#ifndef included_xtof64
#define included_xtof64
#include "routines/rr64.z80"
#include "mov.z80"
#include "pushpop.z80"
; HL points to the input extended-precision float
; BC points to where to output the result
; The extended-precision float is converted to a double (binary64) at BC.
;bias is 1023, so 0x03FF is exponent of 0
;sign is 1 bit
;exponent is 11 bits
;mantissa is 53 bits (top bit is implicit)
call pushpop
; The extended precision float has a 64-bit mantissa, so drop the bottom byte.
inc hl
; Move the remaining 7 bytes to our output
ld d,b
ld e,c
call mov6
ld a,(hl)
ld (de),a
; the next two bytes are the exponent and sign
inc hl
ld c,(hl)
inc hl
ld b,(hl)
; Check if the input is a special number
ld a,b
add a,a
or c
jr z,xtof64_special
;save the sign
ld a,b
res 7,b
; make sure the exponent is not too small
ld hl,-15362
add hl,bc
jr nc,xtof64_zero
; make sure the exponent is not too big
ld bc,-2045
add hl,bc
jr c,xtof64_inf
; now we need to adjust the exponent
ld bc,2046
add hl,bc
;now we shift the exponent down into the top bit of the mantissa
ex de,hl
rl (hl)
rr d
rr e
rr (hl)
;now shift DE down 3 more bits into the old mantissa
;final shift, shift the sign into E
ld bc,6
rr d \ rr e \ call rr56 \ add hl,bc
rr d \ rr e \ call rr56 \ add hl,bc
rla \ rr e \ call rr56
;need to potentially round up!
jr nc,+_
dec c
jr z,$+7
inc (hl)
inc hl
jr z,$-5
.db $FE
inc e
inc c \ add hl,bc
;now write the top 7 bits of the exponent and the sign to the output
ld (hl),e
ld a,(de)
add a,a
jr c,xtof64_inf
jp p,xtof64_zero
;mantissa needs to be non-zero to encode NaN
ld a,-1
ex de,hl
ld (hl),a
inc hl
ld (hl),a
inc hl
; rl b
; rra
ld (hl),a
;carry is always set here
;carry is always reset here
sbc a,a
ex de,hl
inc hl
and $F0
ld (hl),a
add a,a
sbc a,a
inc hl
rl b
ld (hl),a
; need to set mantissa to 0
dec hl
ld bc,$0600
dec hl
ld (hl),c
djnz -_