af ;don't need to report error; simply return value
odig2: cp '0'
ret c
cp '8'
ret c
sub '0'
; Look at current text at DE. If a constant is seen, return NC with
; the value of the constant in HL and C containing the length of the
; text of the constant. Else, return C set:
const: ld a,(de)
cp '''' ;character constant?
jp z,chcnst ;if so, go handle it elsewhere
call digt ;a decimal digit?
ret c ;if not, then it isn't the start of any constant
;else it is.
ld c,0 ;clear character count
ld hl,0 ;and clear accumulated value
or a ;first digit a zero?
jp nz,deccn ;if not, go handle decimal constant
inc de ;yes. look at next character after the zero.
ld a,(de)
inc c ;and bump length count
call mapuc
cp 'X' ;hex constant?
jp z,hexcn ;if so, go handle it
dec c ;else must be an octal constant or 0. go back to
dec de ;the zero and let the octal handler take care of it.
xor a
jp octcn
cnst2a: ld hl,stg8 ;come here to diagnose constant errors.
cnst2b: call perr ;print the error
scf ;set carry to indicate a bad happenning
hexcn: inc de ;process a hex constant
ld a,(de) ;look at next digit
call tsthd ;hex?
jp c,cnst2a ;if not, there weren't any legal digits, so complain
dec de ;otherwise begin accumulating
hexcn1: inc de ;go to next character
inc c ;bump count
ld a,(de)
call tsthd ;legal hex digit?
jp c,octcn1 ;if not, all done
add hl,hl ;else shift previous sum left by 4
add hl,hl
add hl,hl
add hl,hl
add l
ld l,a ;add new digit
jp hexcn1 ;and go for more
octcn: add hl,hl ;process an octal constant
add hl,hl
add hl,hl
add l
ld l,a
inc de
inc c
ld a,(de)
call odigt
jp nc,octcn
ld a,(de) ;see if this is a hex or decimal digit in an octal #...
call tsthd
jp c,octcn1
ld hl,stg8a
octcn0: call perr
octcn1: xor a
deccn: push de ;process a decimal constant..push text pointer
inc c ;bump char count
ld d,h
ld e,l ;lde previous sum to DE
add hl,hl ;multiply previous sum by 10
add hl,hl
add hl,de
add hl,hl
ld e,a ;add new digit
ld d,0
add hl,de
pop de ;get back text pointer
inc de
ld a,(de) ;look at next digit
call digt
jp nc,deccn ;decimal digit? if so, go process it
ld a,(de) ;else check for a common error, a hex digit
call tsthd
jp c,octcn1 ;if it isn't, no problem
ld hl,stg8b ;else complain about illegal decimal digit
jp octcn0
; Evaluate character constant at DE, and print an error if no closing
; quote found:
chcnst: call chcnst1
jp c,cnst2a
chcnst1: push de
ld b,0
inc de
call chkesc
ld c,a
ld a,(de)
cp ''''
jp z,chcns3
call chkesc
ld b,a
ld a,(de)
cp ''''
jp z,chcns3
pop hl
chcns3: inc de
pop hl
call cmh
add hl,de
ld h,b
ld b,l
ld l,c
ld c,b
xor a
digt: call mapuc
sub '0'
cp 10
tsthd: call digt
ret nc
sub 7
cp 10
ret c
cp 16
odigt: call digt
ret c
cp 8
; This routine gets next character from text area, returning Cy set
; if EOF encountered, Z set if byte is to be ignored, and properly
; handling MODBEG, MODEND and line count via NLCNT:
nextch: ld a,(de)
cp 0ffh ;ignore FF (filler) bytes
jp z,nextc5
or a ;zero byte indicates EOF
scf ;set Cy for EOF
ret z
cp modbeg ;adjust line number processing for include files
jp nz,nextc2
inc de
call pushmn
jp nextch ;and go for next char
nextc2: cp modend
jp nz,nextc3
call popmn
jp nextc5 ;and go for 'nother char
nextc3: call mapuc
ld b,a
cp cr
jp nz,nextc4 ;if not CR, all done...return the char
call ckabrt ;found CR: check for abortion at end of every line
call bumpnl
nextc4: or a ;clear Cy
nextc5: inc de ;internal looping point for nextch
jp nextch
; Process all labels in the source file.
ld a,1
sta mapucv ;DON'T map to upper case in stcmp routine
call initps
dec de
lblp1: inc de
call pascd
cp lbrcd ; '{' for start of new function?
jp nz,lblp2
push de ;yes.
lhld nlcnt
shld savnlc ;save line number of function start for error reports
push hl
call flblp ;find labels
pop hl
shld nlcnt
pop de
call flblv ;resolve labels.
call ckabrt ;check for using typing control-C
jp lblp1
lblp2: or a ;EOF?
jp nz,lblp1 ;if not, go for more text.
xor a
sta mapucv ;restore stcmp to normal map-to-upper-case mode
ret ;yes. all done.
; Find labels in a function.
flblp: ld hl,lblt
shld lblp
ld (hl),0
xor a
sta clev
dec de
flp0: inc de
flp1: call pascd
jp nz,flp1a ;EOF before function ends?
;if so...
lblerr: lhld savnlc ;put start of function into line number register
shld nlcnt
lhld modstp ;advance module stack ptr to cancel popping at EOF
ld de,14
add hl,de
shld modstp
ld hl,stgsuf ;screwed-up function message
jp fatal
flp1a: cp lbrcd ; '{'?
jp nz,flp2
ld hl,clev ;yes. bump level count.
inc (hl)
jp flp4
flp2: cp rbrcd ; '}' ?
jp nz,flp3
ld hl,clev ;yes. decrement level count.
dec (hl)
jp nz,flp4 ;done with funciton?
ret ;if so, return.
flp3: cp elscd ;look for keywords.
jp z,flp4
cp docd
jp z,flp4
cp semi
jp nz,flp0 ;pass expressions.
flp4: inc de ;check for identifier.
call igsht
call varch ;legal first char?
jp c,flp1
push de ;yes. save text ptr.
ld c,0 ;init char count
flp5: inc de
ld a,(de)
inc c
call varch ;still an ident?
jp nc,flp5
flpwsp: cp 255 ;no. ignore trailing spaces
jp nz,flpcln ;if no more spaces, check for colon
inc de ;else pass over the space
ld a,(de) ;get next char
inc c ;bump count
jp flpwsp ;and keep looking for non-space
flpcln: cp colon ;no. followed by a colon?
pop hl ;pop start of label into HL
jp nz,flp1
ex de,hl ;put start of label ptr into DE
push de ;push it
push bc ;push count
push bc ; a few times
push de ;and push label ptr again
xor a
sta sf
call flbl
pop de ;restore label ptr in DE
pop bc ;restore count into C
jp c,flp5a
ld hl,stgml ;all labels must be unique
call perr
ld hl,sf
inc (hl)
flp5a: lhld lblp ;store the label away
flp6: ld a,(de)
dec c
jp z,flp7
cp 255 ;don't save space as part of the name
jp z,flp6a
ld (hl),a
inc hl
flp6a: inc de
jp flp6
flp7: cp 255 ;last char space?
jp nz,flp7a ;if not, treat normally
dec hl
ld a,(hl) ;else get last legit char
flp7a: or 80h
ld (hl),a
inc hl
ex de,hl
lhld lbln
ex de,hl
ld (hl),e
inc hl
ld (hl),d
inc hl
lda sf
or a
jp nz,flp8
shld lblp
ld (hl),0
flp8: pop bc
pop de
ld a,c
sub 2
call mvtxt
call glbl
ld a,lblcd
ld (de),a
inc de
ld a,l
ld (de),a
inc de
ld a,h
ld (de),a
jp flp4
stgml: db 'Duplicate label+'
; Resolve label references:
flblv: dec de
xor a
sta clev
flv0: inc de
call pascd
jp z,lblerr ;if EOF, go complain
cp lbrcd
jp nz,flv1
ld hl,clev
inc (hl)
jp flv0
flv1: cp rbrcd
jp nz,flv2
ld hl,clev
dec (hl)
jp nz,flv0
flv2: cp gotcd ;"goto" keyword?
jp nz,flv0
inc de ;yes.
call flbl ;label entered in table?
jp nc,flv5 ;if so, go process
ld hl,stg26
call perr
push de
ld c,0
flv3: ld a,(de)
call varch
jp c,flv4
inc de
inc c
jp flv3
flv4: pop de
flv5: call lblsb ;do substitution
jp flv0
; Find label in label table:
flbl: call igsht
ld hl,lblt
flbl2: ld a,(hl)
or a
ret z
call stcmp
ret z
flbl3: ld a,(hl)
or a
inc hl
jp p,flbl3
inc hl
inc hl
jp flbl2
lblsb: ld a,(hl)
inc hl
ld h,(hl)
ld l,a
ld a,c
sub 3
push hl
call mvtxt
pop hl
ld a,labrc
ld (de),a
inc de
ld a,l
ld (de),a
inc de
ld a,h
ld (de),a
stcmp: push de
push hl
ld c,1
stcp1: ld a,(hl)
and 7fh
call mapuc0
ld b,a
ld a,(de)
call mapuc0
cp b
jp z,stcp2
stcp1a: pop hl
pop de
xor a
inc a
stcp2: ld a,(hl)
or a
inc hl
jp m,stcp3
inc de
inc c
jp stcp1
stcp3: ld a,b
call varch
jp nc,stcp4
stcp3a: xor a
pop de
pop de
stcp4: inc de
ld a,(de)
call varch
jp c,stcp1a
jp stcp3a
; This section of code (PASS X) goes through the code and
; simplifies all constant expressions. Any code following
; an open bracket ("["), open parenthesis, "case" keyword,
; or assignment operator is checked to see if it is a
; constant expression. If so, it is replaced by its simple
; constant equivalent.
passx: call initps
dec de
psx1: inc de
call igsht
call cdtst
jp c,psx1z
inc de
inc de
jp psx1
psx1z: inc de
or a
ret z
cp comma
jp z,psx1a
cp openb
jp z,psx1a
cp open
jp z,psx1a
cp cascd
jp z,psx1a
cp rencd
jp z,psx1a
call asgnop
jp z,psx1a
dec de
jp psx1
psx1a: call ckabrt ;check for using typing control-C
push de
ld hl,opstk
shld opstp
ld (hl),0
ld hl,valstk
shld valsp
call ckce
jp nc,psx2
pop de
call igsht
call cdtst
jp c,psx1
inc de
inc de
jp psx1
psx2: ex (sp),hl
ex de,hl
dec hl
dec de
ld c,0
psx2a: inc de
ld a,(de)
cp nlcd
jp nz,psx2b
inc c
psx2b: ld a,0ffh
ld (de),a
ld a,l
cp e
jp nz,psx2a
ld a,h
cp d
jp nz,psx2a
pop hl
ld a,concd
dec de
dec de
ld (de),a
inc de
ld a,l
ld (de),a
inc de
ld a,h
ld (de),a
ld a,c
or a
jp z,psx1
inc de
ld a,c
inc a
push bc
push hl
call mvtxt
pop hl
pop bc
ld a,nlcd
psx2c: ld (de),a
inc de
dec c
jp nz,psx2c
dec de
jp psx1
; This routine looks at text at DE and returns C reset
; if there is a legal constant expression there, with
; the value in HL; else C is set. DE is left pointing to
; the end of the expression, or wherever it became illegal.
ckce: call ckce2
ret c
call igsht
cp 0c0h
jp z,qexpr
or a
ckce2: push de
call psce
pop de
ret c
call binop
jp z,bexpr
call sce
; Pass over a simple constant expression:
; unop sce
; sce
psce: call igsht
cp mincd
jp z,psce2
cp circum
jp z,psce2
call pvsce
psce2: inc de
jp psce
; Pass very simple constant expression:
; (ce)
; constant
pvsce: cp open
jp nz,pvsce2
call mtchp
call igsht
or a
pvsce2: cp concd
ret nz
inc de
inc de
inc de
call igsht
or a
; process ?: expression:
qexpr: inc de
ld a,h
or l
jp z,qexp2
call ckce
ret c
cp colon
ret nz
inc de
push hl
call ckce
pop hl
qexp2: call psce
cp colon
ret nz
inc de
call ckce
; process simple constant expression:
; unop sce
; sce
sce: call igsht
cp mincd
jp nz,sce2
inc de
call sce
ret c
call cmh
or a
sce2: cp circum
jp nz,sce3
inc de
call sce
ret c
call cmh
dec hl
or a
sce3: call vsce
; process very simple constant expression:
; constant
; (ce)
vsce: cp open
jp nz,vsce2
inc de
call ckce
ret c
call igsht
cp close
ret nz
inc de
vsce2: cp concd
ret nz
inc de
ld a,(de)
ld l,a
inc de
ld a,(de)
ld h,a
inc de
call igsht
or a
; handle binary expression:
; sce binop sce binop sce ...
bexpr: xor a
call oppsh
call sce
ret c
call pshh
call oppop
bxprab: call igsht
call binop
jp z,bxpr2
bxpr1: call tstop
jp z,bxpr5
call popb
call poph
call oppop
call alugen
call pshh
jp bxpr1
bxpr2: call tstop
jp z,bxpr3
ld c,b
call binop
ld a,c
cp b
jp z,bxpr4
jp c,bxpr4
bxpr3: ld a,(de)
call oppsh
inc de
jp bexpr
bxpr4: call popb
call poph
call oppop
call alugen
call pshh
jp bxprab
bxpr5: call poph
xor a
oppsh: push hl
lhld opstp
inc hl
shld opstp
ld (hl),a
pop hl
oppop: push hl
lhld opstp
ld a,(hl)
dec hl
shld opstp
pop hl
tstop: push hl
lhld opstp
ld a,(hl)
or a
pop hl
popb: push hl
call poph
ld b,h
ld c,l
pop hl
poph: lhld valsp
push de
ld d,(hl)
dec hl
ld e,(hl)
dec hl
shld valsp
ex de,hl
pop de
pshh: push de
ex de,hl
lhld valsp
inc hl
ld (hl),e
inc hl
ld (hl),d
shld valsp
ex de,hl
pop de
binop: ld b,9
cp mulcd
ret z
cp divcd
ret z
cp modcd
ret z
dec b
cp plus
ret z
cp mincd
ret z
dec b
cp 0b0h
ret z
cp 0b1h
ret z
dec b
cp 0b9h
ret z
cp 0bah
ret z
cp 0aeh
ret z
cp 0afh
ret z
dec b
cp 0aah
ret z
cp 0abh
ret z
dec b
cp ancd
ret z
dec b
cp 0bch
ret z
dec b
cp 0bdh
asgnop: cp letcd
ret z
cp 0a0h
ret c
cp 0aah
jp c,asgn2
xor a
inc a
asgn2: xor a
alugen: cp mulcd ;*
jp nz,alu2
alu1s: call initsn ;initialize sign memory
push de
ex de,hl
ld hl,0
alu1a: ld a,b
or c
jp nz,alu1b
call aplysn ;apply sign memory to result
jp adone
alu1b: add hl,de
dec bc
jp alu1a
initsn: xor a
sta signm ;clear sign memory
push hl
ld h,b
ld l,c
call tests ;test BC for negativity
ld b,h
ld c,l
pop hl
call tests ;test HL for negativity
aplysn: lda signm ;if signm true, negate HL
or a
ret z
call cmh
tests: ld a,h ;if HL is positive, do nothing
or a
ret p
call cmh ;else negate HL
lda signm ;and reverse sense of sign memory byte
or a
ld a,1
jp z,tests2
xor a
tests2: sta signm
alu2: cp divcd ;/
jp nz,alu3
alu2s: call initsn
push de
ex de,hl
ld hl,0
alu2a: ld a,d
cp b
jp c,alu2c
jp nz,alu2b
ld a,e
cp c
jp c,alu2c
alu2b: push hl
ld h,b
ld l,c
call cmh
add hl,de
ex de,hl
pop hl
inc hl
jp alu2a
alu2c: call aplysn
jp adone
adone: pop de
alu3: cp modcd ;%
jp nz,alu4
ld a,h
or a ;check sign of 1st operand
push af ;save for final result sign computation
call initsn ;make sure mod is computed on positive numbers
xor a ;zero sign memory to force unsigned result
sta signm
push de
push hl
push bc
call alu2s
pop bc
call alu1s
call cmh
pop de
add hl,de
pop de
pop af ;get sign of original 2nd operand
ret p ;if it was positive, leave result positive
call cmh ;otherwise negate result
alu4: cp plus ;+
jp nz,alu5
add hl,bc
alu5: cp mincd ;-
jp nz,alu6
push de
ex de,hl
ld h,b
ld l,c
call cmh
add hl,de
pop de
alu6: cp 0b0h ;<<
jp nz,alu7
alu6a: ld a,b
or c
ret z
add hl,hl
dec bc
jp alu6a
alu7: cp 0b1h ;>>
jp nz,alu8
alu7a: ld a,b
or c
ret z
ld a,h
ld h,a
ld a,l
ld l,a
dec bc
jp alu7a
alu8: cp 0bah ;<
jp nz,alu9
alu8a: ld a,h
cp b
ld a,l
ld hl,1
ret c
dec hl
ret nz
cp c
ret nc
inc l
alu9: cp 0b9h ;>
jp nz,alu10
alu9a: ld a,b
cp h
ld b,l
ld hl,1
ret c
dec hl
ret nz
ld a,c
cp b
ret nc
inc l
alu10: cp 0aeh ;<=
jp nz,alu11
call alu9a
alu10a: ld a,h
or l
dec hl
ret nz
inc hl
inc hl
alu11: cp 0afh ;>=
jp nz,alu12
call alu8a
jp alu10a
alu12: cp ancd
jp nz,alu13
ld a,h
and b
ld h,a
ld a,l
and c
ld l,a
alu13: cp 0bch ;^
jp nz,alu14
ld a,h
xor b
ld h,a
ld a,l
xor c
ld l,a
alu14: cp 0bdh ;|
jp nz,alu15
ld a,h
or b
ld h,a
ld a,l
or c
ld l,a
alu15: cp 0aah ;==
jp nz,alu16
ld a,h
cp b
jp nz,fals
ld a,l
cp c
jp nz,fals
tru: ld hl,1
alu16: ld a,h ;<not>=
cp b
jp nz,tru
ld a,l
cp c
jp nz,tru
fals: ld hl,0
; Table of hash addresses for each of the 16
; keyword sub-tables:
khasht: dw tbl0,tbl1,tbl2,tbl3
dw tbl4,tbl5,tbl6,tbl7
dw tbl8,tbl9,tbla,tblb
dw tblc,tbld,tble,tblf
p: equ 80h
tbl0: db ' '+p,0ffh ;spaces turn into FF's
db 255
tbl1: db '!','='+p,0abh
db '!'+p,0bfh
db 255
tbl2: db 'RETUR','N'+p,8eh
db 'BREA','K'+p,90h
db 'REGISTE','R'+p,9eh
db 'BEGI','N'+p,9bh
db 255
tbl3: db 'CHA','R'+p,80h
db 'CONTINU','E'+p,91h
db 'CAS','E'+p,98h
db 'STRUC','T'+p,8bh
db 'SWITC','H'+p,97h
db 'SIZEO','F'+p,8fh
db 'SHOR','T'+p,9fh
db 255
tbl4: db 'D','O'+p,95h
db 'DEFAUL','T'+p,99h
db 255
tbl5: db 'ELS','E'+p,93h
db '%','='+p,0a4h
db '%'+p,0b8h
db 'UNSIGNE','D'+p,82h
db 'UNIO','N'+p,8ch
db 'EN','D'+p,9ch
db 255
tbl6: db '&','&'+p,0ach
db '&','='+p,0a7h
db 'FO','R'+p,94h
db '&'+p,0bbh
db 'VOI','D'+p,81h ;synonym for "int"
db 255
tbl7: db 'WHIL','E'+p,96h
db 'GOT','O'+p,8dh ;boo-hissssss
db 255
tbl8: db '('+p,0c2h
db 255
tbl9: db ht+p,0ffh
db ')'+p,0c3h
db 'I','F'+p,92h
db 'IN','T'+p,81h
db 255
tbla: db ':'+p,0cah
db '*','='+p,0a2h
db '*'+p,0b6h
db 255
tblb: db ';'+p,0c6h
db '{'+p,9bh
db '['+p,0c8h
db '+','+'+p,0b2h
db '+','='+p,0a0h
db '+'+p,0c4h
db 255
tblc: db ','+p,0c7h
db '|','|'+p,0adh
db '|','='+p,0a9h
db '|'+p,0bdh
db '<<','='+p,0a6h
db '<','='+p,0aeh
db '<','<'+p,0b0h
db '<'+p,0bah
db 255
tbld: db cr+p,nlcd
db ']'+p,0c9h
db '}'+p,9ch
db '=','='+p,0aah
db '='+p,0beh
db '-','>'+p,0b4h
db '-','-'+p,0b3h
db '-','='+p,0a1h
db '-'+p,0b5h
db 255
tble: db '>>','='+p,0a5h
db '>','='+p,0afh
db '>','>'+p,0b1h
db '>'+p,0b9h
db '^','='+p,0a8h
db '.'+p,0c5h
db '^'+p,0bch
db '~'+p,0cbh
db 255
tblf: db '?'+p,0c0h
db '/','='+p,0a3h
db '/'+p,0b7h
db 255