?pathlinks? – Rev 1485
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ifndef included_xln
define included_xln
include "../common/pushpop.asm"
include "../common/mov.asm"
include "constantsx.asm"
include "xmul.asm"
include "xamean.asm"
include "xsub.asm"
include "xbg.asm"
include "../conversion/i16tox.asm"
;NOTE! Doesn't yet check for special numbers!
;Not accurate on x<1, or some large x.
;We are going to compute ln(x) using the B-G algo.
;(x-1)/BG(.5(1+x), sqrt(x))
var_x=xOP1+152 ;FIXME
call pushpop
push bc
ld de,var_x
call mov10
;ln(-x) == NaN
ld hl,(var_x+8)
ld a,h
add a,a
jr c,xln_return_NaN
;ln(0), ln(NaN), ln(inf)
or l
jr z,xln_return_special
;save the exponent
push hl
;set exponent to 0
ld hl,$4000
ld (var_x+8),hl
ld hl,var_x
ld bc,xOP5
call xsqrt
ld de,xconst_1
ld bc,xOP4
call xamean
ld b,h
ld c,l
call xsub
ld hl,xOP4
ld de,xOP5
ld b,h
ld c,l
call xbg
ld hl,var_x
ld d,b
ld e,c
ld b,h
ld c,l
call xmul
pop hl
ld a,h
sub $40
ld h,a
;need to do HL*ln(2)+var_x ==> BC
ld bc,xOP1
call i16tox
ld h,b
ld l,c
ld de,xconst_ln_2
call xmul
ld de,var_x
pop bc
jp xadd
;ln(0) == -inf
;ln(inf) == inf; ln(NaN) == NaN
ld a,(var_x+7)
and $C0
jr nz,$+7
ld hl,xconst_nINF
jr xlnq;+_
jp m,xln_return_inf
ld hl,xconst_NaN
jr xlnq;+_
ld hl,xconst_INF
pop de
jp mov10