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  1. #ifndef included_i8tof32
  2. #define included_i8tof32
  4. i8tof32:
  5. ;Inputs:
  6. ;   A holds a 8-bit signed integer, (-128 to 127)
  7. ;   BC points to where to write the float
  8. ;Outputs:
  9. ;   Converts A to an f32 float at BC
  10. ;
  11.   push hl
  12.   push af
  14.   or a
  15.   jp p,$+6
  16.   neg
  17.   scf
  19. ; #ifndef included_u8tof32
  20. ; ##define included_u8tof32
  21. ;   .db $21   ; start of `ld hl,*` to skip the next byte
  22. ; u8tof32:
  23. ;   push hl
  24. ;   push af
  25. ; #else
  26. ; .echo "Hint: it looks like you are using u8tof32 as well as i8tof32. i8tof32 already has code for u8tof32, so you can save bytes by including it first."
  27. ; #endif
  28. ;
  29.   ; Begin writing the float
  30.   ld h,b
  31.   ld l,c
  32.   ld (hl),0
  33.   inc hl
  34.   ld (hl),0
  35.   inc hl
  37.   jr nz,$+8
  38.   ld (hl),a
  39.   inc hl
  40.   ld (hl),a
  41.   pop af
  42.   pop hl
  43.   ret
  45.   push bc
  46.   rl c        ; save the sign
  47.   ld b,$7F+8  ;Initial exponent
  49.   dec b
  50.   add a,a
  51.   jr nc,$-2
  53.   rr c  ; shift in a 1 and shift out the sign
  54.   rr b  ; shift the exponent down, shifting in the sign
  55.   rra   ; shift the lsb of the exponent into the significand
  56.   ld (hl),a
  57.   inc hl
  58.   ld (hl),b
  60.   pop bc
  61.   pop af
  62.   pop hl
  63.   ret
  64. #endif