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;       BD Software C Compiler v1.6
;       Standard Library Machine Language Functions (part C)
;       Copyright (c) 1982, 1986  by BD Software, Inc.
; This file is in "CSM" format; to convert to CRL format,
; use CASM.SUB in conjunction with CASM.COM, ASM.COM and CLOAD.COM
; Functions appearing in this file:
;       setfcb  open    close   creat   unlink  rename  fabort
;       fcbaddr read    write   seek    tell    hseek   htell
;       cfsize  oflow   errno   [errmsg]        execl

        ;INCLUDE "bds.lib"

        if 1==0
; Setfcb:
;       setfcb(fcbaddr, filename)
;       char *filename;
; Parse a given filename onto a given FCB area. This function does NOT
; recognize user number prefixes on filenames; that is a feature limited
; to internal subroutines within the C low-level-file-I/O library and not
; generally available to users.

        FUNCHEAD setfcbsz
        call    arghak
        push bc
        lhld    arg2    ;get pointer to name text
igsp:   ld      a,(hl)
        inc hl
        cp      ' '
        jp z,igsp
        cp      tab
        jp z,igsp
        dec hl
        ex de,hl                ;set DE pointing to 1st non-space char
        lhld    arg1    ;get --> fcb area
        call    setfcb  ; do it
        ld hl,0 ;all OK.
        pop bc
        ENDFUNC setfcbsz,2

; Open:
;       int open(filename,mode)
;           char *filename;
; Open a file for read (mode == 0), write (mode == 1) or both (mode = 2),
; and detect a user-number prefix. Returns a file descriptor.
        if NEDOOS==1
        FUNCHEAD opensz
        call arghak
        xor a
        call fgfcb      ;any fcb's free? ;return A=fd, DE=fd addr
        jr nc,open2     ;if not, error
        ld a,10 ;"no more file slots"
        jp error
        push bc
        push af ;fd
        push de ;fd addr
        lhld arg1
        ex de,hl
        pop hl ;fd addr
        ld (hl),b
        pop af ;fd
        ld l,a
        ld h,0
        pop bc
        ENDFUNC opensz,0
        else ;CP/M
        FUNCHEAD opensz
        call    arghak
        xor     a
        call    fgfcb   ;any fcb's free?
        jp nc,open2     ;if not, error
        ld      a,10    ;"no more file slots"
        jp      error

open2:  sta     tmp
        ex de,hl
        lhld    arg1
        ex de,hl
        push bc
        call    setfcu  ;parse name and set usenum
        ;lda    usrnum
        ;call   setusr  ;set new user number

         ;jr $
         ;jr $
        ld      c,openc
        call    bdos
        cp      errorv  ;successful open?
        pop bc

        ld      a,11    ; set error code in case of error
        jp z,oerror     ;if error, go abort

        lda     tmp
        call    fgfd    ;get HL pointing to fd table entry
        lda     arg2
        or      a       ;open for read?
        ld      d,3
        jp z,open4
        dec     a
        ld      d,5
        jp z,open4      ;write?
        dec     a
        ld      a,12    ;"bad mode" for open operation...
        jp nz,oerror    ;...if not mode 2
        ld      d,7     ;else must be mode 2.
open4:  lda     usrnum  ;get user number for the file
        add     d       ;add r/w bit codes
        ld      (hl),a  ;and store in fd table
        inc hl  ;clear max sector number field of fd entry
        xor     a
        ld      (hl),a
        inc hl
        ld      (hl),a
        lda     tmp     ;get back fd
        ld      l,a
        ld      h,0
        ;call   rstusr  ;reset user number

oerror: ;call   rstusr  ;reset user number
         ;jr $
        sta     errnum  ;store error code number
        jp      error   ;and return general error condition
        ENDFUNC opensz,5

; Close:
;       close(fd);
; Close a file opened via "open" or "creat":

        FUNCHEAD closesz
        jp      close   ;jump to the close routine in C.CCC
        ENDFUNC closesz,0

; Creat:
;       int creat(filename)
;           char *filename;
; Creates the named file, first deleting any old versions, and opens it
; for both read and write. Returns a file descriptor.
        if NEDOOS
        FUNCHEAD creatsz
        call arghak
        xor a
        call fgfcb      ;any fcb's free? ;return A=fd, DE=fd addr
        jr nc,creat2    ;if not, error
        ld a,10 ;"no more file slots"
        jp error
        push bc
        push af ;fd
        push de ;fd addr
        lhld arg1
        ex de,hl
        pop hl ;fd addr
        ld (hl),b
        pop af ;fd
        ld l,a
        ld h,0
        pop bc
        ENDFUNC creatsz,0

        FUNCHEAD creatsz
        jp (2 +1)*3
        jp 0
        jp 0

        call    arghak
        lhld    arg1
        push bc

        push hl
        call    _unlink ;erase any old versions of file
        pop de

        ;lda    usrnum  ;set to appropriate user area computed by "unlink"
        ;call   setusr
         ;jr $

;;;from "open"         
        xor     a
        call    fgfcb   ;any fcb's free?
        jr nc,cropen2   ;if not, error
        ld      a,10    ;"no more file slots"
        jp      error
        sta     tmp
        ex de,hl
        lhld    arg1
        ex de,hl
        call    setfcu  ;parse name and set usenum
        ;lda    usrnum
        ;call   setusr  ;set new user number
        ld      c,creatc        ;create the file
        ;ld de,fcb      ;assume fcb has been set by "unlink"
        call    bdos
        ;call   rstusr  ;restore previous user number
        cp      errorv
        pop bc
        jp nz,creat0    ;if no error, go open
        ld      a,13    ;"can't create file" error code
        sta     errnum
        jp      error

       lda tmp ;fd
       ld l,a
       ld h,0
        ;ld hl,2        ;now open for read/write
        ;push hl
        ;lhld   arg1
        ;push hl
        ld de,_open
        ;call   _open
        ;pop de
        ;pop de
        ;push bc
        ;push hl
        ;ld de,fcb      ;assume fcb has been set by "unlink"
        ;push de
        ;pop de
        ;pop hl
        ;pop bc ;keep bc!!!
         ;jr $
        ENDFUNC creatsz,4

; Unlink:
;       unlink(filename)
;       char *filename;
; Deletes the named file. User number prefixes are recognized:
        FUNCHEAD unlinksz
        call    ma1toh
        push bc
        ex de,hl        
        ld hl,fcb
        call    setfcu  ;parse for fcb and compute user number
        ;lda    usrnum
        ;call   setusr  ;set to correct user number
        ld      c,delc  ;delete
        call    bdos
        ;call   rstusr  ;restore original user number
        ld hl,0
        pop bc  ;restore BC
        cp      errorv  ;was BDOS able to find the file?
        ret nz          ;if so, all done.
        ld      a,11    ;set error code for "file not found"
        sta     errnum
        dec hl  ;return -1
        ENDFUNC unlinksz,0

; Rename:
;       int rename(old_name,new_name)
;           char *old_name, *new_name;
; Renames the given file. User number prefixes are allowed, but only
; the one on the first filename (if specified) effects the operation.
        FUNCHEAD renamesz
        call    arghak
        push bc
        lhld    arg1    ;get old name
        ex de,hl
        ld hl,wfcb
        call    setfcu  ;compute user number and set fcb
        lda     usrnum
        call    setusr  ;set to user number of first name
        lhld    arg2
        ex de,hl
        ld hl,wfcb+16
        call    setfcu  ;parse second name, but ignore user number
        ld de,wfcb
        ld      c,renc  ;perform rename operation
        call    bdos
        ;call   rstusr  ;reset user number
        ld hl,0
        pop bc  ;restore BC
        cp      errorv  ;was BDOS able to find the file?
        ret nz          ;if so, all done
        ld      a,11    ;set error code for "file not found"
        sta     errnum
        dec hl  ;return -1

wfcb:   ds 53           ;space for working fcb's
        ENDFUNC renamesz,3

; Fabort:
;       fabort(fd);
; Abort all operations on file fd. Has no effect under MP/(hl) II.

        FUNCHEAD fabortsz
        call    ma1toh
        call    fgfd
        jp nc,abrt2     ;legal fd?
        ld      a,7
        sta     errnum  ;set "bad fd" error code
        jp      error
        IF NOT MPM2
        ld      (hl),0  ;clear entry in fd table

        ld hl,0
        ENDFUNC fabortsz,1

; Fcbaddr:
;       char *fcbaddr(fd)
; Returns a pointer to the internal file control block associated
; with open file having descriptor fd.

        FUNCHEAD fcbaddrsz
        call    ma1toh
        call    fgfd    ;is it an open file?
        jp nc,fcbad2    ;if so, go do it
        ld      a,7
        sta     errnum  ;"bad fd" error code
        jp      error

fcbad2: call    ma1toh
        call    fgfcb   ;get fcb addr in HL
        ENDFUNC fcbaddrsz,1

; Write:
;       i = write(fd, buf, n);
; The random sector write function. Returns either the number
; of sectors successfully written, or -1 on hard error. Any return
; value other than n (the third arg) should be considered an error,
; after which errno() can tell you the error condition and errmsg(errno()) 
; can return a pointer to an appropriate error message text.

        if NEDOOS
        FUNCHEAD writesz
        call arghak
        lda     arg1
        call    fgfd ;compute fd address for fd in A: ;return hl=fd addr
        push bc
        ld b,(hl)
        ld de,(arg2)
        ld hl,(arg3)
        pop bc
        or a
        ret z
        ld hl,-1
        ENDFUNC writesz,0

        FUNCHEAD writesz
        call    arghak
        lda     arg1
        call    fgfd
        shld    arg5    ;save pointer to fd table entry
        ld      d,(hl)  ;save fd table entry in D
        ld      a,7     ;prepare for possible "bad fd"
         or a
        jp c,werror

        ;ld     a,d
        ;and    4
        ld      a,9     ;prepare for possible "no write permission"
         or a
        jp z,werror

        push bc
        ;ld     a,d     ;set user number
        ;call   setusr
        lda     arg1    ;get fd
         ;jr $
         ;jr $
         ;jr $
        call    fgfcb   ;compute fcb address
        shld    tmp2    ;save it away
        ld hl,0 ;clear success count
        shld    tmp2a
         lhld   arg3
         add hl,hl
         ld l,h
         ld h,0
         shld arg3 ;size/128

writ1:  lhld    arg3    ;done yet?
        ld      a,h
        or      l
        jp nz,writ2

                        ;take care of maximum sector count for cfsize:
        lhld    tmp2    ;get fcb address
        ld de,33        ;point to random record field
        add hl,de
        ld      e,(hl)
        inc hl
        ld      d,(hl)  ;DE now holds random record number for next rec
        push de ;save it
        lhld    arg5    ;get fd table pointer
        inc hl  ;point to max value
        ld      e,(hl)  ;get in DE
        inc hl
        ld      d,(hl)  ;now DE is old max value, HL points to end of entry
        ex (sp),hl              ;DE = old max, HL = current sector, STACK = tab ptr
        ex de,hl                ;HL = old max, DE = current sector
        call    cmphd   ;is  old max less than current sector?
        pop hl  ;get tab ptr in HL
        jp nc,writ1a    ;if old max not < current sector, don't update max
        ld      (hl),d  ;else update max value with new sector number
        dec hl
        ld      (hl),e
writ1a: lhld    tmp2a   ;if so, return count
         xor a
         srl h
         rr l
         ld h,l
         ld l,a ;count*128
wrdone: ;call   rstusr  ;reset user number
        pop bc

writ2:  lhld    arg2    ;else get transfer address
        push hl ;save on stack
        ex de,hl                ;put in DE
        ld      c,sdma  ;set DMA there
        call    bdos

        pop hl  ;get back transfer address
        ld de,128       ;bump by 128 bytes for next time
        add hl,de
        shld    arg2    ;save -> to next 128 bytes

        lhld    tmp2    ;get addr of fcb
        ex de,hl
        ;ld     c,writr ;write random sector
        ;call   bdos
         ;jr $
        lhld    tmp2a   ;get success count in HL
        or      a       ;error?
        jp z,writ3      ;if not, go do bookkeeping
        sta     errnum  ;else save error code
         ld hl,-1
        jp      wrdone
writ3:  inc hl  ; else bump successful sector count,
        shld    tmp2a

        lhld    arg3    ; debump countdown,
        dec hl
        shld    arg3

        lhld    tmp2    ; get address of fcb
        ld bc,33        ; get address of random field
        add hl,bc
        ld      c,(hl)  ; bump 16-bit value at random
        inc hl  ; record
        ld      b,(hl)  ;       field
        inc bc  ;            of
        ld      (hl),b  ;              fcb
        dec hl  ;                 by one
        ld      (hl),c

        ld      a,b     ;overflow past 16-bit record count?
        or      c
        jp nz,writ1     ; go for next sector if no overflow
        inc hl  ;else set 3rd byte of random sector count
        inc hl
        ld      (hl),1
        ld      a,14    ;set "past 65536th sector" error code
        sta     errnum
        jp      writ1a  ;and don't read any more.

werror: sta     errnum
        jp      error

        ENDFUNC writesz,8

; Seek:
; seek(fd, offset, origin)
;          seeks to offset records if origin == 0,
;     to present position + offset if origin == 1,
;       or to end of file + offset if origin == 2.
; (note that in the last case, the offset must be non-positive)
; There are no errors returned by this function, aside from a
; possible bad fd, because all the function does is fudge the
; random-record field of an fcb...if the seek is out of bounds,
; a subsequent direct file I/O operation (such as read or write)
; will draw the error.

        FUNCHEAD seeksz
        jp (1 +1)*3
        jp 0

        call    arghak
        push bc ;save BC
        lda     arg1
        call    fgfcb   ;figure addr of fcb
        ld      a,7     ;prepare for possible "bad fd" error code
        jp nc,seek0
        sta     errnum  ;set the error code
        pop bc  ;restore BC
        jp      error

seek0:  push hl ;save addr of fcb
        ld de,33        ;get current position in DE
        add hl,de
        ld      e,(hl)  
        inc hl
        ld      d,(hl)
        lhld    arg2    ;get offset in HL
        lda     arg3    ;is origin == 0?
        or      a
        jp z,rseek2     ;if so, HL holds new position
        dec     a       ;no. is origin == 1?
        jp nz,rseek1
        add hl,de       ;yes. add offset to current position
        jp      rseek2  ;and result is in HL

rseek1:                 ;else origin must be 2...
        lhld    arg1    ;compute file size
        push de ;save current position
        push hl
        call    _cfsize
        pop de  ;pop argument
        pop de  ;pop useless current position
        ex de,hl                ;place file size in DE

;       call    fgfd
;       ld      a,(hl)
;       call    setusr  ;set the file's native user number
;       pop de  ;get fcb pointer back in DE
;       push de
;       ld      c,cfsizc ;compute end of file position
;       call    bdos
;       call    rstusr  ;reset user number
;       pop hl  ;get fcb addr in HL again
;       push hl
;       call    rseek3  ;get DE = position

        lhld    arg2    ;add offset
        add hl,de               ;and HL holds new position
rseek2: ex (sp),hl              ;get fcb, push  new position
        ld de,33
        add hl,de       ;HL points to random field of fcb
        pop de  ;get new position in DE
        ld      (hl),e  ;and put into fcb
        inc hl
        ld      (hl),d
        ex de,hl                ;and return the position value
        pop bc  ;pop saved BC off stack

;rseek3:        ld de,33
;       add hl,de
;       ld      e,(hl)  
;       inc hl
;       ld      d,(hl)
;       ret

        ENDFUNC seeksz,6

; Tell:
; i = tell(fd);
; Return random record position of file:

        FUNCHEAD tellsz

        call    ma1toh  ;get fd in A
        call    fgfcb
        jp nc,tell0
        ld      a,7     ; "bad fd" error
        sta     errnum
        jp      error

tell0:  ld de,33        ;go to random record field
        add hl,de
        ld      a,(hl)  ;get position in HL
        inc hl
        ld      h,(hl)
        ld      l,a

        ENDFUNC tellsz,1

; Hseek:
; int hseek(fd, hoffset, loffset, origin)
; Like seek(), except offset is specified as a 24-bit value, the high-order
; 8 bits in hoffset and the low-order 16 bits in loffset.
; NOTE: Seeking relative to EOF (origin value of 2) should NOT be performed
;       if there has been any WRITING done to the END OF THE FILE since
;       the file was last opened.

        FUNCHEAD hseeksz

        call    arghak
        push bc ;save BC
        lda     arg1
        call    fgfcb   ;figure addr of fcb
        ld      a,7     ;prepare for possible "bad fd" error code
        jp nc,hseek0
        sta     errnum  ;set the error code
        pop bc  ;restore BC
        jp      error

hseek0: push hl ;save addr of fcb
        call    hseek3  ; CDE = current position
        lhld    arg3    ; BHL = offset value
        lda     arg2
        ld      b,a
        lda     arg4    ;is origin == 0?
        or      a
        jp z,hseek2     ;if so, BHL holds new position
        dec     a       ;no. is origin == 1?
        jp z,hseek1a    ;if so, go add offset to current position

hseek1: lda     arg1
        call    fgfd    ;origin == 2.
        ;ld     a,(hl)
        ;call   setusr  ;set the file's native user number
        pop de  ;get fcb pointer back in DE
        push de
        ld      c,cfsizc ;compute end of file position
        call    bdos
        ;call   rstusr  ;reset user number
        pop hl  ;get fcb addr in HL again
        push hl
        call    hseek3  ;get CDE = EOF record number
        lhld    arg3    ;BHL contains offset
        add hl,de       ;add CDE to BHL
        ld      a,b
        adc     c
        ld      b,a     ;BHL contains new position
hseek2: ex (sp),hl              ;get fcb, push low 16 bits of new position
        ld de,33
        add hl,de       ;HL points to random field of fcb
        pop de  ;get low 16 bits of new position in DE
        ld      (hl),e  ;and put into fcb
        inc hl
        ld      (hl),d
        inc hl
        ld      (hl),c  ;and set high order byte
        ex de,hl                ;and return the low 16 bits of new position
        pop bc  ;pop saved BC off stack

hseek3: ld de,33
        add hl,de
        ld      e,(hl)  
        inc hl
        ld      d,(hl)
        inc hl
        ld      c,(hl)
        ENDFUNC hseeksz,5

; Htell:
; i = htell(fd);
; Return high-order byte of 24-bit random record position of file:

        FUNCHEAD htellsz

        call    ma1toh  ;get fd in A
        call    fgfcb
        jp nc,htell0
        ld      a,7     ; "bad fd" error
        sta     errnum
        jp      error

htell0: ld de,35        ;go to random record field
        add hl,de
        ld      l,(hl)  ;put value in L register,
        ld      h,0     ;zero H register.

        ENDFUNC htellsz,1

; cfsize:
;       cfsize(fd)
; Compute size of file, but leave random-record field at original value.
; NOTE: For files greater than 8 megabytes, do NOT use cfsize. Instead,
; use hseek() to seek to end of file, then use htell() & tell() to obtain
; high byte and low word, respectively, of the maximum record number.

        FUNCHEAD cfsizesz
        call    ma1toh
        call    fgfcb
        jp nc,cfsiz2
        ld      a,7     ;"bad fd" error
        sta     errnum
        jp      error

cfsiz2: push bc ;save BC
        push    hl      ;save fcb address
        call    ma3toh  ;set user area
        call    fgfd    ;get pointer to fd table entry

        ld      a,(hl)
        call    setusr
        inc hl
        shld    tmp2    ;save pointer to max sector value

        pop de  ;restore fcb address into DE
        ld hl,33        ;get to random record field
        add hl,de
        push hl ;save ptr to random record field for after BDOS call

        ld      a,(hl)
        inc hl
        ld      h,(hl)
        ld      l,a     ;HL = current setting
        push hl ;save current value of random record field

        ld      c,cfsizc        ;compute file size
        call    bdos
        pop bc  ;pop old random record value into BC
        pop hl  ;get pointer to random record field

        ld      e,(hl)  ;get end-of-file sector number into DE
        inc hl
        ld      d,(hl)

        ld      (hl),b  ;restore original value
        dec hl
        ld      (hl),c

        lhld    tmp2    ;get pointer to fd table max sector value
        push hl ;save ptr to max value
        ld      a,(hl)  ;get max sector value in HL
        inc hl
        ld      h,(hl)
        ld      l,a     ;now old max in HL, fsize value in DE
        call    cmphd   ;is old max < current fsize?
        jp nc,cfsiz3    ;if not, just return old max as current max
        ex (sp),hl              ;get back pointer to old max value
        ld      (hl),e  ;update with new fsize value
        inc hl
        ld      (hl),d
        ex de,hl                ;put end-of-file sector number in HL for return

cfsiz3: pop de  ;clean up stack
        ;call   rstusr  ;reset user area
        pop bc
        ENDFUNC cfsizesz,2

; Oflow:
;       i = oflow(fd);
; Returns true if the highest-order byte (the third byte) of the
; sector count in the fcb for the given file is non-zero:

        FUNCHEAD oflowsz
        call    ma1toh
        call    fgfcb
        jp nc,oflow0
        ld      a,7     ;"bad fd" error
        sta     errnum
        jp      error   ;abort if file isn't valid

oflow0: ld de,35        ;look at high byte of sector position
        add hl,de
        ld      a,(hl)
        or      a       ;is it zero?
        ld hl,0
        ret z           ;if so, no overflow
        inc hl  ;else overflow.
        ENDFUNC oflowsz,1

; Errno:
;       int errno()
; Returns last recorded file I/O error condition, set following the
; last error encountered by the "read" and "write" functions.

        FUNCHEAD errnosz

        lda     errnum
        ld      l,a
        ld      h,0

        ENDFUNC errnosz,0

; Errmsg:
;       errmsg(n)
; Prints out the BDS C file I/O error message having number n, as returned
; by the "errno()" function.

        if 1==1
        FUNCHEAD errmsgsz

nerrs:  equ     14      ;highest legal error code

        call    ma1toh  ;get the number
        cp      nerrs+1
        jp c,errms2
        ld hl,nerrs+1 ;get the error error message
errms2: add hl,hl       ;double to get table offset
        ld de,txtab     ;get base of text pointer table
        add hl,de       ;add to get appropriate pointer
        ld      a,(hl)  ;return pointer in HL
        inc hl
        ld      h,(hl)
        ld      l,a     

txtab:  dw      err0
        dw      err1
        dw      err2
        dw      err3
        dw      err4
        dw      err5
        dw      err6
        dw      err7
        dw      err8
        dw      err9
        dw      err10
        dw      err11
        dw      err12
        dw      err13
        dw      err14
        dw      errerr

err0:   db      'No errors occurred yet',0
err1:   db      'Reading unwritten data',0
err2:   db      'Disk out of data space',0
err3:   db      'Can''t close current extent',0
err4:   db      'Seek to unwritten extent',0
err5:   db      'Can''t create new extent',0
err6:   db      'Seek past end of disk',0
err7:   db      'Bad file descriptor',0
err8:   db      'File not open for read',0
err9:   db      'File not open for write',0
err10:  db      'Too many files open',0
err11:  db      'File not found',0
err12:  db      'Bad mode to "open"',0
err13:  db      'Can''t create the file',0
err14:  db      'Seek past 65535th record',0

errerr: db      'Errmsg: error number out of range',0
        ENDFUNC errmsgsz,18

; Execl modified 1/16/84 to work across user areas for programs > 16K long

        FUNCHEAD execlsz

        call    arghak
        push bc
        lhld    arg1
        ex de,hl
        ld hl,-60       ;compute &nfcb for use here
        add hl,sp
        push hl ; save for much later (will pop into BC)
        push hl ;make a few copies for local use below
        push hl
        call    setfcu  ;set up COM file for execl-ing
        ;lda    usrnum
        ;call   setusr  ;set destination user area
        pop hl  ;get new fcb addr
        ld bc,9 ;set extension to COM
        add hl,bc
        ld      (hl),'C'
        inc hl
        ld      (hl),'O'
        inc hl
        ld      (hl),'M'
        pop de  ;get new fcb addr again
        ld      c,openc ;open the file for reading
        call    bdos
        cp      errorv
        jp nz,noerrr
err:    pop hl
        pop bc
        ;call   rstusr
        jp      error

noerrr: lhld    arg2    ;any first parameter?
        ld      a,h
        or      l
        jp nz,excl0
        ld de,arg2      ;no...null out first default fcb slot
        push de
        ld hl,fcb
        call    setfcb
        pop hl
        jp      excl0a  ;and go null out 2nd fcb slot

excl0:  ex de,hl                ;yes.. place into first default fcb slot
        ld hl,fcb
        call    setfcb
        lhld    arg3    ;any second parameter given?
        ld      a,h
        or      l
        jp nz,excl0a
        ld hl,arg3

excl0a: ex de,hl                ;yes: stick it into second default fcb slot
        ld hl,fcb+16
        call    setfcb  
        ld de,tbuff+1   ;now construct command line:
        xor     a       ;  zero tbuff+1 just in case there
        ld (de),a       ;  are no arg strings
        ld hl,8 ;get pointer to 1st arg string in HL
        add hl,sp       ;   by offsetting 4 objects from the current SP
        ld      b,0     ;char count for com. line buf.
excl1:  push hl ;and construct command line
        ld      a,(hl)  ;get addr of next arg string pointer
        inc hl
        ld      h,(hl)
        ld      l,a     ;0000 indicates end of list.
        or      h       ;end of list?
        jp z,excl3

        ld      a,' '   ;no. install next string
        dec hl
        call    mpuc    ;convert to upper case for command line buffer
        ld (de),a
        inc de
        inc     b
        inc hl
        ld      a,(hl)
        or      a       ;end of string?
        jp nz,excl2
        pop hl  ;yes.
        inc hl  ;bump param pointer
        inc hl  
        jp      excl1   ;and go do next string

excl3:  pop hl  ;clean up stack
        ld      a,b     ;check for command buffer overflow
        cp      46h
        jp c,excl30     ;if no overflow, go load file
        ld de,errmsg
        ld      c,9     ;else comlain and abort...
        call    bdos
        jp      err

errmsg: db      7,'EXECL: Command line overflow',cr,lf,'$'

excl30: ld hl,tbuff     ;set length of command line
        ld      (hl),b  ;at location tbuff

        ld de,code0     ;copy loader down to end of tbuff
        ld hl,tpa-55
        ld      b,55    ;length of loader
excl4:  ld a,(de)
        ld      (hl),a
        inc de
        inc hl
        dec     b
        jp nz,excl4

        pop bc  ;get fcb pointer in BC
                        ;reset the SP:
        lhld    base+6  ;get BDOS pointer in HL
        lda     tpa     ;look at first op byte of run-time pkg
        cp      31h     ;begin with "lxi sp,"?
        jp nz,go0       ;if so, use the same value now...
        lhld    tpa+1   ;else get special SP value
        jp      go1

go0:    cp      21h     ;begin with "ld hl" (the NOBOOT sequence?)
        jp nz,go1       ;if not, just use the BDOS addr as top of memory
        ld de,-2050     ;for NOBOOT, subtract 2100 from BDOS addr
        add hl,de       ;and make that the new SP
go1:    ld sp,hl

        ld hl,base
        push hl ;set base of ram as return addr
        lda     curusr  ;push current user number for bootcode to reset
        ld      e,a
        push de

        jp      tpa-55  ;(go to `code0:')

mpuc:   cp      61h     ;convert character in A to upper case
        ret c
        cp      7bh
        ret nc
        sub     32

; This loader code is now: 55 bytes long.
; Modified for v1.51 to reset user area only after entire load (11/83)

code0:  ld de,tpa       ;destination address of new program
code1:  push de ;push   dma addr
        push bc ;push   fcb pointer
        ld      c,sdma  ;set DMA address for new sector
        call    bdos
        pop de  ;get pointer to working fcb in DE
        push de ;and re-push    it
        ld      c,reads ;read a sector
        call    bdos
        pop bc  ;restore fcb pointer into BC
        pop de  ;and dma address into DE
        or      a       ;end of file?
        jp z,tpa-8      ;if not, get next sector (goto `code2:')

        ld      d,b
        ld      e,c
        ld      c,closec
        call    bdos

        pop de  ;restore current user number to E
        ld      c,gsuser
        call    bdos    ;reset user number

        ld      c,sdma  ;reset DMA pointer
        ld de,tbuff
        call    bdos

        jp      tpa     ;and go invoke the program

code2:  ld hl,80h       ;bump dma address
        add hl,de
        ex de,hl
        jp      tpa-52  ;and go loop (at code1)

        ENDFUNC execlsz,16