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  1. <html>
  2.   <head>
  3.     <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-2">
  4.     <title>Mikrocontroller Simulator</title>
  5.   </head>
  6.   <body style="    background-color: white;"> [ <a href="news.html">News</a> ]
  7.     [ <a href="#download">Download</a> ] [ <a href="#install">Installation</a>
  8.     ] [ <a href="#use">Usage</a> ] [ <a href="mailto:drdani@mazsola.iit.uni-miskolc.hu">Mail
  9.       to developer</a> ]
  10.     <p> </p>
  11.     <pre><tt><font size="+1">
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  20.  </font></tt></pre>
  21.    <h1>Software simulator for microcontrollers</h1>
  22.    <b><i>&mu;Csim</i></b> can be used to simulate microcontrollers. It supports
  23.    MCS51 family, AVR core, Z80, HC08, ST7, STM8, TLCS90, XA51 and Paduk. It can
  24.    run on Linux, Windows, OSX, BSD, and other systems.<br>
  25.    <br>
  26.    See <a href="news.html">what's new</a> in current version.<br>
  27.     <h2><a name="download">Download</a></h2>
  28.     There are two places where you can download <i>&mu;Csim</i> from:<br>
  29.     <ol>
  30.       <li>SDCC homepage. <i>&mu;Csim</i> is part of the SDCC (Small Device C
  31.         Compiler) project. You can download source of SDCC and precompiled
  32.         binaries from <a href="http://sdcc.sf.net">http://sdcc.sf.net</a>.</li>
  33.       <li><i>&mu;Csim</i> site. Standalone source package is available on the <i>&mu;Csim</i>
  34.         web site:<br>
  35.         <a href="http://mazsola.iit.uni-miskolc.hu/ucsim/download">http://mazsola.iit.uni-miskolc.hu/ucsim/download</a>
  36.       </li>
  37.     </ol>
  38.     <p><!-- INSTALL --></p>
  39.     <h2><a name="install">How to install</a></h2>
  40.     UNIX version is distributed in source.
  41.     <ol>
  42.       <li>Get archive file, uncompress and untar it. These steps will produce a
  43.         directory <b>ucsim-X.Y.Z</b> where X.Y.Z is the version number. </li>
  44.       <li>Go to the directory and configure the package. Issue <tt><b>configure</b></tt>
  45.         command. It will determine your system and make <b>Makefile</b>.
  46.         Installation directory can be specified with <b><tt>--prefix=<i>dir</i></tt></b><!-- -- -->
  47.         option to the <tt><b>configure</b></tt>. Default directory is <tt>/usr/local</tt>.
  48.         Executable file will be placed in <tt>bin</tt> subdirectory. </li>
  49.       <li>Compile the package with <tt><b>make</b></tt> command. </li>
  50.       <li>Install executables <b>s51</b>, <b>savr</b>, <b>shc08</b>, <b>sxa</b>,
  51.         <b>sz80, etc.</b> to any directory you want. It can be done with <tt><b>make
  52.             install</b></tt> command which will place files in installation
  53.         directory specified with <tt><b>--prefix=<i>dir</i></b><!-- --
  54. --></tt> option of <tt><b>configure</b></tt>. Note that you may have to have
  55.         special privilege to do this if installation directory is not writeable
  56.         by you. </li>
  57.     </ol>
  58.     <!-- USE -->
  59.     <h2><a name="use">How to use</a></h2>
  60.     <ul>
  61.       <li> <a href="invoke.html">Invocation</a>.<br>
  62.         Starting the simulator program. </li>
  63.     </ul>
  64.     <p><b>Features of the simulator</b> </p>
  65.     <ul>
  66.       <li><a href="analyzer.html">Code analyser</a>. <br>
  67.         The simulator tries to figure out places of valid instructions in code
  68.         area.</li>
  69.       <li><a href="cpu_types.html">Processor types</a>. <br>
  70.         The simulator can simulate different type of microcontrollers. </li>
  71.       <li><a href="mulcons.html">Multiple consoles</a>. <br>
  72.         The simulator can handle more than one command consoles and accepts
  73.         command from multiple sources. It also can be driven by other programs
  74.         such as debugger interfaces. </li>
  75.       <li><a href="serial.html">Serial interfaces</a>. <br>
  76.         The simulator can virtually connect a terminal to serial interface of
  77.         the simulated CPU. </li>
  78.       <li><a href="memory.html">Memory simulation</a>. <br>
  79.         Simulated CPU provides address spaces, storage is simulated by memory
  80.         chips, address decoders connects them together. </li>
  81.       <li><a href="simif.html">Simulator interface</a>.<br>
  82.         This is a special interface which provides services for the simulated
  83.         program. This services can be used to control the simulator (for example
  84.         run/stop) and access some host features (print, file I/O).</li>
  85.       <li><a href="syntax.html">Command syntax</a> and <a href="cmd.html">command
  86.           reference</a>. <br>
  87.         The simulator can be controlled via a command line interface. It accepts
  88.         simple commands. </li>
  89.     </ul>
  90.     <hr>
  91.     <table border="0">
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  93.         <tr>
  94.           <td><a href="mailto:drdani@mazsola.iit.uni-miskolc.hu"><img src="post.jpg"
  95.                 align="top" border="0"></a></td>
  96.           <td><i>&#169; 1997,99 Dсniel Drєtos, Talker Bt.</i> <br>
  97.             <a href="mailto:drdani@mazsola.iit.uni-miskolc.hu">drdani@mazsola.iit.uni-miskolc.hu</a></td>
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  102. </html>