ifndef included_xadd
define included_xadd
include "../common/pushpop.asm"
include "../common/mov.asm"
include "routines/swapxOP2xOP3.asm"
include "routines/sub64.asm"
include "routines/add64.asm"
; HL points to one number
; DE points to another
; BC points to output
;+{0,123+{0,249}+{0,430}+{0,210}+21*n+{0,232-26n}}, n from 0 to 9
; 84+{0,256}+sbc64 ;there is a 25% chance of it going here, I believe
; {0,333+{0,7+13+{0,7+13+{0,7+13+{0,7+13+{0,7+13+{0,7+13+{0,29}}}}}}}} ;this part happens at most once (50%) unless inputs have the same exponent, then it is about 8/3 (accurate to 17 digits)
; 69+adc64+{0,201+{0,39}
;avg: 2111.3076938cc, I think. A lot of weird probability.
call pushpop
push bc
call xaddpp;+_
pop de
ld hl,xOP3
jp mov10
;copy the inputs to xOP2 and xOP3, leaving xOP1 open for shifting
push de
ld de,xOP2
call mov10
pop hl
call mov10
ld de,(xOP2+8)
ld hl,(xOP3+8)
res 7,h
res 7,d
xor a
ld (xOP2-1),a
ld a,h
or l
jp z,caseadd1
ld a,d
or e
jp z,caseadd
; Now make sure xOP3 has the bigger exponent
sbc hl,de
jr nc,xadd_noswap;+_
xor a
sub l
ld l,a
sbc a,a
sub h
ld h,a
push hl
call swapxOP2xOP3 ;need to swap xOP2 and xOP3
pop hl
ld a,h
or a
ret nz
ld a,l
cp 66
ret nc
;Now we need to shift down by A bits.
or a
jr z,add_shifted
rra : call c,srlxOP2_mantissa
rra : call c,srl2xOP2_mantissa
rra : call c,srl4xOP2_mantissa
and $1F
ld l,a
ld bc,(xOP2&255)-1
ld h,xOP2>>8
add hl,bc
sub 10
ld c,a
ld de,xOP2-1
ld c,a
ld a,9
sub c
jr z,add_shifted
ld b,a
xor a
ld (de),a : inc de : djnz $-2
;If the signs match, then just add
;If they differ, then subtract
ld hl,xOP2+9
ld a,(xOP3+9)
xor (hl)
jp p,xadd_add
;subtract the mantissas
xor a
ld hl,xOP2-1
sub (hl)
ld (hl),a
inc hl
ld de,xOP3
call sbc64
jr nc,xadd_mantissap;+_
;now we need to negate the mantissa, invert the sign
inc de
inc de
ld a,(de)
xor 80h
ld (de),a
ld hl,xOP2-1
xor a
ld c,a
sub (hl)
ld (hl),a
ld hl,xOP3
ld a,c : sbc a,(hl) : ld (hl),a
inc hl : ld a,c : sbc a,(hl) : ld (hl),a
inc hl : ld a,c : sbc a,(hl) : ld (hl),a
inc hl : ld a,c : sbc a,(hl) : ld (hl),a
inc hl : ld a,c : sbc a,(hl) : ld (hl),a
inc hl : ld a,c : sbc a,(hl) : ld (hl),a
inc hl : ld a,c : sbc a,(hl) : ld (hl),a
inc hl : ld a,c : sbc a,(hl) : ld (hl),a
ret m
;need to shift up until top bit is 1. Should be at most 1 shift, I think
ld de,(xOP3+8)
ld a,(xOP2-1)
ld hl,xOP3-1
ld (hl),a
;We need to make sure that the mantissa isn't zero
inc hl : or (hl) : jr nz,xadd_mantissanz;+_
inc hl : or (hl) : jr nz,xadd_mantissanz;+_
inc hl : or (hl) : jr nz,xadd_mantissanz;+_
inc hl : or (hl) : jr nz,xadd_mantissanz;+_
inc hl : or (hl) : jr nz,xadd_mantissanz;+_
inc hl : or (hl) : jr nz,xadd_mantissanz;+_
inc hl : or (hl) : jr nz,xadd_mantissanz;+_
inc hl : or (hl) : jr nz,xadd_mantissanz;+_
ld h,a
ld l,a
ld (xOP3+8),hl
ld (xOP3+7),a
ld h,a
ld l,a
ld (xOP3+8),hl
dec de
ld a,d
and $7F
or e
jr z,add_zero
ld hl,xOP3-1
sla (hl) : inc hl
rl (hl) : inc hl
rl (hl) : inc hl
rl (hl) : inc hl
rl (hl) : inc hl
rl (hl) : inc hl
rl (hl) : inc hl
rl (hl) : inc hl
rl (hl)
jp p,xadd_mantissanz;-_
ld (xOP3+8),de
;add the mantissas
ld hl,xOP2-1
rl (hl)
inc hl
ld de,xOP3
call adc64
ret nc
ex de,hl
inc hl
inc (hl) : jr nz,xadd_nobig;+_
inc hl
inc (hl)
ld a,(hl)
dec hl
and $7F
jr z,add_inf
dec hl : rr (hl)
dec hl : rr (hl)
dec hl : rr (hl)
dec hl : rr (hl)
dec hl : rr (hl)
dec hl : rr (hl)
dec hl : rr (hl)
dec hl : rr (hl)
ld hl,xOP2+7
ld b,a
xor a
rrd : dec hl
rrd : dec hl
rrd : dec hl
rrd : dec hl
rrd : dec hl
rrd : dec hl
rrd : dec hl
rrd : dec hl
ld a,b
call srlxOP2_mantissa
ld hl,xOP2+7
srl (hl) : dec hl
rr (hl) : dec hl
rr (hl) : dec hl
rr (hl) : dec hl
rr (hl) : dec hl
rr (hl) : dec hl
rr (hl) : dec hl
rr (hl) : dec hl
rr (hl)
ld (xOP3+7),a
ld hl,-1
ld (xOP3+8),hl
;OP2 is special, OP3 is not
;zero+x => x for all x
;NaN +x => NaN for all x
;inf +x => inf, x != inf
ld a,(xOP2+7)
and $C0
ret z
pop hl ;pop the return
pop de ;pop the pointer to the output
ld hl,xOP2
jp mov10
;OP3 is special, OP2 is unknown
;x+zero => x
;x+inf => inf
;x+NaN => NaN
;return result in xOP3
ld a,(xOP3+7)
and $C0
jr z,xadd_return_xOP2 ;xOP3 is 0, so return xOP2
ret p ;NaN+x == NaN, NaN in xOP3 so return
;if xOP2 is NaN or -inf, return NaN
;otherwise, return xOP2
ld a,d
or e
ret nz
ld a,(xOP2+7)
and $C0
ret z
jp p,xadd_return_NaN
;both inputs are inf, so make sure signs match
ld a,(xOP3+9)
ld d,a
ld a,(xOP2+9)
xor d
ret p
pop hl
pop de
ld hl,xconst_NaN
jp mov10