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;       В│ВнВчВ╠ЛGР▀      FILENAME:CSas#_##(CS+П═+╝┼╪╡ No.(+╗╠▐┼▌╩▐░))
;               ГVБ[ГУБ@ВWВOВRБQВR
;               С╠ИчН╒ВRУ·СOБ@Н╪РHОхЛ`В╠ШTВ│ВёБ@МbИ╦Ф№Х╥


        DW      S1, S2, S3
        DW      M1
        DW      CM1, CM2, CM3
        DW      V_FNAME,N_FNAME

        INCLUDE "V_NAME00.INC"                  ; 0=NoCommand , 1-49=NormalCommand
        INCLUDE "N_NAME00.INC"                  ; 50-99=HseenCommand

;       Б@Б@Б@ УоОМБ@Б@Ц╝ОММQ
CM1:    DW      VV1,    NN1,-1
CM2:    DW      VV2,    NN1,-1
CM3:    DW      VV3,    NN2,-1

;VV1:   DB      1,      'МйВщ',0
VV1:    DB      1,      'LOOK',0
;VV2:   DB      2,      'ШbВ╖',0
VV2:    DB      2,      'TALK',0
;VV3:   DB      3,      'НlВжВщ',0
VV3:    DB      3,      'THINK',0

;NN1:   DB      1,      'МbИ╦Ф№',0
NN1:    DB      1,      'MEIMI',0
;NN2:   DB      2,      'Ч√ПKВ╠В▒В╞',0
NN2:    DB      2,      'PRACTICE',0

;       Б@Б@Б@ УоОМ Ц╝ОМ ╠╫╕▐ ╥п╛░╝▐
S1:             DW      VV1, NN1,  1, M2                ;МйВщБ@МbИ╦Ф№
S2:             DW      VV2, NN1,  2, M3, M4, M5, M6, M7, M8, M9, M10, M11, M12         ;ШbВ╖Б@МbИ╦Ф№ВPВO
S3:             DW      VV3, NN2,  3, M13, M14, M15, M16                ;НlВжВщБ@Ч√ПKВ╠ОЦВS

        DB      BGM,16
        BAK_INIT "AB_04_3"
        DB BUF,B_COPY01
        T_CG "CT08","W",0,30,1
        DB      "Meimi was silent as I escorted her through the dark"
        DB      CR
        DB      "streets. Then she spoke to me."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Meimi:  %001, do you enjoy your practice?"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFБEБEБEБEБEБE'
        DB      "%001:  ................."
        DB      PAUSE
;       DB      'ВаВёБH'
        DB      "Enjoy it?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Meimi:  I mean, to practice that hard, every day..."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Й╜ВйКyВ╡ВвОЦВкВ╚ВлВсБAС▒ВйВ╚ВвВэВцБB'
        DB      "Meimi:  There has to be something fun about it for you"
        DB      CR
        DB      "to go on every day."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFБEБEБEБEБEБE'
        DB      "%001:  ............."
        DB      PAUSE
;       DB      'В╗ВдВ╛В╚БEБEБEБEБEБE'
        DB      "I guess."
        DB      C_BLD,C_V_ON,1          ;БuМйВщБvБ@П┴В╖
        DB      C_BLD,C_V_ON,2          ;БuШbВ╖БvБ@П┴В╖
        DW      0000H

M2:             ;МйВщБ@МbИ╦Ф№
;       DB      'РSТъХsОvЛcВ╗ВдВ╔Й┤ВЁМйВ─ВвВщБB'
        DB      "She's looking at me with curiosity in her eyes."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Х╩В╔Й┤В═ЦвТmВ╠Р╢Ц╜С╠В╢ВсВ╚ВвВ╝БH'
        DB      "Almost as if I were some sort of alien."
        DW      0000H

M3:             ;ШbВ╖Б@МbИ╦Ф№ВP
;       DB      'БyМbИ╦Ф№БzБFВ╟Б`В╡В╜В╠ВцБHУ╦СRЧзВ┐О~В▄В┴В─В╘В┬В╘В┬М╛В┴В╜ВшВ╡В─БH'
        DB      "Meimi:  What's wrong? Why did you stop walking?"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFБEБEБEБEБEБE'
        DB      "%001:  ........................"
        DB      PAUSE
;       DB      'ВжБHО~В▄В┴В─В╜Й┤БH'
        DB      "Did I stop?"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyМbИ╦Ф№БzБFВжВжБAВ╗ВшВсБ`ВрВдВ╤В┴В╜ВшБB'
        DB      "Meimi:  Yes. Did I say something wrong?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "%001:  No, nothing. Nevermind."
        DB      PAUSE
;       DB      'Й┤БAНlВжПoВ╖В╞Й╜ВрВйВрО~В▄В┴В┐В▄ВдВйВчБEБEБEБEБEБE'
        DB      " When I think about something"
        DB      CR
        DB      "deep, I always stop walking."
        DB      FLG,F_COPYI,2,1
        DW      0000H

M4:             ;ШbВ╖Б@МbИ╦Ф№ВQ
;       DB      'БyМbИ╦Ф№БzБFБEБEБEВрВ╡ВйВ╡В─БAВаВ╜В╡ВкХ╖ВвВ╜ОЦБH'
        DB      "Meimi:  Were you thinking about what I just asked you?"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFБEБEБEВаВаБB'
        DB      "%001:  ....Yeah."
        DB      PAUSE
;       DB      'М╛ВэВъВщВ▄В┼БAНlВжВ─ВрВ▌В╚ВйВ┴В╜ВйВчБEБEБE'
        DB      " I'd never thought about it before."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Meimi:  ............."
        DB      FLG,F_COPYI,2,2
        DW      0000H

M5:             ;ШbВ╖Б@МbИ╦Ф№ВR
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFБEБEБEБuЧ√ПKВкКyВ╡ВвВйБHБvВ┴В─ОЦВ╚ВчБuКyВ╡ВнВ╚ВвБvВ┴В─М╛ВжВщБB'
        DB      "%001:  If you ask me if practice is fun, I'd have to say no."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFВ╛ВпВ╟БEБEБEЙ┤БAМЩВ╢ВсВ╚ВвВёВ╛ВцВ╚БB'
        DB      "%001:  But I don't hate it for some reason."
        DB      PAUSE
;       DB      'НбВ▄В┼В╛В┴В╜ВчБAМЩВ┼МЩВ┼В╡ВхВдВкВ╚ВйВ┴В╜ВёВ╛ВпВ╟БEБEБE'
        DB      " Before recently,"
        DB      CR
        DB      "I'm sure I would have hated it, though. Something's changed"
        DB      CR
        DB      "in me."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyМbИ╦Ф№БzБFБEБEБE%001БEБEБE'
        DB      "Meimi:  %001..."
        DB      FLG,F_COPYI,2,3
        DW      0000H

M6:             ;ШbВ╖Б@МbИ╦Ф№ВS
;       DB      'БyМbИ╦Ф№БzБFВ╦ВжБA%001БEБEБE'
        DB      "Meimi:  Why would you have hated practicing before?"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFВ╗ВшВсВаБAЦ┌ЧзВ┬ВйВчВ│БB'
        DB      "%001:  I hate standing out from everyone else."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyМbИ╦Ф№БzБFЦ┌ЧзВ┬БEБEБEВйВчБH'
        DB      "Meimi:  Standing out?"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFВцВшР│КmВ╔В═БEБEБEХВВвВ┐В▄ВдВйВчВ╛В╚БB'
        DB      "%001:  Yeah. I never liked that."
        DB      FLG,F_COPYI,2,4
        DW      0000H

M7:             ;ШbВ╖Б@МbИ╦Ф№ВT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFКmВйВ╔Й┤ВкПЯВ─В╬БAВ▌ВёВ╚КьВёВ┼ВнВъВ╜В│БB'
        DB      "%001:  Before, when I did well at sports, people pretended"
        DB      CR
        DB      "to be happy for me..."
        DB      PAUSE
        DB      " But it was all a lie."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFВ╗ВъВ╔ЛCВкХtВвВ╜ОЮВ╔В═БAВрВдОшМуВъВ╛В┴В╜БB'
;       DB      'Й┤В╔В═БAЧFТBВ╞М─В╫ВщУzВ═ТNВрВвВ╚ВнВ╚В┴В─В╜БB'
        DB      "%001:  By the time I noticed that, it was too late. All"
        DB      CR
        DB      "of my friends were gone."
        DB      NEXT
        K_CG "CT08","I",30,2
;       DB      'БyМbИ╦Ф№БzБFБEБEБE%001БEБEБE'
        DB      "Meimi:  %001..."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFВаВ╠ОЮВ═БEБEБEКwНZВ╠Й╜ВрВйВрВкМЩВ╔В╚В┴В╜В┴ВпБB'
        DB      "%001:  I hated school... I hated everything about school."
        DB      PAUSE
;       DB      'Й╞ПoВ╚ВёВйВрБAЦ{ЛCВ┼НlВжВ─В╜В╚ВЯБB'
        DB      " I"
        DB      CR
        DB      "even thought about running away from home."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyМbИ╦Ф№БzБFБEБEБE%001БAВ▓В▀ВёБBХ╧В╚ОЦХ╖ВвВ┐ВсВ┴В─БB'
;       DB      'ВрВдВвВвВцБB'
        DB      "Meimi:  I'm sorry for asking something so personal."
        DB      FLG,F_COPYI,2,5
        DW      0000H

M8:             ;ШbВ╖Б@МbИ╦Ф№ВU
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFБEБEБEВаБAВвВтБBВ▒ВёВ╚ШbВ╖ВщВ┬ВрВшВ═В╚ВйВ┴В╜ВёВ╛БB'
        DB      "%001:  No, I'm sorry for talking like this..."
        DB      PAUSE
;       DB      'БEБEБEЙ╜В╠ШbВ╛В┴ВпБH'
        DB      " Um, what were"
        DB      CR
        DB      "we talking about?"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyМbИ╦Ф№БzБFБEБEБEБEБEБE'
        DB      "Meimi:  ...................."
        DB      PAUSE
        DB      "About practice."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFБEБEБEВаВаБAВ╗Б`В╛В╗Б`В╛БB'
        DB      "%001:  Oh, that's right."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "%001:  ........................."
        DB      FLG,F_COPYI,2,6
        DW      0000H

M9:             ;ШbВ╖Б@МbИ╦Ф№ВV
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFХкВ┴В╜ВёВ╛ВцБEБEБEВ╟ВдВ╡В─Й┤ВкБAЧ√ПKМЩВ╢ВсВ╚ВвВйВкБB'
        DB      "%001:  I just realized why I don't hate practice."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "%001:  ...Everyone in our class knows pretty much what"
        DB      CR
        DB      "I'm capable of, right?"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyМbИ╦Ф№БzБFБEБEБEВаБAВдВёБB'
        DB      "Meimi:  I guess so."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFВ╛ВпВ╟БEБEБEР╜ВрЧщОqВ│ВёВрРVУбВ│ВёВрФ№ППВ┐ВсВёВрБA'
;       DB      PAUSE
;       DB      'Р╝ЦьВ│ВёВрИЯКєВ┐ВсВёВрЛgУcВрЙ┤ВЁМhЙУВ╡В╜ВшВ═В╡В╚ВвБB'
;       DB      PAUSE
;       DB      'С╝В╠ШAТЖВ╞УпВ╢ВцВдВ╔БAЙ┤В╔Р┌В╡В─ВнВъВщБB'
        DB      "%001:  But everyone's letting me into their group, being"
        DB      CR
        DB      "nice to me. I like that."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyМbИ╦Ф№БzБFВдВёБEБEБEВ╗ВдВ╛В╦БB'
        DB      "Meimi:  I guess so. Yes."
        DB      FLG,F_COPYI,2,7
        DW      0000H

M10:            ;ШbВ╖Б@МbИ╦Ф№ВW
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFВ╗ВдБEБEБEИъППВ╔Ч√ПKВ╡В─ВвВщВ▌ВёВ╚В╛В┴В─В╗ВдВ╛БB'
        DB      "%001:  The guys who are practicing with me are the same."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFВ┘ВёВ╠В┐ВхВ┴В╞В╡ВйЧ√ПKВ╡В╚ВвЙ┤В╠И╫В╔БAОЮК╘ВЁЛєВпВ─С╥В┴В─В─ВнВъВщБBМ─В╤В╔ЧИВ─ВнВъВщБB'
        DB      "%001:  They're going to all that trouble to set up time for"
        DB      CR
        DB      "me so I can train with them."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "%001:  That's really nice of them."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyМbИ╦Ф№БzБFБEБEБEВдВёБB'
        DB      "Meimi:  That's right."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFВ╛ВйВчЙ┤В═БAКцТгВъВщВёВ╛БB'
        DB      "%001:  So I've got to do my best."
        DB      PAUSE
;       DB      'Й┤В╚ВёВйВ╠И╫В╔БAРFБXВ╡В─ВнВъВщВ▌ВёВ╚В╔ХёВвВщИ╫В╔БB'
        DB      " I've got to. Do you see"
        DB      CR
        DB      "that?"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyМbИ╦Ф№БzБFБEБEБE%001БEБEБE'
        DB      "Meimi:  %001..."
        DB      FLG,F_COPYI,2,8
        DW      0000H

M11:            ;ШbВ╖Б@МbИ╦Ф№ВX
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFБEБEБEБEБEБE'
        DB      "%001:  ............"
        DB      PAUSE
        DB      " Something must be wrong with me tonight,"
        DB      CR
        DB      "talking about heavy topics like this."
        DB      NEXT
        T_CG "CT08","W",0,30,3
;       DB      'БyМbИ╦Ф№БzБFБEБEБE'
        DB      "Meimi:  ..............."
        DB      PAUSE
;       DB      'ВдВдВёБBВ╗ВёВ╚ОЦЦ│ВвВцБB'
        DB      "No, it's okay."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFБEБEБEБEБEБEВ╗ВйБH'
        DB      "%001:  ..........Really?"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyМbИ╦Ф№БzБFВдВёБB'
        DB      "Meimi:  Really."
        DB      PAUSE
;       DB      'БEБEБEВаВ╜В╡В╛В┴В─БEБEБE'
        DB      " I mean, even I..."
        DB      FLG,F_COPYI,2,9
        DW      0000H

M12:            ;ШbВ╖Б@МbИ╦Ф№ВPВO
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFВжБH'
        DB      "%001:  What?"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyМbИ╦Ф№БzБFБEБEБE'
        DB      "Meimi:  .................."
        DB      PAUSE
;       DB      'ВаБAВдВдВёБB'
        DB      "Oh, nothing."
        DB      PAUSE
;       DB      'Й╜В┼ВрБAВ╚ВвБB'
        DB      " Really. Nothing."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFБH'
        DB      "%001:  ....................??"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Meimi:  .........................."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "%001:  .........................."
        DB      NEXT
        K_CG "CT08","K",30,4
        DB      "Meimi:  .........................."
        DB      PAUSE
;       DB      'ВдВ╙В╙В┴БB'
        DB      "Haha..."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFБEБEБEБEБEБEЙ╜В╛ВцУ╦СRБB'
        DB      "%001:  ......What are you laughing at?"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyМbИ╦Ф№БzБFБEБEБEЧ╟ВйВ┴В╜В╚ВЯБAВ┴В─ОvВ┴В─БB'
        DB      "Meimi:  I'm just happy."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFБEБEБEБEБEБE'
        DB      "%001:  ..................."
        DB      PAUSE
;       DB      'В╓БHЙ╜ВкБH'
        DB      "Happy? Why?"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyМbИ╦Ф№БzБFВдВ╙В╙БEБEБEБEБEБE'
        DB      "Meimi:  Haha....."
        DB      PAUSE
;       DB      'Л│ВжВ╚Б`ВвБI'
        DB      "It's a secret!"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFБEБEБEЙ╜В╛ВцВ╗ВшВсВаБB'
        DB      "%001:  Secret? What?"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyМbИ╦Ф№БzБFВ│БAНsВ▒БIВаВёВ▄ВшТxВвВ╞БAГ}Г}ВкРSФzВ╡В┐ВсВдБI'
        DB      "Meimi:  Let's hurry along! If we take too long, Mom will"
        DB      CR
        DB      "be worried about me!"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFВаБAВаВаБEБEБEБEБEБE'
        DB      "%001:  I guess so..."
        DB      NEXT
        B_O B_SUDA
        DB      "........................"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyМbИ╦Ф№БzБFБEБEБEВаВшВкВ╞%001БBВ▒В▒В▄В┼В┼ВвВвВцБB'
        DB      "Meimi:  Thank you, %001. I'll be fine by myself from here"
        DB      CR
        DB      "on."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFВ╗ВйБH'
        DB      "%001:  You're sure?"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyМbИ╦Ф№БzБFВдВёБAВ╗В▒В╠КpЛ╚ВкВ┴В╜ВчВ╖ВоВ╛ВйВчБB'
        DB      "Meimi:  My house is right around this corner."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFВ╗ВйБB'
        DB      "%001:  Okay. "
        DB      PAUSE
;       DB      'В╢ВсВаВ╚БB'
        DB      " Well, see you tomorrow."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyМbИ╦Ф№БzБFВдВёБB'
        DB      "Meimi:  Okay."
        DB      PAUSE
;       DB      'БEБEБEБEБEБEВаВ╠В│БA%001БB'
        DB      "...%001?"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFВёБH'
        DB      "%001:  Yes?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Meimi:  ...I'm going to find my own dream, like you..."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFБEБEБEБEБEБE'
        DB      "%001:  ......."
        DB      PAUSE
;       DB      'ВаВаБAВ╗ВдВ╛В╚БB'
        DB      "That's good."
        DB      PAUSE
;       DB      'ВаВшВкВ╞В╚БAТЖЦьБB'
        DB      " Thanks, Meimi."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyМbИ╦Ф№БzБFВдВёБEБEБE'
        DB      "Meimi:  Goodnight, %001."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFВаВаБAВиЛxВ▌БB'
        DB      "%001:  Goodnight."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      ".................................."
        E_CG B_SUDA,'AB_43_2'
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFЦ▓БA',PAUSE,'ВйБEБEБEБEБEБE'
        DB      "%001:  A dream..."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFЙ┤В╔ВрБAМйВ┬ВпВчВъВщВйВрТmВъВ╦ВеВ╚БBВаВвВ┬ВчВ╞В╚ВчБEБEБEБEБEБE'
        DB      "%001:  I'd better find a dream of my own."
        DB      NEXT
        DB G_FLG,G_COPYF,180,180
        DB FLG,F_CALI,180,20
        DB G_FLG,G_COPYG,180,180
        B_O B_SUDA
        DB      SINARIO,'CS804.OVL',0
        DW      0000H

M13:            ;НlВжВщБ@Ч√ПKВ╠ОЦВP
        DB      ".....Hmmm, that's right..."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БiБEБEБEБEБEБEЙ╜В┼В╛ВыБHБj'
        DB      "I wonder why I never realized it before?"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyМbИ╦Ф№БzБFБEБEБE%001БH'
        DB      "Meimi:  ...........%001?"
        DB      FLG,F_COPYI,3,1
        DW      0000H

M14:            ;НlВжВщБ@Ч√ПKВ╠ОЦВQ
;       DB      'БiТЖЦьВ╠М╛ВдВ╞ВиВшБAЧ√ПKВкКyВ╡ВвВ╠ВйБHБj'
        DB      "It's just as Meimi said..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Practice isn't fun, but I don't hate it at all."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyМbИ╦Ф№БzБFБEБEБE%001В┴В─В╬БB'
        DB      "Meimi:  %001, are you listening to me?"
        DB      FLG,F_COPYI,3,2
        DW      0000H

M15:            ;НlВжВщБ@Ч√ПKВ╠ОЦВR
;       DB      'БiВ╢ВсВаБAЦёСйВ╡В╜ВйВчВйБHБj'
        DB      "Do I like practice because I promised everyone?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      ".........................."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БiКmВйВ╔В╗ВъВрВаВщВкБEБEБEБEБEБEБj'
        DB      "That might be part of it..."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyМbИ╦Ф№БzБFБEБEБEВ╦ВеБA%001БI'
        DB      "Meimi:  %001!"
        DB      FLG,F_COPYI,3,3
        DW      0000H

M16:            ;НlВжВщБ@Ч√ПKВ╠ОЦВS
        DB      "Hmmm..."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyМbИ╦Ф№БzБFБEБEБEВрБ`БA%001В┴БIБI'
        DB      "Meimi:  %001!"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFВэВ┴БIВ╤В┴ВнВшВ╡В╜В┴БI'
        DB      "%001:  Huh? You scared me!"
        DB      C_BLD,C_V_OFF,1         ;БuМйВщБvБ@ПoВ╖
        DB      C_BLD,C_V_OFF,2         ;БuШbВ╖БvБ@ПoВ╖
        DB      C_BLD,C_V_ON,3          ;БuНlВжВщБvБ@П┴В╖
        DW      0000H
