ifndef included_xmod1
define included_xmod1
include "../common/pushpop.asm"
include "../common/mov.asm"
include "routines/sla64.asm"
include "routines/normalizexOP1.asm"
include "constantsx.asm"
include "xadd.asm"
;This routine performs `x mod 1`, returning a non-negative value.
;+inf -> NaN
;-inf -> NaN
;NaN -> NaN
call pushpop
push bc
ld de,xOP1
call mov10
;Take care of special cases
ld hl,(xOP1+8)
ld a,h
and $7F
ld h,a
or l
jp z,xmod1_special
;If H<0x40, then there is no integer part!
ld a,h
sub $40
jr c,xmod1_end
;if A is non-zero, then this number is too big to have stored an integer part
jp nz,xmod1_return_0
;If L is >=63, then this number is too big to have stored an integer part
ld a,l
cp 63
jp nc,xmod1_return_0
inc a
;Now we need to shift the mantissa up to remove the integer part
cp 32
jr c,xmod1less32;+_
sub 32
ld hl,(xOP1+2) : ld (xOP1+6),hl
ld hl,(xOP1) : ld (xOP1+4),hl
ld hl,0
ld (xOP1),hl : ld (xOP1+2),hl
cp 16
jr c,xmod1less16;+_
sub 16
ld hl,(xOP1+4) : ld (xOP1+6),hl
ld hl,(xOP1+2) : ld (xOP1+4),hl
ld hl,(xOP1) : ld (xOP1+2),hl
ld hl,0
ld (xOP1),hl
cp 8
jr c,xmod1less8;+_
ld hl,(xOP1+5) : ld (xOP1+6),hl
ld hl,(xOP1+3) : ld (xOP1+4),hl
ld hl,(xOP1+1) : ld (xOP1+2),hl
ld hl,(xOP1)
ld l,0
ld (xOP1),hl
and 7
jr z,xmod1_normalize
ld b,a
call sla64_xOP1
djnz $-3;-_
ld a,(xOP1+9)
add a,a
ld hl,$7FFF
rr h
ld (xOP1+8),hl
call normalizexOP1
;If it is negative, add 1
ld a,(xOP1+9)
add a,a
jr nc,return_xOP1
ld hl,xOP1
ld de,xconst_1
ld b,h
ld c,l
call xadd
ld hl,xOP1
pop de
jp mov10
ld a,(xOP1+7)
add a,a
jr nc,return_xOP1
ld a,$40
ld (xOP1+7),a
jr return_xOP1
xor a
ld h,a
ld l,a
ld (xOP1+7),a
ld (xOP1+8),hl
jr return_xOP1