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(README 2-Apr-1998 by John Hartman.  jhartman@compuserve.com)

I have made several modifications to the CUG292 assemblers and
linker, beginning with version 1.7 (the most recent I know of).

The original assembler was written by
 * Alan R. Baldwin
 * 721 Berkeley St.
 * Kent, Ohio  44240

To conserve space on my web site, this ZIP file does not include all
of the files in the original CUG292 release.  In particular, the
assembler test files and ASSIST monitors have been removed.  All source
files and documents are included.  The original is widely available
on the net.

Your comments and bug reports are solicited.

The changes are of three types
1) bug fixes and small changes
2) an 8051 version of the assembler
3) generation of line and symbol information for NoICE


* There is a bug in LKMAIN: it tests S_DEF flag in "s_flag".
  No one else uses s_flag in the linker - S_DEF is defined in s_type
  instead.  Presumably LKMAIN should use s_type as well?  Changed.

* There is a portability problem in aslex: the test
    while (ctype[c=get()] & ~(SPACE | ILL))
  causes an infinite loop with my (old Zortech) compiler:
  ILL = 0x80, SPACE=0.  When I read a null at the end of a line,
  ctype[] returns "ILL".  My compiler sign extends this 0x80 to int 0xFF80.
  Sign extend on ~ILL makes 0x7F into 0xFF7F.  The result of the AND is
  true and we spin.  I changed this to
    while (ctype[c=get()] & (0xFF - (SPACE|ILL)))

* I made changes to mlookup() so that mnemonics and pseudo-ops are always
  case insensitive, regardless of the CASE_SENSITIVE flag.  This simplifies
  using the assembler on existing code.

* The scheme described below for debug information can make for very long
  symbol names.  Thus, I have modified the assembler and linker to allow
  names up to 80 characters, moving the name strings out of the sym struct.
  This will save significant heap space over simply increasing NCPS to 80.

* I have added one module, ASNOICE.C, to each assembler; and one module,
  LKNOICE.C, to the linker.  My make files are named XSnnnn.MAK for the
  asseblers, and XSLINK.MAK for the linker.  I have not modified any
  of the original make or project files, since I have no means to test


I was somewhat surprised that there was no AS8051 - so I wrote one.
It is comprised of the modules:
    appendk.txt "Appendix K" about the 8051 for the documentation

I added four attributes to the .area directive to support
the 8051's multiple address spaces:
   CODE for codespace
   DATA for internal data
   BIT  for internal bit-addressable
   XDATA for external data.

These will typically be used as follows (names are examples):
        .area   IDATA (DATA)
        .area   IBIT (BIT)
        .area   MYXDATA (REL,CON,XDATA)
        .area   MYCODE (REL,CON,CODE)

The default segment, _CODE, should not be used for the 8051.  For
compatibility reasons, _CODE is allocated in "DATA" space.  You
should always define an area in the CODE space.


i51mch.c is not especially pretty - it includes some brute-force switch
statements which could, I suspect, be trimmed down by application of
a few appropriate functions.

The 8051 includes two instructions, AJMP and ACALL, which have eleven
bit destination addresses.  The upper three address bits are encoded
into the top three bits of the op-code.  In order to achieve this, I
was forced to make changes to several ASxxx and LKxxx modules:
    asm.h       line 179 equate for R_J11, 583 outr11 prototype
    asout.c     lines 1087-1132 function outr11: output 11 bit dest
    aslink.h    line 131 equate for R_J11
    lkrloc.c    lines 354-377 link/locate 11 bit destination

The definition of R_J11 is as (R_WORD | R_BYT2)
A comment in lkrloc says
    * R_WORD with the R_BYT2 mode is flagged
    * as an 'r' error by the assembler,
    * but it is processed here anyway.
This is no longer true, so the code in question is #defined out
in the linker only.  I suspect that this would cause problems
if a module with R_WORD | R_BYT1 by other cause were to be processed.

I am not entirely happy with outr11 in the case where the destination
is an absolute value.  The ideal would be to pass the value thru to the
linker, and resolve at link time whether or not the address is within
2K of the instruction location.  Unfortunately, I couldn't figure out
how to pass an absolute value to the linker, as it has no area.  Thus,
I interpreted absolute values as being relative to the beginning of the
current area, as is done in the other assemblers for relative branch
instructions.  I am less happy with this solution here, as a 2K range
is far larger than the +-128 for a branch instruction.  I can envision
code such as
        reset = 123
        ajmp  reset

If the ajmp is in a relocatable area, the effect will be not at all what
is desired.  If you can offer any other solution, I would appreciate it.


1) The switch "-j" has been added to the assembler.  This causes
   assembly lines to generate line number information in the object
   file.  You may also wish to use the "-a" switch to make all symbols
   global.  Non-global symbols are not passed to the object file.

2) The assemblers will pass any line beginning with the characters
   ";!" (semi-colon, exclamation point) intact to the object file.
   You can use such comments in your assembly modules to embed NoICE
   commands in your source code.

3) The switch "-j" has been added to the linker.  This causes a
   NoICE debug file, with extension ".NOI" to be created.  All symbol
   and line number information in the object files, as well as any
   ";!" comments will be included.  Specifying the -j switch will force
   a map file to be produced as well.

4) The linker will process any line beginning with the characters
   ";!" (semi-colon, exclamation point) by removing the ";!" and
   passing the remainder of the line to the .NOI file (if any).
   This allows NoICE commands to be placed as ";!" comments in
   the assembly file, and passed through the assember and linker
   to the .NOI file.

5) If the linker is requested to produce a hex output file (-i or -s
   switches), a LOAD command for the hex file will be placed in the
   .NOI file (if any).

6) The linker will output the ";!" lines after all symbols have been
   output.  Thus, such lines can contain NoICE commands which refer to
   symbols by name.


This section is primarily of interest to compiler writers.

Compilers which produce assembly code can pass debug information
through the assembler and linker to the NoICE command file.  In
addition, the linker will provide special processing of symbols
with certain formats described below.

1) The switch "-j" should NOT be used on assembly files which
   represent compiler output.  Instead, the compiler should generate
   line number symbols for each code-producing source line as
   described below.  if your project contains a mixture of C and assembly
   source files, you may wish to use "-j" on the assembly modules.

2) The assemblers will pass any line beginning with the characters
   ";!" (semi-colon, exclamation point) intact to the .REL file.
   The compiler can make use of this fact to pass datatype information
   and stack offsets for automatic symbols through the assembler and
   linker to NoICE.  This is described in detail below.

3) The switch "-j" has been added to the linker.  This causes a
   NoICE debug file, with extension ".NOI" to be created.  Contents
   will be as described below.  Specifying the -j switch will force
   a map file to be produced as well.

4) The linker will process any line beginning with the characters
   ";!" (semi-colon, exclamation point) by removing the ";!" and
   passing the remainder of the line to the .NOI file (if any).

5) If the linker is requested to produce a hex output file (-i or -s
   switches), a LOAD command for the hex file will be placed in the
   .NOI file (if any).

6) The linker will process symbols with names of the form

   into NoICE DEFINE (global symbol) commands in the .NOI output file
        DEF name symbolvalue

7) The linker will process symbols with names of the form

   into NoICE FILE and LINE (line number) commands in the .NOI output file.
   It will assume that "text" is the file name without path or extension,
   that "integer" is the decimal line number within the file, and that
   the value of the symbol is equal to the address of the first instruction
   produced by the line.

8) The linker will process symbols with names of the form

   into NoICE FILE and DEFINESCOPED commands in the .NOI file
   (if any), to define file-scope variables:
        FILE text
        DEFS name symbolvalue

9) The linker will process symbols with names of the form

   into NoICE FILE, FUNCTION, and DEFINESCOPED commands in the
   .NOI file (if any), to define function-scope variables:
        FILE text
        FUNC name
        DEFS name2 symbolvalue

10) The linker will process symbols with names of the form

   into NoICE FILE, FUNCTION, and DEFINESCOPED commands in the
   .NOI file (if any), to define function-scope variables, to allow
   multiple scopes within a single C function.  "Integer" is a scope
   number, and should be zero for the first scope, and increment
   for each new scope within the function.  Since NoICE cannot currently
   cope with scope finer than function, it will produce symbols of
   the form:
        FILE text
        FUNC name
        DEFS name2_integer symbolvalue

   The trailing "_integer" will be omitted for integer == 0 (function).

11) The linker will process symbols with names of the form

   into NoICE FILE, DEFINE, and FUNCTION commands in the .NOI
   file (if any), to define the start of a global function:
        FILE text
        DEF  name symbolvalue %code
        FUNC name symbolvalue

12) The linker will process symbols with names of the form

   into NoICE FILE, DEFINESCOPED, and SFUNCTION commands in the .NOI
   file (if any), to define the start of a file-scope (static)
        FILE text
        DEFS name symbolvalue %code
        SFUNC name symbolvalue

13) The linker will process symbols with names of the form

   into NoICE ENDFUNCTION commands in the .NOI file (if any) to
   define the end of a global or file-scope function:
        ENDF name symbolvalue

14) The linker will output the symbols in each "area" or memory
   section in order of increasing address.

15) The linker will output the ";!" lines after all symbols
   have been output.

The features listed above may be used to add full source-level
debug information to assembly files produced by a compiler.  The
example file ctest1.c, and the hypothetical ctest1.s produced by
compiling it illustrate this.  The comments in the file describe
the information, but would not be present in an actual implementation.

1) Begin each file with a ";!FILE" specifying the file name and its
   original extension (usually ".c"), and with the path if the file is
   not in the current directory.
        ;!FILE ctest1.c

2) Define any basic data types: char defaults to S08.  Redefine as U08 or
   ASCII if you desire.  "int" defaults to S16.  Redefine if necessary.
        ;!DEFT 0 char %ASCII

3) Define any data structures, typedefs, enums, etc. (C generally
   does this per source file.  Types will remain in scope unless
   redefined).  For example, the C structure

        typedef struct {
           char  c;
           int   i;
           int   ai[ 10 ];
           int   *pi;
        } STR;

   would generate the commands:
        ;!STRUCT 0. STR
        ;!DEFT 0. c %char
        ;!DEFT 1. i %int
        ;!DEFT 3. ai %int[10.]
        ;!DEFT 23. pi %*int
        ;!ENDS 25.

   Since the user can change input radix at will, it is generally
   recommended to specify radix explicitly in the ;! commands: by
   a trailing "." for decimal, or leading "0x" for hex.

4) Use ;!FUNC, (or ;!SFUNC), ;!DEFS, and ;!ENDF to define any
   function arguments and local variables.  The function
        void main( void )
           /* declare some local variables */
           char lc, *plc;
           int *pli;
           int *lnpi;
           int *lfpi;

   would generate stack-based symbol definitions with their datatypes.
   (Note that the stack offsets are not passed to the assembler by
   name, as they need not be relocated.  Thus, it is the compiler's
   duty to generate these.  Note that the 68HC11 TSX instruction
   increments the value of SP by one.  Thus, "SP+nn" should use
   "nn" values one greater than for use as offsets from X.
        ;!FUNC main
        ;!DEFS lfpi SP+6. %*int
        ;!DEFS lnpi SP+8. %*int
        ;!DEFS pli SP+10. %*int
        ;!DEFS plc SP+12. %*char
        ;!DEFS lc SP+14. %char

   When all local variables and parameters have been defined, the
   function scope must be closed:

5) In general, it is desirable to generate two symbols for each
   function:  one with an underbar, at the first byte of the
   function, so that the disassembler will show it as the destination
   of the JSR; and a second without an underbar at the address of
   the first source line after stack frame is set up.  The latter
   will be a common breakpoint location.

   CUG292 can generate global symbols by using a "::"
                subd #44

6) Once the stack frame is set up, declare the beginning of the
   function body.  The value of this symbol is the lowest address
   which NoICE will consider to be within the function for scoping

7) Each C source line which produces code should emit a symbol
   consisting of the file name without path or extension, followed
   by the line number (in decimal) in the C source file.
                ldd #6
                std  _gestr

8) Declare the end of the function body.  The value of this symbol
   is the highest address which NoICE will consider to be within the
   function for scoping purposes.  The address must be on or before
   the RTS, so that it does not overlap the following function.
   Normally, the address will be the last C source line in the
   function before stack frame is destroyed.
                addd #44

9) Global variables defined in the file, and their datatypes, may be
   defined at any time.  Debugging is most convenient if the
   traditional C leading underbar is omitted.  The global declarations
        int gi;
        STR *pgstr;

   would generate:
        ;!DEF gi %*int
                .blkb 2

        ;!DEF pgstr %*STR
                .blkb 2

   Here, the ";!" command defines the datatype, which is unknown to
   the assembler, while the "::" defintion defines the value, which
   is unknown until link time.

10) File-scope static variables, and their datatypes, must be defined
   between the ;!FILE and the ;!ENDFILE in order to set proper scope.
   Debugging is most convenient if the traditional C leading underbar
   is omitted.  The static declarations
        static int si;
        static STR sstr;

   would generate:
        ;!DEFS si %*int
                .blkb 2

        ;!DEFS sstr %STR
                .blkb 25

   We note that while the ;!DEFS must be between ;!FILE and ;!ENDFILE,
   the "::" definitions may be elsewhere in the file if it is
   convenient, as the symbol name carries the scoping information.

11) Function-scope static variables, and their datatypes, must be
   defined between the ;!FUNC (or ;!SFUNC) and the corresponding
   ;!ENDF in order to set proper scope.  Debugging is most convenient
   if the traditional C leading underbar is omitted.  The static
        void main( void )
                static int si;
                static STR sstr;

   would generate:
        ;!FUNC main

   at some point, and then
        ;!DEFS si %*int
                .blkb 2

        ;!DEFS sstr %STR
                .blkb 25

   We note that while the ;!DEFS must be between ;!FUNC and ;!ENDF,
   the "::" definitions may be elsewhere in the file if it is
   convenient, as the symbol name carries the scoping information.

12) After all code, data, and ;! defintions, declare end of file.
   This is necessary to prevent mangled scope when several modules
   are linked together.

        CTEST1.C - sample C source code
        CTEST1.S - output from ImageCraft compiler, hand-doctored
                   to add additional debug information
        CTEST2.C - second C module
        CTEST2.S - output from ImageCraft compiler, undoctored
        CTEST.BAT - assemble and link CTEST1+CTEST2

Run CTEST.BAT to produce CTEST1.NOI, a NoICE command file.