ifndef included_xsqrt
define included_xsqrt
include "../common/mov.asm"
include "routines/srl64.asm"
include "sqrt/sqrt64.asm"
include "constantsx.asm"
var_c=xOP1 ;input
var_y=var_c+4 ; used for sqrt32
var_x=xOP2 ;output
var_b=xOP2 ; 4 bytes, result gets copied to bottom anyways
var_a=xOP2 ; 2 bytes
var_z0=xOP2+8;used in sqr32
;HL points to x
;BC points to the output
;computes x^.5, if x>=0
;speed: 388+mov8+mov10+sqrt64+{0,7+srlxOP1_mantissa}
;min: 5456cc
;max: 7432cc
;avg: 6498.542cc
push hl
push de
push bc
push af
push ix
push bc
call xsqrtpp;+_
ld hl,var_x
pop de
call mov8
ld hl,(xOP1+8)
ex de,hl
ld (hl),e
inc hl
ld (hl),d
pop ix
pop af
pop bc
pop de
pop hl
ld de,xOP1
call mov10
ex de,hl
dec hl
ld a,(hl)
or a
jp m,sqrtNAN
ld d,a
dec hl
ld e,(hl)
or e
jp z,sqrt_special
ld a,d
add a,$40
ld h,a
ld a,e
ld l,a
ld (xOP1+8),hl
call nc,srlxOP1_mantissa
jp sqrt64 ;#include "../extended/sqrt/sqrt64.z80"
;special case: 0 -> 0, NaN -> NaN, +inf -> +inf, so output=input
ld de,xOP1
ld hl,var_x
jp mov10
ld hl,xconst_NaN
ld de,xOP1
jp mov10
;#undefine var_b xOP2 ; 4 bytes, result gets copied to bottom anyways
;#undefine var_a xOP2 ; 2 bytes
;#undefine var_c xOP2+8 ;input
;#undefine var_y var_c+4 ; used for sqrt32
;#undefine var_z0 xOP2+16