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  4.     <title>&mu;Csim: Invokation</title>
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  7.     <h1>Starting the simulator</h1>
  8.     There are separate programs to simulate different microcontroller families:
  9.     <p>MCS51 family is simulated by <b>s51</b> <br>
  10.       AVR family is simulated by <b>savr</b> <br>
  11.       Z80 processor is simulated by <b>sz80</b> <br>
  12.       XA family is simulated by <b>sxa</b> <br>
  13.       HC08 processor is simulated by <b>shc08</b> <br>
  14.       ST7 family is simulated by <b>sst7</b> <br>
  15.       STM8 family is simulated by <b>sstm8</b> <br>
  16.       TLCS90 family is simulated by <b>stlcs<br>
  17.       </b>Padauk family is simulated by <b>spdk</b></p>
  18.     <p>The simulator can be started in the following way: </p>
  19.     <p><tt><font color="blue">$</font> s51 [-hHVvPgGw] [-p prompt] [-t CPU] [-X
  20.         freq[k|M]] [-C cfg_file] [-c file] [-s file] [-S optionlist] [-a nr] [-Z
  21.         portnum] [-k portnum] [files...]</tt> </p>
  22.     <p>Specified files must be names of Intel hex files. Simulator loads them in
  23.       the specified order into the ROM of the simulated system.If the file is
  24.       specified without extension, the simulator will try to find intel hex file
  25.       (filename extended with .hex), omf file (with .omf) and cdb file (with
  26.       .cdb extension). Simulator can interpret content of these SDCC output
  27.       files and reads information from them.</p>
  28.     <p>Options: </p>
  29.     <dl>
  30.       <dt><tt><b>-t CPU</b></tt> </dt>
  31.       <dd>Type of CPU. Recognized types are different for different simulators,
  32.         for example MCS51 simulator recognizes 51, 8051, 8751, C51, 80C51,
  33.         87C51, 31, 8031, C31, 80C31, 52, 8052, 8752, C52, 80C52, 87C52, 32,
  34.         8032, C32, 80C32, 51R, 51RA, 51RB, 51RC, C51R, C51RA, C51RB, C51RC,
  35.         89C51R, 251, C251, DS390, DS390F. Note that recognition of a CPU type as
  36.         option does not mean that the simulator can simulate that kind of CPU.
  37.         Default type is C51. <br>
  38.         DS390 supports Dallas DS80C390 24 bit flat mode, dual-dptr operations,
  39.         etc. DS390F is the same as DS390, but it starts already in 24 bit flat
  40.         mode (ACON = 0xFA instead of 0xF8). DS390F is needed to run programs
  41.         compiled with sdcc -mds390.<br>
  42.         -H option can be used to list all of recognized CPU types.<br>
  43.         See <a href="cpu_types.html">how to select CPU type</a>. </dd>
  44.       <dt><tt><b>-X freq[k|M]</b></tt> </dt>
  45.       <dd>XTAL frequency is <b>freq</b> Hertz. <b>k</b> or <b>M</b> can be
  46.         used to specify frequency in kHZ or MHz. Space is not allowed between
  47.         the number and the <b>k</b> or <b>M</b>. Default value is 11059200 Hz.
  48.         <a name="coption"></a></dd>
  49.       <dt><span style="font-family: monospace;"><b>-C cfg_file</b></span></dt>
  50.       <dd>Read and execute initial commands from specified file.</dd>
  51.       <dt><a name="coption"><tt><b>-c file</b></tt></a> </dt>
  52.       <dd>Open command console on <b>file</b>. Command consoles are on standard
  53.         input and output by default. Using this option the console can be opened
  54.         on any file for example on the serial interface of the computer. <a name="Zoption"></a></dd>
  55.       <dt><a name="Zoption"><tt><b>-Z portnum</b></tt></a> </dt>
  56.       <dd>Listen for incoming connections on port <b>portnum</b>. Using this
  57.         option <i>&mu;Csim</i> can serve multiple consoles. You can get a console
  58.         by simply telnet into machine running <i>&mu;Csim</i> to port <b>portnumber</b>.
  59.         This option is not available on platforms which doesn't support BSD
  60.        networking. <br>
  61.        See <a href="mulcons.html">how to use multiple consoles</a>. </dd>
  62.      <dt><tt><b>-k portnum</b></tt></dt>
  63.      <dd>Listen for incoming connections on port <b>portnum</b>. When this
  64.        port connected, the connection will be attached to simulated UART0.This
  65.        option is not useful for other UARTs, so it is better to use the more
  66.        general -S option. </dd>
  67.      <dt><tt><b>-s file</b></tt> </dt>
  68.      <dd>Connect serial interface (UART0) of the simulated microcontroller to
  69.        the <b>file</b>. Nothing is used by default which means that characters
  70.        transmitted by serial interface of the simulated microcontroller go to
  71.        nowhere and it will never receive anything. If you are going to
  72.        communicate with serial interface interactively the best idea is to
  73.        specify a terminal with -s option. </dd>
  74.      <dt><tt><b>-S uart=nr,in=file,out=file,port=nr,iport=nr,oport=nr</b></tt> </dt>
  75.      <dd>Using this option you can specify different files for input and output
  76.        streams that <i>&mu;Csim</i> uses to simulate microprocessor's serial
  77.         interface. <br>
  78.         See <a href="serial.html">more about serial interface simulation</a>. </dd>
  79.       <dt><span style="font-family: monospace;"><b>-I
  80.             if=memory[address],in=file,out=file</b></span></dt>
  81.       <dd>Specify options (as comma separated list) for the simulator interface.
  82.         <b>if</b> option turns on the interface and specifies address space and
  83.         location for use by the interface. <b>in</b> and <b>out</b> can be
  84.         used to specify file names to use for file IO.</dd>
  85.       <dt><tt><b>-p prompt</b></tt> </dt>
  86.       <dd>Using this option you can specify any string to be the prompt of
  87.         command interpreter, for example:
  88.         <pre><font color="blue">$</font> s51 -p "s51&gt; "
  89. <font color="green">ucsim 0.2.12, Copyright (C) 1997 Daniel Drotos, Talker Bt.
  90. ucsim comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
  91. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
  92. under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
  93. 0s51&gt; </font></pre>
  94.       </dd>
  95.       <dt><tt><b>-P</b></tt> </dt>
  96.       <dd>Prompt will be a null ('\0') character. This feature can be useful for
  97.         programs which controls simulator through a pipe. </dd>
  98.       <dt><span style="font-family: monospace;"><b>-g</b></span></dt>
  99.       <dd>Go, start simulation when the program is loaded.</dd>
  100.       <dt><span style="font-family: monospace;"><b>-G</b></span></dt>
  101.       <dd>Start simulation when the program is loaded and terminate the
  102.         simulator when the simulation stops (maybe on breakpoint).</dd>
  103.       <dt><span style="font-family: monospace;"><b>-a nr</b></span></dt>
  104.       <dd>Set size of variable space. Default is 256.</dd>
  105.       <dt><span style="font-family: monospace;"><b>-w</b></span></dt>
  106.       <dd>Writable flash.</dd>
  107.       <dt><tt><b>-V</b></tt> </dt>
  108.       <dd>Verbose mode. The simulator notifies you about some kind of internal
  109.         actions for example interrupts. Messages are printed on command console.
  110.       </dd>
  111.       <dt><tt><b>-v</b></tt> </dt>
  112.       <dd>Print out version number and stop. </dd>
  113.       <dt><tt><b>-H</b></tt> </dt>
  114.       <dd>Print out types of known CPUs. Names printed out by this option can be
  115.         used to determine CPU type using <tt><b>-t</b></tt> option. </dd>
  116.       <dt><tt><b>-h</b></tt> </dt>
  117.       <dd>Print out a short help about the options and stop. </dd>
  118.     </dl>
  119.     <hr>
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