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        include "../_sdk/sys_h.asm"
        include "8080.asm"


;       BD Software C Compiler v1.6
;       Standard Library Machine Language Functions (part A)
;       Copyright (c) 1982, 1986 by BD Software, Inc.
; This file is in "CSM" format; to convert to CRL format,
; use CASM.SUB in conjunction with CASM.COM, ASM.COM and CLOAD.COM.
; Functions appearing in this file:
;       [cmode] [iobreak] getchar       kbhit   ungetch putchar
;       gets    getline
;       rand    srand   srand1  nrand
;       [csw]   setmem  movmem  memcmp
;       call    calla
;       inp     outp    peek    poke
;       sleep   pause   exit
;       bdos    bios    biosh
;       codend  [externs]       endext  topofmem
;       exec    execv
;       rbrk    sbrk    rsvstk
;       index
;       setjmp  longjmp
        include "liblib.asm"

        if 1==1
        FUNCHEAD cmodesz
        call    ma1toh          ;get arg
        ex de,hl                        ;put in DE
        ld hl,chmode    ;get address of char mode flag
        ld      d,(hl)          ;get old mode in D
        ld      (hl),e          ;set new mode
        xor     a               ;clear pushback byte
        sta     ungetl
        inc hl
        ld      (hl),a          ;and line buffer char count
        ld      l,d             ;return old value of chmode
        ld      h,0
        ENDFUNC cmodesz,0
        ;dw 0 ;no reloc pars

        if 1==1
        FUNCHEAD iobreaksz
        call    ma1toh          ;get arg
        sta     iobrf
        ENDFUNC iobreaksz,0
        ;dw 0 ;no reloc pars

        FUNCHEAD getcharsz
        lda     ungetl  ;any character pushed back?
        ld      l,a
        or      a
        jp z,getit
        xor     a       ;yes. return it and clear the pushback
        sta     ungetl  ;byte in C.CCC.
        ld      h,a     ;clear h

        push    bc
        ld hl,chmode    ;get address of chmode flag
        ;ld     a,(hl)
         xor a
        or      a
        jp z,single             ;jump if single mode
        inc hl
        push    hl              ;save &nleft
        ld      a,(hl)          ;get number of chars left in buf
        or      a
        jp nz,gnext             ;jump if characters in buffer
                                ;fill buffer:
        ld de,gcbuff    ;DE = buffer address
        ld      c,getlin
        call    bdos            ;read console buffer
        ld      c,conout
        ld      e,lf
        call    bdos            ;linefeed to console
        ld hl,gcline
        shld    gcptr           ;initialize gcptr
        lda     gcnum           ;number of chars just read
        ld hl,nleft             ;HL = &nleft
        ld      (hl),a          ;set number of characters
        cp      maxl
        jp z,gnext              ;if buffer completely full, don't append nl
        ld      e,a
        ld      d,0             ;DE = number of characters
        inc     (hl)            ;nleft++
        ld hl,gcline
        add hl,de               ;HL = addr of next char pos after end
        ld      (hl),newlin     ;append newline char

        pop hl          ;now take a char from the buffer
        dec     (hl)            ;nleft--
        lhld    gcptr           ;get next char
        ld      a,(hl)
        inc hl          ;bump ptr
        shld    gcptr
        jp      gotit

        ;ld     c,conin         ;get single char from bdos
        ;call   bdos
        cp      cr              ;carriage return?
        jp nz,gotit
        ;ld     c,conout        ;if so, echo linefeed
        ;ld     e,lf
        ;call   bdos
        ;ld     a,newlin        ;and return newline (linefeed)..

gotit:  ;ld     b,a             ;save char in B
        ;lda    iobrf           ;checking for BREAK character?
        ;or     a
        ;ld     a,b             ;restore char into A
        pop bc          ;restore BC
        jp z,gotit2             ;if not checking for BREAK, skip test
        ;cp     cntrlc          ;control-C ?
        ;jp z,exit              ;if so, exit the program.
gotit2: ;cp     1ah             ;control-Z ?
        ;ld hl,-1               ;if so, return -1.
        ;ret z
        ld      l,a             ;else return char in HL
        ld      h,0

maxl    equ     79      ;max length of line of buffered console input
gcptr   ds      2       ;pointer into line where first char is
gcbuff  db      maxl    ;max line length fro BDOS 10
gcnum   db      0        ;number of characters just read by BDOS 10
gcline  ds      maxl+1  ;buffer for characters, in case BDOS 10 is used
        ENDFUNC getcharsz,14

        FUNCHEAD kbhitsz
        lda     ungetl  ;any character ungotten?
        ld      h,0
        ld      l,a
        or      a
        ret nz          ;if so, return true

        lda     nleft   ;get number of chars left in buffer
        or      a
        ret nz          ;if any characters in buffer, return true

        push bc
        ld      c,cstat ;else interrogate console status
        call    bdos
        pop bc

        or      a       ;0 returned by BDOS if no character ready
        ld hl,0
        ret z           ;return 0 in HL if no character ready
        inc     l       ;otherwise return 1 in HL
        ENDFUNC kbhitsz,0
        ;dw 0 ;no reloc pars

        FUNCHEAD ungetchsz
        lda     ungetl
        ld      l,a
        push hl
        call    ma2toh
        sta     ungetl
        pop hl
        ld      h,0
        ENDFUNC ungetchsz,0
        ;dw 0 ;no reloc pars

        FUNCHEAD putcharsz
        call    ma1toh  ;get character in A
        push bc
        ;ld     c,conout
       ds 2
        cp      newlin  ;newline?
        jp nz,put1      ;if not, just go put out the character
        ;ld     e,cr    ;else...put out CR-LF
       ld a,cr
        ;call   bdos
       ds 2
        ;ld     c,conout
       ds 2
        ld      a,lf

put1:   ;ld     e,a
        ;call   bdos
       ds 2

put2:   ;lda    iobrf   ;checking for BREAK characters on keyboard?
       xor a
       ds 2
        or      a
        jp z,put4       ;if not, all done
         ld     c,cstat ;now, is input present at the console?
         call   bdos
         or     a
         jp nz,put3
         pop bc ;no...all done.

put3:    ld     c,conin ;yes. sample it (this will always echo the
         call   bdos    ;       character to the screen, alas)
         cp     cntrlc  ;is it control-C?
         jp z,exit      ;if so, abort and reboot

put4:   pop bc  ;else ignore it.
        ENDFUNC putcharsz,3

        FUNCHEAD getssz
        call    ma1toh  ;get destination address
        push bc ;save BC
        push hl
        push hl
        ld hl,-150      ;use space below stack for reading line
        add hl,sp
        push hl ;save buffer address
        ld      (hl),88h        ;Allow a max of about 135 characters
        ld      c,getlin
        ex de,hl                ;put buffer addr in DE
        call    bdos    ;get the input line
        ld      c,conout
        ld      e,lf    ;put out a LF
        call    bdos
        pop hl  ;get back buffer address
        inc hl  ;point to returned char count
        ld      b,(hl)  ;set B equal to char count
        inc hl  ;HL points to first char of line
        pop de  ;DE points to start destination area
copyls: ld      a,b     ;copy line to start of buffer
        or      a
        jp z,gets2s
        ld      a,(hl)
        ld (de),a
        inc hl
        inc de
        dec     b
        jp      copyls
gets2s: xor     a       ;store terminating null
        ld (de),a
        pop hl  ;return buffer address in HL
        pop bc
        ENDFUNC getssz,2

; Getline(str,lim)
; char *str;
; Gets a line of text from the console, up to 'lim' characters.

        FUNCHEAD getlinesz
        push bc ;save BC
        call    ma3toh  ;get max no. of chars
        ld      c,a     ;save max length in C
        dec     c       ;allow room for final terminating null
        ld de,10        ;allow a bit extra stack for good measure
        add hl,de
        call    cmh     ;save amount of space to allocate on stack
        push hl
        call    ma3toh  ;get destination address
        ex (sp),hl              ;push dest addr, get back stack offset
        add hl,sp       ;allocate space on stack
        push hl ;save buffer address
        ld      (hl),c  ;Set max # of characters
        ld      c,getlin
        ex de,hl                ;put buffer addr in DE
        call    bdos    ;get the input line
        ld      c,conout
        ld      e,lf    ;put out a LF
        call    bdos
        pop hl  ;get back buffer address
        inc hl  ;point to returned char count
        ld      b,(hl)  ;set B equal to char count
        inc hl  ;HL points to first char of line
        pop de  ;DE points to start destination area
        ld      c,b     ;save char count in C
copylln:        ld      a,b     ;copy line to start of buffer
        or      a
        jp z,gets2ln
        ld      a,(hl)
        ld (de),a
        inc hl
        inc de
        dec     b
        jp      copylln
gets2ln:        xor     a       ;store terminating null
        ld (de),a
        ld      l,c     ;return char count in HL
        ld      h,0
        pop bc
        ENDFUNC getlinesz,2

        FUNCHEAD randsz
        lhld    rseed
        ex de,hl
        ld      a,48h
        and     e
        jp z,rand1
        jp pe,rand1
rand1:  lhld    rseed+2
        ld      a,h
        ld      h,a
        ld      a,l
        ld      l,a
        shld    rseed+2
        ld      a,d
        ld      h,a
        ld      a,e
        ld      l,a
        shld    rseed
        ld      a,h
        and     7fh
        ld      h,a
        ENDFUNC randsz,2

        FUNCHEAD srandsz
        call    ma1toh
        ld      a,h
        or      l
        jp z,srand2
        shld    rseed
        shld    rseed+2

        ld de,stg1
        push bc
        ld      c,9
        call    bdos
        ld hl,0bdbdh
srand3: push hl
        ld      c,11
        call    bdos
        pop hl
        inc hl
        inc hl
        inc hl
        and     1
        jp z,srand3
        shld    rseed
        shld    rseed+2
        ld      c,conout
        ld      e,cr
        call    bdos
        ld      c,conout
        ld      e,lf
        call    bdos
        ld      c,conin ;clear the character
        call    bdos
        pop bc
stg1:   db 'Wait a few seconds, and type a CR: $'
        ENDFUNC srandsz,3

        FUNCHEAD srand1sz
        jp (1 +1)*3
        jp 0
        call    ma1toh
        push hl
        call    _puts   ;print prompt string
        pop hl
        push bc
        ld hl,5678h
sr1a:   push hl
        ld      c,cstat
        call    bdos
        pop hl
        inc hl
        inc hl
        inc hl
        or      a
        jp z,sr1a
        shld    rseed
        shld    rseed+2
        pop bc
        ENDFUNC srand1sz,3

        FUNCHEAD nrandsz
        jp (1 +1)*3
        jp 0
        call    arghak
        lhld    arg1    ;get n (1st arg)
        ld      a,h
        and     l
        cp      255     ;was it -1 (set seed) ?
        jp nz,nrand1
        lhld    arg2    ;copy seed
        shld    seed
        lhld    arg3
        shld    seed+2
        lhld    arg4
        shld    seed+4  
        ret             ;all done

nrand1: push bc
        ld      a,h     ;look at first arg again
        or      l
        jp nz,nrand3    ;is it 0 (randomize)?
        lhld    arg2
        push hl ;yes. print out string
        call    _puts   ;call   puts
        pop de
        ld hl,5a97h     ;yes. start w/something odd
nrand2: push hl
        ld      c,cstat ;interrogate console status
        call    bdos
        pop hl
        inc hl  ;and keep it odd
        inc hl  ;and growing
        or      a
        jp z,nrand2     ;until user types something.
        shld    seed    ;then plaster the value all over the
        shld    seed+2  ;seed.
        shld    seed+4
        pop bc

        lda     seed    ;now compute next random number. from this
        or      1       ; point on, the code is that of Prof. Paul Gans
        sta     seed    ;lsb of SEED must be 1
        ld      b,6     ;clear 6 PROD bytes to 0
        ld hl,prod
randm1: ld      (hl),0
        inc hl
        dec     b
        jp nz,randm1

        ld bc,6 ;set byte counter
        ld hl,plier-1
        add hl,bc       ;make addr of lsb of PLIER
        ld      a,(hl)  ;PLIER byte
        push bc ;save byte counter
        ld      b,8     ;set bit counter

randm3: ld      d,a     ;save PLIER byte
        ld hl,prod      ;shift whole PROD left one bit
        ld      c,6
        xor     a
randm4: ld      a,(hl)  ;get byte       
        rla             ;shift left
        ld      (hl),a  ;put byte
        inc hl
        dec     c
        jp nz,randm4

        ld      a,d     ;recover PLIER byte
        rla             ;look at current high bit
        jp nc,randm6    ;0 means no add cycle

        push    af      ;add SEED to PROD
        xor     a
        ld      c,6
        ld hl,prod
        ld de,seed
randm5: ld a,(de)
        adc     (hl)
        ld      (hl),a
        inc hl
        inc de
        dec     c
        jp nz,randm5
        pop     af

randm6: dec     b       ;test bit counter
        jp nz,randm3    ;go cycle more bits
        pop bc  ;recover byte counter
        dec     c       ;test it
        jp nz,randm2    ;go process more bytes

        ld      b,6     ;complement PROD, add 1 to it,
        ld hl,seed      ;and transfer it to SEED.
        ld de,prod
        xor     a
randm7: ld a,(de)
        adc a,0
        ld      (hl),a
        inc hl
        inc de
        dec     b
        jp nz,randm7

        dec hl  ;put the two high order bytes
        ld      a,(hl)  ;into HL for return to C, not
        and     7fh     ;neglecting to zero the high
        ld      h,a     ;order bit so a positive int
        lda     seed+4  ;is returned
        ld      l,a
        pop bc

plier:  db      0c5h,87h,1
        db      0eh,9ah,0e0h    

seed:   db      1,0,0,0,0,0

prod:   db      0,0,0,0,0,0
        ENDFUNC nrandsz,28

        if 1==1
        FUNCTION "CSW"
        FUNCHEAD cswsz
        in a,(255) ;???
        ld      l,a
        ld      h,0
        ENDFUNC cswsz,0

        FUNCHEAD setmemsz
        call    arghak
        push bc
        lhld    arg2
        ex de,hl
        lhld    arg1
        lda     arg3
        ld      c,a
        inc de
setm2:  dec de
        ld      a,d
        or      e
        jp nz,setm3
        pop bc

setm3:  ld      (hl),c
        inc hl
        jp      setm2
        ENDFUNC setmemsz,2

        FUNCHEAD movmemsz
        call    arghak
        lhld    arg3    ;get block length
        ld      a,h
        or      l
        ret z           ;do nothing if zero length
        push bc
        ld      b,h
        ld      c,l     ;set BC to length
        lhld    arg2    ;get dest addr
        ex de,hl                ;put in DE
        lhld    arg1    ;get source addr in HL
        call    cmphd;movmcmphd ;if source < dest, do tail-first
        jp c,tailf      ;else do head-first

headf:  ld      a,2     ;test for Z-80
        inc     a
        jp pe,m8080h    ;Z80?
        db      0edh,0b0h       ;yes. do block move.
        pop bc
        ret             ;and done.

m8080h: ld      a,(hl)
        ld (de),a
        inc hl
        inc de
        dec bc
        ld      a,b
        or      c
        jp nz,m8080h
        pop bc

tailf:  dec bc  ;tail first. Compute new source
        add hl,bc       ;and destination addresses
        ex de,hl
        add hl,bc
        ex de,hl
        inc bc
        ld      a,2     ;test for Z80
        inc     a
        jp pe,m8080t    ;Z80?
        db      0edh,0b8h       ;yes. do block move.
        pop bc

m8080t: ld      a,(hl)
        ld (de),a
        dec hl
        dec de
        dec bc
        ld      a,b
        or      c
        jp nz,m8080t
        pop bc
movmcmphd:      ld      a,h
        cp      d
        ret nz
        ld      a,l
        cp      e
        ENDFUNC movmemsz,5

        FUNCHEAD memcmpsz
        call    ma3toh  ;get length in HL
        push bc ;save BC
        ld      b,h
        ld      c,l     ;move length to BC
        call    ma3toh  ;get block2 address in HL
        ex de,hl                ;move to DE
        call    ma2toh  ;get block1 address in HL
loop:   ld      a,b     ;all done?
        or      c
        jp nz,loop1
        ld hl,1 ;if so, return TRUE, for perfect match
        pop bc

loop1:  dec bc  ;decrement count
        ld a,(de)       ;get block2 byte
        cp      (hl)    ;compare to block1 byte
        inc de  ;bump pointers
        inc hl
        jp z,loop       ;if so far so good, go on comparing
        ld hl,0 ;else a mismatch
        pop bc
        ENDFUNC memcmpsz,2

        FUNCHEAD callsz
        call    arghak
        push bc
        lhld    arg5
        ex de,hl
        lhld    arg4
        ld      b,h
        ld      c,l
        lda     arg2
        ld hl,call2
        push hl
        lhld    arg1
        push hl
        lhld    arg3

call2:  pop bc
        ENDFUNC callsz,1

        FUNCHEAD callasz
        call    arghak
        push bc
        lhld    arg5    ;get de value
        ex de,hl
        lhld    arg4    ;get bc value
        ld      b,h
        ld      c,l
        lda     arg2    ;get a value
        ld hl,calla2  ;get return address
        push hl ;push   it
        lhld    arg1    ;get address of routine
        push hl
        lhld    arg3    ;get hl value   
        ret             ;call   routine
calla2: ld      l,a     ;put A value in HL
        ld      h,0     ;clear high byte
        pop bc
        ENDFUNC callasz,1

        FUNCTION "INP"
        FUNCHEAD inpsz
        call    ma1toh
        sta     iohack+1        ;store as arg to ram area input subroutine
        call    iohack          ;call the subroutine to get value
        ld      l,a             ;and put into HL
        ld      h,0
        ENDFUNC inpsz,0

        FUNCHEAD outpsz
        call    ma1toh          ;get port number
        sta     iohack+4        ;store as arg to ram area output subroutine
        call    ma2toh          ;get data byte
        call    iohack+3        ;output it
        ENDFUNC outpsz,0

        FUNCHEAD peeksz
        call    ma1toh
        ld      l,(hl)
        ld      h,0
        ENDFUNC peeksz,0

        FUNCHEAD pokesz
        call    arghak
        lhld    arg1
        lda     arg2
        ld      (hl),a
        ENDFUNC pokesz,0

        FUNCHEAD sleepsz
        call    ma1toh
        push bc
        inc hl
sl1:    dec hl
        ld      a,h
        or      l
        jp nz,sl1a
        pop bc

sl1a:   ld de,10000
sl2:    dec de
        ld      a,d
        or      e
        jp nz,sl2
        push hl
        ld      c,cstat
        call    bdos
        or      a
        pop hl
        jp z,sl1
        push hl
        ld      c,conin
        call    bdos
        cp      cntrlc
        jp z,exit
        pop hl
        jp      sl1
        ENDFUNC sleepsz,4

        FUNCHEAD pausesz
        push bc
paus1:  ld      c,cstat
        call    bdos
        or      a
        jp z,paus1
        pop bc
        ENDFUNC pausesz,1

        FUNCHEAD exitsz
        jp      exit
        ENDFUNC exitsz,0

        FUNCHEAD bdossz
        call    arghak  
        push bc
        lda     arg1    ;get C value
        ld      c,a
        lhld    arg2    ;get DE value
        ex de,hl                ;put in DE
        call    bdos    ;make the bdos call
        pop bc
        ret             ;and return to caller
        ENDFUNC bdossz,0

        FUNCHEAD biossz
        call    arghak  
        push bc
        lhld    base+1  ;get addr of jump table + 3
        dec hl  ;set to addr of first jump
        dec hl
        dec hl
        lda     arg1    ;get function number (1-85)
        ld      b,a     ;multiply by 3
        add     a
        add     b
        ld      e,a     ;put in DE
        ld      d,0
        add hl,de       ;add to base of jump table
        push hl ;and save for later
        lhld    arg2    ;get value to be put in BC
        ld      b,h     ;and put it there
        ld      c,l
        ld hl,biosretadd        ;where call to bios will return to
        ex (sp),hl              ;get address of vector in HL
        jp (hl)         ;and go to it...
biosretadd:     ld      l,a     ;all done. now put return value in HL
        ld      h,0
        pop bc
        ret             ;and return to caller
        ENDFUNC biossz,1

        FUNCHEAD bioshsz
        call    arghak  
        push bc
        lhld    base+1  ;get addr of jump table + 3
        dec hl  ;set to addr of first jump
        dec hl
        dec hl
        lda     arg1    ;get function number (1-85)
        ld      b,a     ;multiply by 3
        add     a
        add     b
        ld      e,a     ;put in DE
        ld      d,0
        add hl,de       ;add to base of jump table
        push hl ;and save for later

        lhld    arg2    ;get value to be put in BC
        ld      b,h     ;and put it there
        ld      c,l

        lhld    arg3    ;get value to be put in DE
        ld      d,h     ;adn put it there
        ld      e,l

        ld hl,bioshretadd       ;where call to bios will return to
        ex (sp),hl              ;get address of vector in HL
        jp (hl)         ;and go to it...
bioshretadd:    pop bc  ;all done. Leave return value in HL
        ret             ;and return to caller
        ENDFUNC bioshsz,1

        FUNCHEAD codendsz
        lhld    codend
        ENDFUNC codendsz,0

        if 1==1
        FUNCHEAD externssz
        lhld    extrns
        ENDFUNC externssz,0

        FUNCHEAD endextsz
        lhld    freram
        ENDFUNC endextsz,0

        FUNCHEAD topofmemsz
        lhld    base+6
        lda     tpa     ;check for "NOBOOT" hackery
        cp      0c3h    ; "jp" at start of C.CCC (as inserted by "-n")?
        dec hl  ;if CCC doesn't begin with "ld hl," then top of
        ret nz          ;memory is just below the base of the bdos
        ld de,-2100     ;else subtract CCP size (plus little more for good
        add hl,de       ;measure) and return that as top of memory.
        ENDFUNC topofmemsz,0

        FUNCHEAD execsz
        jp (1 +1)*3
        jp 0
        call ma1toh     ;get filename
        ld de,0         ;load null parameter in DE
        push de         ;push null parameter
        push hl         ;push filename
        call _execl     ;do an execl
        pop de          ;clean up stack
        pop de
        ENDFUNC execsz,2

        FUNCHEAD execvsz
        jp (1 +1)*3
        jp 0
        call    arghak
        push bc ;save BC
        lhld    arg2    ;get -> arg list
        ld      b,0     ;clear arg count
execv1: inc     b       ;bump arg count
        ld      e,(hl)
        inc hl
        ld      d,(hl)
        inc hl
        ld      a,d
        or      e       ;last arg?
        jp nz,execv1    ;if not, keep looking for last one

        ld      a,b     ;save arg count in case of error
        sta     savcnt

        dec hl  ;HL -> next to last arg
execv2: ld      d,(hl)  ;now push args on stack
        dec hl
        ld      e,(hl)
        dec hl
        dec     b
        push de
        jp nz,execv2

execv3: lhld    arg1    ;get program name
        push hl ;save as first arg to execl
        call    _execl  ;go do it; shouldn't come back.
        lda     savcnt  ;woops, we're back. Must've been an error...
        inc     a       ;bump to take prog name into consideration
        add     a
        ld      l,a     ;put size of passed parameter list
        ld      h,0     ;into HL, and adjust stack
        add hl,sp
        ld sp,hl
        pop bc  ;restore BC
        ld hl,-1        ;return error value

savcnt: ds      1       ;save arg count here
        ENDFUNC execvsz,6

        FUNCHEAD rbrksz
        lhld    freram
        shld    allocp
        ENDFUNC rbrksz,0

        FUNCHEAD sbrksz
        call    ma1toh  ;get # of bytes needed in HL
        ld      a,h     ;check for -1
        and     l
        inc     a
        jp nz,sbrk2     ;go to sbrk2 if HL wasn't FFFF

        lhld    freram  ;it WAS ffff: reset sbrk to base of free ram
        shld    allocp

sbrk2:  ex de,hl                ;put into DE
        lhld    allocp  ;get current allocation pointer
        push hl ;save it
        add hl,de       ;get tentative last address of new segment
        jp c,brkerr     ;better not allow it to go over the top!
        dec hl
        ex de,hl                ; now last addr is in DE
        lhld    alocmx  ;get safety factor
        ld      a,h     ;negate
        ld      h,a
        ld      a,l
        ld      l,a             
        inc hl
        add hl,sp       ;get HL = (SP - alocmx)

        call    cmpdh   ;is DE less than HL?
        jp nc,brkerr    ;if not, can't provide the needed memory.
        ex de,hl                ;else OK.
        inc hl
        shld    allocp  ;save start of next area to be allocated
        pop hl  ;get pointer to this area
        ret             ;and return with it.

brkerr: pop hl  ;clean up stack
        jp      error   ;and return with -1 to indicate can't allocate.

cmpdh:  ld      a,d
        cp      h
        ret c
        ret nz
        ld      a,e
        cp      l
        ENDFUNC sbrksz,4

        FUNCHEAD rsvstksz
        call    ma1toh  ;get the value to reserve
        shld    alocmx  ;and set new safety factor
        ENDFUNC rsvstksz,0

; Index(str,substr)
; char *str, *substr;
; Returns index of substr in str, or -1 if not found.

        FUNCHEAD indexsz
        call    arghak
        lhld    arg1
        ex de,hl                ;main str ptr in DE
        lhld    arg2    ;substr ptr in HL
        dec de
index1: inc de
        ld a,(de)       ;end of str?
        or      a
        jp nz,index2
        ld hl,-1        ;yes. not found.
index2: cp      (hl)    ;quick check for dissimilarity
        jp nz,index1    ;loop if not same right here
        push de ;else do long compare
        push hl
index3: inc hl
        inc de
        ld      a,(hl)  ;end of substr?
        or      a
        jp nz,index4    ;if not, go on testing
        pop de  ;else matches
        pop de  ;get starting address of substr in DE
        lhld    arg1    ;subtract beginning of str
        call    cmh
        add hl,de       ;and return the result

index4: ld a,(de)       ;current char match?
        cp      (hl)
        jp z,index3     ;if so, keep testing
        pop hl  ;else go on to next char in str
        pop de
        jp      index1
        ENDFUNC indexsz,5

        include "deff2b.csm"
        include "deff2c.csm"

        FUNCHEAD putssz
        jp (1 +1)*3
        jp 0
        push bc
        ld hl,0
        add hl,sp
        ld b,h
        ld c,l
        call sdli ;short-displacement, double-byte local indirection
        db 4 ;shift from bc
        ld l,(hl)
        ld a,l
        or a
        jp z,putsq
        ld hl,4
        add hl,bc
        ld e,(hl)
        inc hl
        ld d,(hl)
        inc de
        ld (hl),d
        dec hl
        ld (hl),e
        dec de
        ex de,hl
        ld l,(hl)
        ld h,0
        push hl
        call _putchar
        pop de
        jp puts0
        pop bc
        ENDFUNC putssz,4

; Read:
;       i = read(fd, buf, n);
; Read a number of sectors using random-record I/O.
; The return value is either the number of sectors successfully
; read, 0 for EOF, or -1 on error with errno() returning the error
; code (or errmsg(errno()) returning a pointer to an error message).
; The Random Record Field is incremented following each successful
; sector is read, just as if the normal (sequential) read function
; were being used. "seek" must be used to go back to a previous 
; sector.

        if NEDOOS
        FUNCHEAD readsz
        call arghak
        lda     arg1
        call    fgfd ;compute fd address for fd in A: ;return hl=fd addr
        push bc
        ld b,(hl)
        ld de,(arg2)
        ld hl,(arg3)
        pop bc
        or a
        ret z
        ld hl,-1
        ENDFUNC readsz,0

        FUNCHEAD readsz
        call    arghak
        lda     arg1
        call    fgfd
        ld      d,(hl)  ;save fdt entry in D
        ld      a,7     ;prepare for possible "bad fd"
         or a
        jp c,rerror

        ;ld     a,d
        ;and    2 ;4wr
        ld      a,8 ;9wr        ;prepare for possible "no read permission"
         or a
        jp z,rerror

        push bc
        ;ld     a,d     ;get fd table entry
        ;call   setusr  ;set user area to that of the file

        lda     arg1    ;get fd
        call    fgfcb
        shld    tmp2    ;save fcb address
        ld hl,0
        shld    tmp2a
         lhld   arg3
         add hl,hl
         ld l,h
         ld h,0
         shld arg3 ;size/128
r2:     lhld    arg3    ;get countdown
        ld      a,h
        or      l       ;done?

r2aa:   lhld    tmp2a
        jp nz,r2a
         xor a
         srl h
         rr l
         ld h,l
         ld l,a ;count*128
r2done: ;call   rstusr  ;reset user number
        pop bc  ;yes. return with success count in HL

r2a:    lhld    arg2    ;get transfer addr in DE
        ex de,hl
        ld      c,sdma  ;set DMA there
        call    bdos

        lhld    tmp2
        ex de,hl
        ;ld     c,readr ;code for BDOS random read
        push de ;save DE so we can fudge nr field if
        ;call   bdos    ;we stop reading on extent boundary...
        pop de
        or      a
        jp z,r4 ;go to r4 if no problem

        cp 128 ;0 bytes read in NedoOS ;cp      1       ;ok, we have SOME kind of hangup...
        jp nz,r2b ;jp z,r2b     ;check for EOF condition:
        cp      4       ;  error codes 1 and 4 both indicate reading
        jp z,r2b        ;  unwritten data..treat as EOF

        ld      b,a     ;have we successfully read anything yet?
        lda     tmp2a
        or      a
        ld      b,a     ;get error code back in A       
        jp nz,r2c       ;if we have read something in, don't set errnum
        sta     errnum  ;otherwise nothing read, so set error code.

r2c:    ld hl,-1        ;put ERROR value in HL
        jp      r2done

r2b:    lhld    tmp2a   ;return count
         inc hl ;for NedoOS: we have read at least 1 byte in the last sector
        jp      r2done128

r4:     lhld    arg3    ;decrement countdown
        dec hl
        shld    arg3
        lhld    arg2    ;bump DMA address
        ld de,128
        add hl,de
        shld    arg2
        lhld    tmp2a   ;bump success count
        inc hl
        shld    tmp2a
        lhld    tmp2    ;get address of fcb
        ld bc,33        ;get addr of random record field
        add hl,bc
        ld      c,(hl)  ;bump
        inc hl  ;    value
        ld      b,(hl)  ;         of 
        inc bc  ;           random
        ld      (hl),b  ;                 field
        dec hl  ;                       by one
        ld      (hl),c
        ld      a,b     ;overflow past 16-bit record count?
        or      c
        jp nz,r2        ; go for next sector if no overflow
        inc hl  ;else set 3rd byte of random sector count
        inc hl
        ld      (hl),1
        ld      a,14    ;"seek past 65536th record of file"
        sta     errnum
        jp      r2aa    ;and don't read any more.

rerror: sta     errnum
        jp      error
        ENDFUNC readsz,11

        if 1==1
        FUNCHEAD setjmpsz
        call    ma1toh
        ld      (hl),c  ;save BC
        inc hl
        ld      (hl),b
        inc hl
        ex de,hl
        ld hl,0
        add hl,sp
        ex de,hl
        ld      (hl),e  ;save SP
        inc hl
        ld      (hl),d
        inc hl
        pop de  ;save return address
        push de
        ld      (hl),e
        inc hl
        ld      (hl),d
        ld hl,0 ;and return 0
        ENDFUNC setjmpsz,0

        if 1==1
        FUNCHEAD longjmpsz
        call    ma1toh  ;get buffer address
        ld      c,(hl)  ;restore BC
        inc hl
        ld      b,(hl)
        inc hl
        ld      e,(hl)  ;restore SP...first put it in DE
        inc hl
        ld      d,(hl)
        inc hl
        shld    tmp2    ;save pointer to return address
        call    ma2toh  ;get return value
        ex de,hl                ;put return val in DE, old SP in HL
        ld sp,hl                ;restore SP with old value
        pop hl  ;pop return address off stack
        lhld    tmp2    ;get back ptr to return address
        ld      a,(hl)
        inc hl
        ld      h,(hl)
        ld      l,a     ;HL holds return address
        ex de,hl                ;put ret addr in DE, get return value in HL
        push de ;push return address on stack
        ret             ;and return...
        ENDFUNC longjmpsz,0
        ;display $-zzz
        ;ds 0;66

        ;include "deffgfx.csm"
        ;align 128 ;doesn't help

        savebin "deff2.crl",begin,end-begin
        LABELSLIST "../../us/user.l"