ifndef included_xrand
define included_xrand
include "../common/pushpop.asm"
include "../common/rand.asm"
include "../common/mov.asm"
include "constantsx.asm"
;Stores a pseudo-random number on [0,1) with uniform distribution.
;speed: 312+pushpop+m*40+n*(67+rand)+4*rand
; n is at least 1
; m is the number of random bits that we had to generate
; probability that n <= k is 1-65536^-k
; probability that n == k is 65535*65536^-k
; probability that m == k is 2^-k
;min: 2160cc
;max:~1056448cc (absurdly unlikely to happen before heatdeath of the universe).
;avg: 2200.00595102cc
;85 bytes.
call pushpop
push bc
;The first thing we'll do is generate the exponent.
;Initialize to 0 (stored as 0x4000) and we'll generate
;random bits, decrementing the exponent until we get a 1.
ld bc,$4000 ;exponent
jr xrand_gen_exp
dec bc
add hl,hl
jr c,xrand_gen_expq;+_ ;we have completed calculation of the exponent
dec a
jr nz,xrand_gen_exp0;-_
;make sure the exponent isn't zero!
ld a,b
or c
jr z,xrand_zero
push bc
call rand
pop bc
ld a,16
jr xrand_gen_exp0;-_
; Now we have generated the exponent, let's generate the mantissa
pop ix ;pointer to the output
ld (ix+8),c
ld (ix+9),b
call rand
ld (ix),h
ld (ix+1),l
call rand
ld (ix+2),h
ld (ix+3),l
call rand
ld (ix+4),l ;it's "random" anyways, just fun to change it up :P
ld (ix+5),h
call rand
ld (ix+6),h
set 7,l
ld (ix+7),l
pop de
ld hl,xconst_0
jp mov10