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;       В│ВнВчВ╠ЛGР▀      FILENAME:CSas#_##(CS+П═+╝┼╪╡ No.(+╗╠▐┼▌╩▐░))
;               ГVБ[ГУБ@ВWВPВS
;               НбУ·ОqВ╠У┴Х╩ОЎЛ╞ВP


        DW      S1, S2, S3, S4
        DW      M1
        DW      CM1, CM2, CM3
        DW      V_FNAME,N_FNAME

        INCLUDE "V_NAME00.INC"                  ; 0=NoCommand , 1-49=NormalCommand
        INCLUDE "N_NAME00.INC"                  ; 50-99=HseenCommand

;       Б@Б@Б@ УоОМБ@Б@Ц╝ОММQ
CM1:    DW      VV1,    NN1,-1
CM2:    DW      VV2,    NN1,-1
CM3:    DW      VV3,    NN1,NN2,-1

;VV1:   DB      1,      'МйВщ',0
VV1:    DB      1,      'LOOK',0
;VV2:   DB      2,      'ШbВ╖',0
VV2:    DB      2,      'TALK',0
;VV3:   DB      3,      'НlВжВщ',0
VV3:    DB      3,      'THINK',0

;NN1:   DB      1,      'НбУ·Оq',0
NN1:    DB      1,      'KYOKO',0
;NN2:   DB      2,      'ТNВкНDВлВй',0
NN2:    DB      2,      'MY TRUE LOVE',0

;       Б@Б@Б@ УоОМ Ц╝ОМ ╠╫╕▐ ╥п╛░╝▐
S1:             DW      VV1, NN1,  1, M2, M3            ;МйВщБ@НбУ·Оq
S2:             DW      VV2, NN1,  2, M4, M5, M6, M7, M8, M9, M10, M11, M12, M13, M14, M15, M16, M17, M18               ;ШbВ╖Б@НбУ·ОqВPВT
S3:             DW      VV3, NN1,  3, M19, M20          ;НlВжВщБ@НбУ·Оq
S4:             DW      VV3, NN2,  4, M21               ;НlВжВщБ@ТNВкНDВлВй

        DB      BGM,32
        BAK_INIT "AB_02_2"
        DB      BUF,B_COPY01
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFБEБEБEБEБEБEВ╙ВдБBВтВ┴В╞Х╨ХtВвВ╜БB'
        DB      "%001:  Well, everything is finally cleaned up."
        DB      NEXT
        T_CG "CT12","C",0,0,1
;       DB      'БyНбУ·ОqБzБFВ═ВвВ═ВвГSГNГНБ[ГTГУБB'
        DB      "Kyoko:  Thanks, everyone."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFБEБEБEТNВ╠В╣ВвВ╛В╞ОvВ┴В─ВёВ┼В╖ВйБBВ▒ВёВ╚В╔ОUВчВйВ┴В╜В╠БB'
        DB      "%001:  But you're the one who made most of the mess, Sensei!"
        DB      PAUSE,CR
;       DB      'СхС╠ОйХкВ╠ХФЙоВ┼В╡ВхВдБHПнВ╡В═Х╨ХtВпВ╜В┴В─ВвВвВ╞ОvВвВ▄В╖ВпВ╟В╦БH'
        DB      "This is your house right? You should be more careful."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kyoko:  Oh, I thought I was an old lady? I shouldn't be"
        DB      CR
        DB      "doing hard work like that."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "%001:  ....................."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'ВаВ╠МуБEБEБEБEБEБE'
        DB      "After that..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kyoko-sensei and Meimi ganged up on the rest of us and made"
        DB      CR
        DB      "us help clean up Kyoko's house."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "It was late, and everyone needed to get home."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БEБEБEВ╞М╛ВдЦєВ┼БAЧщОqВ│ВёТBВ═ЛAВ┴В─НsВ┴В╜БB'
        DB      "Anyway, after that, all the women left."
        DB      PAUSE
;       DB      'Й┤В╛ВпОcВ╡В─БB'
        DB      " Leaving me alone."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      ".........Well, what I mean is, leaving me and Kyoko-"
        DB      CR
        DB      "sensei...",PAUSE,"alone."
;       DB      PAUSE
;       DB      'ЧЭЧRВ═БEБEБEМ╛ВэВ╚ВнВ─ВрХкВйВщВ╛ВыВдБB'
;       DB      "I knew what her reason was."
        DB      C_BLD,C_N_ON,3,2                ;БuНlВжВщБ@ТNВкНDВлВйБvБ@П┴В╖
        DW      0000H

M2:             ;МйВщБ@НбУ·Оq
;       DB      'Г\ГtГ@В╔Н└В┴В─Й┤ВкХ╨ХtВпВщЧlОqВЁМйВ─ВвВщБB'
        DB      "She's sitting on the sofa, watching me clean up."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БEБEБEМйВ─В╚ВвВ┼ПнВ╡В═ОшУ`В┴В─Ч~В╡ВвБEБEБE'
        DB      ".................I wish she'd help me."
        DW      0000H

M3:             ;МйВщБ@НбУ·Оq
;       DB      'НбУ·ОqРцР╢БEБEБEВвВ┬В╔В╚ВнР^МХВ╛БEБEБE'
        DB      "She looks very serious all of the sudden."
        DW      0000H

M4:             ;ШbВ╖Б@НбУ·ОqВP
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFБEБEБEВ│В─В╞БBЙ┤ВрВ╗ВыВ╗ВыЛAВшВ▄В╖БB'
        DB      "%001:  Okay, well, I guess I'll be going on home now, too."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyНбУ·ОqБzБFВаВчБAЛAВщВ╠БH'
        DB      "Kyoko:  You're going home?"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFВжВжБBХ╩В╔БAЧpЦ│ВвВ┼В╡ВхБH'
        DB      "%001:  Yes. Is that alright?"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyНбУ·ОqБzБFВ┼ВрБAУdО╘ВрВдЦ│ВвВэВцБB'
        DB      "Kyoko:  The trains have all stopped for the night, %001."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "%001:  ..........................."
        DB      PAUSE
;       DB      'Г}ГWБH'
        DB      "Are you kidding?"
        DB      FLG,F_COPYI,2,1
        DW      0000H

M5:             ;ШbВ╖Б@НбУ·ОqВQ
        DB      "Kyoko:  Yes, the last one departed a few minutes ago."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFБEБEБEБEБEБE'
        DB      "%001:  ..................."
        DB      PAUSE
;       DB      'В╚БAЙ╜В┼Л│ВжВ─ВнВъВ╚ВйВ┴В╜ВёВ┼В╖ВйВ┴БIБH'
        DB      "Why didn't you tell me?"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyНбУ·ОqБzБFВаВчБ`БA%001МNХ╨ХtВпВ╡В╚ВвВ┼ЛAВщВ┬ВрВшВ╛В┴В╜В╠БH'
        DB      "Kyoko:  I didn't want you to leave without helping clean"
        DB      CR
        DB      "up."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "%001:  ................................."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kyoko:  You'd better stay here tonight."
        DB      PAUSE
;       DB      'ВиЙ╞В╠Х√В╔В═БAВ│В┴ВлУdШbВ╡В╞ВвВ╜ВйВчБB'
        DB      " I just got off the"
        DB      CR
        DB      "phone with your parents. I told them where you'd be tonight."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "%001:  .................."
        DB      FLG,F_COPYI,2,2
        DW      0000H

M6:             ;ШbВ╖Б@НбУ·ОqВR
;       DB      'БyНбУ·ОqБzБFВ│',PAUSE,'БEВ─',PAUSE,'БEВ╞БB'
        DB      "Kyoko:  We're going to drink all the way until morning,"
        DB      CR
        DB      "%001!"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "%001:  ......................."
        DB      PAUSE
;       DB      'ВтВ┴В╧ВшВ╗Б[В╚ВёВ╠БH'
        DB      "We are? "
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyНбУ·ОqБzБFБEБEБE'
        DB      "Kyoko:  ..................."
        DB      PAUSE
;       DB      'В╞БAМ╛ВвВ╜ВвВ╞В▒В╛ВпВ╟ВзБEБEБE'
        DB      "No, we're not."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFБEБEБEВжБH'
        DB      "%001:  ......Huh?"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyНбУ·ОqБzБFНбЙёВ═В┐ВхБ`В┴В┐БAВиОЁФ▓ВлВ┼ШbВ╡В╜ВвОЦВкВаВёВ╠ВцВ╦БB'
        DB      "Kyoko:  .....Instead, there's something I want to ask you"
        DB      CR
        DB      "tonight. It has nothing to do with drinking."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "%001:  ..............................."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFВ╣БAРцР╢БIБHСхПфХvВ┼В╖ВйВ┴БIБH'
        DB      "%001:  Sensei, are you okay?!"
        DB      FLG,F_COPYI,2,3
        DW      0000H

M7:             ;ШbВ╖Б@НбУ·ОqВS
        DB      "Kyoko:  Why do you ask?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "%001:  I mean, you said 'that has nothing to do with"
        DB      CR
        DB      "drinking.' That's not like you."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kyoko:  I don't drink that much, you know!"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFБEБEБEВ┘БAГzГУГgВ┼В╖ВйВ┴БIБH'
        DB      "%001:  .............Really?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kyoko:  .................................."
        DB      FLG,F_COPYI,2,4
        DW      0000H

M8:             ;ШbВ╖Б@НбУ·ОqВT
;       DB      'БyНбУ·ОqБzБFБEБEБEВ╞В╔ВйВнБIШbВкРiВ▄В╚ВвВйВчВ▒В╠ШbВ═ТuВвВ╞ВнВэВцБI'
        DB      "Kyoko:  Let's change the subject."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "%001:  ..........Yes ma'am."
        DB      FLG,F_COPYI,2,5
        DW      0000H

M9:             ;ШbВ╖Б@НбУ·ОqВU
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFВ╗ВъВ┼БEБEБEБEБEБEШbВ┴В─БAЙ╜В┼В╖БH'
        DB      "%001:  So, what did you want to talk with me about?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kyoko:  ................................."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "%001:  ................................."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kyoko:  ................................."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "%001:  ................................."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kyoko:  ................................."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "%001:  ......................"
        DB      PAUSE
;       DB      'ВаВ╠БEБEБEРцР╢БH'
        DB      "Um, Sensei?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kyoko:  I want to ask you..."
        DB      PAUSE
;       DB      'ТNВкНDВлВ╚В╠ВйВ╚БH'
        DB      "which of those women you're in"
        DB      CR
        DB      "love with."
        DB      FLG,F_COPYI,2,6
        DB      FLG,F_COPYI,1,1
        DB      FLG,F_COPYI,3,1
        DW      0000H

M10:            ;ШbВ╖Б@НбУ·ОqВV
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFБEБEБEБEБEБE'
        DB      "%001:  ............."
        DB      PAUSE
;       DB      'В═ВвБH'
        DB      "Mm?"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyНбУ·ОqБzБFГ_ГБВцБAГgГ{ВпВ┐ВсБB'
        DB      "Kyoko:  Don't play dumb with me."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyНбУ·ОqБzБFЧщОqВ┐ВсВёБAР┤Ф№В┐ВсВёБAФ№ППВ┐ВсВёБB'
        DB      "Kyoko:  Is it Reiko? Kiyomi? Mio?"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyНбУ·ОqБzБFВ▌ВёВ╚БAВ╞В┴В─ВрВвВвЦ║ВцБB'
        DB      "Kyoko:  They're all wonderful women."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyНбУ·ОqБzБFБEБEБEВ╗В╡В─БEБEБE'
        DB      "Kyoko:  And they all love you, %001."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFБEБEБEБI'
        DB      "%001:  ..........!!"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyНбУ·ОqБzБFСSСRЛCВкХtВйВ╚ВйВ┴В╜БAВ╞В═М╛ВэВ╣В╚ВвВэВцБB'
        DB      "Kyoko:  Don't pretend that you haven't noticed."
        DB      PAUSE
;       DB      'ВвВнВчВ╚ВёВ┼ВрБAПнВ╡ВнВчВвВ═ХкВйВ┴В─В╜ВёВ┼В╡ВхБH'
        DB      " You know"
        DB      CR
        DB      "it, don't you? Deep down inside you."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFБEБEБEБEБEБE'
        DB      "%001:  ..........................."
        DB      PAUSE
;       DB      'ВдВёБEБEБEБEБEБE'
        DB      "Yeah, I guess."
        DB      FLG,F_COPYI,2,7
        DW      0000H

M11:            ;ШbВ╖Б@НбУ·ОqВW
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFКmВйВ╔БEБEБEР╜В╞ВйВ╞В═Р┌В╡Х√ВкИсВдВ╚БAВ┴В─В╠В═ХкВйВ┴В─В╜БB'
        DB      "%001:  I knew that they treat me differently from Makoto,"
        DB      CR
        DB      "certainly."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "%001:  But love? I don't know..."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyНбУ·ОqБzБFНlВжВ╜ОЦВрЦ│ВйВ┴В╜БH'
        DB      "Kyoko:  Didn't you ever consider the possibility?"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFБEБEБEБEБEБE'
        DB      "%001:  .................."
        DB      PAUSE
;       DB      'ВдВёБB'
        DB      "Sometimes."
        DB      FLG,F_COPYI,2,8
        DW      0000H

M12:            ;ШbВ╖Б@НбУ·ОqВX
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFБEБEБEВ┼ВрБAВ╟ВдВ╡В─Й┤В╚ВёВйБEБEБEБH'
        DB      "%001:  But why me?"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyНбУ·ОqБzБFВ│ВаБEБEБEВ▒ВъВ╬В┴ВйВшВ═БAВаВ╠Ц║ТBВ╔Х╖ВвВ─В▌В╚ВвВ╞В╦БB'
        DB      "Kyoko:  I'm not sure. You'd have to ask them to know for"
        DB      CR
        DB      "sure."
        DB      PAUSE
;       DB      'Х╖ВвВ─В▌ВщБH'
        DB      " Do you want to ask them?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "%001:  .................................."
        DB      FLG,F_COPYI,2,9
        DW      0000H

M13:            ;ШbВ╖Б@НбУ·ОqВPВO
        DB      "Kyoko:  %001, you're a very good man, very kind and"
        DB      CR
        DB      "honest."
        DB      PAUSE
;       DB      'В┼ВрВ╦БEБEБEЧDВ╡В│В╠ОgВвХ√ВЁК╘ИсВ┴В┐ВсГ_ГББB'
        DB      " But you have to know how to use that kindness."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFЧDВ╡В│В╠БEБEБEОgВвХ√БH'
        DB      "%001:  How to use it?"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyНбУ·ОqБzБFБEБEБEВ╗ВдБB'
        DB      "Kyoko:  ........Yes."
        DB      FLG,F_COPYI,2,10
        DW      0000H

M14:            ;ШbВ╖Б@НбУ·ОqВPВP
;       DB      'БyНбУ·ОqБzБFОйХкВ╠НDВлВ╚ОЦВЁВ╖ВщВ╛ВпВкБAНKВ╣В╢ВсВ╚ВвВэБB'
        DB      "Kyoko:  Happiness is more than being able to do what you"
        DB      CR
        DB      "want all the time."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kyoko:  So when you do what others want, you're not"
        DB      CR
        DB      "really being nice to them."
        DB      PAUSE
;       DB      'ВэВйВщБH'
        DB      " Do you understand what I'm saying?" ; this kind of sucks
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFБEБEБEЧ╟ВнВэВйВёВ╚ВвБB'
        DB      "%001:  .........Not really."
        DB      FLG,F_COPYI,2,11
        DW      0000H

M15:            ;ШbВ╖Б@НбУ·ОqВPВQ
        DB      "Kyoko:  For example, remember Reiko's birthday party?"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyНбУ·ОqБzБFВаВ╠Ц║БAРПХкНbФуНbФуВ╡ВнУнВвВ─В╜ВэВцВ╦БBОхЦЁВ╚В╠В╔БB'
        DB      "Kyoko:  She worked really hard to make it fun for everyone,"
        DB      CR
        DB      "right? Even though it was her own party."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFВдВёБEБEБEБEБEБE'
        DB      "%001:  .......Yes."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyНбУ·ОqБzБFЧщОqВ┐ВсВёВ╛В┴В─РlК╘ВцБB'
        DB      "Kyoko:  But she's human, just like anyone else."
        DB      PAUSE
;       DB      'ВрВ┴В╞В▌ВёВ╚ВйВчБAПjВ┴В─Ч~В╡ВйВ┴В╜В═В╕БEБEБE'
        DB      " I'm sure she"
        DB      CR
        DB      "wanted everyone else to care more."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyНбУ·ОqБzБFВ┼ВрВаВ╠Ц║В═БAОйХкВйВчУнВвВ─В╜ВэБBВаВ╚В╜В╠И╫В╔БEБEБE'
        DB      "Kyoko:  But instead, she organized everything herself. All"
        DB      CR
        DB      "for you."
        DB      PAUSE
;       DB      'В╟ВдВ╡В─В╛В╞ОvВдБH'
        DB      " Why do you think that was?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "%001:  ............................"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kyoko:  Because she loves you. Because she wanted to see"
        DB      CR
        DB      "you happy at the party."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyНбУ·ОqБzБFВаВ╚В╜ВкКьВ╘ОЦВкБAОйХкВ╠ОЦВ╠ВцВдВ╔КЁВ╡ВвВйВчБB'
        DB      "Kyoko:  Your happiness was more important to her than her"
        DB      CR
        DB      "own."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "%001:  ..........................................."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kyoko:  That's what it is to be in love with someone."
        DB      FLG,F_COPYI,2,12
        DW      0000H

M16:            ;ШbВ╖Б@НбУ·ОqВPВR
        DB      "%001:  But Kyoko-sensei...I..."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyНбУ·ОqБzБFБEБEБEВ▄БA%001МNВкМ╛ВвВ╜ВвОЦВрХкВйВщВэБB'
        DB      "Kyoko:  ...I think I know what you want to say to me."
        DB      PAUSE
;       DB      'БEБEБEВ┼ВрВ╦БBВвВ┬В▄В┼ВрВ▒В╠В▄В▄В┼В═ВвВчВъВ╚ВвВэБBХкВйВщВ┼В╡ВхВдБH'
        DB      " But it"
        DB      CR
        DB      "can't go on like this indefinitely. It's not the way the"
        DB      CR
        DB      "world works."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kyoko:  The balance can't be maintained forever."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFБEБEБEБEБEБE'
        DB      "%001:  .................."
        DB      PAUSE
;       DB      'ВдВёБB'
        DB      "You're right."
        DB      FLG,F_COPYI,2,13
        DW      0000H

M17:            ;ШbВ╖Б@НбУ·ОqВPВS
;       DB      'БyНбУ·ОqБzБFВ╛ВйВчБEБEБEНбВ╖ВоВ╞В═М╛ВэВ╚ВвВэБBВ╛ВпВ╟БAПoЧИВщВ╛Вп'
        DB      "Kyoko:  You don't have to resolve it immediately. But it"
        DB      CR
        DB      "should be done as quickly as possible. That's what it is to"
        DB      CR
        DB      "be really kind to someone."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFБEБEБEНбУ·ОqРцР╢БEБEБE'
        DB      "%001:  .....................Kyoko-sensei."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kyoko:  The ones you don't choose will be hurt, of course."
        DB      CR
        DB      "But the depth of their pain is all up to you."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kyoko:  If you are truly kind, you'll look into your"
        DB      CR
        DB      "heart and choose the one you really love, then firmly"
        DB      CR
        DB      "deal with the others."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFБEБEБEБEБEБEВ═ВвБB'
        DB      "%001:  ........You're right."
        DB      FLG,F_COPYI,2,14
        DW      0000H

M18:            ;ШbВ╖Б@НбУ·ОqВPВT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFВ┼ВрЙ┤БEБEБEБEБEБEВ╟ВдВ╡В╜ВчВвВвВёВ╛ВыВдБB'
        DB      "%001:  But I...I don't know how to do it."
        DB      PAUSE
;       DB      'ЧЭЛ№В┼В═ВэВйВ┴В╜ВцБ[В╚ЛCВкВ╖ВщВпВ╟БEБEБEОйРMЦ│ВвВцЙ┤БB'
        DB      " Logically, I think"
        DB      CR
        DB      "I know. But I'm not sure of myself."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kyoko:  ..........................................."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyНбУ·ОqБzБFВ╗ВдБEБEБEВ╢ВсВаЛ│ВжВ─ВаВ░ВщБB'
        DB      "Kyoko:  I see. Then I'll teach you."
        DB      PAUSE
;       DB      'КьВ╬ВъВщОЦВ╠К╜В╤ВЁБEБEБE'
        DB      " I'll teach you about"
        DB      CR
        DB      "pleasure..."
        DB      PAUSE
;       DB      'В╗В╡В─БAГIГУГiВ╠ОЦВЁБB'
        DB      "and about women."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      SINARIO,'CS815.OVL',0
        DW      0000H

M19:            ;НlВжВщБ@НбУ·Оq
        DB      "I've never heard of a professor who gave beer to her"
        DB      CR
        DB      "students, then forced them to clean their room."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Oh, it's not like it's anything new."
        DB      C_BLD,C_N_ON,3,1                ;БuНlВжВщБ@НбУ·ОqБvБ@П┴В╖
        DB      C_BLD,C_N_OFF,3,2               ;БuНlВжВщБ@ТNВкНDВлВйБvБ@ПoВ╖
        DW      0000H

M20:            ;НlВжВщБ@НбУ·Оq
;       DB      'НбУ·ОqРцР╢БEБEБEВвВ┬В╔В╚ВнР^МХВ╛БEБEБE'
        DB      "Kyoko-sensei is so serious all of the sudden."
        DW      0000H

M21:            ;НlВжВщБ@ТNВкНDВлВй
        DB      "She wants me to tell her who I'm in love with?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "How could I do that when I don't even know myself."
        DW      0000H
