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  4.     <title>&mu;Csim: CPU types</title>
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  7.     <h1>Select type of CPU</h1>
  8.     The simulator supports following type of microprocessors from MCS51 family:
  9.     <p><a href="#51">8051/8031</a> <br>
  10.       <a href="#52">8052/8032</a> <br>
  11.       <a href="#ds390">DS390</a> <br>
  12.       <a href="#51r">8051R</a> <br>
  13.       <a href="#89c51r">89C51R</a> <br>
  14.       <a href="#251">80251</a> </p>
  15.     <h3><a name="51">8051/8031</a></h3>
  16.     You can select this type of microcontroller using one of the following
  17.     parameter for -t option:
  18.     <ul>
  19.       <li>51 (HMOS type) </li>
  20.       <li>8051 (HMOS type) </li>
  21.       <li>8751 (HMOS type) </li>
  22.       <li>C51 (CMOS type) </li>
  23.       <li>80C51 (CMOS type) </li>
  24.       <li>87C51 (CMOS type) </li>
  25.       <li>31 (HMOS type) </li>
  26.       <li>8031 (HMOS type) </li>
  27.       <li>C31 (CMOS type) </li>
  28.       <li>80C31 (CMOS type) </li>
  29.     </ul>
  30.     It includes core 51 features:
  31.     <ul>
  32.       <li>64k external RAM </li>
  33.       <li>64k ROM </li>
  34.       <li>128 byte internal RAM </li>
  35.       <li>2 timers (timer #0, timer #1) </li>
  36.       <li>Serial interface </li>
  37.       <li>4 8-bit quazi bi-directional ports </li>
  38.     </ul>
  39.     CMOS types also include:
  40.     <ul>
  41.       <li>Idle mode </li>
  42.       <li>Power down mode </li>
  43.     </ul>
  45.       <h3><a name="52">8052/8032</a></h3>
  46.      You can select this type of microcontroller using one of the following
  47.     parameter for -t option:
  48.     <ul>
  49.       <li>52 (HMOS type) </li>
  50.       <li>8052 (HMOS type) </li>
  51.       <li>8752 (HMOS type) </li>
  52.       <li>C52 (CMOS type) </li>
  53.       <li>80C52 (CMOS type) </li>
  54.       <li>87C52 (CMOS type) </li>
  55.       <li>32 (HMOS type) </li>
  56.       <li>8032 (HMOS type) </li>
  57.       <li>C32 (CMOS type) </li>
  58.       <li>80C32 (CMOS type) </li>
  59.     </ul>
  60.     It includes same features as <a href="#51">8051/8031</a> microcontrollers
  61.     and additionally:
  62.     <ul>
  63.       <li>3 timers (timer #0, timer #1, timer #2) </li>
  64.       <li>256 bytes of internal RAM </li>
  65.     </ul>
  67.     <h3><a name="ds320">DS320</a></h3>
  68.     You can select this type of microcontroller using <b>DS320</b> as
  69.     parameter for -t option (this is a CMOS type). It includes same features as
  70.     <a href="#52">8052</a> and adds:
  71.     <ul>
  72.       <li>support for dual DPTR register </li>
  73.     </ul>
  76.     <h3><a name="ds390">DS390</a></h3>
  77.      You can select this type of microcontroller using <b>DS390</b> as
  78.     parameter for -t option (this is a CMOS type). It includes same features as
  79.     <a href="#52">8052</a> and adds:
  80.     <ul>
  81.       <li>24 bit flat mode </li>
  82.       <li>support for dual DPTR register </li>
  83.       <li>128k external RAM </li>
  84.       <li>128k ROM </li>
  85.       <li>4k internal SRAM usable </li>
  86.       <li>10 bit stack mode </li>
  87.       <li>"timed access" of SFRs </li>
  88.     </ul>
  90.       <h3><a name="51r">8051R</a></h3>
  91.      You can select this type of microcontroller using one of the following
  92.     parameter for -t option (all are CMOS types):
  93.     <ul>
  94.       <li>51R </li>
  95.       <li>51RA </li>
  96.       <li>51RB </li>
  97.       <li>51RC </li>
  98.       <li>C51RA </li>
  99.       <li>C51RB </li>
  100.       <li>C51RC </li>
  101.     </ul>
  102.     It includes all features that <a href="#52">8052/8032</a> does and
  103.     additionally:
  104.     <ul>
  105.       <li>Extended interrupt priority system (4 priority levels) </li>
  106.       <li>Extended serial line interface (automatic address recognition) </li>
  107.       <li>Watchdog timer </li>
  108.     </ul>
  110.       <h3><a name="89c51r">89C51R</a></h3>
  111.      You can select this type of microcontroller using <tt>89C51R</tt>
  112.     parameter for -t option (this CPU is always CMOS). This is a Philips clone,
  113.     excluding duplicated DPTR it is similar to 8051XR from Intel.
  114.     <p>It includes all features that <a href="#51r">8051R</a> does and
  115.       additionally: </p>
  116.     <ul>
  117.       <li>PCA (Programmable Counter Array): 5 16-bit counter, one of them can
  118.         act as watchdog timer. </li>
  119.       <li>Duplicated DPTR. </li>
  120.     </ul>
  122.       <h3><a name="251">80251</a></h3>
  123.      You can select this type of microcontroller using one of the following
  124.     parameter for -t option (all are CMOS types):
  125.     <ul>
  126.       <li>251 </li>
  127.       <li>C251 </li>
  128.     </ul>
  129.     <p>It includes all features that <a href="#89c51r">89C51R</a> does and
  130.       additionally: </p>
  131.     <ul>
  132.       <li>Nothing implemented yet. </li>
  133.     </ul>
  134.     <hr>
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