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        include "../_sdk/sys_h.asm"
        include "8080.asm"

; Main driver file for CLINK.ASM
; (for use with LASM.COM)

        ;page 77
        ;title 'BDS Clink v1.6 3/86'

true:   equ 0ffffh
false:  equ not true

SLRMAC: equ true;false
LASM:   equ not SLRMAC

PREREL: equ 0           ;'pre-release', uses current drive/user area
TESTING: equ 0          ;enables printf hack debugging statements
TESTING2: equ 0         ;enables the "test" stack-stuffing routine at end
TESTING3: equ 0         ;enables fcbs printout diagnostic for obscure debugging

MARC:   equ false       ;true if MARC version
CPM:    equ true        ;true for CP/M version
ZSYS:   equ false;true  ;true if assembling for Z-SYSTEMS version
ALPHA:  equ false       ;true for Alpha-C

        IF NOT CPM
;       Assembling NON-CPM version !=

FORCE:  equ 1           ;have it work like L2, forcing loading of all funcs
version: equ '2'        ;'x' in v1.xy

        IF NOT ZSYS
update: equ  '0' ;'y' in v1.xy

        IF ZSYS
update: equ  '0' ;'y' in v1.xy

trs80:  equ 0           ;true if 4200h version of compiler

codend: equ 19h         ;The following 4 addresses are relative
freram: equ 1bh         ; to the start of C.CCC (** NOT "ram" **):
extrns: equ 0015h       ;Where address of externals is stored
cccsiz: equ 0017h       ;Where size of C.CCC is stored within C.CCC
clrex:  equ 0041h       ;Jump vector to external clearing subroutine

;                       offsets for key bytes in runtime package:
noboot: equ 0011h
start:  equ 048dh       ;startup code
lxiloc: equ start+8

        IF MARC
mhackl: equ 258h        ;where "call marc" goes if -m given
thackl: equ 35dh        ;where "-t" sequence (ld hl,xxxx nop nop) goes

        ;IF LASM

        IF CPM
;coninp:                equ 1
;conout:                equ 2
readbuf:        equ 10
;intcon:                equ 11
;select:                equ 14
openfil:        equ 15
closefil:       equ 16
delete:         equ 19
rsequen:        equ 20
wsequen:        equ 21
makfil:         equ 22
;gdisk:         equ 25
sdma:           equ 26
;sguser:                equ 32

_rrn=0x21 ;shift to random record number in FCB (outsize FCB_sz!!!)

ram:    equ 0000h       ;where CLINK resides while running
dt1siz: equ 1500        ;default ref table (tab1) size

        IF CPM
bdos:   equ ram+5       ;entry point to bdos
NEDOOSMEMTOP=0xff00;bdosp:      equ ram+6
fcb:    equ ram+5ch
nr:     equ fcb+32

tpa:    equ PROGSTART;ram+100h
tbuff:  equ ram+80h
cr:     equ 0dh
lf:     equ 0ah
bell:   equ 7
newlin: equ lf
tab:    equ 9

        IF MARC
m$error:  equ 12
m$fsize:  equ 30
m$close:  equ 6
m$creat: equ 55
m$exit:   equ 1
m$memory: equ 5
m$open:   equ 2
m$read:   equ 3
m$seek:   equ 25
m$tell:   equ 34
m$unlink: equ 11
m$write:  equ 4
m$getcf:  equ 19
m$putcf:  equ 36
m$ichec:  equ 27
m$maxmem: equ 49
msys:     equ 50h

        ;IF LASM
        ;link clinka

        org PROGSTART;ram+100h  ;start of TPA
        ;IF SLRMAC
        include "clinka.asm"
        include "../_sdk/stdio.asm"
        include "clinkb.asm" ;killable?

        savebin "clink.com",begin,end-begin
        LABELSLIST "../../us/user.l"