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                ifndef G9KLIB_INC
                define G9KLIB_INC
                ifndef G9K_DISABLE_DIRECT_EXPORT
; General Functions overview                                                 ;
                EXPORT G9k.Reset           ; Reset and initialize the Gfx9000
                EXPORT G9k.SetScreenMode   ; Set screen mode
                EXPORT G9k.SetVramWrite    ; Set vram write address
                EXPORT G9k.SetVramRead     ; Set vram read address
                EXPORT G9k.Detect          ; Detect presence of the Gfx9000
                EXPORT G9k.DisplayEnable   ; Enable display
                EXPORT G9k.DisplayDisable  ; Disable display
                EXPORT G9k.SpritesEnable   ; Enable sprites/mouse cursor
                EXPORT G9k.SpritesDisable  ; Disable sprites/mouse cursor
                EXPORT G9k.WritePalette    ; Write palette data to the Gfx9000
                EXPORT G9k.ReadPalette     ; Read palette data from the Gfx9000
                EXPORT G9k.SetAdjust       ; Adjust Gfx9000 display 
                EXPORT G9k.SetBackDropColor; Set backdrop color
                EXPORT G9k.SetScrollX      ; Set scroll X Layer A
                EXPORT G9k.SetScrollY      ; Set scroll Y Layer A
                EXPORT G9k.SetScrollXB     ; Set scroll X Layer B
                EXPORT G9k.SetScrollYB     ; Set scroll Y Layer B
                EXPORT G9k.SetScrollMode   ; Set scroll mode
                EXPORT G9k.Close           ; Closes a G9B or VFF file

; Blitter Function overview                                                  ;
                EXPORT G9k.DrawFilledBox     ; Draw filled box
                EXPORT G9k.DrawBox           ; Draw box
                EXPORT G9k.DrawLine          ; Draw line (simple)
                EXPORT G9k.SetupCopyRamToXY  ; Setup parameters for Ram to XY copy
                EXPORT G9k.CopyRamToXY       ; Copy data from Ram to XY
                EXPORT G9k.SetupCopyXYToRam  ; Setup parameters for XY to Ram copy
                EXPORT G9k.CopyXYToRam       ; Copy data from XY to Ram
                EXPORT G9k.CopyXYToXY        ; Copy XY to XY
                EXPORT G9k.CopyXYToRegisterXY; Copy XY(struct) to XY (registers)
                EXPORT G9k.CopyVramToXY      ; Copy Linear vram address to XY
                EXPORT G9k.CopyXYToVram      ; Copy XY to Linear vram address
                EXPORT G9k.CopyVramToVram    ; Copy vram linear to vram linear
                EXPORT G9k.SetCmdWriteMask   ; Set blitter command write mask
                EXPORT G9k.SetCmdColor       ; Set blitter command color
                EXPORT G9k.SetCmdBackColor   ; Set command back ground color
                EXPORT G9k.CopyRamToVram     ; Copy data from ram to Linear vram address
; Font Function overview                                                     ;
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------;
; DEFINE G9K_DISABLE_VFF to disable inclution of vff functions
                IFNDEF G9K_DISABLE_VFF
                EXPORT G9k.OpenVff            ; Open a VFF file
                EXPORT G9k.LoadFont           ; Loads a VFF(V9990 font format) file from disk
                EXPORT G9k.SetFont            ; Set a font as default
                EXPORT G9k.PrintString        ; Print a zero terminated string 
                EXPORT G9k.PutChar            ; Print a character
                EXPORT G9k.Locate             ; Set X and Y coordinates for putchar
; Gfx9000 bitmap functions                                                   ;
; DEFINE G9K_DISABLE_G9B to disable inclution of G9B functions
                IFNDEF G9K_DISABLE_G9B
                EXPORT G9k.OpenG9B            ; Open a G9B file
                EXPORT G9k.ReadG9BPalette     ; Read palette data from disk to Gfx9000
                EXPORT G9k.ReadG9B            ; Read data from disk to Gfx9000 VRAM X,Y
                EXPORT G9k.ReadG9BLinear      ; Read data from disk to Gfx9000 Linear VRAM Address
                EXPORT G9k.CalcG9BVramSize    ; Calculate vram size of A G9B file
; Gfx9000 pattern functions                                                  ;
; DEFINE G9K_DISABLE_PATTERN to disable inclution of pattern functions
                EXPORT G9k.SetPatternData     ; Set pattern data
                EXPORT G9k.GetPatternData     ; Get partern data
                EXPORT G9k.SetPattern         ; Set pattern
                EXPORT G9k.GetPattern         ; Get pattern
; Gfx9000 Interrupt functions                                                ;
                EXPORT  G9k.SetIntLine
; Macro overview                                                             ;
; G9kCmdWait            - Wait for Blitter command completion
; G9kWriteReg           - Write Gfx9000 register
; G9kReadReg            - Read Gfx9000 register
; G9kWaitVsync          - Wait for Vertical Sync

; V9990 register and port defines                                            ;

; Port defines
G9K_VRAM                EQU     60h     ; R/W
G9K_PALETTE             EQU     61h     ; R/W
G9K_CMD_DATA            EQU     62h     ; R/W
G9K_REG_DATA            EQU     63h     ; R/W
G9K_REG_SELECT          EQU     64h     ; W
G9K_STATUS              EQU     65h     ; R
G9K_INT_FLAG            EQU     66h     ; R/W
G9K_SYS_CTRL            EQU     67h     ; W
ZX_EVA_CTRL             EQU     0xc0    ; R/W

; Bit defines G9K_SYS_CTRL
G9K_SYS_CTRL_SRS        EQU     2       ; Power on reset state
G9K_SYS_CTRL_MCKIN      EQU     1       ; Select MCKIN terminal
G9K_SYS_CTRL_XTAL       EQU     0        ; Select XTAL

; Register defines
G9K_WRITE_ADDR          EQU     0        ; W
G9K_READ_ADDR           EQU     3       ; W
G9K_SCREEN_MODE0        EQU     6       ; R/W
G9K_SCREEN_MODE1        EQU     7       ; R/W
G9K_CTRL                EQU     8       ; R/W
G9K_INT_ENABLE          EQU     9       ; R/W
G9K_INT_V_LINE_LO       EQU     10      ; R/W   
G9K_INT_V_LINE_HI       EQU     11      ; R/W
G9K_INT_H_LINE          EQU     12      ; R/W   
G9K_PALETTE_CTRL        EQU     13      ; W
G9K_PALETTE_PTR         EQU     14      ; W
G9K_BACK_DROP_COLOR     EQU     15      ; R/W
G9K_DISPLAY_ADJUST      EQU     16      ; R/W
G9K_SCROLL_LOW_Y        EQU     17      ; R/W
G9K_SCROLL_HIGH_Y       EQU     18      ; R/W
G9K_SCROLL_LOW_X        EQU     19      ; R/W
G9K_SCROLL_HIGH_X       EQU     20      ; R/W
G9K_SCROLL_LOW_Y_B      EQU     21      ; R/W
G9K_SCROLL_HIGH_Y_B     EQU     22      ; R/W
G9K_SCROLL_LOW_X_B      EQU     23      ; R/W
G9K_SCROLL_HIGH_X_B     EQU     24      ; R/W
G9K_PAT_GEN_TABLE       EQU     25      ; R/W
G9K_LCD_CTRL            EQU     26      ; R/W
G9K_PRIORITY_CTRL       EQU     27      ; R/W
G9K_SPR_PAL_CTRL        EQU     28      ; W
G9K_SC_X                EQU     32      ; W
G9K_SC_Y                EQU     34      ; W
G9K_DS_X                EQU     36      ; W
G9K_DS_Y                EQU     38      ; W
G9K_NX                  EQU     40      ; W
G9K_NY                  EQU     42      ; W
G9K_ARG                 EQU     44      ; W
G9K_LOP                 EQU     45      ; W
G9K_WRITE_MASK          EQU     46      ; W
G9K_FC                  EQU     48      ; W
G9K_BC                  EQU     50      ; W
G9K_OPCODE              EQU     52      ; W

; Register Select options
G9K_DIS_INC_READ        EQU     64
G9K_DIS_INC_WRITE       EQU     128

; Bit defines G9K_SCREEN_MODE0 (register 6)
G9K_SCR0_STANDBY        EQU     192     ; Stand by mode
G9K_SCR0_BITMAP         EQU     128     ; Select Bit map mode
G9K_SCR0_P2             EQU     64      ; Select P1 mode
G9K_SCR0_P1             EQU     0        ; Select P1 mode
G9K_SCR0_DTCLK          EQU     32      ; Master Dot clock not divided
G9K_SCR0_DTCLK2         EQU     16      ; Master Dot clock divided by 2
G9K_SCR0_DTCLK4         EQU     0        ; Master Dot clock divided by 4
G9K_SCR0_XIM2048        EQU     12      ; Image size = 2048
G9K_SCR0_XIM1024        EQU     8       ; Image size = 1024
G9K_SCR0_XIM512         EQU     4       ; Image size = 512
G9K_SCR0_XIM256         EQU     0        ; Image size = 256
G9K_SCR0_16BIT          EQU     3       ; 16 bits/dot
G9K_SCR0_8BIT           EQU     2       ; 8 bits/dot
G9K_SCR0_4BIT           EQU     1       ; 4 bits/dot
G9K_SCR0_2BIT           EQU     0        ; 2 bits/dot

; Bit defines G9K_SCREEN_MODE1 (register 7)
G9K_SCR1_C25M           EQU     64      ; Select 640*480 mode
G9K_SCR1_SM1            EQU     32      ; Selection of 263 lines during non interlace , else 262
G9K_SCR1_SM             EQU     16      ; Selection of horizontal frequency 1H=fsc/227.5
G9K_SCR1_PAL            EQU     8       ; Select PAL, else NTSC
G9K_SCR1_EO             EQU     4       ; Select of vertical resoltion of twice the non-interlace resolution
G9K_SCR1_IL             EQU     2       ; Select Interlace
G9K_SCR1_HSCN           EQU     1       ; Select High scan mode

; Bit defines G9K_CTRL    (Register 8)
G9K_CTRL_DISP           EQU     128     ; Display VRAM
G9K_CTRL_DIS_SPD        EQU     64      ; Disable display sprite (cursor)
G9K_CTRL_YSE            EQU     32      ; /YS Enable
G9K_CTRL_VWTE           EQU     16      ; VRAM Serial data bus control during digitization
G9K_CTRL_VWM            EQU     8       ; VRAM write control during digitization
G9K_CTRL_DMAE           EQU     4       ; Enable DMAQ output
G9K_CTRL_VRAM512        EQU     2       ; VRAM=512KB
G9K_CTRL_VRAM256        EQU     1       ; VRAM=256KB
G9K_CTRL_VRAM128        EQU     0        ; VRAM=128KB

; Bit defines G9K_INT_ENABLE (register 9)
G9K_INT_IECE            EQU     4       ; Command end interrupt enable control
G9K_INT_IEH             EQU     2       ; Display position interrupt enable
G9K_INT_IEV             EQU     1       ; Int. enable during vertical retrace line interval

; Bit Defines G9K_PALETTE_CTRL  (Register 13)
G9K_PAL_CTRL_YUV        EQU     192     ; YUV mode
G9K_PAL_CTRL_YJK        EQU     128     ; YJK mode
G9K_PAL_CTRL_256        EQU     64      ; 256 color mode
G9K_PAL_CTRL_PAL        EQU     0        ; Pallete mode
G9K_PAL_CTRL_YAE        EQU     32      ; Enable YUV/YJK RGB mixing mode

; Bit defines G9K_LOP           (Register 45)
G9K_LOP_TP              EQU     16
G9K_LOP_WCSC            EQU     12
G9K_LOP_WCNOTSC         EQU     3
G9K_LOP_WCANDSC         EQU     8
G9K_LOP_WCORSC          EQU     14
G9K_LOP_WCEORSC         EQU     6

; Bit defines G9K_ARG
G9K_ARG_MAJ             EQU     1
G9K_ARG_NEG             EQU     2
G9K_ARG_DIX             EQU     4
G9K_ARG_DIY             EQU     8

; Blitter Commands G9K_OPCODE    (Register 52)
G9K_OPCODE_STOP         EQU     00h     ; Command being excuted is stopped 
G9K_OPCODE_LMMC         EQU     10h     ; Data is transferred from CPU to VRAM rectangle area
G9K_OPCODE_LMMV         EQU     20h     ; VRAM rectangle area is painted out
G9K_OPCODE_LMCM         EQU     30h     ; VRAM rectangle area is transferred to CPU
G9K_OPCODE_LMMM         EQU     40h     ; Rectangle area os transferred from VRAM to VRAM
G9K_OPCODE_CMMC         EQU     050h    ; CPU character data is color-developed and transferred to VRAM rectangle area
G9K_OPCODE_CMMK         EQU     060h    ; Kanji ROM data is is color-developed and transferred to VRAM rectangle area
G9K_OPCODE_CMMM         EQU     070h    ; VRAM character data is color-developed and transferred to VRAM rectangle area 
G9K_OPCODE_BMXL         EQU     080h    ; Data on VRAM linear address is transferred to VRAM rectangle area
G9K_OPCODE_BMLX         EQU     090h    ; VRAM rectangle area is transferred to VRAM linear address 
G9K_OPCODE_BMLL         EQU     0A0h    ; Data on VRAM linear address is transferred to VRAM linear address 
G9K_OPCODE_LINE         EQU     0B0h    ; Straight line is drawer on X-Y co-ordinates
G9K_OPCODE_SRCH         EQU     0C0h    ; Border color co-ordinates on X-Y are detected
G9K_OPCODE_POINT        EQU     0D0h    ; Color code on specified point on X-Y is read out
G9K_OPCODE_PSET         EQU     0E0h    ; Drawing is executed at drawing point on X-Y co-ordinates
G9K_OPCODE_ADVN         EQU     0F0h    ; Drawing point on X-Y co-ordinates is shifted

; Bit defines G9K_STATUS
G9K_STATUS_TR           EQU     128
G9K_STATUS_VR           EQU     64
G9K_STATUS_HR           EQU     32
G9K_STATUS_BD           EQU     16
G9K_STATUS_MSC          EQU     4
G9K_STATUS_EO           EQU     2
G9K_STATUS_CE           EQU     1

; Mode select defines for SetScreenMode
G9K_MODE_P1             EQU     0        ; Pattern mode 0 256 212
G9K_MODE_P2             EQU     1       ; Pattern mode 1 512 212
G9K_MODE_B1             EQU     2       ; Bitmap mode 1 256 212
G9K_MODE_B2             EQU     3       ; Bitmap mode 2 384 240
G9K_MODE_B3             EQU     4       ; Bitmap mode 3 512 212
G9K_MODE_B4             EQU     5       ; Bitmap mode 4 768 240
G9K_MODE_B5             EQU     6       ; Bitmap mode 5 640 400 (VGA)
G9K_MODE_B6             EQU     7       ; Bitmap mode 6 640 480 (VGA)
G9K_MODE_B7             EQU     8       ; Bitmap mode 7 1024 212 (Undocumented v9990 mode)

; Fixed VRAM addresses

G9K_CURSOR0_ATTRIB      EQU     07FE00h
G9K_CURSOR1_ATTRIB      EQU     07FE08h


G9K_RED                 EQU     32
G9K_GREEN               EQU     1024
G9K_BLUE                EQU     1


; G9k Structs                                                                ;

                STRUCT G9B_OBJECT
fileHandle      WORD        ; Dos2 file handle of the openend G9B file
bitDepth        BYTE        ; 2,4,8 or 16 bit
colorType       BYTE        ; 0=64 color palette mode,64=256 color fixed ,128=YJK and 192=YUV mode
nrColors        BYTE        ; Number of colors in palette mode
width           WORD        ; Width
height          WORD        ; Height
compression     BYTE        ; 0 = no compression, other value = compression used
dataSize        D24         ; 24 bit data size  


; struct VFF object
                STRUCT VFF_OBJECT
fileHandle      WORD                ; Dos2 file handle of the openend VFF file  
name            BLOCK   16,0        ; vff font name     
width           BYTE                ; width 
height          BYTE                ; height
pitch           BYTE                ; 0 = Fixed : 1 = Variable  (Still unsused)
dataSize        WORD                ; Data size
ptrOffsetTable  WORD                ; Pointer to a font offset table
vramOffset      WORD                ; Pointer to base address of font in vram starting at #70000 
ramFont         BYTE                ; 0 font data in vram, 1 font data in ram

                STRUCT G9K_BOX
left            WORD
top             WORD    
width           WORD
height          WORD

                STRUCT G9K_COPY_XY_XY
sourceX         WORD
sourceY         WORD    
destX           WORD
destY           WORD
width           WORD
height          WORD

                STRUCT G9K_COPY_VRAM_XY
sourceAddress   D24
destX           WORD
destY           WORD
width           WORD
height          WORD            

                STRUCT G9K_COPY_XY_VRAM
sourceX         WORD
sourceY         WORD                    
destAddress     D24
width           WORD
height          WORD            

                STRUCT G9K_COPY_VRAM_VRAM
srcAddress      D24             
destAddress     D24
nrBytes         D24

; ;G9k Error codes                                                           ;
; Error codes
_NOVFF          EQU     1       ;  Input file is not a VFF file
_NOG9B          EQU     2       ;  Input file is not a G9B file

; ;Gfx9000 Macro's                                                           ;

                MACRO   G9kCmdWait
; Wait for command execution completion
; Modifies A
                IN      A,(G9K_STATUS)
                JR      C,$-3

                MACRO G9kWriteReg register,data
; Write gfx9000 register
; modifies: A
                LD      A,register
                OUT     (G9K_REG_SELECT),A
                LD      A,data
                OUT     (G9K_REG_DATA),A

                MACRO G9kReadReg register
; Read Gfx9000 register
; Result in A
                LD      A,register
                OUT     (G9K_REG_SELECT),A
                IN      A,(G9K_REG_DATA)

                MACRO G9kWaitVsync
; Wait for Vsync
                IN      A,(G9K_STATUS)
                AND     A,G9K_STATUS_VR
                JR      NZ,$-4

                IN      A,(G9K_STATUS)
                AND     A,G9K_STATUS_VR
                JR      Z,$-4

                MACRO G9kWaitComReady   
; Wait for Command data ready   
                IN      A,(G9K_STATUS)
                JR      NC,$-3
                define MAKE_LAYERB_ADDR << 1
                define MAKE_LAYERA_ADDR << 1  