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;       В│ВнВчВ╠ЛGР▀      FILENAME:CSas#_##(CS+П═+╝┼╪╡ No.(+╗╠▐┼▌╩▐░))
;               ГVБ[ГУБ@ВVВOВT
;               ЧщОqВ╠ТaР╢СOУ·Б@ОйСюВ╓В╠У╣


        DW      S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7, S8
        DW      M1
        DW      CM1
        DW      V_FNAME,N_FNAME

        INCLUDE "V_NAME00.INC"                  ; 0=NoCommand , 1-49=NormalCommand
        INCLUDE "N_NAME00.INC"                  ; 50-99=HseenCommand

;       Б@Б@Б@ УоОМБ@Б@Ц╝ОММQ
CM1:    DW      VV1,    NN1,NN2,NN3,NN4,NN5,NN6,NN7,NN8,-1

;VV1:   DB      1,      'ШbВ╖',0
VV1:    DB      1,      "TALK",0

;NN1:   DB      1,      'Р╜',0
NN1:    DB      1,      "MAKOTO",0
;NN2:   DB      2,      'ЧщОq',0
NN2:    DB      2,      "REIKO",0
;NN3:   DB      3,      'Р┤Ф№',0
NN3:    DB      3,      "KIYOMI",0
;NN4:   DB      4,      'Ф№ПП',0
NN4:    DB      4,      "MIO",0
;NN5:   DB      5,      'РпИд',0
NN5:    DB      5,      "SEIA",0
;NN6:   DB      6,      'МbИ╦Ф№',0
NN6:    DB      6,      "MEIMI",0
;NN7:   DB      7,      'РLНK',0
NN7:    DB      7,      "NOBUYUKI",0
;NN8:   DB      8,      'ЙpФ№',0
NN8:    DB      8,      "HIDEMI",0

;       Б@Б@Б@ УоОМ Ц╝ОМ ╠╫╕▐ ╥п╛░╝▐
S1:             DW      VV1, NN1,  1, M2                ;ШbВ╖Б@Р╜ВP
S2:             DW      VV1, NN2,  2, M3                ;ШbВ╖Б@ЧщОqВP
S3:             DW      VV1, NN3,  3, M4                ;ШbВ╖Б@Р┤Ф№ВP
S4:             DW      VV1, NN4,  4, M5                ;ШbВ╖Б@Ф№ППВP
S5:             DW      VV1, NN5,  5, M6                ;ШbВ╖Б@РпИдВP
S6:             DW      VV1, NN6,  6, M7                ;ШbВ╖Б@МbИ╦Ф№ВP
S7:             DW      VV1, NN7,  7, M8, M9            ;ШbВ╖Б@РLНKВQ
S8:             DW      VV1, NN8,  8, M10, M11          ;ШbВ╖Б@ЙpФ№ВQ

        DB      BGM,6
;       DB      'БEБEБEБEБEБE'
        DB      "....."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "............."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "................."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "..........................."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "............................................"
        DB      "............................................"
        DB      "............................................"
        DB      NEXT
        E_CG B_FADE,'AB_42'
        DB      "%001:  .......Hmmm..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "%001:  ......."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFНбБAЙ╜ОЮВ╛БH'
        DB      "%001:  What time is it?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "%001:  ......."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFВ░БAВрВдЙ║НZОЮК╘В╢ВсВ╦Б`ВйБB'
        DB      "%001:  What? Is it already time for school to let out?" 
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFБEБEБEЛAВчВ╚ВлВсБB'
        DB      "%001:  .....I better go back."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "......................."
        DB      NEXT
        BAK_INIT 'AB_36_1'
        DB      BUF,B_COPY01
        T_CG 'CT14','S',0,37,4
;       DB      'БyР╜БzБFБEБEБEВцВдБA%001БBВрВдВвВвВ╠ВйБH'
        DB      "Makoto:  Hey, %001. How's it going?"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFБEБEБEВаВаБAВ╛ВвВ╘Г}ГVВ╔В╚В┴В╜БB'
        DB      "%001:  Good, I feel much better."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyР╜БzБFБEБEБEВ╗ВдВйВЯБH'
        DB      "Makoto:  Really?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      BUF,B_COPY01
        TU_CG 'CT03','S','I',10,3
        TU_CG 'CT02','S','I',0,2
        T_CG 'CT01','S','I',35,1
        DB      ANI,A_ON,3
        DB      ANI,A_ON,2
;       DB      'БyЧщОqБzБFБEБEБE%001МNБIБH',CR
        DB      "Reiko:  %001?!",CR 
;       DB      'БyФ№ППБzБFБEБEБE%001РцФyБIБH'
        DB      "Mio:  %001?!"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFБEБEБEВцБB'
        DB      "%001:  Hi."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Reiko:  What do you mean, 'Hi'? I heard you collapsed in"
        DB      CR
        DB      "the middle of class!"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Mio:  So then we went over to the nurse's office, but"
        DB      CR
        DB      "there was nobody there, so we rushed over here to see"
        DB      CR
        DB      "what was going on."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFБEБEБEВ╗ВйБBВлВ┴В╞НsВлИсВвВ╔В╚В┴В╜ВёВ╛В╚БB'
        DB      "%001:  Oh. We must have just missed each other."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyЧщОqБzБFВ╗ВёВ╚ОЦВцВшБIСхПфХvВ╚В╠РgС╠БIБH'
        DB      "Reiko:  So what?! What's more important is how you're"
        DB      CR
        DB      "feeling!"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFБEБEБEВаВаБAОvВвВ┴ВлВшРQВ╜ВйВчВ╚БB'
        DB      "%001:  I'm feeling better. I slept a really long time."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Mio:  But %001, you're still kind of flushed."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFЛCВ╠В╣ВвВ╛ВцБB'
        DB      "%001:  Ah, it's nothing."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Mio:  But...."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "%001:  I said I'm fine... Is school over?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kiyomi:  That's right, but, are you all right?"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFБEБEБEВаВаБAХ╜ЛCВ│БB'
        DB      "%001:  Hey, I'm fine."
        DB      PAUSE
;       DB      'БEБEБEКУВ═БEБEБE'
        DB      " Where's my bag?"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyР┤Ф№БzБFВ═ВвБBВ▒ВъВ┼В╖ВэБB'
        DB      "Kiyomi:  Here. There you go."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFБEБEБEВаВаБAВ│ВёВлВуБB'
        DB      "%001:  Oh, thanks."
        DB      PAUSE
        DB      " Well, see you tomorrow..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      GATA,1
        DB      " *CRASH*"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFБEБEБEВ┴В╞БB'
        DB      "%001:  .......Ugh."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyЧщОqБzБF%001МNБIБI'
        DB      "Reiko:  %001!!"
        DB      CR
;       DB      'БyР┤Ф№БzБF%001В│ВёБIБI'
        DB      "Kiyomi:  %001!!"
        DB      CR
;       DB      'БyФ№ППБzБF%001РцФyБIБI'
        DB      "Mio:  %001!!"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFБEБEБEБEБEБEВаВъБH'
        DB      "%001:  .........Huh?"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyЧщОqБzБFБwВаВъБHБxВ╢ВсВ╚ВвВэВцГzГУГgВ╔ВрВдБIБI'
        DB      "Reiko:  Okay, this is getting ridiculous!"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyР┤Ф№БzБF%001В│ВёБAВ╡В┴ВйВшВ╚В│В┴В─БI'
        DB      "Kiyomi:  %001, pull yourself together!"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyФ№ППБzБF%001РцФyБI'
        DB      "Mio:  %001!"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFБEБEБEБEБEБEСхПфХvБBВ┐ВхВ┴В╞В┬В▄В╕ВвВ╜В╛ВпВ│БB'
        DB      "%001:  It's okay. I just tripped, that's all."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Reiko:  ...................."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyЧщОqБzБFР┤Ф№В┐ВсВёБA%001МNВ╠Й╞ТmВ┴В─ВщБH'
        DB      "Reiko:  Kiyomi, do you know where %001's house is?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kiyomi:  No, I don't....."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      BUF,B_COPY01
        TU_CG 'CT14','S',0,37,4
        TU_CG 'CT08','S',0,0,8
        T_CG 'CT07','S',0,23,7
        DB      ANI,A_ON,8
        DB      ANI,A_ON,4
;       DB      'БyР╜БzБF%001В╠Й╞В╚ВчБAТmВ┴В─ВщВпВ╟ГIГМБB'
        DB      "Makoto:  I know where his house is."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyЧщОqБzБFВ╗ВдБBВ╢ВсВаИлВвВёВ╛ВпВ╟БAИ─УрВ╡В─ВнВъВщБH'
        DB      "Reiko:  Would you show us? I don't think he'll make it"
        DB      CR
        DB      "home alone in his condition."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyМbИ╦Ф№БzБFБEБEБEЙ╞В╟В▒ВыВйБAНZЦхХ╙ВшВ┼У|ВъВ┐ВсВдВёВ╢ВсВ╚ВвБH'
        DB      "Meimi:  I don't think he'll make it out of the school,"
        DB      CR
        DB      "much less to his house."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyР╜БzБFВэВ┴ВйВшВ▄В╡В╜БBВ▓И─УрВвВ╜В╡В▄В╡ВхВдБB'
        DB      "Makoto:  Understood. We will escort you home, sir."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFБEБEБEВиБAВиВвБEБEБE'
        DB      "%001:  H- Hey....."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyИъУпБzБFХaРlВ═БAСхРlВ╡ВнВ╡В─В╚В│ВвБIБI'
        DB      "All:  You're sick. Behave yourself!"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "%001:  Okay..."
        DB      NEXT
        B_O B_FADE
        DB      "........................"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      BGM,17
        BAK_INIT 'AB_15'
        B_P1 B_WIPE
;       DB      'БyР╜БzБFБEБEБEВ▒В▒ВкВ╗ВдВ┼В╖В║БAЧщОqВ│ВёБB'
        DB      "Makoto:  This is it, Reiko."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyЧщОqБzБFВ╓Б`БAУdЛCЙоВ│ВёВ╚В╠В╦БB'
        DB      "Reiko:  Oh, it's an electronics store."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyФ№ППБzБFБEБEБEВ▓В▀ВёВнВ╛В│Б[ВвБI'
        DB      "Mio:  Hello!"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      ANI,A_INIT
        DB      BUF,B_COPY01
        T_CG 'CT09',0,0,0,5
;       DB      'БyРLНKБzБFВ═ВвБAВвВчВ┴В╡ВсВвБB'
        DB      "Nobuyuki:  Hello, come in."
        DB      PAUSE
;       DB      'БEБEБEВёБH%001БHИъС╠Й╜ВЁВтВ┴В╞ВщВёВ╛БH'
        DB      " %001? What the heck are you",CR,"doing?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "%001:  .................."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyР┤Ф№БzБFО└В═БEБEБEВйВнВйВнВ╡ВйВ╢ВйБB'
        DB      "Kiyomi:  Actually..... (explain explain)"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Nobuyuki:  ....Oh, now I understand."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyРLНKБzБFВ┬В▄Вш%001В═БAВиПьВ│ВёТBВЁИъХ╙В╔СКОшВ╡ВцВдВ╞В╡В─БA'
        DB      "Nobuyuki:  So basically %001, in trying to get all you"
        DB      CR
        DB      "women to fall in love with him, has used up all his"
        DB      CR
        DB      "strength."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kiyomi:  Well, not really."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "%001:  Dad....."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Nobuyuki:  %001, I know you're inexperienced, but you"
        DB      CR
        DB      "still  shouldn't be so reckless."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Nobuyuki:  Well, I know you probably won't listen to me"
        DB      CR
        DB      "anyway, but... Next time make sure you call me."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Nobuyuki:  I'll show you how to go about it the right"
        DB      CR
        DB      "way."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "%001:  Dad, will you please stop it...?"
        DB      NEXT
        T_CG1 'CT10',0,0,40,6
        DB ANI,A_ON,5
;       DB      'БyЙpФ№БzБFБEБEБEВаВчБIБH'
        DB      "Meimi:  What's this?!"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyЙpФ№БzБFВаВчВаВчВаВчВаВчВаВчВаВчВаВчВаВчВаВчВаВчВаВчВаВчВаВчБI'
        DB      "Hidemi:  What.....is.......this!"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyЙpФ№БzБFВ╡ВуБ`В┐ВсВёБIТNВ╚В╠В╗В╠Ц║ТBБIБH'
        DB      "Hidemi:  Shu-chan! Who are all these women?"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyРLНKБzБF%001В╠ГXГeГfГBВ╛В╗ВдВ╛БB'
        DB      "Nobuyuki:  Apparently these are all his girlfriends."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyЙpФ№БzБFБEБEБEБEБEБE'
        DB      "Hidemi:  ............................"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyЙpФ№БzБFВёВ▄Б[Б[Б[Б[Б[Б[Б[Б[Б[Б[Б[Б[Б[Б[Б[Б[В┴БIБI'
        DB      "Hidemi:  Waaaaah!!"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyЙpФ№БzБFВ╨В╟ВвВэВ╡ВуВдВ┐ВсВёБAЙpФ№БAВ╞В┴В─ВрВ╞В┴В─ВрВйВ╚В╡Б`БB'
        DB      "Hidemi:  How mean of you, Shu-chan, you've made Mommy very"
        DB      CR
        DB      "sad."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyРLНKБzБFВ▄ВаВ▄ВаХъВ│ВёБA%001В╛В┴В─РмТ╖В╡В─ВщВёВ╛БB'
        DB      "Nobuyuki:  Well now, dear, %001 is growing up. It's very"
        DB      CR
        DB      "promising that he can get all these women to go out with"
        DB      CR
        DB      "him at once."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyЙpФ№БzБFВ┼ВрВ┼ВрВзБAЙpФ№В╠В╡ВуВдВ┐ВсВёС╝В╠ОqВ╔ОцВчВъВ╜ВнВ╚Б`ВвБB'
        DB      "Hidemi:  But, I don't want anyone else to take my little"
        DB      CR
        DB      "Shu-chan away."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Nobuyuki:  I understand how you feel, but...."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "%001:  Please...."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "%001:  Somebody...."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFБEБEБEЙ┤ВЁВ▒В┴ВйВчБAЛ~ВвПoВ╡В─ВнВъВеБEБEБE'
        DB      "%001:  Get me out of here..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      GATA,2
        B_O B_NORM
;       DB      'ВкВнВ┴БB'
        DB      "*CRASH*"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyЧщОqБzБFВлВсВа%001МNБIБH'
        DB      "Reiko:  %001, careful!"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyР┤Ф№БzБFВ╞БAВ╞В╔ВйВнСБВнГxГbГhВ╓БI'
        DB      "Kiyomi:  ....Anyway, straight to bed!"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyР╜БzБFВ▒В┴В┐В╛БI'
        DB      "Makoto:  His room's upstairs!"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'В╟В╜В╬В╜В╟В╜В╬В╜'
;       DB      NEXT
        DB      "Nobuyuki:  Dear, all boys will have to leave the nest"
        DB      CR
        DB      "someday...."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyЙpФ№БzБFВ┼ВрВ┼ВрВзБEБEБEБEБEБE'
        DB      "Hidemi:  But, but...."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "..............................."
        DB      NEXT
        BAK_INIT 'AB_38_1'
        DB      BUF,B_COPY01
        TU_CG 'CT03','S',0,10,3
        TU_CG 'CT02','S',0,0,2
        T_CG 'CT01','S',0,35,1
        DB      ANI,A_ON,3
        DB      ANI,A_ON,2
;       DB      'БyЧщОqБzБFБEБEБEВ╙ВдБBВ▒ВъВ┼ВцВ╡БAВ╞БB'
        DB      "Reiko:  Phew. That's it, I guess."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyР┤Ф№БzБFЙ╜В╞ВйБAЧОВ┐ТЕВлВ▄В╡В╜ВэВ╦БB'
        DB      "Kiyomi:  Yes, he seems to have calmed down."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyФ№ППБzБF%001РцФyБEБEБEСхПфХvБH'
        DB      "Mio:  %001....are you alright?"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFБEБEБEВаВаБEБEБEЙ╜В╞ВйБB'
        DB      "%001:  Yeah, pretty much."
        DW      0000H

M2:             ;ШbВ╖Б@Р╜ВP
        DB      BUF,B_COPY01
        T_CG 'CT14','S',0,0,4
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFБEБEБEР╜БEБEБEИлВшГBБB'
        DB      "%001:  Makoto...thanks for helping me out."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyР╜БzБFВ▄Б`В┴В╜ВнБAВвВвЦ└ШfВ╛В║БB'
        DB      "Makoto:  Yeah, you're a pain in the butt."
        DB      NEXT
        T_CG 'CT01','S',0,35,1
        DB      ANI,A_ON,4
;       DB      'БyЧщОqБzБFВ▓В▀ВёВ╚В│ВвВ╦БBХtВлНЗВэВ╣В┐ВсВ┴В─БEБEБE'
        DB      "Reiko:  Sorry for making you help us."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyР╜БzБFБEБEБEВвБ`ВёВ┼В╖ВцВзЧщОqВ│ВёБBВ▒В╠ВнВчВвБAВиИ└ВвМфЧpВ╚ВёВ┼В╖ВйВчБI'
        DB      "Makoto:  No problem, Reiko. In fact, it was rather a"
        DB      CR
        DB      "pleasure!"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "%001:  .........................."
        EF_SET 101
        DW      0000H

M3:             ;ШbВ╖Б@ЧщОqВP
        DB      BUF,B_COPY01
        T_CG 'CT01','S',0,35,1
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFБEБEБEЧщОqВ│ВёБEБEБEИлВшГBБB'
        DB      "%001:  Reiko, thanks for taking me home."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyЧщОqБzБFВ╚Б`В╔М╛В┴В─ВёВ╠БBВ▒В╠ВнВчВвБAВ╟ВдВ┴В─ОЦВ╚ВвВэБB'
        DB      "Reiko:  Oh, hush. It was no nothing at all."
        EF_SET 102
        DW      0000H

M4:             ;ШbВ╖Б@Р┤Ф№ВP
        DB      BUF,B_COPY01
        T_CG 'CT02','S',0,0,2
        DB      "%001:  Kiyomi, thanks for helping me."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyР┤Ф№БzБFВвВвВжБAУЦСRВ╠ОЦВЁВ╡В╜В╛ВпВ┼В╖ВэБB'
        DB      "Kiyomi:  Don't be silly, it was the obvious thing to do."      
        EF_SET 103
        DW      0000H

M5:             ;ШbВ╖Б@Ф№ППВP
        DB      BUF,B_COPY01
        T_CG 'CT03','S',0,10,3
        DB      "%001:  Mio, thanks for helping me out."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyФ№ППБzБFВдВдВёБEБEБE%001РцФyБAСхПфХvБH'
        DB      "Mio:  Mmhm.....%001, are you sure you're okay?"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFБEБEБEВаВаБEБEБE'
        DB      "%001:  Sure."
        EF_SET 104
        DW      0000H

M6:             ;ШbВ╖Б@РпИдВP
        DB      BUF,B_COPY01
        T_CG 'CT07','S',0,23,7
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFБEБEБEЛgУcБEБEБEИлВшГBБB'
        DB      "%001:  Seia, thanks."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyРпИдБzБFВвВвВжБAНвВ┴В─ВвВщРlВЁВиПХВпВ╖ВщОЦВ═БAОхВ╠В▓И╙ОuВ╔'
        DB      "Seia:  It is God's will that we should help people in need."
        EF_SET 105
        DW      0000H

M7:             ;ШbВ╖Б@МbИ╦Ф№ВP
        DB      BUF,B_COPY01
        T_CG 'CT08','S',0,30,8
        DB      "%001:  Thanks for helping me get back, Meimi."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyМbИ╦Ф№БzБFВ▄В┴В╜ВнБEБEБEВ╛Б`ВйВчМ╛ВэВёВ▒В┴В┐ВсВ╚ВвВ╠ВцБB'
        DB      "Meimi:  Well, don't worry about it, okay?"
;       DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFБEБEБEИлВшБEБEБE'
;       DB      "%001:  Sorry."
        EF_SET 106
        DW      0000H

M8:             ;ШbВ╖Б@РLНKВP
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFБEБEБEРeХГВ═БEБEБEБH'
        DB      "%001:  Where's my father?"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyР╜БzБFЙ║В╛В╞ОvВдВ║БHМ─ВёВ┼В▒ВцВдВйБH'
        DB      "Makoto:  I think he's downstairs. You want me to get him?"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFВвВтБEБEБEВ╗ВъВ╛ВпВ═О~В▀В─ВнВъБEБEБE'
        DB      "%001:  No, anything but that...."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Reiko:  I've never met your Dad before, but he's kind"
        DB      CR
        DB      "of..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "%001:  Please, Reiko, don't finish that sentence."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyЧщОqБzБFБEБEБEВдВёБBВэВйВ┴В╜ВэБB'
        DB      "Reiko:  Sure, okay."
        DB      FLG,F_COPYI,7,1
        EF_SET 107
        DW      0000H

M9:             ;ШbВ╖Б@РLНKВQ
;       DB      'БEБEБEБEБEБE'
        DB      "......................."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Nevermind. I don't want to expose myself to any more"
        DB      CR
        DB      "embarrassment."
        DW      0000H

M10:            ;ШbВ╖Б@ЙpФ№ВP
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFБEБEБEВйБ[В┐ВсВёВ═БEБEБEБH'
        DB      "%001:  Where's my mother?"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyР╜БzБFЙ║В╛В╞ОvВдВ║БHМ─ВёВ┼В▒ВцВдВйБH'
        DB      "Makoto:  I think she's downstairs. You want me to get"
        DB      CR
        DB      "her?"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFВвВтБEБEБEВ╗ВъВ╛ВпВ═О~В▀В─ВнВъБEБEБE'
        DB      "%001:  No, please!"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyЧщОqБzБFПЙВ▀В─ЙяВ┴В╜ВпВ╟БEБEБE%001МNВ╠ВиХъЧlВ┴В─БEБEБE'
        DB      "Reiko:  I've never met your Mom before...but..."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyР┤Ф№БzБFВ╞В┴В─ВрКyВ╡В╗ВдВ╚Х√В┼В╖В╦БB'
        DB      "Kiyomi:  I thought she was really nice."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "%001:  ............."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Reiko:  ................"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Meimi:  Kiyomi, I really wonder about you sometimes...."
        DB      FLG,F_COPYI,8,1
        EF_SET 108
        DW      0000H

M11:            ;ШbВ╖Б@ЙpФ№ВQ
;       DB      'БEБEБEБEБEБE'
        DB      ".........................................."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Nevermind. She's not here."
        DW      0000H

M_EXIT:         ;
        DB      FLG,F_COPYI,255,1
        DB      FLG,F_MAND,9,255,101,102,103,104,105,106,107,108
        DB      FLG,F_EXIT,255
        DB      NEXT
        DB      BUF,B_COPY01
        TU_CG 'CT03','S',0,10,3
        TU_CG 'CT02','S',0,0,2
        T_CG 'CT01','S',0,35,1
        DB      ANI,A_ON,3
        DB      ANI,A_ON,2
        DB      "Reiko:  .....Well, %001. We better get going. Make sure"
        DB      CR
        DB      "you get enough sleep."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyР┤Ф№БzБFРцР╢ВйВчЦсВ┴В╜ВиЦЄБAВ▒В▒В╔ТuВвВ─ВиВлВ▄В╖БB'
        DB      "Kiyomi:  I'll put the medicine we got from the nurse"
        DB      CR
        DB      "right here. Don't forget to take it."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyФ№ППБzБFРцФyБEБEБEВиСхОЦВ╔БB'
        DB      "Mio:  Take care, %001."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      BUF,B_COPY01
        TU_CG 'CT14','S',0,37,4
        TU_CG 'CT08','S',0,0,8
        T_CG 'CT07','S',0,23,7
        DB      ANI,A_ON,8
        DB      ANI,A_ON,4
;       DB      'БyМbИ╦Ф№БzБFВ┐ВсВёВ╞ЦЄИ∙В▐В╠ВцБI'
        DB      "Meimi:  Make sure you take that medicine!"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyРпИдБzБFСхПфХvВ┼В╖ВэМbИ╦Ф№В┐ВсВёБBВ┐ВсВёВ╞БAМфЧ╝РeВ╔М╛ХtВпВ╡В─ВиВлВ▄В╖ВрВ╠БB'
        DB      "Seia:  Don't worry, Meimi. I'll tell his parents to take"
        DB      CR
        DB      "care of it."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyР╜БzБFВ╢ВсВаВ╚БI%001БI'
        DB      "Makoto:  See ya, %001!"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "%001:  Yeah. Thanks, everybody....."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "........................................"
        DB      NEXT
        B_O B_SUDA
        DB      "Reiko:  ...Oh, it's my birthday tomorrow, you know. I'm"
        DB      CR
        DB      "going to be twenty-three."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kiyomi:  ......Well, how would it be if we had the party"
        DB      CR
        DB      "at %001's house?"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyМbИ╦Ф№БzБFВаБAВ╗ВъВвВвБI'
        DB      "Meimi:  Sounds good!"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyФ№ППБzБFО^РмБI'
        DB      "Mio:  Great!"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyР╜БzБFИ┘ЛcВ╚В╡БI'
        DB      "Makoto:  Sure!"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyЧщОqБzБFБEБEБEВ┼ВрБAЦ└ШfВ╚ВёВ╢ВсВ╚ВвБH'
        DB      "Reiko:  ...Are you sure it's okay?"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyР╜БzБFВ╛ВвВ╢ВхБ`В╘БBВаВвВ┬ГУЙ╞БAВ▌ВёВ╚ВиН╒ВшНDВлВ╛ВйВч'
        DB      "Makoto:  Sure. His family loves parties."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Reiko:  Really? Well, if you think so...."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyРпИдБzБFВ┼В═БAМИВ▄ВшВ┼В╖ВэВ╦БBВ┼В═БAТiОцВшВЁЩrВ▀В▄В╡ВхВдБB'
        DB      "Seia:  Okay, let's do that. Why don't we start organizing?"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyР┤Ф№БzБFПАФїВ═БAВэВ╜ВнВ╡В╠Й╞В┼В╡В╜Х√ВкЧ╟ВвВ╞ОvВвВ▄В╖ВэБB'
        DB      "Kiyomi:  Why don't we prepare at my house? Shinji will"
        DB      CR
        DB      "be there too, and the kitchen is pretty big."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Mio:  Well, I....."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "..................................."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      SINARIO,'CS706.OVL',0
        DW      0000H
